2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

209 lines
8.9 KiB

/** @odoo-module */
import { Component, useState, xml } from "@odoo/owl";
import { Tag } from "../core/tag";
import { Test } from "../core/test";
import { subscribeToURLParams } from "../core/url";
import { formatHumanReadable, formatTime, getTypeOf, ordinal } from "../hoot_utils";
import { HootLink } from "./hoot_link";
import { HootTechnicalValue } from "./hoot_technical_value";
* @typedef {{
* open: boolean;
* slots: any;
* test: Test;
* }} TestResultProps
/** @extends {Component<TestResultProps, import("../hoot").Environment>} */
export class HootTestResult extends Component {
static components = { HootLink, HootTechnicalValue };
static props = {
open: Boolean,
slots: {
type: Object,
shape: {
default: Object,
test: Test,
static template = xml`
class="${HootTestResult.name} flex flex-col border-b border-gray-300 dark:border-gray-600"
class="px-3 flex items-center justify-between"
<t t-slot="default" />
<t t-if="state.showDetails and !props.test.config.skip">
<t t-foreach="results" t-as="result" t-key="result_index">
<t t-if="results.length > 1">
<div t-attf-class="text-{{ result.pass ? 'pass' : 'fail' }} mx-2 mb-1" >
<t t-esc="ordinal(result_index + 1)" /> run:
<div class="hoot-result-detail grid gap-1 rounded overflow-x-auto p-1 mx-2 mb-1 animate-slide-down">
<t t-foreach="result.assertions || []" t-as="assertion" t-key="assertion.id">
t-attf-class="text-{{ assertion.pass ? 'pass' : 'fail' }} flex items-center gap-1 px-2 truncate"
<t t-esc="(assertion_index + 1) + '.'" />
<t t-if="assertion.label">
<i t-if="assertion.modifiers.rejects" class="fa fa-times text-skip" />
<i t-elif="assertion.modifiers.resolves" class="fa fa-arrow-right text-skip" />
<i t-if="assertion.modifiers.not" class="fa fa-exclamation text-skip" />
<!-- TODO: add documentation links once they exist -->
<a href="#" class="hoot-link text-skip">
<strong t-esc="assertion.label" />
class="flex gap-1 truncate items-center"
<t t-foreach="assertion.messageParts" t-as="part" t-key="part_index">
<t t-if="part.type and part.type !== 'raw'">
<t t-if="part.type.endsWith('[]')">
<strong class="hoot-array">
<span t-attf-class="hoot-{{ part.type.slice(0, -2) }}" t-esc="part.slice(1, -1)" />
<t t-else="">
<strong t-attf-class="hoot-{{ part.type }}" t-esc="part" />
<t t-else="">
<span t-esc="part" />
<t t-set="timestamp" t-value="formatTime(assertion.ts - (result.ts || 0), 'ms')" />
<small class="text-muted flex items-center" t-att-title="timestamp">
<t t-esc="'@' + timestamp" />
<t t-if="!assertion.pass and assertion.failedDetails">
<div class="hoot-info grid gap-x-2 col-span-2">
<t t-foreach="assertion.failedDetails" t-as="details" t-key="details_index">
<HootTechnicalValue value="details[0]" />
<HootTechnicalValue value="details[1]" />
<t t-foreach="result.errors || []" t-as="error" t-key="error_index">
<div class="px-2 text-fail col-span-2">
Error while running test "<t t-esc="props.test.name" />"
<div class="hoot-info grid gap-x-2 col-span-2">
<div class="hoot-info-line grid gap-x-2">
<span class="text-fail">Source:</span>
class="hoot-technical m-0"
<t t-if="error.cause">
<div class="hoot-info grid col-span-2">
<div class="hoot-info-line grid gap-x-2">
<span class="text-fail">Cause:</span>
class="hoot-technical m-0"
<div class="m-2 mt-0 flex flex-col">
class="hoot-link text-muted text-sm px-1"
<t t-if="state.showCode">
Hide source code
<t t-else="">
Show source code
<t t-if="state.showCode">
class="p-2 rounded bg-white text-black dark:bg-black dark:text-white animate-slide-down overflow-auto"
><code class="language-javascript" t-out="props.test.code" /></pre>
Tag = Tag;
formatHumanReadable = formatHumanReadable;
formatTime = formatTime;
getTypeOf = getTypeOf;
ordinal = ordinal;
setup() {
this.logs = useState(this.props.test.logs);
this.results = useState(this.props.test.results);
this.state = useState({
showCode: false,
showDetails: this.props.open,
getClassName() {
if (this.logs.error) {
return "bg-fail-900";
switch (this.props.test.status) {
case Test.ABORTED: {
return "bg-abort-900";
case Test.FAILED: {
if (this.props.test.config.todo) {
return "bg-todo-900";
} else {
return "bg-fail-900";
case Test.PASSED: {
if (this.logs.warn) {
return "bg-abort-900";
} else if (this.props.test.config.todo) {
return "bg-todo-900";
} else {
return "bg-pass-900";
default: {
return "bg-skip-900";
toggleCode() {
this.state.showCode = !this.state.showCode;
toggleDetails() {
this.state.showDetails = !this.state.showDetails;