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import { expect, test } from "@odoo/hoot";
import { click, edit, queryAll, queryAllTexts, select } from "@odoo/hoot-dom";
import { animationFrame, mockTimeZone } from "@odoo/hoot-mock";
import {
} from "@web/../tests/web_test_helpers";
import {
} from "@web/../tests/core/datetime/datetime_test_helpers";
class Partner extends models.Model {
date = fields.Date({ string: "A date", searchable: true });
datetime = fields.Datetime({ string: "A datetime", searchable: true });
p = fields.One2many({
string: "one2many field",
relation: "partner",
searchable: true,
_records = [
id: 1,
date: "2017-02-03",
datetime: "2017-02-08 10:00:00",
p: [],
id: 2,
date: false,
datetime: false,
test("DatetimeField in form view", async () => {
mockTimeZone(+2); // UTC+2
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: '<form><field name="datetime"/></form>',
const expectedDateString = "02/08/2017 12:00:00"; // 10:00:00 without timezone
expect(".o_field_datetime input").toHaveValue(expectedDateString, {
message: "the datetime should be correctly displayed",
// datepicker should not open on focus
await click(".o_field_datetime input");
await animationFrame();
// select 22 April 2018 at 8:25
await zoomOut();
await zoomOut();
await click(getPickerCell("2018"));
await animationFrame();
await click(getPickerCell("Apr"));
await animationFrame();
await click(getPickerCell("22"));
await animationFrame();
const [hourSelect, minuteSelect] = getTimePickers().at(0);
await select("8", { target: hourSelect });
await animationFrame();
await select("25", { target: minuteSelect });
await animationFrame();
// Close the datepicker
await click(".o_form_view_container");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_datetime_picker").toHaveCount(0, { message: "datepicker should be closed" });
const newExpectedDateString = "04/22/2018 08:25:00";
expect(".o_field_datetime input").toHaveValue(newExpectedDateString, {
message: "the selected date should be displayed in the input",
// save
await clickSave();
expect(".o_field_datetime input").toHaveValue(newExpectedDateString, {
message: "the selected date should be displayed after saving",
test("DatetimeField only triggers fieldChange when a day is picked and when an hour/minute is selected", async () => {
Partner._onChanges.datetime = () => {};
onRpc("onchange", () => expect.step("onchange"));
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ '<form><field name="datetime"/></form>',
await click(".o_field_datetime input");
await animationFrame();
// select 22 April 2018 at 8:25
await zoomOut();
await zoomOut();
await click(getPickerCell("2018"));
await animationFrame();
await click(getPickerCell("Apr"));
await animationFrame();
await click(getPickerCell("22"));
await animationFrame();
const [hourSelect, minuteSelect] = getTimePickers().at(0);
await select("8", { target: hourSelect });
await animationFrame();
await select("25", { target: minuteSelect });
await animationFrame();
// Close the datepicker
await click(document.body);
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_datetime input").toHaveValue("04/22/2018 08:25:00");
test("DatetimeField with datetime formatted without second", async () => {
Partner._fields.datetime = fields.Datetime({
string: "A datetime",
searchable: true,
default: "2017-08-02 12:00:05",
required: true,
lang_parameters: {
date_format: "%m/%d/%Y",
time_format: "%H:%M",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: '<form><field name="datetime"/></form>',
const expectedDateString = "08/02/2017 12:00";
expect(".o_field_datetime input").toHaveValue(expectedDateString, {
message: "the datetime should be correctly displayed",
await click(".o_form_button_cancel");
expect(".modal").toHaveCount(0, { message: "there should not be a Warning dialog" });
test("DatetimeField in editable list view", async () => {
onRpc("has_group", () => true);
await mountView({
type: "list",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `<list editable="bottom"><field name="datetime"/></list>`,
const expectedDateString = "02/08/2017 12:00:00"; // 10:00:00 without timezone
expect("tr.o_data_row td:not(.o_list_record_selector):first").toHaveText(expectedDateString, {
message: "the datetime should be correctly displayed",
// switch to edit mode
await click(".o_data_row .o_data_cell");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_datetime input").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "the view should have a date input for editable mode",
expect(".o_field_datetime input").toBeFocused({
message: "date input should have the focus",
expect(".o_field_datetime input").toHaveValue(expectedDateString, {
message: "the date should be correct in edit mode",
await click(".o_field_datetime input");
await animationFrame();
// select 22 April 2018 at 8:25
await zoomOut();
await zoomOut();
await click(getPickerCell("2018"));
await animationFrame();
await click(getPickerCell("Apr"));
await animationFrame();
await click(getPickerCell("22"));
await animationFrame();
const [hourSelect, minuteSelect] = getTimePickers().at(0);
await select("8", { target: hourSelect });
await animationFrame();
await select("25", { target: minuteSelect });
await animationFrame();
// Apply changes
await click(getPickerApplyButton());
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_datetime_picker").toHaveCount(0, { message: "datepicker should be closed" });
const newExpectedDateString = "04/22/2018 08:25:00";
expect(".o_field_datetime input:first").toHaveValue(newExpectedDateString, {
message: "the date should be correct in edit mode",
// save
await click(".o_list_button_save");
await animationFrame();
expect("tr.o_data_row td:not(.o_list_record_selector):first").toHaveText(
{ message: "the selected datetime should be displayed after saving" }
test("multi edition of DatetimeField in list view: edit date in input", async () => {
onRpc("has_group", () => true);
await mountView({
type: "list",
resModel: "partner",
arch: '<list multi_edit="1"><field name="datetime"/></list>',
// select two records and edit them
await click(".o_data_row:eq(0) .o_list_record_selector input");
await animationFrame();
await click(".o_data_row:eq(1) .o_list_record_selector input");
await animationFrame();
await click(".o_data_row:eq(0) .o_data_cell");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_datetime input").toHaveCount(1);
await click(".o_field_datetime input");
await edit("10/02/2019 09:00:00", { confirm: "Enter" });
await animationFrame();
await click(".modal .modal-footer .btn-primary");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_data_row:first-child .o_data_cell:first").toHaveText("10/02/2019 09:00:00");
expect(".o_data_row:nth-child(2) .o_data_cell:first").toHaveText("10/02/2019 09:00:00");
test("multi edition of DatetimeField in list view: clear date in input", async () => {
Partner._records[1].datetime = "2017-02-08 10:00:00";
onRpc("has_group", () => true);
await mountView({
type: "list",
resModel: "partner",
arch: '<list multi_edit="1"><field name="datetime"/></list>',
// select two records and edit them
await click(".o_data_row:eq(0) .o_list_record_selector input");
await animationFrame();
await click(".o_data_row:eq(1) .o_list_record_selector input");
await animationFrame();
await click(".o_data_row:eq(0) .o_data_cell");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_datetime input").toHaveCount(1);
await click(".o_field_datetime input");
await animationFrame();
await edit("", { confirm: "Enter" });
await animationFrame();
await click(".modal .modal-footer .btn-primary");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_data_row:first-child .o_data_cell:first").toHaveText("");
expect(".o_data_row:nth-child(2) .o_data_cell:first").toHaveText("");
test("DatetimeField remove value", async () => {
onRpc("web_save", ({ args }) => {
expect(args[1].datetime).toBe(false, { message: "the correct value should be saved" });
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ '<form><field name="datetime"/></form>',
expect(".o_field_datetime input:first").toHaveValue("02/08/2017 12:00:00", {
message: "the date should be correct in edit mode",
await click(".o_field_datetime input");
await edit("");
await animationFrame();
await click(document.body);
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_datetime input:first").toHaveValue("", {
message: "should have an empty input",
// save
await clickSave();
expect(".o_field_datetime:first").toHaveText("", {
message: "the selected date should be displayed after saving",
test("DatetimeField with date/datetime widget (with day change) does not care about widget", async () => {
onRpc("has_group", () => true);
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
Partner._records[1].datetime = "2017-02-08 02:00:00"; // UTC
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="p">
<list><field name="datetime" /></list>
<form><field name="datetime" widget="date" /></form>
const expectedDateString = "02/07/2017 22:00:00"; // local time zone
expect(".o_field_widget[name='p'] .o_data_cell").toHaveText(expectedDateString, {
message: "the datetime (datetime widget) should be correctly displayed in list view",
// switch to form view
await click(".o_field_widget[name='p'] .o_data_cell");
await animationFrame();
expect(".modal .o_field_date[name='datetime'] input").toHaveValue("02/07/2017 22:00:00", {
message: "the datetime (date widget) should be correctly displayed in form view",
test("DatetimeField with date/datetime widget (without day change) does not care about widget", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
Partner._records[1].datetime = "2017-02-08 10:00:00"; // without timezone
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="p">
<list><field name="datetime" /></list>
<form><field name="datetime" widget="date" /></form>
const expectedDateString = "02/08/2017 06:00:00"; // with timezone
expect(".o_field_widget[name='p'] .o_data_cell:first").toHaveText(expectedDateString, {
message: "the datetime (datetime widget) should be correctly displayed in list view",
// switch to form view
await click(".o_field_widget[name='p'] .o_data_cell");
await animationFrame();
expect(".modal .o_field_date[name='datetime'] input:first").toHaveValue("02/08/2017 06:00:00", {
message: "the datetime (date widget) should be correctly displayed in form view",
test("datetime field: hit enter should update value", async () => {
// This test verifies that the field datetime is correctly computed when:
// - we press enter to validate our entry
// - we click outside the field to validate our entry
// - we save
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: '<form><field name="datetime"/></form>',
resId: 1,
// Enter a beginning of date and press enter to validate
await click(".o_field_datetime input");
await edit("01/08/22 14:30:40", { confirm: "Enter" });
const datetimeValue = `01/08/2022 14:30:40`;
expect(".o_field_datetime input:first").toHaveValue(datetimeValue);
// Click outside the field to check that the field is not changed
await click(document.body);
expect(".o_field_datetime input:first").toHaveValue(datetimeValue);
// Save and check that it's still ok
await clickSave();
expect(".o_field_datetime input:first").toHaveValue(datetimeValue);
test("DateTimeField with label opens datepicker on click", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `
<label for="datetime" string="When is it" />
<field name="datetime" />
await click("label.o_form_label");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_datetime_picker").toHaveCount(1, { message: "datepicker should be opened" });
test("datetime field: use picker with arabic numbering system", async () => {
defineParams({ lang: "ar_001" }); // Select Arab language
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `<form string="Partners"><field name="datetime" /></form>`,
expect("[name=datetime] input:first").toHaveValue("٠٢/٠٨/٢٠١٧ ١١:٠٠:٠٠");
await click("[name=datetime] input");
await animationFrame();
await select(45, { target: getTimePickers()[0][1] });
await animationFrame();
expect("[name=datetime] input:first").toHaveValue("٠٢/٠٨/٢٠١٧ ١١:٤٥:٠٠");
test("datetime field in list view with show_seconds option", async () => {
onRpc("has_group", () => true);
await mountView({
type: "list",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="datetime" widget="datetime" options="{'show_seconds': false}" string="show_seconds as false"/>
<field name="datetime" widget="datetime" string="show_seconds as true"/>
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row:first .o_field_datetime")).toEqual([
"02/08/2017 12:00",
"02/08/2017 12:00:00",
test("edit a datetime field in form view with show_seconds option", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="datetime" widget="datetime" options="{'show_seconds': false}" string="show_seconds as false"/>
<field name="datetime" widget="datetime" string="show_seconds as true"/>
const [dateField1, dateField2] = queryAll(".o_input.cursor-pointer");
await click(dateField1);
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_time_picker_select").toHaveCount(3); // 3rd 'o_time_picker_select' is for the seconds
await edit("02/08/2017 11:00:00", { confirm: "Enter" });
await animationFrame();
expect(dateField1).toHaveValue("02/08/2017 11:00", {
message: "seconds should be hidden for showSeconds false",
expect(dateField2).toHaveValue("02/08/2017 11:00:00", {
message: "seconds should be visible for showSeconds true",
test("datetime field (with widget) in kanban with show_time option", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "kanban",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<t t-name="card">
<field name="datetime" widget="datetime" options="{'show_time': false}"/>
resId: 1,
test("datetime field in list with show_time option", async () => {
onRpc("has_group", () => true);
await mountView({
type: "list",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="datetime" options="{'show_time': false}"/>
<field name="datetime" />
const dates = queryAll(".o_field_cell");
expect(dates[0]).toHaveText("02/08/2017", {
message: "for date field only date should be visible with date widget",
expect(dates[1]).toHaveText("02/08/2017 12:00:00", {
message: "for datetime field only date should be visible with date widget",
await click(dates[0]);
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_datetime input:first").toHaveValue("02/08/2017 12:00:00", {
message: "for datetime field both date and time should be visible with datetime widget",
test("datetime field in form view with condensed option", async () => {
mockTimeZone(-2); // UTC-2
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: `
<field name="datetime" options="{'condensed': true}"/>
<field name="datetime" options="{'condensed': true}" readonly="1"/>
const expectedDateString = "2/8/2017 8:00:00"; // 10:00:00 without timezone
expect(".o_field_datetime input").toHaveValue(expectedDateString);
test("datetime field in kanban view with condensed option", async () => {
mockTimeZone(-2); // UTC-2
await mountView({
type: "kanban",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<t t-name="card">
<field name="datetime" options="{'condensed': true}"/>
const expectedDateString = "2/8/2017 8:00:00"; // 10:00:00 without timezone