2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

158 lines
9.2 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import api, models
from odoo.tools import float_compare
class SaleOrderLine(models.Model):
_inherit = 'sale.order.line'
@api.depends('product_uom_qty', 'qty_delivered', 'product_id', 'state')
def _compute_qty_to_deliver(self):
"""The inventory widget should now be visible in more cases if the product is consumable."""
super(SaleOrderLine, self)._compute_qty_to_deliver()
for line in self:
# Hide the widget for kits since forecast doesn't support them.
boms = self.env['mrp.bom']
if line.state == 'sale':
boms = line.move_ids.mapped('bom_line_id.bom_id')
elif line.state in ['draft', 'sent'] and line.product_id:
boms = boms._bom_find(line.product_id, company_id=line.company_id.id, bom_type='phantom')[line.product_id]
relevant_bom = boms.filtered(lambda b: b.type == 'phantom' and
(b.product_id == line.product_id or
(b.product_tmpl_id == line.product_id.product_tmpl_id and not b.product_id)))
if relevant_bom:
line.display_qty_widget = False
if line.state == 'draft' and line.product_type == 'consu':
components = line.product_id.get_components()
if components and components != [line.product_id.id]:
line.display_qty_widget = True
def _compute_qty_delivered(self):
super(SaleOrderLine, self)._compute_qty_delivered()
for order_line in self:
if order_line.qty_delivered_method == 'stock_move':
boms = order_line.move_ids.filtered(lambda m: m.state != 'cancel').mapped('bom_line_id.bom_id')
dropship = any(m._is_dropshipped() for m in order_line.move_ids)
# We fetch the BoMs of type kits linked to the order_line,
# the we keep only the one related to the finished produst.
# This bom should be the only one since bom_line_id was written on the moves
relevant_bom = boms.filtered(lambda b: b.type == 'phantom' and
(b.product_id == order_line.product_id or
(b.product_tmpl_id == order_line.product_id.product_tmpl_id and not b.product_id)))
if not relevant_bom:
relevant_bom = boms._bom_find(order_line.product_id, company_id=order_line.company_id.id, bom_type='phantom')[order_line.product_id]
if relevant_bom:
# not written on a move coming from a PO: all moves (to customer) must be done
# and the returns must be delivered back to the customer
# FIXME: if the components of a kit have different suppliers, multiple PO
# are generated. If one PO is confirmed and all the others are in draft, receiving
# the products for this PO will set the qty_delivered. We might need to check the
# state of all PO as well... but sale_mrp doesn't depend on purchase.
if dropship:
moves = order_line.move_ids.filtered(lambda m: m.state != 'cancel')
if any((m.location_dest_id.usage == 'customer' and m.state != 'done')
or (m.location_dest_id.usage != 'customer'
and m.state == 'done'
and float_compare(m.quantity,
sum(sub_m.product_uom._compute_quantity(sub_m.quantity, m.product_uom) for sub_m in m.returned_move_ids if sub_m.state == 'done'),
precision_rounding=m.product_uom.rounding) > 0)
for m in moves) or not moves:
order_line.qty_delivered = 0
order_line.qty_delivered = order_line.product_uom_qty
moves = order_line.move_ids.filtered(lambda m: m.state == 'done' and not m.scrapped)
filters = {
'incoming_moves': lambda m: m.location_dest_id.usage == 'customer' and (not m.origin_returned_move_id or (m.origin_returned_move_id and m.to_refund)),
'outgoing_moves': lambda m: m.location_dest_id.usage != 'customer' and m.to_refund
order_qty = order_line.product_uom._compute_quantity(order_line.product_uom_qty, relevant_bom.product_uom_id)
qty_delivered = moves._compute_kit_quantities(order_line.product_id, order_qty, relevant_bom, filters)
order_line.qty_delivered += relevant_bom.product_uom_id._compute_quantity(qty_delivered, order_line.product_uom)
# If no relevant BOM is found, fall back on the all-or-nothing policy. This happens
# when the product sold is made only of kits. In this case, the BOM of the stock moves
# do not correspond to the product sold => no relevant BOM.
elif boms:
# if the move is ingoing, the product **sold** has delivered qty 0
if all(m.state == 'done' and m.location_dest_id.usage == 'customer' for m in order_line.move_ids):
order_line.qty_delivered = order_line.product_uom_qty
order_line.qty_delivered = 0.0
def compute_uom_qty(self, new_qty, stock_move, rounding=True):
#check if stock move concerns a kit
if stock_move.bom_line_id:
return new_qty * stock_move.bom_line_id.product_qty
return super(SaleOrderLine, self).compute_uom_qty(new_qty, stock_move, rounding)
def _get_bom_component_qty(self, bom):
bom_quantity = self.product_id.uom_id._compute_quantity(1, bom.product_uom_id, rounding_method='HALF-UP')
boms, lines = bom.explode(self.product_id, bom_quantity)
components = {}
for line, line_data in lines:
product = line.product_id.id
uom = line.product_uom_id
qty = line_data['qty']
if components.get(product, False):
if uom.id != components[product]['uom']:
from_uom = uom
to_uom = self.env['uom.uom'].browse(components[product]['uom'])
qty = from_uom._compute_quantity(qty, to_uom)
components[product]['qty'] += qty
# To be in the uom reference of the product
to_uom = self.env['product.product'].browse(product).uom_id
if uom.id != to_uom.id:
from_uom = uom
qty = from_uom._compute_quantity(qty, to_uom)
components[product] = {'qty': qty, 'uom': to_uom.id}
return components
def _get_incoming_outgoing_moves_filter(self):
""" Method to be override: will get incoming moves and outgoing moves.
:return: Dictionary with incoming moves and outgoing moves
:rtype: dict
# The first move created was the one created from the intial rule that started it all.
sorted_moves = self.move_ids.sorted('id')
triggering_rule_ids = []
seen_wh_ids = set()
for move in sorted_moves:
if move.warehouse_id.id not in seen_wh_ids:
return {
'incoming_moves': lambda m: (
m.state != 'cancel' and not m.scrapped
and m.rule_id.id in triggering_rule_ids
and m.location_final_id.usage == 'customer'
and (not m.origin_returned_move_id or (m.origin_returned_move_id and m.to_refund)
'outgoing_moves': lambda m: (
m.state != 'cancel' and not m.scrapped
and m.location_dest_id.usage != 'customer' and m.to_refund
def _get_qty_procurement(self, previous_product_uom_qty=False):
# Specific case when we change the qty on a SO for a kit product.
# We don't try to be too smart and keep a simple approach: we use the quantity of entire
# kits that are currently in delivery
bom = self.env['mrp.bom'].sudo()._bom_find(self.product_id, bom_type='phantom', company_id=self.company_id.id)[self.product_id]
if bom:
moves = self.move_ids.filtered(lambda r: r.state != 'cancel' and not r.scrapped)
filters = self._get_incoming_outgoing_moves_filter()
order_qty = previous_product_uom_qty.get(self.id, 0) if previous_product_uom_qty else self.product_uom_qty
order_qty = self.product_uom._compute_quantity(order_qty, bom.product_uom_id)
qty = moves._compute_kit_quantities(self.product_id, order_qty, bom, filters)
return bom.product_uom_id._compute_quantity(qty, self.product_uom)
return super(SaleOrderLine, self)._get_qty_procurement(previous_product_uom_qty=previous_product_uom_qty)