105 lines
3.2 KiB
105 lines
3.2 KiB
/** @odoo-module **/
import { insertSnippet, registerWebsitePreviewTour } from "@website/js/tours/tour_utils";
* The purpose of this tour is to check the custom snippets flow:
* -> go to edit mode
* -> drag a banner into page content
* -> customize banner (set text)
* -> save banner as custom snippet
* -> confirm save
* -> ensure custom snippet is available in the "add snippet" dialog
* -> add custom snippet into the page
* -> ensure block appears as banner
* -> ensure block appears as custom banner
* -> rename custom banner
* -> verify rename took effect
* -> delete custom snippet
* -> confirm delete
* -> ensure it was deleted
registerWebsitePreviewTour('test_custom_snippet', {
url: '/',
edition: true,
}, () => [
id: 's_banner',
name: 'Banner',
groupName: "Intro",
content: "Customize snippet",
trigger: ":iframe #wrapwrap .s_banner h1",
run: "editor Test",
content: "Save custom snippet",
trigger: ".snippet-option-SnippetSave we-button",
run: "click",
content: "Confirm reload",
trigger: ".modal-dialog button:contains('Save and Reload')",
run: "click",
content: "Click on the Custom category block",
trigger: "#oe_snippets .oe_snippet[name='Custom'].o_we_draggable .oe_snippet_thumbnail",
run: "click",
content: "Ensure custom snippet preview appeared in the dialog",
trigger: ":iframe .o_snippet_preview_wrap[data-snippet-id='s_banner'] section[data-name='Custom Banner']",
content: "Rename custom snippet",
trigger: ":iframe .o_custom_snippet_wrap > .o_custom_snippet_edit > button",
run: "click",
content: "Set name",
trigger: ".o_rename_custom_snippet_dialog input[id='customSnippetName']",
run: "edit Bruce Banner",
content: "Confirm rename",
trigger: ".o_rename_custom_snippet_dialog footer .btn-primary",
run: "click",
content: "Click on the 'Bruce Banner' snippet",
trigger: ":iframe .o_snippet_preview_wrap[data-snippet-id='s_banner']:has(section[data-name='Bruce Banner'])",
run: "click",
content: "Ensure banner section exists",
trigger: ":iframe #wrap section[data-name='Banner']",
content: "Ensure custom banner section exists",
trigger: ":iframe #wrap section[data-name='Bruce Banner']",
content: "Click on the Custom category block",
trigger: "#oe_snippets .oe_snippet[name='Custom'].o_we_draggable .oe_snippet_thumbnail",
run: "click",
content: "Delete custom snippet",
trigger: ":iframe .o_custom_snippet_wrap > .o_custom_snippet_edit > button + button",
run: "click",
content: "Confirm delete",
trigger: ".modal-dialog button:contains('Yes')",
run: "click",
content: "Ensure custom snippet disappeared",
trigger: ":iframe .o_add_snippets_preview:not(:has(section[data-name='Bruce Banner']))",