2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

286 lines
13 KiB

# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import _, api, fields, models, tools
from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
from odoo.fields import Command
class ProductTemplateAttributeLine(models.Model):
"""Attributes available on product.template with their selected values in a m2m.
Used as a configuration model to generate the appropriate product.template.attribute.value"""
_name = 'product.template.attribute.line'
_rec_name = 'attribute_id'
_rec_names_search = ['attribute_id', 'value_ids']
_description = "Product Template Attribute Line"
_order = 'sequence, attribute_id, id'
active = fields.Boolean(default=True)
product_tmpl_id = fields.Many2one(
string="Product Template",
sequence = fields.Integer("Sequence", default=10)
attribute_id = fields.Many2one(
value_ids = fields.Many2many(
domain="[('attribute_id', '=', attribute_id)]",
value_count = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_value_count', store=True)
product_template_value_ids = fields.One2many(
string="Product Attribute Values")
def _compute_value_count(self):
for record in self:
record.value_count = len(record.value_ids)
def _onchange_attribute_id(self):
if self.attribute_id.create_variant == 'no_variant':
self.value_ids = self.env['product.attribute.value'].search([
('attribute_id', '=', self.attribute_id.id),
self.value_ids = self.value_ids.filtered(
lambda pav: pav.attribute_id == self.attribute_id
@api.constrains('active', 'value_ids', 'attribute_id')
def _check_valid_values(self):
for ptal in self:
if ptal.active and not ptal.value_ids:
raise ValidationError(_(
"The attribute %(attribute)s must have at least one value for the product %(product)s.",
for pav in ptal.value_ids:
if pav.attribute_id != ptal.attribute_id:
raise ValidationError(_(
"On the product %(product)s you cannot associate the value %(value)s"
" with the attribute %(attribute)s because they do not match.",
return True
def create(self, vals_list):
"""Override to:
- Activate archived lines having the same configuration (if they exist)
instead of creating new lines.
- Set up related values and related variants.
Reactivating existing lines allows to re-use existing variants when
possible, keeping their configuration and avoiding duplication.
create_values = []
activated_lines = self.env['product.template.attribute.line']
for value in vals_list:
vals = dict(value, active=value.get('active', True))
# While not ideal for peformance, this search has to be done at each
# step to exclude the lines that might have been activated at a
# previous step. Since `vals_list` will likely be a small list in
# all use cases, this is an acceptable trade-off.
archived_ptal = self.search([
('active', '=', False),
('product_tmpl_id', '=', vals.pop('product_tmpl_id', 0)),
('attribute_id', '=', vals.pop('attribute_id', 0)),
], limit=1)
if archived_ptal:
# Write given `vals` in addition of `active` to ensure
# `value_ids` or other fields passed to `create` are saved too,
# but change the context to avoid updating the values and the
# variants until all the expected lines are created/updated.
activated_lines += archived_ptal
res = activated_lines + super().create(create_values)
if self._context.get("create_product_product", True):
return res
def write(self, values):
"""Override to:
- Add constraints to prevent doing changes that are not supported such
as modifying the template or the attribute of existing lines.
- Clean up related values and related variants when archiving or when
updating `value_ids`.
if 'product_tmpl_id' in values:
for ptal in self:
if ptal.product_tmpl_id.id != values['product_tmpl_id']:
raise UserError(_(
"You cannot move the attribute %(attribute)s from the product"
" %(product_src)s to the product %(product_dest)s.",
if 'attribute_id' in values:
for ptal in self:
if ptal.attribute_id.id != values['attribute_id']:
raise UserError(_(
"On the product %(product)s you cannot transform the attribute"
" %(attribute_src)s into the attribute %(attribute_dest)s.",
# Remove all values while archiving to make sure the line is clean if it
# is ever activated again.
if not values.get('active', True):
values['value_ids'] = [Command.clear()]
res = super().write(values)
if 'active' in values:
# If coming from `create`, no need to update the values and the variants
# before all lines are created.
if self.env.context.get('update_product_template_attribute_values', True):
return res
def unlink(self):
"""Override to:
- Archive the line if unlink is not possible.
- Clean up related values and related variants.
Archiving is typically needed when the line has values that can't be
deleted because they are referenced elsewhere (on a variant that can't
be deleted, on a sales order line, ...).
# Try to remove the values first to remove some potentially blocking
# references, which typically works:
# - For single value lines because the values are directly removed from
# the variants.
# - For values that are present on variants that can be deleted.
# Keep a reference to the related templates before the deletion.
templates = self.product_tmpl_id
# Now delete or archive the lines.
ptal_to_archive = self.env['product.template.attribute.line']
for ptal in self:
with self.env.cr.savepoint(), tools.mute_logger('odoo.sql_db'):
super(ProductTemplateAttributeLine, ptal).unlink()
except Exception:
# We catch all kind of exceptions to be sure that the operation
# doesn't fail.
ptal_to_archive += ptal
ptal_to_archive.action_archive() # only calls write if there are records
# For archived lines `_update_product_template_attribute_values` is
# implicitly called during the `write` above, but for products that used
# unlinked lines `_create_variant_ids` has to be called manually.
(templates - ptal_to_archive.product_tmpl_id)._create_variant_ids()
return True
def _update_product_template_attribute_values(self):
"""Create or unlink `product.template.attribute.value` for each line in
`self` based on `value_ids`.
The goal is to delete all values that are not in `value_ids`, to
activate those in `value_ids` that are currently archived, and to create
those in `value_ids` that didn't exist.
This is a trick for the form view and for performance in general,
because we don't want to generate in advance all possible values for all
templates, but only those that will be selected.
ProductTemplateAttributeValue = self.env['product.template.attribute.value']
ptav_to_create = []
ptav_to_unlink = ProductTemplateAttributeValue
for ptal in self:
ptav_to_activate = ProductTemplateAttributeValue
remaining_pav = ptal.value_ids
for ptav in ptal.product_template_value_ids:
if ptav.product_attribute_value_id not in remaining_pav:
# Remove values that existed but don't exist anymore, but
# ignore those that are already archived because if they are
# archived it means they could not be deleted previously.
if ptav.ptav_active:
ptav_to_unlink += ptav
# Activate corresponding values that are currently archived.
remaining_pav -= ptav.product_attribute_value_id
if not ptav.ptav_active:
ptav_to_activate += ptav
for pav in remaining_pav:
# The previous loop searched for archived values that belonged to
# the current line, but if the line was deleted and another line
# was recreated for the same attribute, we need to expand the
# search to those with matching `attribute_id`.
# While not ideal for peformance, this search has to be done at
# each step to exclude the values that might have been activated
# at a previous step. Since `remaining_pav` will likely be a
# small list in all use cases, this is an acceptable trade-off.
ptav = ProductTemplateAttributeValue.search([
('ptav_active', '=', False),
('product_tmpl_id', '=', ptal.product_tmpl_id.id),
('attribute_id', '=', ptal.attribute_id.id),
('product_attribute_value_id', '=', pav.id),
], limit=1)
if ptav:
ptav.write({'ptav_active': True, 'attribute_line_id': ptal.id})
# If the value was marked for deletion, now keep it.
ptav_to_unlink -= ptav
# create values that didn't exist yet
'product_attribute_value_id': pav.id,
'attribute_line_id': ptal.id,
'price_extra': pav.default_extra_price,
# Handle active at each step in case a following line might want to
# re-use a value that was archived at a previous step.
ptav_to_activate.write({'ptav_active': True})
ptav_to_unlink.write({'ptav_active': False})
if ptav_to_unlink:
def _without_no_variant_attributes(self):
return self.filtered(lambda ptal: ptal.attribute_id.create_variant != 'no_variant')
def _is_configurable(self):
return (
len(self.value_ids) >= 2
or self.attribute_id.display_type == 'multi'
or self.value_ids.is_custom
def action_open_attribute_values(self):
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'name': _("Product Variant Values"),
'res_model': 'product.template.attribute.value',
'view_mode': 'list,form',
'domain': [('id', 'in', self.product_template_value_ids.ids)],
'views': [
(self.env.ref('product.product_template_attribute_value_view_tree').id, 'list'),
(self.env.ref('product.product_template_attribute_value_view_form').id, 'form'),
'context': {
'search_default_active': 1,
'product_invisible': True,