2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

357 lines
14 KiB

import { expect, test } from "@odoo/hoot";
import { animationFrame } from "@odoo/hoot-mock";
import { click, queryFirst } from "@odoo/hoot-dom";
import { Component, xml } from "@odoo/owl";
import { mountWithCleanup } from "@web/../tests/web_test_helpers";
import { Notebook } from "@web/core/notebook/notebook";
test("not rendered if empty slots", async () => {
await mountWithCleanup(Notebook);
test("notebook with multiple pages given as slots", async () => {
class Parent extends Component {
static template = xml`<Notebook>
<t t-set-slot="page_about" title="'About'" isVisible="true">
<h3>About the bird</h3>
<p>Owls are birds from the order Strigiformes which includes over
200 species of mostly solitary and nocturnal birds of prey typified by an upright stance, ...</p>
<t t-set-slot="page_hunting" title="'Owl Activities'" isVisible="true">
<h3>Their favorite activity: hunting</h3>
<p>Owls are called raptors, or birds of prey, which means they use sharp talons and curved bills to hunt, kill, and eat other animals.</p>
<t t-set-slot="page_secret" title="'Secret about OWLs'" isVisible="false">
<p>TODO find a great secret about OWLs.</p>
static components = { Notebook };
static props = ["*"];
await mountWithCleanup(Parent);
expect(".o_notebook").toHaveClass("horizontal", {
message: "default orientation is set as horizontal",
expect(".nav").toHaveClass("flex-row", {
message: "navigation container uses the right class to display as horizontal tabs",
expect(".o_notebook_headers a.nav-link").toHaveCount(2, {
message: "navigation link is present for each visible page",
expect(".o_notebook_headers .nav-item:first-child a").toHaveClass("active", {
message: "first page is selected by default",
expect(".active h3").toHaveText("About the bird", {
message: "first page content is displayed by the notebook",
await click(".o_notebook_headers .nav-item:nth-child(2) a");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_notebook_headers .nav-item:nth-child(2) a").toHaveClass("active", {
message: "second page is now selected",
expect(".active h3").toHaveText("Their favorite activity: hunting", {
message: "second page content is displayed by the notebook",
test("notebook with defaultPage props", async () => {
class Parent extends Component {
static template = xml`<Notebook defaultPage="'page_hunting'">
<t t-set-slot="page_about" title="'About'" isVisible="true">
<h3>About the bird</h3>
<p>Owls are birds from the order Strigiformes which includes over
200 species of mostly solitary and nocturnal birds of prey typified by an upright stance, ...</p>
<t t-set-slot="page_hunting" title="'Owl Activities'" isVisible="true">
<h3>Their favorite activity: hunting</h3>
<p>Owls are called raptors, or birds of prey, which means they use sharp talons and curved bills to hunt, kill, and eat other animals.</p>
<t t-set-slot="page_secret" title="'Secret about OWLs'" isVisible="false">
<p>TODO find a great secret about OWLs.</p>
static components = { Notebook };
static props = ["*"];
await mountWithCleanup(Parent);
expect(".o_notebook_headers .nav-item:nth-child(2) a").toHaveClass("active", {
message: "second page is selected by default",
expect(".active h3").toHaveText("Their favorite activity: hunting", {
message: "second page content is displayed by the notebook",
test("notebook with defaultPage set on invisible page", async () => {
class Parent extends Component {
static template = xml`<Notebook defaultPage="'page_secret'">
<t t-set-slot="page_about" title="'About'" isVisible="true">
<h3>About the bird</h3>
<p>Owls are birds from the order Strigiformes which includes over
200 species of mostly solitary and nocturnal birds of prey typified by an upright stance, ...</p>
<t t-set-slot="page_hunting" title="'Owl Activities'" isVisible="true">
<h3>Their favorite activity: hunting</h3>
<p>Owls are called raptors, or birds of prey, which means they use sharp talons and curved bills to hunt, kill, and eat other animals.</p>
<t t-set-slot="page_secret" title="'Secret about OWLs'" isVisible="false">
<p>TODO find a great secret to reveal about OWLs.</p>
static components = { Notebook };
static props = ["*"];
await mountWithCleanup(Parent);
expect(".o_notebook_headers .nav-item a.active").toHaveText("About", {
message: "The first page is selected",
test("notebook set vertically", async () => {
class Parent extends Component {
static template = xml`<Notebook orientation="'vertical'">
<t t-set-slot="page_about" title="'About'" isVisible="true">
<h3>About the bird</h3>
<p>Owls are birds from the order Strigiformes which includes over
200 species of mostly solitary and nocturnal birds of prey typified by an upright stance, ...</p>
<t t-set-slot="page_hunting" title="'Owl Activities'" isVisible="true">
<h3>Their favorite activity: hunting</h3>
<p>Owls are called raptors, or birds of prey, which means they use sharp talons and curved bills to hunt, kill, and eat other animals.</p>
static components = { Notebook };
static props = ["*"];
await mountWithCleanup(Parent);
expect(".o_notebook").toHaveClass("vertical", {
message: "orientation is set as vertical",
expect(".nav").toHaveClass("flex-column", {
message: "navigation container uses the right class to display as vertical buttons",
test("notebook pages rendered by a template component", async () => {
class NotebookPageRenderer extends Component {
static template = xml`
<h3 t-esc="props.heading"></h3>
<p t-esc="props.text" />
static props = {
heading: String,
text: String,
class Parent extends Component {
static template = xml`<Notebook defaultPage="'page_three'" pages="pages">
<t t-set-slot="page_one" title="'Page 1'" isVisible="true">
<h3>Page 1</h3>
<p>First page set directly as a slot</p>
<t t-set-slot="page_four" title="'Page 4'" isVisible="true">
<h3>Page 4</h3>
static components = { Notebook };
static props = ["*"];
setup() {
this.pages = [
Component: NotebookPageRenderer,
index: 1,
title: "Page 2",
props: {
heading: "Page 2",
text: "Second page rendered by a template component",
Component: NotebookPageRenderer,
id: "page_three", // required to be set as default page
index: 2,
title: "Page 3",
props: {
heading: "Page 3",
text: "Third page rendered by a template component",
await mountWithCleanup(Parent);
expect(".o_notebook_headers .nav-item:nth-child(3) a").toHaveClass("active", {
message: "third page is selected by default",
await click(".o_notebook_headers .nav-item:nth-child(2) a");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_notebook_content p").toHaveText("Second page rendered by a template component", {
message: "displayed content corresponds to the current page",
test("each page is different", async () => {
class Page extends Component {
static template = xml`<h3>Coucou</h3>`;
static props = ["*"];
class Parent extends Component {
static template = xml`<Notebook pages="pages"/>`;
static components = { Notebook };
static props = ["*"];
setup() {
this.pages = [
Component: Page,
index: 1,
title: "Page 1",
Component: Page,
index: 2,
title: "Page 2",
await mountWithCleanup(Parent);
const firstPage = queryFirst("h3");
await click(".o_notebook_headers .nav-item:nth-child(2) a");
await animationFrame();
const secondPage = queryFirst("h3");
test("defaultPage recomputed when isVisible is dynamic", async () => {
let defaultPageVisible = false;
class Parent extends Component {
static components = { Notebook };
static template = xml`
<Notebook defaultPage="'3'">
<t t-set-slot="1" title="'page1'" isVisible="true">
<div class="page1" />
<t t-set-slot="2" title="'page2'" isVisible="true">
<div class="page2" />
<t t-set-slot="3" title="'page3'" isVisible="defaultPageVisible">
<div class="page3" />
static props = ["*"];
get defaultPageVisible() {
return defaultPageVisible;
const parent = await mountWithCleanup(Parent);
defaultPageVisible = true;
await animationFrame();
await click(".o_notebook_headers .nav-item:nth-child(2) a");
await animationFrame();
await animationFrame();
test("disabled pages are greyed out and can't be toggled", async () => {
class Parent extends Component {
static components = { Notebook };
static template = xml`
<Notebook defaultPage="'1'">
<t t-set-slot="1" title="'page1'" isVisible="true">
<div class="page1" />
<t t-set-slot="2" title="'page2'" isVisible="true" isDisabled="true">
<div class="page2" />
<t t-set-slot="3" title="'page3'" isVisible="true">
<div class="page3" />
static props = ["*"];
await mountWithCleanup(Parent);
expect(".nav-item:nth-child(2)").toHaveClass("disabled", {
message: "tab of the disabled page is greyed out",
await click(".nav-item:nth-child(2) .nav-link");
await animationFrame();
expect(".page1").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "the same page is still displayed",
await click(".nav-item:nth-child(3) .nav-link");
await animationFrame();
expect(".page3").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "the third page is now displayed",
test("icons can be given for each page tab", async () => {
class Parent extends Component {
static components = { Notebook };
static template = xml`
<Notebook defaultPage="'1'" icons="icons">
<t t-set-slot="1" title="'page1'" isVisible="true">
<div class="page1" />
<t t-set-slot="2" title="'page2'" isVisible="true">
<div class="page2" />
<t t-set-slot="3" title="'page3'" isVisible="true">
<div class="page3" />
static props = ["*"];
get icons() {
return {
1: "fa-trash",
3: "fa-pencil",
await mountWithCleanup(Parent);
expect(".nav-item:nth-child(1) i").toHaveClass("fa-trash");
expect(".nav-item:nth-child(2) i").toHaveCount(0);
expect(".nav-item:nth-child(3) i").toHaveClass("fa-pencil");