2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

294 lines
10 KiB

import { beforeEach, expect, test } from "@odoo/hoot";
import { click, keyDown, pointerDown, queryAll, queryFirst } from "@odoo/hoot-dom";
import { animationFrame } from "@odoo/hoot-mock";
import {
} from "@web/../tests/web_test_helpers";
import { Component, useState, xml } from "@odoo/owl";
import { useNumpadDecimal } from "@web/views/fields/numpad_decimal_hook";
class Partner extends models.Model {
int_field = fields.Integer();
qux = fields.Float({ digits: [16, 1] });
currency_id = fields.Many2one({ relation: "currency" });
float_factor_field = fields.Float();
percentage = fields.Float();
monetary = fields.Monetary({ currency_field: "" });
progressbar = fields.Integer();
_records = [
id: 1,
int_field: 10,
qux: 0.44444,
float_factor_field: 9.99,
percentage: 0.99,
monetary: 9.99,
currency_id: 1,
progressbar: 69,
class Currency extends models.Model {
digits = fields.Float();
symbol = fields.Char();
position = fields.Char();
_records = [{ id: 1, display_name: "$", symbol: "$", position: "before" }];
defineModels([Partner, Currency]);
beforeEach(() => {
defineParams({ lang_parameters: { decimal_point: ",", thousands_sep: "." } });
test("Numeric fields: fields with keydown on numpad decimal key", async () => {
defineParams({ lang_parameters: { decimal_point: "🇧🇪" } });
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="float_factor_field" options="{'factor': 0.5}" widget="float_factor"/>
<field name="qux"/>
<field name="int_field"/>
<field name="monetary"/>
<field name="currency_id" invisible="1"/>
<field name="percentage" widget="percentage"/>
<field name="progressbar" widget="progressbar" options="{'editable': true, 'max_value': 'qux', 'edit_max_value': true}"/>
resId: 1,
// Dispatch numpad "dot" and numpad "comma" keydown events to all inputs and check
// Numpad "comma" is specific to some countries (Brazil...)
await click(".o_field_float_factor input");
await keyDown("ArrowRight", { code: "ArrowRight" });
await keyDown(".", { code: "NumpadDecimal" });
await keyDown(",", { code: "NumpadDecimal" });
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_float_factor input").toHaveValue("5🇧🇪00🇧🇪🇧🇪");
await click(".o_field_float input");
await keyDown("ArrowRight", { code: "ArrowRight" });
await keyDown(".", { code: "NumpadDecimal" });
await keyDown(",", { code: "NumpadDecimal" });
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_float input").toHaveValue("0🇧🇪4🇧🇪🇧🇪");
await click(".o_field_integer input");
await keyDown("ArrowRight", { code: "ArrowRight" });
await keyDown(".", { code: "NumpadDecimal" });
await keyDown(",", { code: "NumpadDecimal" });
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_integer input").toHaveValue("10🇧🇪🇧🇪");
await click(".o_field_monetary input");
await keyDown("ArrowRight", { code: "ArrowRight" });
await keyDown(".", { code: "NumpadDecimal" });
await keyDown(",", { code: "NumpadDecimal" });
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_monetary input").toHaveValue("9🇧🇪99🇧🇪🇧🇪");
await click(".o_field_percentage input");
await keyDown("ArrowRight", { code: "ArrowRight" });
await keyDown(".", { code: "NumpadDecimal" });
await keyDown(",", { code: "NumpadDecimal" });
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_percentage input").toHaveValue("99🇧🇪🇧🇪");
await click(".o_field_progressbar input");
await animationFrame();
await keyDown("ArrowRight", { code: "ArrowRight" });
await keyDown(".", { code: "NumpadDecimal" });
await keyDown(",", { code: "NumpadDecimal" });
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_progressbar input").toHaveValue("0🇧🇪44🇧🇪🇧🇪");
test("Numeric fields: NumpadDecimal key is different from the decimalPoint", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="float_factor_field" options="{'factor': 0.5}" widget="float_factor"/>
<field name="qux"/>
<field name="int_field"/>
<field name="monetary"/>
<field name="currency_id" invisible="1"/>
<field name="percentage" widget="percentage"/>
<field name="progressbar" widget="progressbar" options="{'editable': true, 'max_value': 'qux', 'edit_max_value': true}"/>
resId: 1,
// Get all inputs
const floatFactorField = queryFirst(".o_field_float_factor input");
const floatInput = queryFirst(".o_field_float input");
const integerInput = queryFirst(".o_field_integer input");
const monetaryInput = queryFirst(".o_field_monetary input");
const percentageInput = queryFirst(".o_field_percentage input");
const progressbarInput = queryFirst(".o_field_progressbar input");
* Common assertion steps are extracted in this procedure.
* @param {object} params
* @param {HTMLInputElement} params.el
* @param {[number, number]} params.selectionRange
* @param {string} params.expectedValue
* @param {string} params.msg
async function testInputElementOnNumpadDecimal(params) {
const { el, selectionRange, expectedValue, msg } = params;
await pointerDown(el);
await animationFrame();
const [event] = await keyDown(".", { code: "NumpadDecimal" });
if (event.defaultPrevented) {
await animationFrame();
// dispatch an extra keydown event and expect that it's not default prevented
const [extraEvent] = await keyDown("1", { code: "Digit1" });
if (extraEvent.defaultPrevented) {
throw new Error("should not be default prevented");
await animationFrame();
// Selection range should be at +2 from the specified selection start (separator + character).
expect(el.selectionStart).toBe(selectionRange[0] + 2);
expect(el.selectionEnd).toBe(selectionRange[0] + 2);
await animationFrame();
// NumpadDecimal event should be default prevented
expect(el).toHaveValue(expectedValue, { message: msg });
await testInputElementOnNumpadDecimal({
el: floatFactorField,
selectionRange: [1, 3],
expectedValue: "5,10",
msg: "Float factor field from 5,00 to 5,10",
await testInputElementOnNumpadDecimal({
el: floatInput,
selectionRange: [0, 2],
expectedValue: ",14",
msg: "Float field from 0,4 to ,14",
await testInputElementOnNumpadDecimal({
el: integerInput,
selectionRange: [1, 2],
expectedValue: "1,1",
msg: "Integer field from 10 to 1,1",
await testInputElementOnNumpadDecimal({
el: monetaryInput,
selectionRange: [0, 3],
expectedValue: ",19",
msg: "Monetary field from 9,99 to ,19",
await testInputElementOnNumpadDecimal({
el: percentageInput,
selectionRange: [1, 1],
expectedValue: "9,19",
msg: "Percentage field from 99 to 9,19",
await testInputElementOnNumpadDecimal({
el: progressbarInput,
selectionRange: [1, 3],
expectedValue: "0,14",
msg: "Progressbar field 2 from 0,44 to 0,14",
test("useNumpadDecimal should synchronize handlers on input elements", async () => {
* Takes an array of input elements and asserts that each has the correct event listener.
* @param {HTMLInputElement[]} inputEls
async function testInputElements(inputEls) {
for (const inputEl of inputEls) {
await pointerDown(inputEl);
await animationFrame();
const [event] = await keyDown(".", { code: "NumpadDecimal" });
if (event.defaultPrevented) {
await animationFrame();
// dispatch an extra keydown event and expect that it's not default prevented
const [extraEvent] = await keyDown("1", { code: "Digit1" });
if (extraEvent.defaultPrevented) {
throw new Error("should not be default prevented");
await animationFrame();
class MyComponent extends Component {
static template = xml`
<main t-ref="numpadDecimal">
<input type="text" placeholder="input 1" />
<input t-if="state.showOtherInput" type="text" placeholder="input 2" />
static props = ["*"];
setup() {
this.state = useState({ showOtherInput: false });
const comp = await mountWithCleanup(MyComponent);
await animationFrame();
// Initially, only one input should be rendered.
expect("main > input").toHaveCount(1);
await testInputElements(queryAll("main > input"));
// We show the second input by manually updating the state.
comp.state.showOtherInput = true;
await animationFrame();
// The second input should also be able to handle numpad decimal.
expect("main > input").toHaveCount(2);
await testInputElements(queryAll("main > input"));
test("select all content on focus", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `<form><field name="monetary"/></form>`,
const input = queryFirst(".o_field_widget[name='monetary'] input");
await pointerDown(input);
await animationFrame();