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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import api, models
from odoo.addons.snailmail.country_utils import SNAILMAIL_COUNTRIES
class ResPartner(models.Model):
_inherit = "res.partner"
def write(self, vals):
letter_address_vals = {}
address_fields = ['street', 'street2', 'city', 'zip', 'state_id', 'country_id']
for field in address_fields:
if field in vals:
letter_address_vals[field] = vals[field]
if letter_address_vals:
letters = self.env['snailmail.letter'].search([
('state', 'not in', ['sent', 'canceled']),
('partner_id', 'in', self.ids),
return super(ResPartner, self).write(vals)
def _get_country_name(self):
# when sending a letter, thus rendering the report with the snailmail_layout,
# we need to override the country name to its english version following the
# dictionary imported in country_utils.py
country_code = self.country_id.code
if self.env.context.get('snailmail_layout') and country_code in SNAILMAIL_COUNTRIES:
return SNAILMAIL_COUNTRIES.get(country_code)
return super(ResPartner, self)._get_country_name()
def _get_address_format(self):
# When sending a letter, the fields 'street' and 'street2' should be on a single line to fit in the address area
if self.env.context.get('snailmail_layout') and self.country_id.code == 'DE':
# Germany requires specific address formatting for Pingen
result = "%(street)s"
if self.street2:
result += " // %(street2)s"
return result + "\n%(zip)s %(city)s\n%(country_name)s"
if self.env.context.get('snailmail_layout') and self.street2:
return "%(street)s, %(street2)s\n%(city)s %(state_code)s %(zip)s\n%(country_name)s"
return super(ResPartner, self)._get_address_format()