365 lines
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365 lines
18 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import logging
from odoo import api, Command, models, fields
from odoo.addons.sms.tools.sms_tools import sms_content_to_rendered_html
from odoo.tools import html2plaintext
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MailThread(models.AbstractModel):
_inherit = 'mail.thread'
message_has_sms_error = fields.Boolean(
'SMS Delivery error', compute='_compute_message_has_sms_error', search='_search_message_has_sms_error',
help="If checked, some messages have a delivery error.")
def _compute_message_has_sms_error(self):
res = {}
if self.ids:
SELECT msg.res_id, COUNT(msg.res_id)
FROM mail_message msg
INNER JOIN mail_notification notif
ON notif.mail_message_id = msg.id
WHERE notif.notification_type = 'sms'
AND notif.notification_status = 'exception'
AND notif.author_id = %(author_id)s
AND msg.model = %(model_name)s
AND msg.res_id in %(res_ids)s
AND msg.message_type != 'user_notification'
GROUP BY msg.res_id
""", {'author_id': self.env.user.partner_id.id, 'model_name': self._name, 'res_ids': tuple(self.ids)})
for record in self:
record.message_has_sms_error = bool(res.get(record._origin.id, 0))
def _search_message_has_sms_error(self, operator, operand):
return ['&', ('message_ids.has_sms_error', operator, operand), ('message_ids.author_id', '=', self.env.user.partner_id.id)]
def _sms_get_recipients_info(self, force_field=False, partner_fallback=True):
"""" Get SMS recipient information on current record set. This method
checks for numbers and sanitation in order to centralize computation.
Example of use cases
* click on a field -> number is actually forced from field, find customer
linked to record, force its number to field or fallback on customer fields;
* contact -> find numbers from all possible phone fields on record, find
customer, force its number to found field number or fallback on customer fields;
:param force_field: either give a specific field to find phone number, either
generic heuristic is used to find one based on ``_phone_get_number_fields``;
:param partner_fallback: if no value found in the record, check its customer
values based on ``_mail_get_partners``;
:return dict: record.id: {
'partner': a res.partner recordset that is the customer (void or singleton)
linked to the recipient. See ``_mail_get_partners``;
'sanitized': sanitized number to use (coming from record's field or partner's
phone fields). Set to False is number impossible to parse and format;
'number': original number before sanitation;
'partner_store': whether the number comes from the customer phone fields. If
False it means number comes from the record itself, even if linked to a
'field_store': field in which the number has been found (generally mobile or
phone, see ``_phone_get_number_fields``);
} for each record in self
result = dict.fromkeys(self.ids, False)
tocheck_fields = [force_field] if force_field else self._phone_get_number_fields()
for record in self:
all_numbers = [record[fname] for fname in tocheck_fields if fname in record]
all_partners = record._mail_get_partners()[record.id]
valid_number, fname = False, False
for fname in [f for f in tocheck_fields if f in record]:
valid_number = record._phone_format(fname=fname)
if valid_number:
if valid_number:
result[record.id] = {
'partner': all_partners[0] if all_partners else self.env['res.partner'],
'sanitized': valid_number,
'number': record[fname],
'partner_store': False,
'field_store': fname,
elif all_partners and partner_fallback:
partner = self.env['res.partner']
for partner in all_partners:
for fname in self.env['res.partner']._phone_get_number_fields():
valid_number = partner._phone_format(fname=fname)
if valid_number:
if not valid_number:
fname = 'mobile' if partner.mobile else ('phone' if partner.phone else 'mobile')
result[record.id] = {
'partner': partner,
'sanitized': valid_number if valid_number else False,
'number': partner[fname],
'partner_store': True,
'field_store': fname,
# did not find any sanitized number -> take first set value as fallback;
# if none, just assign False to the first available number field
value, fname = next(
((value, fname) for value, fname in zip(all_numbers, tocheck_fields) if value),
(False, tocheck_fields[0] if tocheck_fields else False)
result[record.id] = {
'partner': self.env['res.partner'],
'sanitized': False,
'number': value,
'partner_store': False,
'field_store': fname
return result
@api.returns('mail.message', lambda value: value.id)
def message_post(self, *args, body='', message_type='notification', **kwargs):
# When posting an 'SMS' `message_type`, make sure that the body is used as-is in the sms,
# and reformat the message body for the notification (mainly making URLs clickable).
if message_type == 'sms':
kwargs['sms_content'] = body
body = sms_content_to_rendered_html(body)
return super().message_post(*args, body=body, message_type=message_type, **kwargs)
def _message_sms_schedule_mass(self, body='', template=False, **composer_values):
""" Shortcut method to schedule a mass sms sending on a recordset.
:param template: an optional sms.template record;
composer_context = {
'default_res_model': self._name,
'default_composition_mode': 'mass',
'default_template_id': template.id if template else False,
'default_res_ids': self.ids,
if body and not template:
composer_context['default_body'] = body
create_vals = {
'mass_force_send': False,
'mass_keep_log': True,
if composer_values:
composer = self.env['sms.composer'].with_context(**composer_context).create(create_vals)
return composer._action_send_sms()
def _message_sms_with_template(self, template=False, template_xmlid=False, template_fallback='', partner_ids=False, **kwargs):
""" Shortcut method to perform a _message_sms with an sms.template.
:param template: a valid sms.template record;
:param template_xmlid: XML ID of an sms.template (if no template given);
:param template_fallback: plaintext (inline_template-enabled) in case template
and template xml id are falsy (for example due to deleted data);
if not template and template_xmlid:
template = self.env.ref(template_xmlid, raise_if_not_found=False)
if template:
body = template._render_field('body', self.ids, compute_lang=True)[self.id]
body = self.env['sms.template']._render_template(template_fallback, self._name, self.ids)[self.id]
return self._message_sms(body, partner_ids=partner_ids, **kwargs)
def _message_sms(self, body, subtype_id=False, partner_ids=False, number_field=False,
sms_numbers=None, sms_pid_to_number=None, **kwargs):
""" Main method to post a message on a record using SMS-based notification
:param body: content of SMS;
:param subtype_id: mail.message.subtype used in mail.message associated
to the sms notification process;
:param partner_ids: if set is a record set of partners to notify;
:param number_field: if set is a name of field to use on current record
to compute a number to notify;
:param sms_numbers: see ``_notify_thread_by_sms``;
:param sms_pid_to_number: see ``_notify_thread_by_sms``;
sms_pid_to_number = sms_pid_to_number if sms_pid_to_number is not None else {}
if number_field or (partner_ids is False and sms_numbers is None):
info = self._sms_get_recipients_info(force_field=number_field)[self.id]
info_partner_ids = info['partner'].ids if info['partner'] else False
info_number = info['sanitized'] if info['sanitized'] else info['number']
if info_partner_ids and info_number:
sms_pid_to_number[info_partner_ids[0]] = info_number
if info_partner_ids:
partner_ids = info_partner_ids + (partner_ids or [])
if not info_partner_ids:
if info_number:
sms_numbers = [info_number] + (sms_numbers or [])
# will send a falsy notification allowing to fix it through SMS wizards
elif not sms_numbers:
sms_numbers = [False]
if subtype_id is False:
subtype_id = self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id('mail.mt_note')
return self.message_post(
body=body, partner_ids=partner_ids or [], # TDE FIXME: temp fix otherwise crash mail_thread.py
message_type='sms', subtype_id=subtype_id,
sms_numbers=sms_numbers, sms_pid_to_number=sms_pid_to_number,
def _notify_thread(self, message, msg_vals=False, **kwargs):
scheduled_date = self._is_notification_scheduled(kwargs.get('scheduled_date'))
recipients_data = super(MailThread, self)._notify_thread(message, msg_vals=msg_vals, **kwargs)
if not scheduled_date:
self._notify_thread_by_sms(message, recipients_data, msg_vals=msg_vals, **kwargs)
return recipients_data
def _notify_thread_by_sms(self, message, recipients_data, msg_vals=False,
sms_content=None, sms_numbers=None, sms_pid_to_number=None,
resend_existing=False, put_in_queue=False, **kwargs):
""" Notification method: by SMS.
:param message: ``mail.message`` record to notify;
:param recipients_data: list of recipients information (based on res.partner
records), formatted like
[{'active': partner.active;
'id': id of the res.partner being recipient to notify;
'groups': res.group IDs if linked to a user;
'notif': 'inbox', 'email', 'sms' (SMS App);
'share': partner.partner_share;
'type': 'customer', 'portal', 'user;'
}, {...}].
See ``MailThread._notify_get_recipients``;
:param msg_vals: dictionary of values used to create the message. If given it
may be used to access values related to ``message`` without accessing it
directly. It lessens query count in some optimized use cases by avoiding
access message content in db;
:param sms_content: plaintext version of body, mainly to avoid
conversion glitches by splitting html and plain text content formatting
(e.g.: links, styling.).
If not given, `msg_vals`'s `body` is used and converted from html to plaintext;
:param sms_numbers: additional numbers to notify in addition to partners
and classic recipients;
:param pid_to_number: force a number to notify for a given partner ID
instead of taking its mobile / phone number;
:param resend_existing: check for existing notifications to update based on
mailed recipient, otherwise create new notifications;
:param put_in_queue: use cron to send queued SMS instead of sending them
sms_pid_to_number = sms_pid_to_number if sms_pid_to_number is not None else {}
sms_numbers = sms_numbers if sms_numbers is not None else []
sms_create_vals = []
sms_all = self.env['sms.sms'].sudo()
# pre-compute SMS data
body = sms_content or html2plaintext(msg_vals['body'] if msg_vals and 'body' in msg_vals else message.body)
sms_base_vals = {
'body': body,
'mail_message_id': message.id,
'state': 'outgoing',
# notify from computed recipients_data (followers, specific recipients)
partners_data = [r for r in recipients_data if r['notif'] == 'sms']
partner_ids = [r['id'] for r in partners_data]
if partner_ids:
for partner in self.env['res.partner'].sudo().browse(partner_ids):
number = sms_pid_to_number.get(partner.id) or partner.mobile or partner.phone
number=partner._phone_format(number=number) or number,
# notify from additional numbers
if sms_numbers:
tocreate_numbers = [
self._phone_format(number=sms_number) or sms_number
for sms_number in sms_numbers
existing_partners_numbers = {vals_dict['number'] for vals_dict in sms_create_vals}
sms_create_vals += [dict(
state='outgoing' if n else 'error',
failure_type='' if n else 'sms_number_missing',
) for n in tocreate_numbers if n not in existing_partners_numbers]
# create sms and notification
existing_pids, existing_numbers = [], []
if sms_create_vals:
sms_all |= self.env['sms.sms'].sudo().create(sms_create_vals)
if resend_existing:
existing = self.env['mail.notification'].sudo().search([
'|', ('res_partner_id', 'in', partner_ids),
'&', ('res_partner_id', '=', False), ('sms_number', 'in', sms_numbers),
('notification_type', '=', 'sms'),
('mail_message_id', 'in', message.ids),
for n in existing:
if n.res_partner_id.id in partner_ids and n.mail_message_id == message:
if not n.res_partner_id and n.sms_number in sms_numbers and n.mail_message_id == message:
notif_create_values = [{
'author_id': message.author_id.id,
'mail_message_id': message.id,
'res_partner_id': sms.partner_id.id,
'sms_number': sms.number,
'notification_type': 'sms',
'sms_id_int': sms.id,
'sms_tracker_ids': [Command.create({'sms_uuid': sms.uuid})] if sms.state == 'outgoing' else False,
'is_read': True, # discard Inbox notification
'notification_status': 'ready' if sms.state == 'outgoing' else 'exception',
'failure_type': '' if sms.state == 'outgoing' else sms.failure_type,
} for sms in sms_all if (sms.partner_id and sms.partner_id.id not in existing_pids) or (not sms.partner_id and sms.number not in existing_numbers)]
if notif_create_values:
if existing_pids or existing_numbers:
for sms in sms_all:
notif = next((n for n in existing if
(n.res_partner_id.id in existing_pids and n.res_partner_id.id == sms.partner_id.id) or
(not n.res_partner_id and n.sms_number in existing_numbers and n.sms_number == sms.number)), False)
if notif:
'notification_type': 'sms',
'notification_status': 'ready',
'sms_id_int': sms.id,
'sms_tracker_ids': [Command.create({'sms_uuid': sms.uuid})],
'sms_number': sms.number,
if sms_all and not put_in_queue:
sms_all.filtered(lambda sms: sms.state == 'outgoing').send(auto_commit=False, raise_exception=False)
return True
def _get_notify_valid_parameters(self):
return super()._get_notify_valid_parameters() | {
'put_in_queue', 'sms_numbers', 'sms_pid_to_number', 'sms_content',
def notify_cancel_by_type(self, notification_type):
if notification_type == 'sms':
# TDE CHECK: delete pending SMS
return True