183 lines
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183 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import re
from collections import defaultdict
import itertools
from odoo import api, fields, models
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.osv import expression
class UtmMixin(models.AbstractModel):
""" Mixin class for objects which can be tracked by marketing. """
_name = 'utm.mixin'
_description = 'UTM Mixin'
campaign_id = fields.Many2one('utm.campaign', 'Campaign', index='btree_not_null',
help="This is a name that helps you keep track of your different campaign efforts, e.g. Fall_Drive, Christmas_Special")
source_id = fields.Many2one('utm.source', 'Source', index='btree_not_null',
help="This is the source of the link, e.g. Search Engine, another domain, or name of email list")
medium_id = fields.Many2one('utm.medium', 'Medium', index='btree_not_null',
help="This is the method of delivery, e.g. Postcard, Email, or Banner Ad")
def default_get(self, fields):
values = super(UtmMixin, self).default_get(fields)
# We ignore UTM for salesmen, except some requests that could be done as superuser_id to bypass access rights.
if not self.env.is_superuser() and self.env.user.has_group('sales_team.group_sale_salesman'):
return values
for url_param, field_name, cookie_name in self.env['utm.mixin'].tracking_fields():
if field_name in fields:
field = self._fields[field_name]
value = False
if request:
# ir_http dispatch saves the url params in a cookie
value = request.cookies.get(cookie_name)
# if we receive a string for a many2one, we search/create the id
if field.type == 'many2one' and isinstance(value, str) and value:
record = self._find_or_create_record(field.comodel_name, value)
value = record.id
if value:
values[field_name] = value
return values
def tracking_fields(self):
# This function cannot be overridden in a model which inherit utm.mixin
# Limitation by the heritage on AbstractModel
# record_crm_lead.tracking_fields() will call tracking_fields() from module utm.mixin (if not overridden on crm.lead)
# instead of the overridden method from utm.mixin.
# To force the call of overridden method, we use self.env['utm.mixin'].tracking_fields() which respects overridden
# methods of utm.mixin, but will ignore overridden method on crm.lead
return [
('utm_campaign', 'campaign_id', 'odoo_utm_campaign'),
('utm_source', 'source_id', 'odoo_utm_source'),
('utm_medium', 'medium_id', 'odoo_utm_medium'),
def _tracking_models(self):
fnames = {fname for _, fname, _ in self.tracking_fields()}
return {
for fname in fnames
if fname in self._fields and self._fields[fname].type == "many2one"
def find_or_create_record(self, model_name, name):
""" Version of ``_find_or_create_record`` used in frontend notably in
website_links. For UTM models it calls _find_or_create_record. For other
models (as through inheritance custom models could be used notably in
website links) it simply calls a create. In the end it relies on
standard ACLs, and is mainly a wrapper for UTM models.
:return: id of newly created or found record. As the magic of call_kw
for create is not called anymore we have to manually return an id
instead of a recordset. """
if model_name in self._tracking_models():
record = self._find_or_create_record(model_name, name)
record = self.env[model_name].create({self.env[model_name]._rec_name: name})
return {'id': record.id, 'name': record.display_name}
def _find_or_create_record(self, model_name, name):
"""Based on the model name and on the name of the record, retrieve the corresponding record or create it."""
Model = self.env[model_name]
cleaned_name = name.strip()
if cleaned_name:
record = Model.with_context(active_test=False).search([('name', '=ilike', cleaned_name)], limit=1)
if not record:
# No record found, create a new one
record_values = {'name': cleaned_name}
if 'is_auto_campaign' in record._fields:
record_values['is_auto_campaign'] = True
record = Model.create(record_values)
return record
def _get_unique_names(self, model_name, names):
"""Generate unique names for the given model.
Take a list of names and return for each names, the new names to set
in the same order (with a counter added if needed).
The name "test" already exists in database
Input: ['test', 'test [3]', 'bob', 'test', 'test']
Output: ['test [2]', 'test [3]', 'bob', 'test [4]', 'test [5]']
:param model_name: name of the model for which we will generate unique names
:param names: list of names, we will ensure that each name will be unique
:return: a list of new values for each name, in the same order
# Avoid conflicting with itself, otherwise each check at update automatically
# increments counters
skip_record_ids = self.env.context.get("utm_check_skip_record_ids") or []
# Remove potential counter part in each names
names_without_counter = {self._split_name_and_count(name)[0] for name in names}
# Retrieve existing similar names
search_domain = expression.OR([[('name', 'ilike', name)] for name in names_without_counter])
if skip_record_ids:
search_domain = expression.AND([
[('id', 'not in', skip_record_ids)],
existing_names = {vals['name'] for vals in self.env[model_name].search_read(search_domain, ['name'])}
# Counter for each names, based on the names list given in argument
# and the record names in database
used_counters_per_name = {
name: {
for existing_name in existing_names
if existing_name == name or existing_name.startswith(f'{name} [')
} for name in names_without_counter
# Automatically incrementing counters for each name, will be used
# to fill holes in used_counters_per_name
current_counter_per_name = defaultdict(lambda: itertools.count(1))
result = []
for name in names:
if not name:
name_without_counter, asked_counter = self._split_name_and_count(name)
existing = used_counters_per_name.get(name_without_counter, set())
if asked_counter and asked_counter not in existing:
count = asked_counter
# keep going until the count is not already used
for count in current_counter_per_name[name_without_counter]:
if count not in existing:
result.append(f'{name_without_counter} [{count}]' if count > 1 else name_without_counter)
return result
def _split_name_and_count(name):
Return the name part and the counter based on the given name.
"Medium" -> "Medium", 1
"Medium [1234]" -> "Medium", 1234
name = name or ''
name_counter_re = r'(.*)\s+\[([0-9]+)\]'
match = re.match(name_counter_re, name)
if match:
return match.group(1), int(match.group(2) or '1')
return name, 1