2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

332 lines
9.4 KiB

/** @odoo-module alias=@web/../tests/helpers/mock_services default=false */
import { effectService } from "@web/core/effects/effect_service";
import { localization } from "@web/core/l10n/localization";
import { ConnectionAbortedError, rpcBus, rpc } from "@web/core/network/rpc";
import { ormService } from "@web/core/orm_service";
import { overlayService } from "@web/core/overlay/overlay_service";
import { uiService } from "@web/core/ui/ui_service";
import { user } from "@web/core/user";
import { patchWithCleanup } from "./utils";
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mock Services
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
export const defaultLocalization = {
dateFormat: "MM/dd/yyyy",
timeFormat: "HH:mm:ss",
shortTimeFormat: "HH:mm",
dateTimeFormat: "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss",
decimalPoint: ".",
direction: "ltr",
grouping: [],
multiLang: false,
thousandsSep: ",",
weekStart: 7,
* @param {Partial<typeof defaultLocalization>} [config]
export function makeFakeLocalizationService(config = {}) {
patchWithCleanup(localization, { ...defaultLocalization, ...config });
patchWithCleanup(luxon.Settings, { defaultNumberingSystem: "latn" });
return {
name: "localization",
start: async (env) => {
return localization;
export function patchRPCWithCleanup(mockRPC = () => {}) {
let nextId = 1;
patchWithCleanup(rpc, {
_rpc: function (route, params = {}, settings = {}) {
let rejectFn;
const data = {
id: nextId++,
jsonrpc: "2.0",
method: "call",
params: params,
rpcBus.trigger("RPC:REQUEST", { data, url: route, settings });
const rpcProm = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
rejectFn = reject;
.then((result) => {
rpcBus.trigger("RPC:RESPONSE", { data, settings, result });
.catch((error) => {
rpcBus.trigger("RPC:RESPONSE", {
rpcProm.abort = (rejectError = true) => {
if (rejectError) {
rejectFn(new ConnectionAbortedError("XmlHttpRequestError abort"));
return rpcProm;
export function makeMockXHR(response, sendCb, def) {
const MockXHR = function () {
return {
_loadListener: null,
url: "",
addEventListener(type, listener) {
if (type === "load") {
this._loadListener = listener;
} else if (type === "error") {
this._errorListener = listener;
set onload(listener) {
this._loadListener = listener;
set onerror(listener) {
this._errorListener = listener;
open(method, url) {
this.url = url;
getResponseHeader() {},
setRequestHeader() {},
async send(data) {
let listener = this._loadListener;
if (sendCb) {
if (typeof data === "string") {
try {
data = JSON.parse(data);
} catch {
// Ignore
try {
await sendCb.call(this, data);
} catch {
listener = this._errorListener;
if (def) {
await def;
response: JSON.stringify(response || ""),
return MockXHR;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Low level API mocking
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
export function makeMockFetch(mockRPC) {
return async (input, params) => {
let route = typeof input === "string" ? input : input.url;
if (route.includes("load_menus")) {
const routeArray = route.split("/");
params = {
hash: routeArray.pop(),
route = routeArray.join("/");
let res;
let status;
try {
res = await mockRPC(route, params);
status = 200;
} catch {
status = 500;
const blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(res || {})], { type: "application/json" });
const response = new Response(blob, { status });
// Mock some functions of the Response API to make them almost synchronous (micro-tick level)
// as their native implementation is async (tick level), which can lead to undeterministic
// errors as it breaks the hypothesis that calling nextTick after fetching data is enough
// to see the result rendered in the DOM.
response.json = () => Promise.resolve(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(res || {})));
response.text = () => Promise.resolve(String(res || {}));
response.blob = () => Promise.resolve(blob);
return response;
export const fakeCommandService = {
start() {
return {
add() {
return () => {};
getCommands() {
return [];
openPalette() {},
export const fakeTitleService = {
start() {
let current = {};
return {
get current() {
return JSON.stringify(current);
getParts() {
return current;
setParts(parts) {
current = Object.assign({}, current, parts);
export const fakeColorSchemeService = {
start() {
return {
switchToColorScheme() {},
export function makeFakeNotificationService(mock) {
return {
start() {
function add() {
if (mock) {
return mock(...arguments);
return {
export function makeFakeDialogService(addDialog, closeAllDialog) {
return {
start() {
return {
add: addDialog || (() => () => {}),
closeAll: closeAllDialog || (() => () => {}),
export function makeFakePwaService() {
return {
start() {
return {
canPromptToInstall: false,
isAvailable: false,
isScopedApp: false
export function patchUserContextWithCleanup(patch) {
const context = user.context;
patchWithCleanup(user, {
get context() {
return Object.assign({}, context, patch);
export function patchUserWithCleanup(patch) {
patchWithCleanup(user, patch);
export const fakeCompanyService = {
start() {
return {
allowedCompanies: {},
allowedCompaniesWithAncestors: {},
activeCompanyIds: [],
currentCompany: {},
setCompanies: () => {},
getCompany: () => {},
export function makeFakeBarcodeService() {
return {
start() {
return {
bus: {
async addEventListener() {},
async removeEventListener() {},
export function makeFakeHTTPService(getResponse, postResponse) {
getResponse =
getResponse ||
((route, readMethod) => {
return readMethod === "json" ? {} : "";
postResponse =
postResponse ||
((route, params, readMethod) => {
return readMethod === "json" ? {} : "";
return {
start() {
return {
async get(...args) {
return getResponse(...args);
async post(...args) {
return postResponse(...args);
function makeFakeActionService() {
return {
start() {
return {
doAction() {},
export const mocks = {
color_scheme: () => fakeColorSchemeService,
company: () => fakeCompanyService,
command: () => fakeCommandService,
effect: () => effectService, // BOI The real service ? Is this what we want ?
localization: makeFakeLocalizationService,
notification: makeFakeNotificationService,
title: () => fakeTitleService,
ui: () => uiService,
dialog: makeFakeDialogService,
orm: () => ormService,
action: makeFakeActionService,
overlay: () => overlayService,