802 lines
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802 lines
26 KiB
import { expect, test } from "@odoo/hoot";
import {
} from "@odoo/hoot-dom";
import { animationFrame, runAllTimers } from "@odoo/hoot-mock";
import {
} from "@web/../tests/web_test_helpers";
import { getOrigin } from "@web/core/utils/urls";
const MY_IMAGE =
function getUnique(target) {
const src = target.dataset.src;
return new URL(src).searchParams.get("unique");
async function setFiles(files) {
await click("input[type=file]", { visible: false });
await setInputFiles(files);
await waitFor(`div[name=document] img[data-src^="data:image/"]`, { timeout: 1000 });
class Partner extends models.Model {
name = fields.Char();
timmy = fields.Many2many({ relation: "partner.type" });
foo = fields.Char();
document = fields.Binary();
_records = [
{ id: 1, name: "first record", timmy: [], document: "coucou==" },
{ id: 2, name: "second record", timmy: [] },
{ id: 4, name: "aaa" },
class PartnerType extends models.Model {
_name = "partner.type";
name = fields.Char();
color = fields.Integer();
_records = [
{ id: 12, name: "gold", color: 2 },
{ id: 14, name: "silver", color: 5 },
defineModels([Partner, PartnerType]);
test("ImageField is correctly rendered", async () => {
Partner._records[0].write_date = "2017-02-08 10:00:00";
Partner._records[0].document = MY_IMAGE;
onRpc("web_read", ({ kwargs }) => {
display_name: {},
document: {},
write_date: {},
"The fields document, name and write_date should be present when reading an image",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="document" widget="image" options="{'size': [90, 90]}"/>
expect(".o_field_widget[name='document']").toHaveClass("o_field_image", {
message: "the widget should have the correct class",
expect(".o_field_widget[name='document'] img").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "the widget should contain an image",
expect('div[name="document"] img').toHaveAttribute(
{ message: "the image should have the correct src" }
expect(".o_field_widget[name='document'] img").toHaveClass("img-fluid", {
message: "the image should have the correct class",
expect(".o_field_widget[name='document'] img").toHaveAttribute("width", "90", {
message: "the image should correctly set its attributes",
expect(".o_field_widget[name='document'] img").toHaveStyle(
maxWidth: "90px",
width: "90px",
height: "90px",
message: "the image should correctly set its attributes",
expect(".o_field_image .o_select_file_button").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "the image can be edited",
expect(".o_field_image .o_clear_file_button").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "the image can be deleted",
expect("input.o_input_file").toHaveAttribute("accept", "image/*", {
'the default value for the attribute "accept" on the "image" widget must be "image/*"',
test("ImageField with img_class option", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: `
<field name="document" widget="image" options="{'img_class': 'my_custom_class'}"/>
expect(".o_field_image img").toHaveClass("my_custom_class");
test("ImageField with alt attribute", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: `
<field name="document" widget="image" alt="something"/>
expect(".o_field_widget[name='document'] img").toHaveAttribute("data-alt", "something", {
message: "the image should correctly set its alt attribute",
test("ImageField on a many2one", async () => {
Partner._fields.parent_id = fields.Many2one({ relation: "partner" });
Partner._records[1].parent_id = 1;
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 2,
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="parent_id" widget="image" options="{'preview_image': 'document'}"/>
expect(".o_field_widget[name=parent_id] img").toHaveCount(1);
expect('div[name="parent_id"] img').toHaveAttribute(
expect(".o_field_widget[name='parent_id'] img").toHaveAttribute("data-alt", "first record");
test("ImageField is correctly replaced when given an incorrect value", async () => {
Partner._records[0].document = "incorrect_base64_value";
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="document" widget="image" options="{'size': [90, 90]}"/>
expect(`div[name="document"] img`).toHaveAttribute(
message: "the image has the invalid src by default",
// As GET requests can't occur in tests, we must generate an error
// on the img element to check whether the data-src is replaced with
// a placeholder, here knowing that the GET request would fail
manuallyDispatchProgrammaticEvent(queryFirst('div[name="document"] img'), "error");
await animationFrame();
expect('.o_field_widget[name="document"]').toHaveClass("o_field_image", {
message: "the widget should have the correct class",
expect(".o_field_widget[name='document'] img").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "the widget should contain an image",
expect('div[name="document"] img').toHaveAttribute(
{ message: "the image should have the correct src" }
expect(".o_field_widget[name='document'] img").toHaveClass("img-fluid", {
message: "the image should have the correct class",
expect(".o_field_widget[name='document'] img").toHaveAttribute("width", "90", {
message: "the image should correctly set its attributes",
expect(".o_field_widget[name='document'] img").toHaveStyle("maxWidth: 90px", {
message: "the image should correctly set its attributes",
expect(".o_field_image .o_select_file_button").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "the image can be edited",
expect(".o_field_image .o_clear_file_button").toHaveCount(0, {
message: "the image cannot be deleted as it has not been uploaded",
test("ImageField preview is updated when an image is uploaded", async () => {
const imageFile = new File(
[Uint8Array.from([...atob(MY_IMAGE)].map((c) => c.charCodeAt(0)))],
{ type: "png" }
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="document" widget="image" options="{'size': [90, 90]}"/>
expect('div[name="document"] img').toHaveAttribute(
{ message: "the image should have the initial src" }
// Whitebox: replace the event target before the event is handled by the field so that we can modify
// the files that it will take into account. This relies on the fact that it reads the files from
// event.target and not from a direct reference to the input element.
await click(".o_select_file_button");
await setInputFiles(imageFile);
// It can take some time to encode the data as a base64 url
await runAllTimers();
// Wait for a render
await animationFrame();
expect("div[name=document] img").toHaveAttribute(
{ message: "the image should have the new src" }
test("clicking save manually after uploading new image should change the unique of the image src", async () => {
Partner._onChanges.foo = () => {};
const rec = Partner._records.find((rec) => rec.id === 1);
rec.document = "3 kb";
rec.write_date = "2022-08-05 08:37:00"; // 1659688620000
// 1659692220000, 1659695820000
const lastUpdates = ["2022-08-05 09:37:00", "2022-08-05 10:37:00"];
let index = 0;
onRpc("web_save", ({ args }) => {
args[1].write_date = lastUpdates[index];
args[1].document = "4 kb";
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="document" widget="image" />
expect(getUnique(queryFirst(".o_field_image img"))).toBe("1659688620000");
await click("input[type=file]", { visible: false });
await setFiles(
new File(
[Uint8Array.from([...atob(MY_IMAGE)].map((c) => c.charCodeAt(0)))],
{ type: "png" }
expect("div[name=document] img").toHaveAttribute(
await click(".o_field_widget[name='foo'] input");
await edit("grrr");
await animationFrame();
expect("div[name=document] img").toHaveAttribute(
await clickSave();
expect(getUnique(queryFirst(".o_field_image img"))).toBe("1659692220000");
// Change the image again. After clicking save, it should have the correct new url.
await click("input[type=file]", { visible: false });
await setFiles(
new File(
[Uint8Array.from([...atob(PRODUCT_IMAGE)].map((c) => c.charCodeAt(0)))],
{ type: "gif" }
expect("div[name=document] img").toHaveAttribute(
await clickSave();
expect(getUnique(queryFirst(".o_field_image img"))).toBe("1659695820000");
test("save record with image field modified by onchange", async () => {
Partner._onChanges.foo = (data) => {
data.document = MY_IMAGE;
const rec = Partner._records.find((rec) => rec.id === 1);
rec.document = "3 kb";
rec.write_date = "2022-08-05 08:37:00"; // 1659688620000
// 1659692220000
const lastUpdates = ["2022-08-05 09:37:00"];
let index = 0;
onRpc("web_save", ({ args }) => {
args[1].write_date = lastUpdates[index];
args[1].document = "3 kb";
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="document" widget="image" />
expect(getUnique(queryFirst(".o_field_image img"))).toBe("1659688620000");
await click("[name='foo'] input");
await edit("grrr", { confirm: "enter" });
await animationFrame();
expect("div[name=document] img").toHaveAttribute(
await clickSave();
expect(getUnique(queryFirst(".o_field_image img"))).toBe("1659692220000");
test("ImageField: option accepted_file_extensions", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="document" widget="image" options="{'accepted_file_extensions': '.png,.jpeg'}" />
// The view must be in edit mode
expect("input.o_input_file").toHaveAttribute("accept", ".png,.jpeg", {
message: "the input should have the correct ``accept`` attribute",
test("ImageField: set 0 width/height in the size option", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="document" widget="image" options="{'size': [0, 0]}" />
<field name="document" widget="image" options="{'size': [0, 50]}" />
<field name="document" widget="image" options="{'size': [50, 0]}" />
const imgs = queryAll(".o_field_widget img");
expect([imgs[0].attributes.width, imgs[0].attributes.height]).toEqual([undefined, undefined], {
message: "if both size are set to 0, both attributes are undefined",
expect([imgs[1].attributes.width, imgs[1].attributes.height.value]).toEqual([undefined, "50"], {
message: "if only the width is set to 0, the width attribute is not set on the img",
]).toEqual(["auto", "100%", "", "50px"], {
message: "the image should correctly set its attributes",
expect([imgs[2].attributes.width.value, imgs[2].attributes.height]).toEqual(["50", undefined], {
message: "if only the height is set to 0, the height attribute is not set on the img",
]).toEqual(["", "50px", "auto", "100%"], {
message: "the image should correctly set its attributes",
test("ImageField: zoom and zoom_delay options (readonly)", async () => {
Partner._records[0].document = MY_IMAGE;
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="document" widget="image" options="{'zoom': true, 'zoom_delay': 600}" readonly="1" />
// data-tooltip attribute is used by the tooltip service
expect(".o_field_image img").toHaveAttribute(
{ message: "shows a tooltip on hover" }
expect(".o_field_image img").toHaveAttribute("data-tooltip-delay", "600", {
message: "tooltip has the right delay",
test("ImageField: zoom and zoom_delay options (edit)", async () => {
Partner._records[0].document = "3 kb";
Partner._records[0].write_date = "2022-08-05 08:37:00";
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="document" widget="image" options="{'zoom': true, 'zoom_delay': 600}" />
expect(".o_field_image img").toHaveAttribute(
{ message: "tooltip show the full image from the field value" }
expect(".o_field_image img").toHaveAttribute("data-tooltip-delay", "600", {
message: "tooltip has the right delay",
test("ImageField displays the right images with zoom and preview_image options (readonly)", async () => {
Partner._records[0].document = "3 kb";
Partner._records[0].write_date = "2022-08-05 08:37:00";
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="document" widget="image" options="{'zoom': true, 'preview_image': 'document_preview', 'zoom_delay': 600}" readonly="1" />
expect(".o_field_image img").toHaveAttribute(
{ message: "tooltip show the full image from the field value" }
expect(".o_field_image img").toHaveAttribute("data-tooltip-delay", "600", {
message: "tooltip has the right delay",
test("ImageField in subviews is loaded correctly", async () => {
Partner._records[0].write_date = "2017-02-08 10:00:00";
Partner._records[0].document = MY_IMAGE;
PartnerType._fields.image = fields.Binary({});
PartnerType._records[0].image = PRODUCT_IMAGE;
Partner._records[0].timmy = [12];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="document" widget="image" options="{'size': [90, 90]}" />
<field name="timmy" widget="many2many" mode="kanban">
<t t-name="card">
<field name="name" />
<field name="image" widget="image" />
// Actual flow: click on an element of the m2m to get its form view
await click(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)");
await animationFrame();
expect(".modal").toHaveCount(1, { message: "The modal should have opened" });
test("ImageField in x2many list is loaded correctly", async () => {
PartnerType._fields.image = fields.Binary({});
PartnerType._records[0].image = PRODUCT_IMAGE;
Partner._records[0].timmy = [12];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="timmy" widget="many2many">
<field name="image" widget="image" />
expect("tr.o_data_row").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "There should be one record in the many2many",
expect(`img[data-src="data:image/gif;base64,${PRODUCT_IMAGE}"]`).toHaveCount(1, {
message: "The list's image is in the DOM",
test("ImageField with required attribute", async () => {
onRpc("create", () => {
throw new Error("Should not do a create RPC with unset required image field");
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="document" widget="image" required="1" />
await clickSave();
expect(".o_form_view .o_form_editable").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "form view should still be editable",
expect(".o_field_widget").toHaveClass("o_field_invalid", {
message: "image field should be displayed as invalid",
test("ImageField is reset when changing record", async () => {
const imageData = Uint8Array.from([...atob(MY_IMAGE)].map((c) => c.charCodeAt(0)));
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="document" widget="image" options="{'size': [90, 90]}"/>
const imageFile = new File([imageData], "fake_file.png", { type: "png" });
expect("img[data-alt='Binary file']").toHaveAttribute(
{ message: "image field should not be set" }
await setFiles(imageFile);
expect("img[data-alt='Binary file']").toHaveAttribute(
message: "image field should be set",
await clickSave();
await click(".o_control_panel_main_buttons .o_form_button_create");
await runAllTimers();
await animationFrame();
expect("img[data-alt='Binary file']").toHaveAttribute(
{ message: "image field should be reset" }
await setFiles(imageFile);
expect("img[data-alt='Binary file']").toHaveAttribute(
message: "image field should be set",
test("unique in url doesn't change on onchange", async () => {
Partner._onChanges.foo = () => {};
const rec = Partner._records.find((rec) => rec.id === 1);
rec.document = "3 kb";
rec.write_date = "2022-08-05 08:37:00";
onRpc(({ method, args }) => {
if (method === "web_save") {
args[1].write_date = "2022-08-05 09:37:00"; // 1659692220000
await mountView({
resId: 1,
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="foo" />
<field name="document" widget="image" required="1" />
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "web_read"]);
expect(getUnique(queryFirst(".o_field_image img"))).toBe("1659688620000");
// same unique as before
expect(getUnique(queryFirst(".o_field_image img"))).toBe("1659688620000");
await click(".o_field_widget[name='foo'] input");
await edit("grrr", { confirm: "enter" });
await animationFrame();
// also same unique
expect(getUnique(queryFirst(".o_field_image img"))).toBe("1659688620000");
await clickSave();
expect(getUnique(queryFirst(".o_field_image img"))).toBe("1659692220000");
test("unique in url change on record change", async () => {
const rec = Partner._records.find((rec) => rec.id === 1);
rec.document = "3 kb";
rec.write_date = "2022-08-05 08:37:00";
const rec2 = Partner._records.find((rec) => rec.id === 2);
rec2.document = "3 kb";
rec2.write_date = "2022-08-05 09:37:00";
await mountView({
resIds: [1, 2],
resId: 1,
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="document" widget="image" required="1" />
expect(getUnique(queryFirst(".o_field_image img"))).toBe("1659688620000");
await pagerNext();
expect(getUnique(queryFirst(".o_field_image img"))).toBe("1659692220000");
test("unique in url does not change on record change if reload option is set to false", async () => {
const rec = Partner._records.find((rec) => rec.id === 1);
rec.document = "3 kb";
rec.write_date = "2022-08-05 08:37:00";
await mountView({
resIds: [1, 2],
resId: 1,
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="document" widget="image" required="1" options="{'reload': false}" />
<field name="write_date" readonly="0"/>
expect(getUnique(queryFirst(".o_field_image img"))).toBe("1659688620000");
await click("div[name='write_date'] > div > input");
await edit("2022-08-05 08:39:00", { confirm: "enter" });
await animationFrame();
await clickSave();
expect(getUnique(queryFirst(".o_field_image img"))).toBe("1659688620000");
test("convert image to webp", async () => {
onRpc("ir.attachment", "create_unique", ({ args }) => {
// This RPC call is done two times - once for storing webp and once for storing jpeg
// This handles first RPC call to store webp
if (!args[0][0].res_id) {
// Here we check the image data we pass and generated data.
// Also we check the file type
return [1];
// This handles second RPC call to store jpeg
return true;
const imageData = Uint8Array.from([...atob(MY_IMAGE)].map((c) => c.charCodeAt(0)));
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="document" widget="image" required="1" options="{'convert_to_webp': True}" />
const imageFile = new File([imageData], "fake_file.jpeg", { type: "jpeg" });
expect("img[data-alt='Binary file']").toHaveAttribute(
{ message: "image field should not be set" }
await setFiles(imageFile);