2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

1866 lines
86 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo.addons.sale_loyalty.tests.common import TestSaleCouponNumbersCommon
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
from odoo.fields import Command
from odoo.tests import tagged
from odoo.tools.float_utils import float_compare
@tagged('post_install', '-at_install')
class TestSaleCouponProgramNumbers(TestSaleCouponNumbersCommon):
def test_program_numbers_free_and_paid_product_qty(self):
# These tests will focus on numbers (free product qty, SO total, reduction total..)
order = self.empty_order
sol1 = self.env['sale.order.line'].create({
'product_id': self.largeCabinet.id,
'name': 'Large Cabinet',
'product_uom_qty': 3.0,
'order_id': order.id,
# Check we correctly get a free product
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 2, "We should have 2 lines as we now have one 'Free Large Cabinet' line as we bought 3 of them")
# Check free product's price is not added to total when applying reduction (Or the discount will also be applied on the free product's price)
self._apply_promo_code(order, 'test_10pc')
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 3, "We should have 3 lines as we should have a new line for promo code reduction")
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 864, "Only paid product should have their price discounted")
order.order_line.filtered(lambda x: 'Discount' in x.name).unlink() # Remove Discount
# Check free product is removed since we are below minimum required quantity
sol1.product_uom_qty = 2
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 1, "Free Large Cabinet should have been removed")
# Free product in cart will be considered as paid product when changing quantity of paid product, so the free product quantity computation will be wrong.
# 75 Large Cabinet in cart, 25 free, set quantity to 6 Large Cabinet, you should have 2 free Large Cabinet but you get 8 because it add the 25 initial free Large Cabinet to the total paid Large Cabinet when computing (25+10 > 35 > /4 = 8 free Large Cabinet)
sol1.product_uom_qty = 75
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(sum(order.order_line.filtered(lambda x: x.is_reward_line).mapped('product_uom_qty')), 25, "We should have 25 Free Large Cabinet")
sol1.product_uom_qty = 6
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(sum(order.order_line.filtered(lambda x: x.is_reward_line).mapped('product_uom_qty')), 2, "We should have 2 Free Large Cabinet")
def test_program_numbers_check_eligibility(self):
# These tests will focus on numbers (free product qty, SO total, reduction total..)
# Check if we have enough paid product to receive free product in case of a free product that is different from the paid product required
# Buy A, get free b. (remember we need a paid B in cart to receive free b). If your cart is 4A 1B then you should receive 1b (you are eligible to receive 4 because you have 4A but since you dont have enought B in your cart, you are limited to the B quantity)
order = self.empty_order
sol1 = self.env['sale.order.line'].create({
'product_id': self.drawerBlack.id,
'name': 'drawer black',
'product_uom_qty': 3.0,
'order_id': order.id,
sol2 = self.env['sale.order.line'].create({
'product_id': self.largeMeetingTable.id,
'name': 'Large Meeting Table',
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'order_id': order.id,
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 3, "We should have a 'Free Large Meeting Table' promotion line")
self.assertEqual(sum(order.order_line.filtered(lambda x: x.is_reward_line).mapped('product_uom_qty')), 1, "We should receive one and only one free Large Meeting Table")
# Check the required value amount to be eligible for the program is correctly computed (eg: it does not add negative value (from free product) to total)
# A = free b | Have your cart with A 2B b | cart value should be A + 1B but in code it is only A (free b value is subsstract 2 times)
# This is because _amount_all() is summing all SO lines (so + (-b.value)) and again in _check_promo_code() order.amount_untaxed + order.reward_amount | amount_untaxed has already free product value substracted (_amount_all)
sol1.product_uom_qty = 1
sol2.product_uom_qty = 2
self.p1.rule_ids.minimum_amount = 5000
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self._apply_promo_code(order, 'test_10pc')
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 4, "We should have 4 lines as we should have a new line for promo code reduction")
# Check you can still have auto applied promotion if you have a promo code set to the order
'product_id': self.largeCabinet.id,
'name': 'Large Cabinet',
'product_uom_qty': 4.0,
'order_id': order.id,
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 6, "We should have 2 more lines as we now have one 'Free Large Cabinet' line since we bought 4 of them")
def test_program_numbers_taxes_and_rules(self):
percent_tax = self.env['account.tax'].create({
'name': "15% Tax",
'amount_type': 'percent',
'amount': 15,
'price_include_override': 'tax_included',
p_specific_product = self.env['loyalty.program'].create({
'name': '20% reduction on Large Cabinet in cart',
'trigger': 'auto',
'program_type': 'promotion',
'applies_on': 'current',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_point_mode': 'order',
'minimum_amount_tax_mode': 'excl',
'minimum_amount': 320.00,
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'discount',
'discount': 20,
'discount_mode': 'percent',
'discount_applicability': 'specific',
'discount_product_ids': self.largeCabinet,
'required_points': 1,
self.all_programs |= p_specific_product
order = self.empty_order
self.largeCabinet.taxes_id = percent_tax
sol1 = self.env['sale.order.line'].create({
'product_id': self.largeCabinet.id,
'name': 'Large Cabinet',
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'order_id': order.id,
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 1, "We should not get the reduction line since we dont have 320$ tax excluded (cabinet is 320$ tax included)")
sol1.tax_id.price_include_override = 'tax_excluded'
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 2, "We should now get the reduction line since we have 320$ tax included (cabinet is 320$ tax included)")
# Name | Qty | price_unit | Tax | HTVA | TVAC | TVA |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Conference Chair | 1 | 320.00 | 15% excl | 320.00 | 368.00 | 48.00
# 20% discount on | 1 | -64.00 | 15% excl | -64.00 | -73.60 | -9.60
# large cabinet |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TOTAL | 256.00 | 294.40 | 38.40
self.assertAlmostEqual(order.amount_total, 294.4, 2, "Check discount has been applied correctly (eg: on taxes aswell)")
# test coupon with code works the same as auto applied_programs
p_specific_product.write({'trigger': 'with_code'})
p_specific_product.rule_ids.write({'mode': 'with_code', 'code': '20pc'})
order.order_line.filtered(lambda l: l.is_reward_line).unlink()
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 1, "Reduction should be removed since we deleted it and it is now a promo code usage, it shouldn't be automatically reapplied")
self._apply_promo_code(order, '20pc')
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 2, "We should now get the reduction line since we have 320$ tax included (cabinet is 320$ tax included)")
# check discount applied only on Large Cabinet
'product_id': self.drawerBlack.id,
'name': 'Drawer Black',
'product_uom_qty': 10.0,
'order_id': order.id,
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
# Name | Qty | price_unit | Tax | HTVA | TVAC | TVA |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Drawer Black | 10 | 25.00 | / | 250.00 | 250.00 | /
# Large Cabinet | 1 | 320.00 | 15% excl | 320.00 | 368.00 | 48.00
# 20% discount on | 1 | -64.00 | 15% excl | -64.00 | -73.60 | -9.60
# large cabinet |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TOTAL | 506.00 | 544.40 | 38.40
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 544.4, "We should only get reduction on cabinet")
sol1.product_uom_qty = 8
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
# Note: Since we now have 2 free Large Cabinet, we should discount only 8 of the 10 Large Cabinet in carts since we don't want to discount free Large Cabinet
# Name | Qty | price_unit | Tax | HTVA | TVAC | TVA |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Drawer Black | 10 | 25.00 | / | 250.00 | 250.00 | /
# Large Cabinet | 8 | 320.00 | 15% excl | 2560.00 | 2944.00 | 384.00
# Free Large Cabinet | 2 | 0.00 | 15% excl | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00
# 20% discount on | 1 | -512.00 | 15% excl | -512.00 | -588.80 | -78.80
# large cabinet |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TOTAL | 2298.00 | 2605.20 | 305.20
self.assertAlmostEqual(order.amount_total, 2605.20, 2, "Changing cabinet quantity should change discount amount correctly")
p_specific_product.reward_ids.discount_max_amount = 200
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
# Name | Qty | price_unit | Tax | HTVA | TVAC | TVA |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Drawer Black | 10 | 25.00 | / | 250.00 | 250.00 | /
# Large Cabinet | 8 | 320.00 | 15% excl | 2560.00 | 2944.00 | 384.00
# Free Large Cabinet | 2 | 0.00 | 15% excl | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00
# 20% discount on | 1 | -173.91 | 15% excl | -173.91 | -200.00 | -26.09
# large cabinet |
# limited to 200 HTVA
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TOTAL | 2636.09 | 2994.00 | 357.91
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 2994.0, "The discount should be limited to $200 tax included")
self.assertEqual(order.amount_untaxed, 2636.09, "The discount should be limited to $200 tax included (2)")
def test_program_numbers_one_discount_line_per_tax(self):
order = self.empty_order
self.env['ir.config_parameter'].set_param('loyalty.compute_all_discount_product_ids', 'enabled')
# Create taxes
self.tax_15pc_excl = self.env['account.tax'].create({
'name': "15% Tax excl",
'amount_type': 'percent',
'amount': 15,
self.tax_50pc_excl = self.env['account.tax'].create({
'name': "50% Tax excl",
'amount_type': 'percent',
'amount': 50,
self.tax_35pc_incl = self.env['account.tax'].create({
'name': "35% Tax incl",
'amount_type': 'percent',
'amount': 35,
'price_include_override': 'tax_included',
# Set tax and prices on products as neeed for the test
(self.product_A + self.largeCabinet + self.conferenceChair + self.pedalBin + self.drawerBlack).write({'list_price': 100})
(self.largeCabinet + self.drawerBlack).write({'taxes_id': [(4, self.tax_15pc_excl.id, False)]})
self.conferenceChair.taxes_id = self.tax_10pc_incl
self.pedalBin.taxes_id = None
self.product_A.taxes_id = (self.tax_35pc_incl + self.tax_50pc_excl)
# Add products in order
'product_id': self.largeCabinet.id,
'name': 'Large Cabinet',
'product_uom_qty': 4.0,
'order_id': order.id,
sol2 = self.env['sale.order.line'].create({
'product_id': self.conferenceChair.id,
'name': 'Conference Chair',
'product_uom_qty': 3.0,
'order_id': order.id,
'product_id': self.pedalBin.id,
'name': 'Pedal Bin',
'product_uom_qty': 5.0,
'order_id': order.id,
'product_id': self.product_A.id,
'name': 'product A with multiple taxes',
'product_uom_qty': 3.0,
'order_id': order.id,
'product_id': self.drawerBlack.id,
'name': 'Drawer Black',
'product_uom_qty': 2.0,
'order_id': order.id,
# Create needed programs
self.immediate_promotion_program.active = False
self.p2.active = False
self.p3.active = False
# NOTE: programs may not make much sense but they have been modified in order to validate the result since the change from coupon to loyalty.
self.p_large_cabinet = self.env['loyalty.program'].create({
'name': 'Buy 1 large cabinet, get 3/4 for free',
'trigger': 'auto',
'program_type': 'promotion',
'applies_on': 'current',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {
'product_ids': self.largeCabinet,
'reward_point_mode': 'unit',
'minimum_qty': 1,
'reward_point_amount': 0.752,
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'product',
'reward_product_id': self.largeCabinet.id,
'reward_product_qty': 1,
'required_points': 1,
self.p_conference_chair = self.env['loyalty.program'].create({
'name': 'Buy 1 chair, get one for free',
'trigger': 'auto',
'program_type': 'promotion',
'applies_on': 'current',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {
'product_ids': self.conferenceChair,
'reward_point_mode': 'unit',
'minimum_qty': 1,
'reward_point_amount': 0.4,
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'product',
'reward_product_id': self.conferenceChair.id,
'reward_product_qty': 1,
'required_points': 1,
self.p_pedal_bin = self.env['loyalty.program'].create({
'name': 'Buy 1 bin, get one for free',
'trigger': 'auto',
'program_type': 'promotion',
'applies_on': 'current',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {
'product_ids': self.pedalBin,
'reward_point_mode': 'unit',
'minimum_qty': 1,
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'product',
'reward_product_id': self.pedalBin.id,
'reward_product_qty': 1,
'required_points': 1,
self.all_programs |= (self.p_large_cabinet | self.p_conference_chair | self.p_pedal_bin)
# Name | Qty | price_unit | Tax | HTVA | TVAC | TVA |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Conference Chair | 5 | 100.00 | 10% incl | 454.55 | 500.00 | 45.45
# Pedal bin | 10 | 100.00 | / | 1000.00 | 1000.00 | /
# Large Cabinet | 7 | 100.00 | 15% excl | 700.00 | 805.00 | 105.00
# Drawer Black | 2 | 100.00 | 15% excl | 200.00 | 230.00 | 30.00
# Product A | 3 | 100.00 | 35% incl | 222.22 | 411.11 | 188.89
# 50% excl
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TOTAL | 2576.77 | 2946.11 | 369.34
self.assertRecordValues(order, [{
'amount_total': 1901.11,
'amount_untaxed': 1594.95,
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 5, "The order without any programs should have 5 lines")
# Apply all the programs
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
# Name | Qty | price_unit | Tax | HTVA | TVAC | TVA |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Free ConferenceChair | 2 | -100.00 | 10% incl | -181.82 | -200.00 | -18.18
# Free Pedal Bin | 5 | -100.00 | / | -500.00 | -500.00 | /
# Free Large Cabinet | 3 | -100.00 | 15% excl | -300.00 | -345.00 | -45.00
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
self.assertRecordValues(order, [{
'amount_total': 1901.11,
'amount_untaxed': 1594.95,
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 8, "Order should contains 5 regular product lines and 3 free product lines")
# Apply 10% on top of everything
self._apply_promo_code(order, 'test_10pc')
# Name | Qty | price_unit | Tax | HTVA | TVAC | TVA |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 10% on tax 10% incl | 1 | -30.00 | 10% incl | -27.27 | -30.00 | -2.73
# 10% on no tax | 1 | -50.00 | / | -50.00 | -50.00 | /
# 10% on tax 15% excl | 1 | -60.00 | 15% excl | -60.00 | -69.00 | -9.00
# 10% on tax 35%+50% | 1 | -30.00 | 35% incl | -22.22 | -41.11 | -18.89
# 50% excl
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TOTAL AFTER APPLYING 10% GLOBAL PROGRAM | 1435.46 | 1711.00 | 275.54
self.assertRecordValues(order, [{
'amount_total': 1711.0,
'amount_untaxed': 1435.46,
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 12, "Order should contains 5 regular product lines, 3 free product lines and 4 discount lines (one for every tax)")
# -- This is a test inside the test
self.assertRecordValues(order, [{
'amount_total': 1711.0,
'amount_untaxed': 1435.46,
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 12, "Recomputing tax on sale order lines should not change number of order line")
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertRecordValues(order, [{
'amount_total': 1711.0,
'amount_untaxed': 1435.46,
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 12, "Recomputing tax on sale order lines should not change number of order line")
# -- End test inside the test
# Now we want to apply a 20% discount only on Large Cabinet
self.all_programs |= self.env['loyalty.program'].create({
'name': '20% reduction on Large Cabinet in cart',
'trigger': 'auto',
'program_type': 'promotion',
'applies_on': 'current',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {})],
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'discount',
'discount': 20,
'discount_applicability': 'specific',
'discount_product_ids': self.largeCabinet,
'required_points': 1,
'clear_wallet': 1,
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
# 20% on large cabinet which are already discounted by 10%
# Name | Qty | price_unit | Tax | HTVA | TVAC | TVA |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 20% on Large Cabinet | 1 | -72.00 | 15% excl | -72.00 | -82.8 | -10.80
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TOTAL AFTER APPLYING 20% ON LARGE CABINET | 1363.46 | 1628.2 | 264.74
self.assertRecordValues(order, [{
'amount_total': 1628.2,
'amount_untaxed': 1363.46,
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 13, "Order should have a new discount line for 20% on Large Cabinet")
# Check that if you delete one of the discount tax line, the others tax lines from the same promotion got deleted as well.
order.order_line.filtered(lambda l: '10%' in l.name)[0].unlink()
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 9, "All of the 10% discount line per tax should be removed")
# At this point, removing the Conference Chair's discount line (split per tax) removed also the others discount lines
# linked to the same program (eg: other taxes lines). So the coupon got removed from the SO since there were no discount lines left
# Add back the coupon to continue the test flow
self._apply_promo_code(order, 'test_10pc')
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 13, "The 10% discount line should be back")
# Check that if you change a product qty, his discount tax line got updated
self.p_conference_chair.rule_ids.reward_point_amount = 0.752
sol2.product_uom_qty = 4
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
# Name | Qty | price_unit | Tax | HTVA | TVAC | TVA |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Large Cabinet | 4 | 100.00 | 15% excl | 400.00 | 460.00 | 60.00
# Conference Chair | 4 | 100.00 | 10% incl | 363.64 | 400.00 | 36.36
# Pedal Bins | 5 | 100.00 | / | 500.00 | 500.00 | /
# Drawer Black | 2 | 100.00 | 15% excl | 200.00 | 230.00 | 30.00
# Product A | 3 | 100.00 | 35% incl | 222.22 | 411.11 | 188.89
# 50% excl
# Free - Large Cabinet | 3 | 0.00 | 15% excl | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00
# Free - Conference Ch | 3 | 0.00 | 10% incl | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00
# Free - Pedal Bins | 5 | 0.00 | / | 0.00 | 0.00 | /
# 20% on Large Cabinet | 1 | -80.00 | 15% excl | -80.00 | -92.00 | -12.00
# 10% on tax 15% excl | 1 | -52.00 | 15% excl | -52.00 | -59.80 | -7.80
# 10% on tax 10% excl | 1 | -40.00 | 15% excl | -36.36 | -40.00 | -3.64
# 10% on no tax | 1 | -50.00 | / | -50.00 | -50.00 | /
# 10% on tax 35+50% | 1 | -30.00 | 35% incl | -22.22 | -41.11 | -18.89
# 50% excl
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TOTAL | 1445.28 | 1718.20 | 272.92
self.assertEqual(order.amount_untaxed, 1445.28, "The order should have one more paid Conference Chair with 10% incl tax and discounted by 10%")
# Check that if you remove a product, his reward lines got removed, especially the discount per tax one
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
# Name | Qty | price_unit | Tax | HTVA | TVAC | TVA |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Pedal Bins | 5 | 100.00 | / | 500.00 | 500.00 | /
# Large Cabinet | 4 | 100.00 | 15% excl | 400.00 | 460.00 | 60.00
# Drawer Black | 2 | 100.00 | 15% excl | 200.00 | 230.00 | 30.00
# Product A | 3 | 100.00 | 35% incl | 222.22 | 411.11 | 188.89
# 50% excl
# Pedal Bins | 5 | 0.00 | / | 0.00 | 0.00 | /
# Large Cabinet | 3 | 0.00 | 15% excl | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00
# 20% on Large Cabinet | 1 | -80.00 | 15% excl | -80.00 | -92.00 | -12.00
# 10% on tax 15% excl | 1 | -52.00 | 15% excl | -52.00 | -59.80 | -7.80
# 10% on no tax | 1 | -50.00 | / | -50.00 | -50.00 | /
# 10% on tax 35+50% | 1 | -30.00 | 35% incl | -22.22 | -41.11 | -18.89
# 50% excl
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TOTAL | 1118.00 | 1349.00 | 240.20
self.assertRecordValues(order, [{
'amount_total': 1358.2,
'amount_untaxed': 1118.0,
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 10, "Order should contains 10 lines: 4 products lines, 2 free products lines and 4 discount lines")
def test_program_numbers_extras(self):
# Check that you can't apply a global discount promo code if there is already an auto applied global discount
p1_copy = self.p1.copy({'trigger': 'auto', 'name': 'Auto applied 10% global discount', 'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {})]})
self.all_programs |= p1_copy
order = self.empty_order
'product_id': self.largeCabinet.id,
'name': 'Large Cabinet',
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'order_id': order.id,
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 2, "We should get 1 Large Cabinet line and 1 10% auto applied global discount line")
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 288, "320$ - 10%")
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
# Can't apply a second global discount
self._apply_promo_code(order, 'test_10pc')
def test_program_fixed_price(self):
# Check fixed amount discount
order = self.empty_order
self.p3.active = False
fixed_amount_program = self.env['loyalty.program'].create({
'name': '$249 discount',
'trigger': 'auto',
'program_type': 'promotion',
'applies_on': 'current',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_point_mode': 'order',
'reward_point_amount': 1,
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'discount',
'discount': 249,
'discount_mode': 'per_point',
'discount_applicability': 'order',
'required_points': 1,
self.all_programs |= fixed_amount_program
self.tax_0pc_excl = self.env['account.tax'].create({
'name': "0% Tax excl",
'amount_type': 'percent',
'amount': 0,
fixed_amount_program.reward_ids.discount_line_product_id.write({'taxes_id': [(4, self.tax_0pc_excl.id, False)]})
sol1 = self.env['sale.order.line'].create({
'product_id': self.drawerBlack.id,
'name': 'Drawer Black',
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'order_id': order.id,
'tax_id': [(4, self.tax_0pc_excl.id)]
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 0, "Total should be null. The fixed amount discount is higher than the SO total, it should be reduced to the SO total")
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 2, "There should be the product line and the reward line")
sol1.product_uom_qty = 17
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 176, "Fixed amount discount should be totally deduced")
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 2, "Number of lines should be unchanged as we just recompute the reward line")
fixed_amount_program.write({'active': False}) # Check archived product will remove discount lines on recompute
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 1, "Archiving the program should remove the program reward line")
def test_program_next_order(self):
order = self.empty_order
self.all_programs |= self.env['loyalty.program'].create({
'name': 'Free Pedal Bin if at least 1 article',
'trigger': 'auto',
'applies_on': 'future',
'program_type': 'promotion',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {
'minimum_qty': 2,
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'product',
'reward_product_id': self.pedalBin.id,
'reward_product_qty': 1,
'required_points': 1,
sol1 = self.env['sale.order.line'].create({
'product_id': self.largeCabinet.id,
'name': 'Large Cabinet',
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'order_id': order.id,
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 1, "Nothing should be added to the cart")
self.assertEqual(len(order._get_reward_coupons()), 0, "No coupon should have been generated yet")
sol1.product_uom_qty = 2
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
generated_coupon = order._get_reward_coupons()
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 1, "Nothing should be added to the cart (2)")
self.assertEqual(len(generated_coupon), 1, "A coupon should have been generated")
self.assertEqual(generated_coupon.points, 0, "The coupon should not have it's points already.")
sol1.product_uom_qty = 1
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
generated_coupon = order._get_reward_coupons()
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 1, "Nothing should be added to the cart (3)")
self.assertEqual(len(generated_coupon), 0, "No more coupon should have been generated and the existing one should not have been deleted")
sol1.product_uom_qty = 2
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
generated_coupon = order._get_reward_coupons()
self.assertEqual(len(generated_coupon), 1, "We should still have only 1 coupon as we now benefit again from the program but no need to create a new one (see next assert)")
self.assertEqual(generated_coupon.points, 0, "The coupon should not have it's points already.")
def test_coupon_rule_minimum_amount(self):
""" Ensure coupon with minimum amount rule are correctly
applied on orders
order = self.empty_order
'product_id': self.conferenceChair.id,
'name': 'Conference Chair',
'product_uom_qty': 10.0,
'order_id': order.id,
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 165.0, "The order amount is not correct")
'coupon_qty': 1,
'points_granted': 1,
coupon = self.discount_coupon_program.coupon_ids[0]
self._apply_promo_code(order, coupon.code)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 65.0, "The coupon should be correctly applied")
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 65.0, "The coupon should not be removed from the order")
def test_coupon_discount_with_taxes_applied(self):
"""Ensure coupon discount with taxes applies correctly
and doesn't make the order total go below 0.
coupon_program = self.env['loyalty.program'].create({
'name': '$300 coupon',
'program_type': 'coupons',
'trigger': 'with_code',
'applies_on': 'current',
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'discount',
'discount_mode': 'per_point',
'discount': 300,
'discount_applicability': 'order',
'required_points': 1,
'tax_ids': [(6, 0, (self.tax_15pc_excl.id,))],
order = self.empty_order
'product_id': self.conferenceChair.id,
'name': 'Conference Chair',
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'price_unit': 100.0,
'order_id': order.id,
'tax_id': [(6, 0, (self.tax_15pc_excl.id,))],
'coupon_qty': 1,
'points_granted': 1,
coupon = coupon_program.coupon_ids
self._apply_promo_code(order, coupon.code)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_tax, 0.0)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_untaxed, 0.0, "The untaxed amount should not go below 0")
order.amount_total, 0.0,
"The promotion program should not make the order total go below 0"
def test_coupon_and_program_discount_fixed_amount(self):
""" Ensure coupon and program discount both with
minimum amount rule can cohexists without making
the order go below 0
order = self.empty_order
orderline = self.env['sale.order.line'].create({
'product_id': self.conferenceChair.id,
'name': 'Conference Chair',
'product_uom_qty': 10.0,
'order_id': order.id,
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 165.0, "The order amount is not correct")
'name': '$100 promotion program',
'program_type': 'promotion',
'trigger': 'with_code',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {
'mode': 'with_code',
'code': 'testpromo',
'minimum_amount': 100,
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'discount',
'discount': 100,
'discount_mode': 'per_point',
'discount_applicability': 'order',
self._apply_promo_code(order, 'testpromo')
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 65.0, "The promotion program should be correctly applied")
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 65.0, "The promotion program should not be removed after recomputation")
'coupon_qty': 1,
'points_granted': 1,
coupon = self.discount_coupon_program.coupon_ids[0]
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
self._apply_promo_code(order, coupon.code)
orderline.write({'product_uom_qty': 15})
self._apply_promo_code(order, coupon.code)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 47.5, "The promotion program should now be correctly applied")
orderline.write({'product_uom_qty': 5})
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 82.5, "The promotion programs should have been removed from the order to avoid negative amount")
def test_coupon_and_coupon_discount_fixed_amount_tax_excl(self):
""" Ensure multiple coupon can cohexists without making
the order go below 0
* Have an order of 300 (3 lines: 1 tax excl 15%, 2 notax)
* Apply a coupon A of 10% discount, unconditioned
* Apply a coupon B of 288.5 discount, unconditioned
* Order should not go below 0
* Even applying the coupon in reverse order should yield same result
self.immediate_promotion_program.active = False
coupon_program = self.env['loyalty.program'].create({
'name': '$288.5 coupon',
'program_type': 'coupons',
'trigger': 'with_code',
'applies_on': 'current',
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'discount',
'discount_mode': 'per_point',
'discount': 288.5,
'discount_applicability': 'order',
'required_points': 1,
order = self.empty_order
'product_id': self.conferenceChair.id,
'name': 'Conference Chair',
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'price_unit': 100.0,
'order_id': order.id,
'tax_id': [(6, 0, (self.tax_15pc_excl.id,))],
'product_id': self.pedalBin.id,
'name': 'Computer Case',
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'price_unit': 100.0,
'order_id': order.id,
'tax_id': [(6, 0, [])],
'product_id': self.product_A.id,
'name': 'Computer Case',
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'price_unit': 100.0,
'order_id': order.id,
'tax_id': [(6, 0, [])],
self._apply_promo_code(order, 'test_10pc')
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 283.5, "The promotion program should be correctly applied")
'coupon_qty': 1,
'points_granted': 1,
coupon = coupon_program.coupon_ids
self._apply_promo_code(order, coupon.code)
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_tax, 13.5)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_untaxed, 0.0, "The untaxed amount should not go below 0")
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 13.5, "The promotion program should not make the order total go below 0")
order.order_line[3:].unlink() #remove all coupon
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line), 3, "The promotion program should be removed")
self._apply_promo_code(order, coupon.code)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 26.5, "The promotion program should be correctly applied")
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self._apply_promo_code(order, 'test_10pc')
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertAlmostEqual(order.amount_tax, 13.5, 2)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_untaxed, 10.35)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 23.85, "The promotion program should not make the order total go below 0be altered after recomputation")
# It should stay the same after a recompute, order matters
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertAlmostEqual(order.amount_tax, 13.5, 2)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_untaxed, 10.35)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 23.85, "The promotion program should not make the order total go below 0be altered after recomputation")
def test_coupon_and_coupon_discount_fixed_amount_tax_incl(self):
""" Ensure multiple coupon can cohexists without making
the order go below 0
* Have an order of 300 (3 lines: 1 tax incl 10%, 2 notax)
* Apply a coupon A of 10% discount, unconditioned
* Apply a coupon B of 290 discount, unconditioned
* Order should not go below 0
* Even applying the coupon in reverse order should yield same result
self.immediate_promotion_program.active = False
coupon_program = self.env['loyalty.program'].create({
'name': '$290 coupon',
'program_type': 'coupons',
'trigger': 'with_code',
'applies_on': 'current',
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'discount',
'discount_mode': 'per_point',
'discount': 290,
'discount_applicability': 'order',
'required_points': 1,
order = self.empty_order
'product_id': self.conferenceChair.id,
'name': 'Conference Chair',
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'price_unit': 100.0,
'order_id': order.id,
'tax_id': [(6, 0, (self.tax_10pc_incl.id,))],
'product_id': self.pedalBin.id,
'name': 'Computer Case',
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'price_unit': 100.0,
'order_id': order.id,
'tax_id': [(6, 0, [])],
'product_id': self.product_A.id,
'name': 'Computer Case',
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'price_unit': 100.0,
'order_id': order.id,
'tax_id': [(6, 0, [])],
self._apply_promo_code(order, 'test_10pc')
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 270.0, "The promotion program should be correctly applied")
'coupon_qty': 1,
'points_granted': 1,
coupon = coupon_program.coupon_ids
self._apply_promo_code(order, coupon.code)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 8.18, "The promotion program should not make the order total go below 0")
self.assertEqual(order.amount_tax, 8.18)
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 8.18, "The promotion program should not be altered after recomputation")
self.assertEqual(order.amount_tax, 8.18)
order.order_line[3:].unlink() #remove all coupon
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line), 3, "The promotion program should be removed")
self._apply_promo_code(order, coupon.code)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 10.0, "The promotion program should be correctly applied")
self._apply_promo_code(order, 'test_10pc')
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 9.0, "The promotion program should not make the order total go below 0")
self.assertEqual(order.amount_tax, 8.18)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_untaxed, 0.82)
# It should stay the same after a recompute, order matters
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 9.0, "The promotion program should not make the order total go below 0")
self.assertEqual(order.amount_tax, 8.18)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_untaxed, 0.82)
def test_program_discount_on_multiple_specific_products(self):
""" Ensure a discount on multiple specific products is correctly computed.
- Simple: Discount must be applied on all the products set on the promotion
- Advanced: This discount must be split by different taxes
order = self.empty_order
self.p3.active = False
p_specific_products = self.env['loyalty.program'].create({
'name': '20% reduction on Conference Chair and Drawer Black in cart',
'program_type': 'promotion',
'trigger': 'auto',
'applies_on': 'current',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {})],
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'discount',
'discount_mode': 'percent',
'discount': 25,
'discount_applicability': 'specific',
'discount_product_ids': [(6, 0, [self.conferenceChair.id, self.drawerBlack.id])],
'required_points': 1,
self.all_programs |= p_specific_products
'product_id': self.conferenceChair.id,
'name': 'Conference Chair',
'product_uom_qty': 4.0,
'order_id': order.id,
sol2 = self.env['sale.order.line'].create({
'product_id': self.drawerBlack.id,
'name': 'Drawer Black',
'product_uom_qty': 2.0,
'order_id': order.id,
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 3, "Conference Chair + Drawer Black + 20% discount line")
# Name | Qty | price_unit | Tax | HTVA | TVAC | TVA |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Conference Chair | 4 | 16.50 | / | 66.00 | 66.00 | 0.00
# Drawer Black | 2 | 25.00 | / | 50.00 | 50.00 | 0.00
# 25% discount | 1 | -29.00 | / | -29.00 | -29.00 | 0.00
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TOTAL | 87.00 | 87.00 | 0.00
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 87.00, "Total should be 87.00, see above comment")
# remove Drawer Black case from promotion
p_specific_products.reward_ids.discount_product_ids = [(6, 0, [self.conferenceChair.id])]
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 3, "Should still be Conference Chair + Drawer Black + 20% discount line")
# Name | Qty | price_unit | Tax | HTVA | TVAC | TVA |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Conference Chair | 4 | 16.50 | / | 66.00 | 66.00 | 0.00
# Drawer Black | 2 | 25.00 | / | 50.00 | 50.00 | 0.00
# 25% discount | 1 | -16.50 | / | -16.50 | -16.50 | 0.00
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TOTAL | 99.50 | 99.50 | 0.00
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 99.50, "The 12.50 discount from the drawer black should be gone")
# =========================================================================
# PART 2: Same flow but with different taxes on products to ensure discount is split per VAT
# Add back Drawer Black in promotion
p_specific_products.reward_ids.discount_product_ids = [(6, 0, [self.conferenceChair.id, self.drawerBlack.id])]
percent_tax = self.env['account.tax'].create({
'name': "30% Tax",
'amount_type': 'percent',
'amount': 30,
'price_include_override': 'tax_included',
sol2.tax_id = percent_tax
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 4, "Conference Chair + Drawer Black + 20% on no TVA product (Conference Chair) + 20% on 15% tva product (Drawer Black)")
# Name | Qty | price_unit | Tax | HTVA | TVAC | TVA |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Conference Chair | 4 | 16.50 | / | 66.00 | 66.00 | 0.00
# Drawer Black | 2 | 25.00 | 30% incl | 38.46 | 50.00 | 11.54
# 25% discount | 1 | -16.50 | / | -16.50 | -16.50 | 0.00
# 25% discount | 1 | -12.50 | 30% incl | -9.62 | -12.50 | -2.88
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TOTAL | 78.34 | 87.00 | 8.66
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 87.00, "Total untaxed should be as per above comment")
self.assertEqual(order.amount_untaxed, 78.34, "Total with taxes should be as per above comment")
def test_program_numbers_free_prod_with_min_amount_and_qty_on_same_prod(self):
# This test focus on giving a free product based on both
# minimum amount and quantity condition on an
# auto applied promotion program
order = self.empty_order
self.p3.active = False
self.all_programs |= self.env['loyalty.program'].create({
'name': 'Buy 2 Chairs, get 1 free',
'trigger': 'auto',
'program_type': 'promotion',
'applies_on': 'current',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {
'product_ids': self.conferenceChair,
'reward_point_mode': 'order',
'minimum_qty': 2,
'minimum_amount': self.conferenceChair.lst_price * 2,
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'product',
'reward_product_id': self.conferenceChair.id,
'reward_product_qty': 1,
'required_points': 1,
sol1 = self.env['sale.order.line'].create({
'product_id': self.conferenceChair.id,
'name': 'Conf Chair',
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'order_id': order.id,
sol2 = self.env['sale.order.line'].create({
'product_id': self.drawerBlack.id,
'name': 'Drawer',
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'order_id': order.id,
}) # dummy line
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 2, "The promotion lines should not be applied")
sol1.write({'product_uom_qty': 2.0})
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 3, "The promotion lines should have been added")
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, self.conferenceChair.lst_price * (sol1.product_uom_qty) + self.drawerBlack.lst_price * sol2.product_uom_qty, "The promotion line was not applied to the amount total")
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 2, "The other product should not affect the promotion")
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, self.conferenceChair.lst_price * (sol1.product_uom_qty), "The promotion line was not applied to the amount total")
sol1.write({'product_uom_qty': 1.0})
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 1, "The promotion lines should have been removed")
def test_program_step_percentages(self):
# test step-like percentages increase over amount
testprod = self.env['product.product'].create({
'name': 'testprod',
'lst_price': 118.0,
self.all_programs |= self.env['loyalty.program'].create({
'name': '10% discount',
'trigger': 'auto',
'program_type': 'promotion',
'applies_on': 'current',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_point_mode': 'order',
'minimum_amount': 1500.00,
'minimum_amount_tax_mode': 'incl',
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'discount',
'discount': 10,
'discount_mode': 'percent',
'discount_applicability': 'order',
'required_points': 1,
self.all_programs |= self.env['loyalty.program'].create({
'name': '15% discount',
'trigger': 'auto',
'program_type': 'promotion',
'applies_on': 'current',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_point_mode': 'order',
'minimum_amount': 1750.00,
'minimum_amount_tax_mode': 'incl',
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'discount',
'discount': 15,
'discount_mode': 'percent',
'discount_applicability': 'order',
'required_points': 1,
self.all_programs |= self.env['loyalty.program'].create({
'name': '20% discount',
'trigger': 'auto',
'program_type': 'promotion',
'applies_on': 'current',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_point_mode': 'order',
'minimum_amount': 2000.00,
'minimum_amount_tax_mode': 'incl',
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'discount',
'discount': 20,
'discount_mode': 'percent',
'discount_applicability': 'order',
'required_points': 1,
self.all_programs |= self.env['loyalty.program'].create({
'name': '25% discount',
'trigger': 'auto',
'program_type': 'promotion',
'applies_on': 'current',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_point_mode': 'order',
'minimum_amount': 2500.00,
'minimum_amount_tax_mode': 'incl',
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'discount',
'discount': 25,
'discount_mode': 'percent',
'discount_applicability': 'order',
'required_points': 1,
#apply 10%
order = self.empty_order
order_line = self.env['sale.order.line'].create({
'product_id': testprod.id,
'name': 'testprod',
'product_uom_qty': 14.0,
'price_unit': 118.0,
'order_id': order.id,
'tax_id': False,
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 1486.80, "10% discount should be applied")
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 2, "discount should be applied")
#switch to 15%
order_line.write({'product_uom_qty': 15})
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 1604.8, "Discount improperly applied")
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 2, "No discount applied while it should")
#switch to 20%
order_line.write({'product_uom_qty': 17})
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 1604.8, "Discount improperly applied")
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 2, "No discount applied while it should")
#still 20%
order_line.write({'product_uom_qty': 20})
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 1888.0, "Discount improperly applied")
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 2, "No discount applied while it should")
#back to 10%
order_line.write({'product_uom_qty': 14})
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 1486.80, "Discount improperly applied")
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line.ids), 2, "No discount applied while it should")
def test_program_free_prods_with_min_qty_and_reward_qty_and_rule(self):
order = self.empty_order
coupon_program = self.env['loyalty.program'].create({
'name': '2 free conference chair if at least 1 large cabinet',
'trigger': 'with_code',
'program_type': 'coupons',
'applies_on': 'current',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {
'product_ids': self.largeCabinet,
'reward_point_mode': 'order',
'minimum_qty': 1,
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'discount',
'discount': 100,
'discount_mode': 'percent',
'discount_applicability': 'specific',
'discount_product_ids': self.conferenceChair,
'discount_max_amount': 200,
'required_points': 1,
# set large cabinet and conference chair prices
self.largeCabinet.write({'list_price': 500, 'sale_ok': True,})
self.conferenceChair.write({'list_price': 100, 'sale_ok': True})
# create SOL
'product_id': self.largeCabinet.id,
'name': 'Large Cabinet',
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'order_id': order.id,
sol2 = self.env['sale.order.line'].create({
'product_id': self.conferenceChair.id,
'name': 'Conference chair',
'product_uom_qty': 2.0,
'order_id': order.id,
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line), 2, 'The order must contain 2 order lines since the coupon is not yet applied')
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 700.0, 'The price must be 500.0 since the coupon is not yet applied')
# generate and apply coupon
'coupon_qty': 1,
'points_granted': 1,
coupon = coupon_program.coupon_ids
self._apply_promo_code(order, coupon.code)
# Name | Qty | price_unit | Tax | HTVA | TVAC | TVA |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Conference Chair | 2 | 100.00 | / | 200.00 | 200.00 | /
# Large Cabinet | 1 | 500.00 | / | 500.00 | 500.00 | /
# Free Conference Chair | 2 | -100.00 | / | -200.00 | -200.00 | /
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TOTAL | 500.00 | 500.00 | /
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line), 3, 'The order must contain 3 order lines including one for free conference chair')
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 500.0, 'The price must be 500.0 since two conference chairs are free')
self.assertEqual(order.order_line[2].price_total, -200.0, 'The last order line should apply a reduction of 200.0 since there are two conference chairs that cost 100.0 each')
# prevent user to get illicite discount by decreasing the to 1 the reward product qty after applying the coupon
sol2.product_uom_qty = 1.0
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
# in this case user should not have -200.0
# Name | Qty | price_unit | Tax | HTVA | TVAC | TVA |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Conference Chair | 1 | 100.00 | / | 100.00 | 100.00 | /
# Large Cabine | 1 | 500.00 | / | 500.00 | 500.00 | /
# Free Conference Chair | 2 | -100.00 | / | -200.00 | -200.00 | /
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TOTAL | 400.00 | 400.00 | /
# he should rather have this one
# Name | Qty | price_unit | Tax | HTVA | TVAC | TVA |
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Conference Chair | 1 | 100.00 | / | 100.00 | 100.00 | /
# Large Cabinet | 1 | 500.00 | / | 500.00 | 500.00 | /
# Free Conference Chair | 1 | -100.00 | / | -100.00 | -100.00 | /
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TOTAL | 500.00 | 500.00 | /
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 500.0, 'The price must be 500.0 since two conference chairs are free and the user only bought one')
self.assertEqual(order.order_line[2].price_total, -100.0, 'The last order line should apply a reduction of 100.0 since there is one conference chair that cost 100.0')
def test_program_free_product_different_than_rule_product_with_multiple_application(self):
order = self.empty_order
self.p3.active = False
self.all_programs |= self.env['loyalty.program'].create({
'name': 'Buy 1 drawer black, get a free Large Meeting Table',
'trigger': 'auto',
'program_type': 'promotion',
'applies_on': 'current',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {
'product_ids': self.drawerBlack,
'reward_point_mode': 'order',
'minimum_qty': 1,
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'discount',
'discount': 100,
'discount_mode': 'percent',
'discount_applicability': 'specific',
'discount_product_ids': self.largeMeetingTable,
'required_points': 1,
'product_id': self.drawerBlack.id,
'product_uom_qty': 2.0,
'order_id': order.id,
sol_B = self.env['sale.order.line'].create({
'product_id': self.largeMeetingTable.id,
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'order_id': order.id,
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line), 3, 'The order must contain 3 order lines: 1x for Black Drawer, 1x for Large Meeting Table and 1x for free Large Meeting Table')
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, self.drawerBlack.list_price * 2, 'The price must be 50.0 since the Large Meeting Table is free: 2*25.00 (Black Drawer) + 1*40000.00 (Large Meeting Table) - 1*40000.00 (free Large Meeting Table)')
sol_B.product_uom_qty = 2
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line), 3, 'The order must contain 3 order lines: 1x for Black Drawer, 1x for Large Meeting Table and 1x for free Large Meeting Table')
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, self.drawerBlack.list_price * 2, 'The price must be 50.0 since the 2 Large Meeting Table are free: 2*25.00 (Black Drawer) + 2*40000.00 (Large Meeting Table) - 2*40000.00 (free Large Meeting Table)')
def test_program_modify_reward_line_qty(self):
order = self.empty_order
product_F = self.env['product.product'].create({
'name': 'Product F',
'list_price': 100,
'sale_ok': True,
'taxes_id': [(6, 0, [])],
self.all_programs |= self.env['loyalty.program'].create({
'name': '1 Product F = 5$ discount',
'trigger': 'auto',
'program_type': 'promotion',
'applies_on': 'current',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {
'product_ids': product_F,
'reward_point_mode': 'order',
'minimum_qty': 1,
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'discount',
'discount': 5,
'discount_mode': 'per_point',
'required_points': 1,
'product_id': product_F.id,
'product_uom_qty': 2.0,
'order_id': order.id,
self._auto_rewards(order, self.all_programs)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line), 2, 'The order must contain 2 order lines: 1x Product F and 1x 5$ discount')
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 195.0, 'The price must be 195.0 since there is a 5$ discount and 2x Product F')
self.assertEqual(sum(order.order_line.filtered(lambda x: x.is_reward_line).mapped('product_uom_qty')), 1, 'The reward line should have a quantity of 1 since Fixed Amount discounts apply only once per Sale Order')
order.order_line[1].product_uom_qty = 2
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line), 2, 'The order must contain 2 order lines: 1x Product F and 1x 5$ discount')
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 190.0, 'The price must be 190.0 since there is now 2x 5$ discount and 2x Product F')
self.assertEqual(order.order_line.filtered(lambda x: x.is_reward_line).price_unit, -5, 'The discount unit price should still be -5 after the quantity was manually changed')
def test_specific_discount_product_group(self):
# Tests the following:
# 1 program: -5$ on [A, B]
# 1 program: -10$ on A
# Order with A (6$) B (4$) C (10$)
# Apply both coupons -> order total should be 10$
# Apply a 10% discount -> order total should be 9$
# Redo the same process but discount first
product_a, product_b, product_c = self.env['product.product'].create([
'name': 'Product A',
'list_price': 6,
'sale_ok': True,
'taxes_id': [(6, 0, [])],
'name': 'Product B',
'list_price': 4,
'sale_ok': True,
'taxes_id': [(6, 0, [])],
'name': 'Product C',
'list_price': 10,
'sale_ok': True,
'taxes_id': [(6, 0, [])],
programs = self.env['loyalty.program'].create([
'name': '-5 USD on [A, B]',
'trigger': 'auto',
'program_type': 'promotion',
'applies_on': 'current',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'discount',
'discount': 5,
'discount_mode': 'per_point',
'discount_applicability': 'specific',
'discount_product_ids': product_a | product_b,
'required_points': 1,
'name': '-10 USD on A',
'trigger': 'auto',
'program_type': 'promotion',
'applies_on': 'current',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'discount',
'discount': 10,
'discount_mode': 'per_point',
'discount_applicability': 'specific',
'discount_product_ids': product_a,
'required_points': 1,
order = self.empty_order
'product_id': product_a.id,
'name': 'Product A',
'product_uom_qty': 1,
'order_id': order.id,
'product_id': product_b.id,
'name': 'Product B',
'product_uom_qty': 1,
'order_id': order.id,
'product_id': product_c.id,
'name': 'Product C',
'product_uom_qty': 1,
'order_id': order.id,
self._auto_rewards(order, programs)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 10, "The total should be 10$.")
# Try to apply another 10%
self._apply_promo_code(order, 'test_10pc')
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 9, "The total should be 9$.")
# Now the order way around
self._apply_promo_code(order, 'test_10pc')
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 18, "The total should be 9$.")
self._auto_rewards(order, programs)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 9, "The total should be 9$.")
def test_specific_discount_multiple_taxes(self):
# Check the following setup
# Product A 10$ 10% tva excl
# Product B 10$ 20% tva excl
# Program A -100% on product A
# Program B -5$ fixed on both products
# Applying both programs in a different order should result in a different
# outcome since discountable amounts are computed per tax
# Applying program A before B should yield a better final price
product_a, product_b = self.env['product.product'].create([
'name': 'Product A',
'list_price': 10,
'sale_ok': True,
'taxes_id': [(6, 0, [self.tax_10pc_excl.id])],
'name': 'Product B',
'list_price': 10,
'sale_ok': True,
'taxes_id': [(6, 0, [self.tax_20pc_excl.id])],
program_a, program_b = self.env['loyalty.program'].create([
'name': '-100% on A',
'trigger': 'auto',
'program_type': 'promotion',
'applies_on': 'current',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'discount',
'discount': 100,
'discount_mode': 'percent',
'discount_applicability': 'specific',
'discount_product_ids': product_a,
'required_points': 1,
'name': '-5 USD on [A, B]',
'trigger': 'auto',
'program_type': 'promotion',
'applies_on': 'current',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'discount',
'discount': 5,
'discount_mode': 'per_point',
'discount_applicability': 'specific',
'discount_product_ids': product_a | product_b,
'required_points': 1,
order = self.empty_order
'product_id': product_a.id,
'name': 'Product A',
'product_uom_qty': 1,
'order_id': order.id,
'product_id': product_b.id,
'name': 'Product B',
'product_uom_qty': 1,
'order_id': order.id,
self._auto_rewards(order, program_a)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 12, 'Total should be 12$')
self._auto_rewards(order, program_b)
self.assertAlmostEqual(order.amount_total, 7, 0, 'Total should be 7$')
# Now the order way around
self._auto_rewards(order, program_b)
self.assertAlmostEqual(order.amount_total, 18, 0, 'Total should be 18$')
self._auto_rewards(order, program_a)
# We essentially create a discount of -100% off of an already discounted product
# (11 - 2.4) = 8.6$ discount ~
self.assertAlmostEqual(order.amount_total, 9.4, 1, 'Total should be 9.4$')
def test_fixed_amount_taxes_attribution(self):
program = self.env['loyalty.program'].create({
'name': '-5 USD',
'trigger': 'auto',
'program_type': 'promotion',
'applies_on': 'current',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'discount',
'discount': 5,
'discount_mode': 'per_point',
'discount_applicability': 'order',
'required_points': 1,
order = self.empty_order
sol = self.env['sale.order.line'].create({
'product_id': self.drawerBlack.id,
'price_unit': 10,
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'order_id': order.id,
self._auto_rewards(order, program)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 5, 'Price should be 10$ - 5$(discount) = 5$')
self.assertEqual(order.amount_tax, 0, 'No taxes are applied yet')
sol.tax_id = self.tax_10pc_base_incl
self._auto_rewards(order, program)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 5, 'Price should be 10$ - 5$(discount) = 5$')
self.assertEqual(float_compare(order.amount_tax, 5 / 11, precision_rounding=3), 0, '10% Tax included in 5$')
sol.tax_id = self.tax_10pc_excl
self._auto_rewards(order, program)
# Value is 5.99 instead of 6 because you cannot have 6 with 10% tax excluded and a precision rounding of 2
self.assertAlmostEqual(order.amount_total, 6, 1, msg='Price should be 11$ - 5$(discount) = 6$')
self.assertEqual(float_compare(order.amount_tax, 6 / 11, precision_rounding=3), 0, '10% Tax included in 6$')
sol.tax_id = self.tax_20pc_excl
self._auto_rewards(order, program)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 7, 'Price should be 12$ - 5$(discount) = 7$')
self.assertEqual(float_compare(order.amount_tax, 7 / 4, precision_rounding=3), 0, '20% Tax included on 7$')
sol.tax_id = self.tax_10pc_base_incl + self.tax_10pc_excl
self._auto_rewards(order, program)
self.assertAlmostEqual(order.amount_total, 6, 1, msg='Price should be 11$ - 5$(discount) = 6$')
self.assertEqual(float_compare(order.amount_tax, 6 / 4, precision_rounding=3), 0, '20% Tax included on 6$')
def test_fixed_amount_taxes_attribution_multiline(self):
program = self.env['loyalty.program'].create({
'name': '-5 USD',
'trigger': 'auto',
'program_type': 'promotion',
'applies_on': 'current',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'discount',
'discount': 5,
'discount_mode': 'per_point',
'discount_applicability': 'order',
'required_points': 1,
order = self.empty_order
sol1 = self.env['sale.order.line'].create({
'product_id': self.drawerBlack.id,
'price_unit': 10,
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'order_id': order.id,
sol2 = self.env['sale.order.line'].create({
'product_id': self.drawerBlack.id,
'price_unit': 10,
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'order_id': order.id,
self._auto_rewards(order, program)
self.assertAlmostEqual(order.amount_total, 15, 1, msg='Price should be 20$ - 5$(discount) = 15$')
self.assertEqual(order.amount_tax, 0, 'No taxes are applied yet')
sol1.tax_id = self.tax_10pc_base_incl
self._auto_rewards(order, program)
self.assertAlmostEqual(order.amount_total, 15, 1, msg='Price should be 20$ - 5$(discount) = 15$')
self.assertEqual(float_compare(order.amount_tax, 5 / 11 + 0, precision_rounding=3), 0,
'10% Tax included in 5$ in sol1 (highest cost) and 0 in sol2')
sol2.tax_id = self.tax_10pc_excl
self._auto_rewards(order, program)
self.assertAlmostEqual(order.amount_total, 16, 1, msg='Price should be 21$ - 5$(discount) = 16$')
# Tax amount = 10% in 10$ + 10% in 11$
self.assertEqual(float_compare(order.amount_tax, 5 / 3, precision_rounding=3), 0)
sol2.tax_id = self.tax_10pc_base_incl + self.tax_10pc_excl
self._auto_rewards(order, program)
self.assertAlmostEqual(order.amount_total, 16, 1, msg='Price should be 21$ - 5$(discount) = 16$')
# Promo apply on line 2 (10% inc + 10% exc)
# Tax amount = 10% in 10$ + 10% in 10$ + 10% in 11 - 10% in 5$ - 10% in 4.55$ (100/110*5)
# = 10/11 + 10/11 + 11/11 - 5/11 - 4.55/11
# = 21.45/11
self.assertEqual(float_compare(order.amount_tax, 21.45 / 11, precision_rounding=3), 0)
sol3 = self.env['sale.order.line'].create({
'product_id': self.drawerBlack.id,
'price_unit': 10,
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'order_id': order.id,
sol3.tax_id = self.tax_10pc_excl
self._auto_rewards(order, program)
self.assertAlmostEqual(order.amount_total, 27, 1, msg='Price should be 32$ - 5$(discount) = 27$')
# Promo apply on line 2 (10% inc + 10% exc)
# Tax amount = 10% in 10$ + 10% in 10$ + 10% in 11$ + 10% in 11$ - 10% in 5$ - 10% in 4.55$ (100/110*5)
# = 10/11 + 10/11 + 11/11 + 11/11 - 5/11 - 4.55/11
# = 32.45/11
self.assertEqual(float_compare(order.amount_tax, 32.45 / 11, precision_rounding=3), 0)
def test_fixed_amount_with_negative_cost(self):
program = self.env['loyalty.program'].create({
'name': '-10 USD',
'trigger': 'auto',
'program_type': 'promotion',
'applies_on': 'current',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'discount',
'discount': 10,
'discount_mode': 'per_point',
'discount_applicability': 'order',
'required_points': 1,
order = self.empty_order
sol1 = self.env['sale.order.line'].create({
'product_id': self.drawerBlack.id,
'price_unit': 10,
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'order_id': order.id,
'product_id': self.drawerBlack.id,
'name': 'hand discount',
'price_unit': -5,
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'order_id': order.id,
self._auto_rewards(order, program)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line), 3, 'Promotion should add 1 line')
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 0, '10$ discount should cover the whole price')
sol1.price_unit = 20
self._auto_rewards(order, program)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line), 3, 'Promotion should add 1 line')
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 5, '10$ discount should be applied on top of the 15$ original price')
def test_fixed_amount_change_promo_amount(self):
program = self.env['loyalty.program'].create({
'name': '-10 USD',
'trigger': 'auto',
'program_type': 'promotion',
'applies_on': 'current',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'discount',
'discount': 10,
'discount_mode': 'per_point',
'discount_applicability': 'order',
'required_points': 1,
order = self.empty_order
'product_id': self.drawerBlack.id,
'price_unit': 10,
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'order_id': order.id,
self._auto_rewards(order, program)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line), 2, 'Promotion should add 1 line')
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 0, '10$ - 10$(discount) = 0$(total) ')
program.reward_ids.discount = 5
self._auto_rewards(order, program)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line), 2, 'Promotion should add 1 line')
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 5, '10$ - 5$(discount) = 5$(total) ')
def test_fixed_tax_not_affected(self):
program = self.env['loyalty.program'].create({
'name': '50% discount',
'program_type': 'promotion',
'trigger': 'auto',
'applies_on': 'current',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'discount',
'discount_mode': 'percent',
'discount': 50,
'discount_applicability': 'order',
'required_points': 1,
order = self.empty_order
# Create taxes
self.tax_15pc_excl = self.env['account.tax'].create({
'name': "15% Tax excl",
'amount_type': 'percent',
'amount': 15,
self.tax_10_fixed = self.env['account.tax'].create({
'name': "10$ Fixed tax",
'amount_type': 'fixed',
'amount': 10,
# Set tax and prices on products as neeed for the test
self.product_A.write({'list_price': 100})
self.product_A.taxes_id = (self.tax_15pc_excl + self.tax_10_fixed)
# Add products in order
'product_id': self.product_A.id,
'name': 'product A',
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'order_id': order.id,
self._auto_rewards(order, program)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line), 2, 'Promotion should add 1 line')
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 67.5, '100$ + 15% tax + 10$ tax - 50%(discount) = 67.5$(total) ')
self.assertEqual(order.amount_tax, 17.5, '15% tax + 10$ tax$ - 50%$(discount) = 17.5$(total) ')
def test_fixed_tax_not_affected_2(self):
program = self.env['loyalty.program'].create({
'name': '50$ discount',
'program_type': 'promotion',
'trigger': 'auto',
'applies_on': 'current',
'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {
'reward_type': 'discount',
'discount_mode': 'per_order',
'discount': 50,
'discount_applicability': 'order',
'required_points': 1,
order = self.empty_order
# Create taxes
self.tax_15pc_excl = self.env['account.tax'].create({
'name': "15% Tax excl",
'amount_type': 'percent',
'amount': 15,
self.tax_10_fixed = self.env['account.tax'].create({
'name': "10$ Fixed tax",
'amount_type': 'fixed',
'amount': 10,
# Set tax and prices on products as neeed for the test
self.product_A.write({'list_price': 100})
self.product_A.taxes_id = (self.tax_15pc_excl + self.tax_10_fixed)
# Add products in order
'product_id': self.product_A.id,
'name': 'product A',
'product_uom_qty': 1.0,
'order_id': order.id,
self._auto_rewards(order, program)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line), 2, 'Promotion should add 1 line')
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 75, '100$ + 15% tax + 10$ tax - 50$(discount) = 75$(total) ')
def test_loyalty_card_tax_total(self):
loyalty_program = self.env['loyalty.program'].create({
'name': 'Test loyalty card',
'program_type': 'loyalty',
'trigger': 'auto',
'applies_on': 'both',
'rule_ids': [Command.create({
'reward_point_mode': 'money',
'reward_point_amount': 0.01,
'reward_ids': [Command.create({
'reward_type': 'discount',
'discount_mode': 'per_point',
'discount': 1,
'discount_applicability': 'cheapest',
'required_points': 1,
order = self.empty_order
'program_id': loyalty_program.id,
'partner_id': order.partner_id.id,
'points': 3.39,
# Create taxes
tax_15pc_excl = self.env['account.tax'].create({
'name': "15% Tax excl",
'amount_type': 'percent',
'amount': 15,
# Set tax and prices on products as neeed for the test
'list_price': 140.0,
'taxes_id': [Command.set(tax_15pc_excl.ids)]
order.order_line = [
'product_id': self.product_A.id,
self._auto_rewards(order, loyalty_program)
self.assertEqual(len(order.order_line), 2, 'Promotion should add 1 line')
self.assertEqual(order.order_line[0].tax_id, tax_15pc_excl)
self.assertEqual(order.order_line[1].tax_id, tax_15pc_excl)
self.assertEqual(order.amount_total, 156.0, '140$ + 15% - 5$ = 156$')