2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

13094 lines
420 KiB

import { expect, getFixture, test } from "@odoo/hoot";
import {
} from "@odoo/hoot-dom";
import { Deferred, animationFrame, mockTimeZone, runAllTimers } from "@odoo/hoot-mock";
import { onWillDestroy, onWillStart, reactive, useState } from "@odoo/owl";
import { getPickerCell } from "@web/../tests/core/datetime/datetime_test_helpers";
import {
} from "@web/../tests/web_test_helpers";
import { browser } from "@web/core/browser/browser";
import { registry } from "@web/core/registry";
import { pick } from "@web/core/utils/objects";
import { Record } from "@web/model/relational_model/record";
import { X2ManyField, x2ManyField } from "@web/views/fields/x2many/x2many_field";
import { WebClient } from "@web/webclient/webclient";
class Partner extends models.Model {
name = fields.Char();
foo = fields.Char({ default: "My little Foo Value" });
bar = fields.Boolean({ default: true });
int_field = fields.Integer();
qux = fields.Float({ string: "Qux", digits: [16, 1] });
p = fields.One2many({
string: "one2many field",
relation: "partner",
relation_field: "trululu",
turtles = fields.One2many({
string: "one2many turtle field",
relation: "turtle",
relation_field: "turtle_trululu",
trululu = fields.Many2one({ relation: "partner" });
timmy = fields.Many2many({ relation: "partner.type", string: "pokemon" });
product_id = fields.Many2one({ relation: "product" });
color = fields.Selection({
selection: [
["red", "Red"],
["black", "Black"],
default: "red",
date = fields.Date();
datetime = fields.Datetime();
user_id = fields.Many2one({ relation: "res.users" });
reference = fields.Reference({
selection: [
["product.product", "Product"],
["partner.type", "Partner Type"],
["partner", "Partner"],
_records = [
id: 1,
name: "first record",
bar: true,
foo: "yop",
int_field: 10,
qux: 0.44,
p: [],
turtles: [2],
timmy: [],
trululu: 4,
user_id: 17,
id: 2,
name: "second record",
bar: true,
foo: "blip",
int_field: 9,
qux: 13,
p: [],
timmy: [],
trululu: 1,
product_id: 37,
date: "2017-01-25",
datetime: "2016-12-12 10:55:05",
user_id: 17,
id: 4,
name: "aaa",
bar: false,
class Product extends models.Model {
_name = "product";
name = fields.Char();
_records = [
id: 37,
name: "xphone",
id: 41,
name: "xpad",
class PartnerType extends models.Model {
color = fields.Integer({ string: "Color index" });
name = fields.Char();
_records = [
id: 12,
name: "gold",
color: 2,
id: 14,
name: "silver",
color: 5,
class Turtle extends models.Model {
name = fields.Char();
turtle_foo = fields.Char();
turtle_bar = fields.Boolean({ default: true });
turtle_int = fields.Integer();
turtle_qux = fields.Float({
string: "Qux",
digits: [16, 1],
required: true,
default: 1.5,
turtle_description = fields.Text({ string: "Description" });
turtle_trululu = fields.Many2one({ relation: "partner" });
turtle_ref = fields.Reference({
selection: [
["product", "Product"],
["partner", "Partner"],
product_id = fields.Many2one({ relation: "product", required: true });
partner_ids = fields.Many2many({ relation: "partner" });
_records = [
id: 1,
name: "leonardo",
turtle_bar: true,
turtle_foo: "yop",
partner_ids: [],
id: 2,
name: "donatello",
turtle_bar: true,
turtle_foo: "blip",
turtle_int: 9,
partner_ids: [2, 4],
id: 3,
name: "raphael",
product_id: 37,
turtle_bar: false,
turtle_foo: "kawa",
turtle_int: 21,
turtle_qux: 9.8,
partner_ids: [],
turtle_ref: "product,37",
class Users extends models.Model {
_name = "res.users";
name = fields.Char();
partner_ids = fields.One2many({ relation: "partner", relation_field: "user_id" });
has_group() {
return true;
_records = [
id: 17,
name: "Aline",
partner_ids: [1, 2],
id: 19,
name: "Christine",
defineModels([Partner, PartnerType, Product, Turtle, Users]);
test("New record with a o2m also with 2 new records, ordered, and resequenced", async () => {
// Needed to have two new records in a single stroke
Partner._onChanges = {
foo: function (obj) {
obj.p = [
[0, 0, { trululu: false }],
[0, 0, { trululu: false }],
let startAssert = false;
onRpc((args) => {
if (startAssert) {
expect.step(args.method + " " + args.model);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom" default_order="int_field">
<field name="int_field" widget="handle"/>
<field name="trululu"/>
resId: 1,
startAssert = true;
await contains(".o_control_panel_main_buttons .o_form_button_create").click();
// change the int_field through drag and drop
// that way, we'll trigger the sorting and the name read
// of the lines of "p"
await contains("tbody tr:eq(1) .o_handle_cell").dragAndDrop("tbody tr");
expect.verifySteps(["onchange partner"]);
test("resequence with NULL value", async () => {
mockService("action", {
doActionButton(params) {
{ id: 10, int_field: 1 },
{ id: 11, int_field: 2 },
{ id: 12, int_field: 3 },
{ id: 13 }
Partner._records[0].p = [10, 11, 12, 13];
const serverValues = {
10: 1,
11: 2,
12: 3,
13: false,
onRpc("web_read", function ({ parent }) {
const res = parent();
const getServerValue = (record) =>
serverValues[record.id] === false ? Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER : serverValues[record.id];
// when sorted, NULL values are last
res[0].p.sort((a, b) => getServerValue(a) - getServerValue(b));
return res;
onRpc("web_save", ({ args }) => {
args[1].p.forEach(([cmd, id, values]) => {
serverValues[id] = values.int_field;
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: `
<sheet><div name="button_box">
<button name="reload" class="reload" type="object" string="Confirm"/>
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom" default_order="int_field">
<field name="int_field" widget="handle"/>
<field name="id"/>
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_field_cell[name=id]")).toEqual(["10", "11", "12", "13"]);
await contains("tbody tr:nth-child(4) .o_handle_cell").dragAndDrop("tbody tr:nth-child(3)");
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_field_cell[name=id]")).toEqual(["10", "11", "13", "12"]);
await contains("button.reload").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_field_cell[name=id]")).toEqual(["10", "11", "13", "12"]);
test("one2many in a list x2many editable use the right context", async () => {
onRpc("name_create", (args) => {
expect.step(`name_create ${args.kwargs.context.my_context}`);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="int_field" widget="handle"/>
<field name="trululu" context="{'my_context': 'list'}" />
<field name="trululu" context="{'my_context': 'form'}"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list .o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains("[name='trululu'] input").edit("new partner");
await selectFieldDropdownItem("trululu", 'Create "new partner"');
expect.verifySteps(["name_create list"]);
test("one2many in a list x2many non-editable use the right context", async () => {
onRpc("name_create", (args) => {
expect.step(`name_create ${args.kwargs.context.my_context}`);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="int_field" widget="handle"/>
<field name="trululu" context="{'my_context': 'list'}" />
<field name="trululu" context="{'my_context': 'form'}"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list .o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains("[name='trululu'] input").edit("new partner");
await selectFieldDropdownItem("trululu", 'Create "new partner"');
expect.verifySteps(["name_create form"]);
test("O2M field without relation_field", async () => {
delete Partner._fields.p.relation_field;
Partner._records[0].p = [2, 4];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="foo" invisible="1"/>
<field name="name" />
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list .o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
test("do not send context in unity spec if field is invisible", async () => {
onRpc("web_read", ({ kwargs }) => {
display_name: {},
p: {},
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p" invisible="1" context="{'x': 2}"/>
resId: 1,
test("O2M List with pager, decoration and default_order: add and cancel adding", async () => {
// The decoration on the list implies that its condition will be evaluated
// against the data of the field (actual records *displayed*)
// If one data is wrongly formed, it will crash
// This test adds then cancels a record in a paged, ordered, and decorated list
// That implies prefetching of records for sorting
// and evaluation of the decoration against *visible records*
Partner._records[0].p = [2, 4];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom" limit="1" decoration-muted="foo != False" default_order="name">
<field name="foo" invisible="1"/>
<field name="name" />
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list .o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".o_field_x2many_list .o_data_row").toHaveCount(2);
expect(queryOne(".o_selected_row")).toBe(queryOne(".o_field_x2many_list .o_data_row:eq(1)"), {
message: "The selected row should be the new one",
// Cancel Creation
await press("escape");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_x2many_list .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1);
test("O2M with parented m2o and domain on parent.m2o", async () => {
// Records in an o2m can have a m2o pointing to themselves.
// In that case, a domain evaluation on that field followed by name_search
// shouldn't send virtual_ids to the server.
Turtle._fields.parent_id = fields.Many2one({
string: "Parent",
relation: "turtle",
Turtle._views = {
form: `
<field name="parent_id"/>
onRpc("name_search", ({ kwargs }) => {
expect(kwargs.args).toEqual([["id", "in", []]]);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<field name="parent_id"/>
<field name="parent_id" domain="[('id', 'in', parent.turtles)]"/>
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await clickFieldDropdown("parent_id");
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=parent_id] input").edit("ABC", { confirm: false });
await runAllTimers();
await clickFieldDropdownItem("parent_id", "Create and edit...");
await contains(".o_dialog:not(.o_inactive_modal) .modal-footer .o_form_button_save").click();
await contains(".o_dialog:not(.o_inactive_modal) .o_form_button_save_new").click();
await contains(".o_field_many2one input").click();
test('O2M with buttons with attr "special" in dialog close the dialog', async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="bar"/>
<field name="bar"/>
<button special="cancel" data-hotkey="x" string="Cancel" class="btn-secondary"/>
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".modal .btn").toHaveText("Cancel");
await contains(".modal .btn").click();
test("O2M modal buttons are disabled on click", async () => {
// Records in an o2m can have a m2o pointing to themselves.
// In that case, a domain evaluation on that field followed by name_search
// shouldn't send virtual_ids to the server
Turtle._fields.parent_id = fields.Many2one({
string: "Parent",
relation: "turtle",
Turtle._views = {
form: `
<field name="parent_id"/>
const def = new Deferred();
onRpc("web_save", () => def);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<field name="parent_id"/>
<field name="parent_id"/>
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await clickFieldDropdown("parent_id");
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=parent_id] input").edit("ABC", { confirm: false });
await runAllTimers();
await clickFieldDropdownItem("parent_id", "Create and edit...");
await contains(".o_dialog:not(.o_inactive_modal) .modal-footer .o_form_button_save").click();
expect(".o_dialog:not(.o_inactive_modal) .modal-footer .o_form_button_save").not.toBeEnabled();
await animationFrame();
// close all dialogs
await contains(".o_dialog:not(.o_inactive_modal) .modal-footer .o_form_button_save").click();
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_dialog .o_form_view").toHaveCount(0);
test("clicking twice on a record in a one2many will open it once", async () => {
Turtle._views = {
form: `
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
const def = new Deferred();
let firstRead = true;
onRpc("turtle", "web_read", async ({ model }) => {
expect.step("web_read turtle");
if (!firstRead) {
await def;
firstRead = false;
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<field name="name"/>
await contains(".o_data_cell").click();
await contains(".o_data_cell").click();
await animationFrame();
await contains(".modal .btn-close").click();
await contains(".o_data_cell").click();
expect.verifySteps(["web_read turtle"]);
test("resequence a x2m in a form view dialog from another x2m", async () => {
onRpc((args) => {
onRpc("write", (args) => {
partner_ids: [
[1, 2, { int_field: 0 }],
[1, 4, { int_field: 1 }],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="partner_ids">
<list editable="top">
<field name="int_field" widget="handle"/>
<field name="name"/>
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "web_read"]);
await contains(".o_data_cell").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".modal [name='name']")).toEqual(["aaa", "second record"]);
await contains(".modal tr:eq(2) .o_handle_cell").dragAndDrop(".modal [name='name']:eq(0)");
expect(queryAllTexts(".modal [name='name']")).toEqual(["second record", "aaa"]);
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_save").click();
await clickSave();
test("one2many list editable with cell readonly modifier", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
Partner._records[1].turtles = [1, 2];
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
{ foo: "ff", qux: 99, turtles: [] },
{ message: "The right values should be written" }
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtles" invisible="1"/>
<field name="foo" readonly="turtles"/>
<field name="qux" readonly="turtles"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".o_selected_row [name=foo] input").toBeFocused({
message: "The first input of the line should have the focus",
// Simulating hitting the 'f' key twice
await contains(".o_selected_row [name=foo] input").edit("f", { confirm: false });
await contains(".o_selected_row [name=foo] input").edit("ff", { confirm: false });
expect(".o_selected_row [name=foo] input").toBeFocused({
message: "The first input of the line should still have the focus",
// Simulating a TAB key
await press("Tab");
await animationFrame();
await contains(".o_selected_row [name=qux] input").edit(9, { confirm: false });
await contains(".o_selected_row [name=qux] input").edit(99);
await clickSave();
test("one2many wait for the onchange of the resequenced finish before save", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [1, 2];
Partner._onChanges = {
p: function (obj) {
obj.p = [[1, 2, { qux: 99 }]];
const def = new Deferred();
onRpc("onchange", async () => {
await def;
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
[1, 1, { int_field: 9 }],
[1, 2, { int_field: 10, qux: 99 }],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="int_field" widget="handle"/>
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="qux"/>
resId: 1,
// Drag and drop the second line in first position
await contains("tbody tr:eq(1) .o_handle_cell").dragAndDrop("tbody tr");
await clickSave();
// resolve the onchange promise
await animationFrame();
expect.verifySteps(["onchange", "web_save"]);
test("one2many basic properties", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
onRpc((args) => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<page string="Partner page">
<field name="p">
<field name="foo"/>
resId: 1,
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "web_read"]);
expect(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add").toHaveAttribute("colspan", "2");
test("transferring class attributes in one2many sub fields", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_foo" class="hey"/>
resId: 1,
await contains("td.o_data_cell").click();
expect('td.hey div[name="turtle_foo"] input').toHaveCount(1); // WOWL to check! hey on input?
test("one2many with date and datetime", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<page string="Partner page">
<field name="p">
<field name="date"/>
<field name="datetime"/>
resId: 1,
expect("td:eq(1)").toHaveText("12/12/2016 12:55:05");
test("rendering with embedded one2many", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<page string="P page">
<field name="p">
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="bar"/>
resId: 1,
expect("thead th:eq(0)").toHaveText("Foo");
expect("tbody td:eq(0)").toHaveText("blip");
test("use the limit attribute in arch (in field o2m inline list view)", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2, 3];
onRpc("turtle", (args) => {
expect(args.args[0]).toEqual([1, 2]);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list limit="2">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
test("nested x2manys with inline form, but not list", async () => {
Turtle._views = { list: `<list><field name="turtle_foo"/></list>` };
Partner._views = {
list: `<list><field name="foo"/></list>`,
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="partner_ids">
<field name="foo"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".o_dialog .o_data_row").toHaveCount(2);
test("use the limit attribute in arch (in field o2m non inline list view)", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2, 3];
Turtle._views = { list: `<list limit="2"><field name="turtle_foo"/></list>` };
onRpc((args) => {
onRpc("web_read", (args) => {
display_name: {},
turtles: {
fields: {
turtle_foo: {},
limit: 2,
order: "",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `<form><field name="turtles" widget="one2many"/></form>`,
resId: 1,
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "get_views", "web_read"]);
test("one2many with default_order on view not inline", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2, 3];
Turtle._views = {
list: `
<list default_order="turtle_foo">
<field name="turtle_int"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<page string="Turtles">
<field name="turtles" widget="one2many"/>
resId: 1,
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_field_one2many .o_data_cell")).toEqual([
test("embedded one2many with widget", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<page string="P page">
<field name="p">
<field name="int_field" widget="handle"/>
<field name="foo"/>
resId: 1,
test("embedded one2many with handle widget", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2, 3];
Partner._onChanges = {
turtles: function () {},
onRpc("onchange", () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list default_order="turtle_int">
<field name="turtle_int" widget="handle"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell.o_list_char")).toEqual(["yop", "blip", "kawa"]);
// Drag and drop the second line in first position
await contains("tbody tr:eq(1) .o_handle_cell").dragAndDrop("tbody tr");
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell.o_list_char")).toEqual(["blip", "yop", "kawa"]);
await clickSave();
Turtle._records.map((r) => {
return {
id: r.id,
turtle_foo: r.turtle_foo,
turtle_int: r.turtle_int,
{ id: 1, turtle_foo: "yop", turtle_int: 1 },
{ id: 2, turtle_foo: "blip", turtle_int: 0 },
{ id: 3, turtle_foo: "kawa", turtle_int: 21 },
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell.o_list_char")).toEqual(["blip", "yop", "kawa"]);
test("onchange for embedded one2many in a one2many", async () => {
Turtle._fields.partner_ids = fields.One2many({ relation: "partner" });
Turtle._records[0].partner_ids = [1];
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1];
Partner._onChanges = {
turtles: function (obj) {
obj.turtles = [
partner_ids: [[4, 2]],
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
[1, 1, { turtle_foo: "hop", partner_ids: [[4, 2]] }],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="partner_ids" widget="many2many_tags"/>
resId: 1,
expect(".o_field_many2many_tags").toHaveText("first record");
await contains(".o_data_cell:eq(1)").click();
await contains(".o_selected_row .o_field_widget[name=turtle_foo] input").edit("hop", {
confirm: "blur",
expect(".o_field_many2many_tags").toHaveText("first record\nsecond record");
await clickSave();
test("onchange for embedded one2many in a one2many with a second page", async () => {
Turtle._fields.partner_ids = fields.One2many({ relation: "partner" });
Turtle._records[0].partner_ids = [1];
// we need a second page, so we set two records and only display one per page
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2];
Partner._onChanges = {
turtles: function (obj) {
obj.turtles = [
partner_ids: [[4, 2]],
turtle_foo: "blip",
partner_ids: [[4, 1]],
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
[1, 1, { turtle_foo: "hop", partner_ids: [[4, 2]] }],
partner_ids: [[4, 1]],
turtle_foo: "blip",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom" limit="1">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="partner_ids" widget="many2many_tags"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_cell:eq(1)").click();
await contains(".o_selected_row .o_field_widget[name=turtle_foo] input").edit("hop", {
confirm: "blur",
await clickSave();
test("onchange for embedded one2many in a one2many updated by server", async () => {
// here we test that after an onchange, the embedded one2many field has
// been updated by a new list of ids by the server response, to this new
// list should be correctly sent back at save time
Turtle._fields.partner_ids = fields.One2many({ relation: "partner" });
Partner._records[0].turtles = [2];
Turtle._records[1].partner_ids = [2];
Partner._onChanges = {
turtles: function (obj) {
obj.turtles = [
partner_ids: [[4, 4]],
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
partner_ids: [[4, 4]],
turtle_foo: "hop",
message: "The right values should be written",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="partner_ids" widget="many2many_tags"/>
resId: 1,
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell.o_many2many_tags_cell .o_tag_badge_text")).toEqual([
"second record",
await contains(".o_data_cell:eq(1)").click();
await contains(".o_selected_row [name=turtle_foo] input").edit("hop", {
confirm: "blur",
await clickSave();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell.o_many2many_tags_cell .o_tag_badge_text")).toEqual([
"second record",
test("onchange for embedded one2many with handle widget", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2, 3];
let partnerOnchange = 0;
Partner._onChanges = {
turtles: function () {
let turtleOnchange = 0;
Turtle._onChanges = {
turtle_int: function () {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list default_order="turtle_int">
<field name="turtle_int" widget="handle"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell.o_list_char")).toEqual(["yop", "blip", "kawa"]);
// Drag and drop the second line in first position
await contains("tbody tr:eq(1) .o_handle_cell").dragAndDrop("tbody tr");
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell.o_list_char")).toEqual(["blip", "yop", "kawa"]);
expect(turtleOnchange).toBe(2, { message: "should trigger one onchange per line updated" });
expect(partnerOnchange).toBe(1, { message: "should trigger only one onchange on the parent" });
test("onchange for embedded one2many with handle widget using same sequence", async () => {
Turtle._records[0].turtle_int = 1;
Turtle._records[1].turtle_int = 1;
Turtle._records[2].turtle_int = 1;
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2, 3];
let turtleOnchange = 0;
Turtle._onChanges = {
turtle_int: function () {
onRpc("write", (args) => {
[1, 2, { turtle_int: 1 }],
[1, 1, { turtle_int: 2 }],
[1, 3, { turtle_int: 3 }],
"should change all lines that have changed (the first one doesn't change because it has the same sequence)",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list default_order="turtle_int">
<field name="turtle_int" widget="handle"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell.o_list_char")).toEqual(["yop", "blip", "kawa"]);
// Drag and drop the second line in first position
await contains("tbody tr:eq(1) .o_handle_cell").dragAndDrop("tbody tr");
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell.o_list_char")).toEqual(["blip", "yop", "kawa"]);
expect(turtleOnchange).toBe(3, { message: "should update all lines" });
await clickSave();
test("onchange for embedded one2many with handle widget (more records)", async () => {
const ids = [];
for (let i = 10; i < 50; i++) {
const id = 10 + i;
id: id,
turtle_int: 0,
turtle_foo: "#" + id,
ids.push(1, 2, 3);
Partner._records[0].turtles = ids;
Partner._onChanges = {
turtles: function (obj) {},
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom" default_order="turtle_int">
<field name="turtle_int" widget="handle"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
await contains("div[name=turtles] .o_pager_next").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell.o_list_char")).toEqual(["yop", "blip", "kawa"]);
await contains(".o_data_cell.o_list_char").click();
await contains('.o_list_renderer div[name="turtle_foo"] input').edit("blurp");
// Drag and drop the third line in second position
await contains("tbody tr:eq(2) .o_handle_cell").dragAndDrop("tbody tr:eq(1)");
// need to unselect row...
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell.o_list_char")).toEqual(["blurp", "kawa", "blip"]);
await clickSave();
await contains('div[name="turtles"] .o_pager_next').click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell.o_list_char")).toEqual(["blurp", "kawa", "blip"]);
test("onchange with modifiers for embedded one2many on the second page", async () => {
const ids = [];
for (let i = 10; i < 60; i++) {
const id = 10 + i;
id: id,
turtle_int: 0,
turtle_foo: "#" + id,
ids.push(1, 2, 3);
Partner._records[0].turtles = ids;
Partner._onChanges = {
turtles: function (obj) {},
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom" default_order="turtle_int" limit="10">
<field name="turtle_int" widget="handle"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="turtle_qux" readonly="not turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
const getTurtleFooValues = () => {
return queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell.o_list_char").join("");
await contains(".o_data_cell.o_list_char").click();
await contains("div[name=turtle_foo] input").edit("blurp");
// click outside of the one2many to unselect the row
await contains(".o_form_view").click();
// the domain fail if the widget does not use the already loaded data.
await contains(".o_form_button_cancel").click();
// Drag and drop the third line in second position
await contains("tbody tr:eq(2) .o_handle_cell").dragAndDrop("tbody tr:eq(1)");
// Drag and drop the third line in second position
await contains("tbody tr:eq(2) .o_handle_cell").dragAndDrop("tbody tr:eq(1)");
await contains(".o_form_view").click();
await contains(".o_form_button_cancel").click();
test("onchange followed by edition on the second page", async () => {
const ids = [];
for (let i = 1; i < 85; i++) {
const id = 10 + i;
id: id,
turtle_int: (id / 3) | 0,
turtle_foo: "#" + i,
ids.splice(41, 0, 1, 2, 3);
Partner._records[0].turtles = ids;
Partner._onChanges = {
turtles: function (obj) {},
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top" default_order="turtle_int">
<field name="turtle_int" widget="handle"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_pager_next").click();
await contains(".o_field_one2many .o_list_renderer tbody tr td.o_handle_cell:eq(1)").click();
await contains('.o_field_one2many .o_list_renderer tbody div[name="turtle_foo"] input').edit(
"value 1"
await contains(".o_field_one2many .o_list_renderer tbody tr td.o_handle_cell:eq(2)").click();
await contains('.o_field_one2many .o_list_renderer tbody div[name="turtle_foo"] input').edit(
"value 2"
expect(".o_field_one2many .o_list_renderer .o_data_cell.o_list_char:eq(0)").toHaveText("#39", {
message: "should display '#39' at the first line",
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".o_data_row").toHaveCount(40, {
message: "should display 39 records and the create line",
expect(".o_data_row:eq(0)").toHaveClass("o_selected_row", {
message: "should display the create line in first position",
expect('.o_field_one2many .o_list_renderer tbody div[name="turtle_foo"]').toHaveText("", {
message: "should be an empty input",
expect(".o_field_one2many .o_list_renderer .o_data_cell.o_list_char:eq(1)").toHaveText("#39");
await contains(".o_data_row input").edit("value 3", { confirm: "blur" });
expect(".o_data_row:eq(0)").toHaveClass(["o_data_row", "o_row_draggable"]);
expect(".o_field_one2many .o_list_renderer .o_data_cell.o_list_char:eq(1)").toHaveText("#39");
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".o_data_row").toHaveCount(40, {
message: "should display 39 records and the create line",
expect(".o_field_one2many .o_list_renderer .o_data_cell.o_list_char:eq(1)").toHaveText(
"value 3"
expect(".o_field_one2many .o_list_renderer .o_data_cell.o_list_char:eq(2)").toHaveText("#39");
test("onchange followed by edition on the second page (part 2)", async () => {
const ids = [];
for (let i = 1; i < 85; i++) {
const id = 10 + i;
id: id,
turtle_int: (id / 3) | 0,
turtle_foo: "#" + i,
ids.splice(41, 0, 1, 2, 3);
Partner._records[0].turtles = ids;
Partner._onChanges = {
turtles: function (obj) {},
// bottom order
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom" default_order="turtle_int">
<field name="turtle_int" widget="handle"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_pager_next").click();
await contains(".o_field_one2many .o_list_renderer tbody tr td.o_handle_cell:eq(1)").click();
await contains('.o_field_one2many .o_list_renderer tbody div[name="turtle_foo"] input').edit(
"value 1",
{ confirm: "blur" }
await contains(".o_field_one2many .o_list_renderer tbody tr td.o_handle_cell:eq(2)").click();
await contains('.o_field_one2many .o_list_renderer tbody div[name="turtle_foo"] input').edit(
"value 2",
{ confirm: "blur" }
expect(".o_data_row").toHaveCount(40, { message: "should display 40 records" });
expect(".o_field_one2many .o_list_renderer tbody .o_data_cell.o_list_char:eq(0)").toHaveText(
message: "should display '#39' at the first line",
expect(".o_field_one2many .o_list_renderer tbody .o_data_cell.o_list_char:eq(39)").toHaveText(
{ message: "should display '#77' at the last line" }
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".o_data_row").toHaveCount(41, {
message: "should display 41 records and the create line",
expect(".o_field_one2many .o_list_renderer tbody .o_data_cell.o_list_char:eq(39)").toHaveText(
{ message: "should display '#77' at the penultimate line" }
expect(".o_data_row:eq(40)").toHaveClass("o_selected_row", {
message: "should display the create line in first position",
await contains('.o_field_one2many .o_list_renderer tbody div[name="turtle_foo"] input').edit(
"value 3",
{ confirm: "blur" }
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".o_data_row").toHaveCount(42, {
message: "should display 42 records and the create line",
expect(".o_field_one2many .o_list_renderer tbody .o_data_cell.o_list_char:eq(40)").toHaveText(
"value 3"
expect(".o_field_one2many .o_list_renderer tbody .o_data_cell.o_list_char:eq(41)").toHaveText(
expect(".o_data_row:eq(41)").toHaveClass("o_selected_row", {
message: "should display the create line in first position",
test("onchange returning a commands 4 for an x2many", async () => {
Partner._onChanges = {
foo(obj) {
obj.turtles = [
[4, 1],
[4, 3],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="turtles">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
// change the value of foo to trigger the onchange
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=foo] input").edit("some value");
test("x2many fields inside x2manys are fetched after an onchange", async () => {
Turtle._records[0].partner_ids = [1];
Partner._onChanges = {
foo: function (obj) {
obj.turtles = [
[3, 2],
[4, 1],
[4, 2],
[4, 3],
onRpc("onchange", (args) => {
// spec
display_name: {},
foo: {},
turtles: {
fields: {
partner_ids: {
fields: {
display_name: {},
turtle_foo: {},
limit: 40,
order: "",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="turtles">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="partner_ids" widget="many2many_tags"/>
resId: 1,
expect(".o_data_row .o_field_widget[name=partner_ids]").toHaveText("second record\naaa");
// change the value of foo to trigger the onchange
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=foo] input").edit("some value");
expect(".o_data_row").toHaveCount(3, {
message: "there should be three records in the relation",
expect(".o_data_row .o_field_widget[name=partner_ids]:eq(0)").toHaveText("first record");
test("reference fields inside x2manys are fetched after an onchange", async () => {
Turtle._records[1].turtle_ref = "product,41";
Partner._onChanges = {
foo: function (obj) {
obj.turtles = [
[4, 1],
[4, 3],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="turtles">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="turtle_ref" class="ref_field"/>
resId: 1,
// change the value of foo to trigger the onchange
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=foo] input").edit("some value");
expect(queryAllTexts(".ref_field")).toEqual(["xpad", "", "xphone"]);
test("onchange on one2many containing x2many in form view", async () => {
Partner._onChanges = {
foo: function (obj) {
obj.turtles = [[0, false, { turtle_foo: "new record" }]];
Partner._views = { list: '<list><field name="foo"/></list>', search: "<search></search>" };
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="turtles">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="partner_ids">
<list editable="top">
<field name="foo"/>
expect(".o_data_row").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "the onchange should have created one record in the relation",
// open the created o2m record in a form view, and add a m2m subrecord
// in its relation
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal .o_data_row").toHaveCount(0);
// add a many2many subrecord
await contains(".modal .o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".modal").toHaveCount(2, { message: "should have opened a second dialog" });
// select a many2many subrecord
await contains(".modal:eq(1) .o_list_view .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".modal .o_x2m_control_panel .o_pager").toHaveCount(0, {
message: "m2m pager should be hidden",
// click on 'Save & Close'
await contains(".modal-footer .btn-primary").click();
expect(".modal").toHaveCount(0, { message: "dialog should be closed" });
// reopen o2m record, and another m2m subrecord in its relation, but
// discard the changes
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1);
// add another m2m subrecord
await contains(".modal .o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".modal").toHaveCount(2, { message: "should have opened a second dialog" });
await contains(".modal:eq(1) .o_list_view .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal").toHaveCount(1, { message: "second dialog should be closed" });
expect(".modal .o_data_row").toHaveCount(2, {
message: "there should be two records in the one2many in the dialog",
// click on 'Discard'
await contains(".modal-footer .btn-secondary").click();
expect(".modal").toHaveCount(0, { message: "dialog should be closed" });
// reopen o2m record to check that second changes have properly been discarded
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1);
test("onchange on one2many with x2many in list (no widget) and form view (list)", async () => {
Turtle._fields.turtle_foo = fields.Char({ default: "a default value" });
Partner._onChanges = {
foo: function (obj) {
obj.p = [[0, false, { turtles: [[0, false, { turtle_foo: "hello" }]] }]];
onRpc("partner", "onchange", ({ args }) => {
display_name: {},
foo: {},
p: {
fields: {
turtles: {
fields: {
turtle_foo: {},
limit: 40,
order: "",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="p">
<field name="turtles"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
expect(".o_data_row").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "the onchange should have created one record in the relation",
// open the created o2m record in a form view
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".modal .o_data_row").toHaveText("hello");
// add a one2many subrecord and check if the default value is correctly applied
await contains(".modal .o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".modal .o_data_row").toHaveCount(2);
expect(".modal .o_data_row .o_field_widget[name=turtle_foo] input").toHaveValue(
"a default value"
test("save an o2m dialog form view and discard main form view", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="name"/>
expect(".o_data_row [name='name']").toHaveText("donatello");
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal [name='name'] input").toHaveValue("donatello");
await contains(".modal [name='name'] input").edit("leonardo");
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_save").click();
expect(".o_data_row [name='name']").toHaveText("leonardo");
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_cancel").click();
expect(".o_data_row [name='name']").toHaveText("leonardo");
await contains(".o_form_button_cancel").click();
expect(".o_data_row [name='name']").toHaveText("donatello");
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal [name='name'] input").toHaveValue("donatello");
test("discard with nested o2m form view dialog", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
Partner._records[1].p = [4];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: `
<field name="name"/>
<field name="p">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="name"/>
<field name="p">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="name"/>
expect(".o_data_row [name='name']").toHaveText("second record");
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect("#dialog_0 [name='name'] input").toHaveValue("second record");
await contains("#dialog_0 .o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect("#dialog_1 [name='name'] input").toHaveValue("aaa");
await contains("#dialog_1 [name='name'] input").edit("leonardo");
await contains("#dialog_1 .o_form_button_save").click();
expect("#dialog_0 .o_data_row [name='name']").toHaveText("leonardo");
await contains("#dialog_0 .o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect("#dialog_2 [name='name'] input").toHaveValue("leonardo");
await contains("#dialog_2 .o_form_button_cancel").click();
await contains("#dialog_0 .o_form_button_cancel").click();
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal .o_data_row [name='name']").toHaveText("aaa");
test("discard a form dialog view and then reopen it with a domain based on a text field", async () => {
Turtle._records[1].turtle_foo = "yop";
Turtle._views = {
form: `
<field name="name" invisible="turtle_foo == 'yop'"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: `
<field name="name"/>
<field name="turtles">
<field name="name"/>
expect(".o_data_row [name='name']").toHaveText("donatello");
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal [name='name']").toHaveCount(0);
expect(".modal [name='turtle_foo'] input").toHaveValue("yop");
await contains(".modal [name='turtle_foo'] input").edit("display");
expect(".modal [name='name'] input").toHaveValue("donatello");
expect(".modal [name='turtle_foo'] input").toHaveValue("display");
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_save").click();
await contains(".o_form_button_cancel").click();
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal [name='name']").toHaveCount(0);
expect(".modal [name='turtle_foo'] input").toHaveValue("yop");
test("onchange on one2many with x2many in list (many2many_tags) and form view (list)", async () => {
Turtle._fields.turtle_foo = fields.Char({ default: "a default value" });
Partner._onChanges = {
foo: function (obj) {
obj.p = [[0, false, { turtles: [[0, false, { turtle_foo: "hello" }]] }]];
onRpc("partner", "onchange", ({ args }) => {
display_name: {},
foo: {},
p: {
fields: {
turtles: {
fields: {
display_name: {},
turtle_foo: {},
limit: 40,
order: "",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="p">
<field name="turtles" widget="many2many_tags"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
expect(".o_data_row").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "the onchange should have created one record in the relation",
// open the created o2m record in a form view
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".modal .o_data_row").toHaveText("hello");
// add a one2many subrecord and check if the default value is correctly applied
await contains(".modal .o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".modal .o_data_row").toHaveCount(2);
expect(".modal .o_data_row .o_field_widget[name=turtle_foo] input").toHaveValue(
"a default value"
test("embedded one2many with handle widget with minimum setValue calls", async () => {
Turtle._records[0].turtle_int = 6;
id: 4,
turtle_int: 20,
turtle_foo: "a1",
id: 5,
turtle_int: 9,
turtle_foo: "a2",
id: 6,
turtle_int: 2,
turtle_foo: "a3",
id: 7,
turtle_int: 11,
turtle_foo: "a4",
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
patchWithCleanup(Record.prototype, {
_update() {
if (this.resModel === "turtle") {
return super._update(...arguments);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list default_order="turtle_int">
<field name="turtle_int" widget="handle"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row [name='turtle_foo']")).toEqual([
const positions = [
[6, 0, ["3", "6", "1", "2", "5", "7", "4"]], // move the last to the first line
[5, 1, ["7", "6", "1", "2", "5"]], // move the penultimate to the second line
[2, 5, ["1", "2", "5", "6"]], // move the third to the penultimate line
for (const [sourceIndex, targetIndex, steps] of positions) {
await contains(`tbody tr:eq(${sourceIndex}) .o_handle_cell`).dragAndDrop(
`tbody tr:eq(${targetIndex})`
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row [name='turtle_foo']")).toEqual([
test("embedded one2many (editable list) with handle widget", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [1, 2, 4];
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
[1, 2, { int_field: 0 }],
[1, 4, { int_field: 1 }],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="top">
<field name="int_field" widget="handle"/>
<field name="foo"/>
resId: 1,
"My little Foo Value",
// Drag and drop the second line in first position
await contains("tbody tr:eq(1) .o_handle_cell").dragAndDrop(".o_field_one2many tbody tr:eq(0)");
"My little Foo Value",
await contains(".o_data_cell.o_list_char").click();
expect(".o_field_widget[name=foo] input").toHaveValue("blip");
await clickSave();
"My little Foo Value",
test("one2many list order with handle widget", async () => {
onRpc("web_read", (args) => {
expect(args.kwargs.specification.p.order).toBe("int_field ASC, id ASC");
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="top">
<field name="int_field" widget="handle"/>
<field name="foo"/>
resId: 1,
test("one2many field when using the pager", async () => {
const ids = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 45; i++) {
const id = 10 + i;
name: `relational record ${id}`,
Partner._records[0].p = ids.slice(0, 42);
Partner._records[1].p = ids.slice(42);
onRpc("web_read", (args) => {
expect.step(`unity read ${args.args[0]}`);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<t t-name="card">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
resIds: [1, 2],
expect.verifySteps(["unity read 1"]);
// move to record 2, which has 3 related records (and shouldn't contain the
// related records of record 1 anymore)
await contains(".o_form_view .o_control_panel .o_pager_next").click();
expect.verifySteps(["unity read 2"]);
// move back to record 1, which should contain again its first 40 related
// records
await contains(".o_form_view .o_control_panel .o_pager_previous").click();
expect.verifySteps(["unity read 1"]);
// move to the second page of the o2m: 1 RPC should have been done to fetch
// the 2 subrecords of page 2, and those records should now be displayed
await contains(".o_x2m_control_panel .o_pager_next").click();
expect.verifySteps(["unity read 50,51"]);
// move to record 2 again and check that everything is correctly updated
await contains(".o_form_view .o_control_panel .o_pager_next").click();
expect.verifySteps(["unity read 2"]);
// move back to record 1 and move to page 2 again: all data should have
// been correctly reloaded
await contains(".o_form_view .o_control_panel .o_pager_previous").click();
expect.verifySteps(["unity read 1"]);
await contains(".o_x2m_control_panel .o_pager_next").click();
expect.verifySteps(["unity read 50,51"]);
test("edition of one2many field with pager", async () => {
const ids = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 45; i++) {
const id = 10 + i;
id: id,
name: "relational record " + id,
Partner._records[0].p = ids;
Partner._views = { form: '<form><field name="name"/></form>' };
let saveCount = 0;
let checkRead = false;
let readIDs;
onRpc("web_read", (args) => {
if (checkRead) {
readIDs = args.args[0];
checkRead = false;
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
const commands = args.args[1].p;
switch (saveCount) {
case 1:
expect(commands).toEqual([[0, commands[0][1], { name: "new record" }]]);
case 2:
expect(commands).toEqual([[2, 10]]);
case 3:
[0, commands[0][1], { name: "new record page 1" }],
[2, 11],
[2, 52],
[0, commands[3][1], { name: "new record page 2" }],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<t t-name="card">
<a t-if="!read_only_mode" type="delete" class="fa fa-times float-end delete_icon"/>
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
// add a record on page one
checkRead = true;
await contains(".o-kanban-button-new").click();
await contains(".modal input").edit("new record");
await contains(".modal .modal-footer .btn-primary").click();
// checks
expect(readIDs).toBe(undefined, { message: "should not have read any record" });
expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost):contains('new record')").toHaveCount(0);
// save
await clickSave();
// delete a record on page one
checkRead = true;
expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost):eq(0)").toHaveText("relational record 10");
await contains(".delete_icon").click(); // should remove record!!!
// checks
expect(readIDs).toEqual([50], {
message: "should have read a record (to display 40 records on page 1)",
// save
await clickSave();
// add and delete records in both pages
checkRead = true;
readIDs = undefined;
// add and delete a record in page 1
await contains(".o-kanban-button-new").click();
await contains(".modal input").edit("new record page 1");
await contains(".modal .modal-footer .btn-primary").click();
expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost):eq(0)").toHaveText("relational record 11", {
message: "first record should be the one with id 11 (next checks rely on that)",
await contains(".delete_icon").click(); // should remove record!!!
expect(readIDs).toEqual([51], {
message: "should have read a record (to display 40 records on page 1)",
// add and delete a record in page 2
await contains(".o_x2m_control_panel .o_pager_next").click();
expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost):eq(0)").toHaveText("relational record 52", {
message: "first record should be the one with id 52 (next checks rely on that)",
checkRead = true;
readIDs = undefined;
await contains(".delete_icon").click(); // should remove record!!!
await contains(".o-kanban-button-new").click();
await contains(".modal input").edit("new record page 2");
await contains(".modal .modal-footer .btn-primary").click();
expect(readIDs).toBe(undefined, { message: "should not have read any record" });
// checks
expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost):contains('new record page 1')").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost):contains('new record page 2')").toHaveCount(1);
// save
await clickSave();
expect.verifySteps(["web_save", "web_save", "web_save"]);
test("edition of one2many field with pager on desktop", async () => {
const ids = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 45; i++) {
const id = 10 + i;
id: id,
name: "relational record " + id,
Partner._records[0].p = ids;
Partner._views = { form: '<form><field name="name"/></form>' };
let saveCount = 0;
let checkRead = false;
onRpc("web_read", (args) => {
if (checkRead) {
checkRead = false;
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
const commands = args.args[1].p;
switch (saveCount) {
case 1:
expect(commands).toEqual([[0, commands[0][1], { name: "new record" }]]);
case 2:
expect(commands).toEqual([[2, 10]]);
case 3:
[0, commands[0][1], { name: "new record page 1" }],
[2, 11],
[2, 52],
[0, commands[3][1], { name: "new record page 2" }],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<t t-name="card">
<a t-if="!read_only_mode" type="delete" class="fa fa-times float-end delete_icon"/>
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
expect(".o_x2m_control_panel .o_pager_counter").toHaveText("1-40 / 45");
// add a record on page one
checkRead = true;
await contains(".o-kanban-button-new").click();
await contains(".modal input").edit("new record");
await contains(".modal .modal-footer .btn-primary").click();
// checks
expect(".o_x2m_control_panel .o_pager_counter").toHaveText("1-40 / 46");
// save
await clickSave();
// delete a record on page one
checkRead = true;
await contains(".delete_icon").click(); // should remove record!!!
// checks
expect(".o_x2m_control_panel .o_pager_counter").toHaveText("1-40 / 45");
// save
await clickSave();
// add and delete records in both pages
checkRead = true;
// add and delete a record in page 1
await contains(".o-kanban-button-new").click();
await contains(".modal input").edit("new record page 1");
await contains(".modal .modal-footer .btn-primary").click();
await contains(".delete_icon").click(); // should remove record!!!
// add and delete a record in page 2
await contains(".o_x2m_control_panel .o_pager_next").click();
checkRead = true;
await contains(".delete_icon").click(); // should remove record!!!
await contains(".o-kanban-button-new").click();
await contains(".modal input").edit("new record page 2");
await contains(".modal .modal-footer .btn-primary").click();
// checks
expect(".o_x2m_control_panel .o_pager_counter").toHaveText("41-45 / 45");
// save
await clickSave();
expect.verifySteps(["web_save", "web_save", "web_save"]);
test("When viewing one2many records in an embedded kanban, the delete button should say 'Delete' and not 'Remove'", async () => {
Turtle._views = {
form: `
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<t t-name="card">
<h3>Record 1</h3>
resId: 1,
// Opening the record to see the footer buttons
await contains(".o_kanban_record").click();
test("open a record in a one2many kanban (mode 'readonly')", async () => {
Turtle._views = {
form: `
<field name="name"/>
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<form edit="0">
<field name="turtles">
<t t-name="card">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_kanban_record").click();
expect(".modal div[name=name] span").toHaveText("donatello");
test("open a record in a one2many kanban (mode 'edit')", async () => {
Turtle._views = {
form: `
<field name="name"/>
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<t t-name="card">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_kanban_record").click();
expect(".modal div[name=name] input").toHaveValue("donatello");
test("open a record in an one2many readonly", async () => {
Turtle._views = {
form: `
<field name="name"/>
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles" readonly='1'>
<field name="name" />
<field name="name" />
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal div[name=name] span").toHaveText("donatello");
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_cancel").click();
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal div[name=name] span").toHaveText("donatello");
test("open a record in a one2many kanban with an x2m in the form", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
Partner._records[1].p = [4];
Partner._views = {
form: `
<field name="name"/>
<field name="p">
<field name="name"/>
const def = new Deferred();
onRpc("web_read", async (args) => {
if (args.args[0][0] === 2) {
expect.step("web_read: 2");
await def;
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<t t-name="card">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_kanban_record").click();
await animationFrame();
expect(".modal [name=name] input").toHaveValue("second record");
expect(queryAllTexts(".modal .o_data_row")).toEqual(["aaa"]);
expect.verifySteps(["web_read: 2"]);
test("one2many in kanban: add a line custom control create editable", async () => {
Turtle._views = {
form: `
<field name="name"/>
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<create string="Add food" context="" />
<create string="Add pizza" context="{'default_name': 'pizza'}"/>
<create string="Add pasta" context="{'default_name': 'pasta'}"/>
<t t-name="card">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
const createButtons = queryAll(".o_x2m_control_panel .o_cp_buttons button");
expect(queryAllTexts(createButtons)).toEqual(["Add food", "Add pizza", "Add pasta"]);
await contains(createButtons[0]).click();
expect(".modal div[name=name] input").toHaveValue("");
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_cancel").click();
await contains(createButtons[1]).click();
expect(".modal div[name=name] input").toHaveValue("pizza");
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_cancel").click();
await contains(createButtons[2]).click();
expect(".modal div[name=name] input").toHaveValue("pasta");
test("one2many in kanban: add a line custom control create editable (2)", async () => {
Turtle._views = {
form: `
<field name="name"/>
onRpc("do_something", (args) => {
return true;
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<create string="Create" context="{}" />
<button string="Action Button" name="do_something" type="object" context="{'parent_id': parent.id}"/>
<t t-name="card">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 2,
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_x2m_control_panel .o_cp_buttons button")).toEqual([
"Action Button",
await contains(".o_x2m_control_panel .o_cp_buttons button:eq(1)").click();
test("add record in a one2many non editable list with context", async () => {
onRpc("turtle", "onchange", ({ kwargs }) => {
// done by the X2ManyFieldDialog
abc: 2,
allowed_company_ids: [1],
lang: "en",
tz: "taht",
uid: 7,
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="int_field"/>
<field name="turtles" context="{'abc': int_field}">
<list><field name="name"/></list>
<form><field name="name"/></form>
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=int_field] input").edit("2");
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
test("edition of one2many field, with onchange and not inline sub view", async () => {
Turtle._onChanges.turtle_int = function (obj) {
obj.turtle_foo = String(obj.turtle_int);
Partner._onChanges.turtles = function () {};
Turtle._views = {
list: `
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
form: `
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="turtle_int"/>
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles" widget="one2many"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains('div[name="turtle_int"] input').edit("5");
await contains(".modal-footer button.btn-primary").click();
let firstCellOfSecondRow = ".o_data_cell.o_list_char:eq(1)";
await contains(firstCellOfSecondRow).click();
await contains('div[name="turtle_int"] input').edit("3");
await contains(".modal-footer button.btn-primary").click();
firstCellOfSecondRow = ".o_data_cell.o_list_char:eq(1)";
test("onchange specification complete after open sub form view not inline", async () => {
Partner._onChanges.name = () => {};
Turtle._views = {
form: `
<field name="name"/>
<field name="partner_ids">
<field name="name"/>
onRpc("partner", "onchange", ({ args }) => {
if (args[1].name === "test") {
name: {},
display_name: {},
turtles: {
fields: {
turtle_foo: {},
limit: 40,
order: "",
} else if (args[1].name === "test2") {
name: {},
display_name: {},
turtles: {
fields: {
name: {},
partner_ids: {
fields: {
name: {},
limit: 40,
order: "",
turtle_foo: {},
limit: 40,
order: "",
return {
value: {
turtles: [
name: "yop",
partner_ids: [[1, 2, { name: "plop" }]],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="name"/>
<field name="turtles">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
await contains("div[name='name'] input").edit("test");
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal [name='name'] input").toHaveValue("donatello");
expect(queryAllTexts(".modal .o_data_row")).toEqual(["second record", "aaa"]);
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_save").click();
await contains("div[name='name'] input").edit("test2");
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal [name='name'] input").toHaveValue("yop");
expect(queryAllTexts(".modal .o_data_row")).toEqual(["plop", "aaa"]);
test("sorting one2many fields", async () => {
Partner._fields.foo.sortable = true;
Partner._records.push({ id: 23, foo: "abc", int_field: 1 });
Partner._records.push({ id: 24, foo: "xyz", int_field: 1 });
Partner._records.push({ id: 25, foo: "def", int_field: 2 });
Partner._records[0].p = [23, 24, 25];
let rpcCount = 0;
onRpc(() => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="int_field"/>
resId: 1,
rpcCount = 0;
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell[name='foo']")).toEqual(["abc", "xyz", "def"]);
await contains("table thead [data-name='foo'].o_column_sortable").click();
expect(rpcCount).toBe(0, { message: "in memory sort, no RPC should have been done" });
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell[name='foo']")).toEqual(["abc", "def", "xyz"]);
await contains("table thead [data-name='foo'].o_column_sortable").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell[name='foo']")).toEqual(["xyz", "def", "abc"]);
await contains("table thead [data-name='int_field'].o_column_sortable").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell[name='foo']")).toEqual(["xyz", "abc", "def"]);
await contains("table thead [data-name='int_field'].o_column_sortable").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell[name='foo']")).toEqual(["def", "xyz", "abc"]);
test("sorting one2many fields with multi page", async () => {
Partner._records.push({ id: 23, foo: "abc", int_field: 1 });
Partner._records.push({ id: 24, foo: "xyz", int_field: 1 });
Partner._records.push({ id: 25, foo: "def", int_field: 2 });
Partner._records.push({ id: 26, foo: "otc", int_field: 2 });
Partner._records[0].p = [23, 24, 25, 26];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list limit="2">
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="int_field"/>
resId: 1,
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row")).toEqual(["abc 1", "xyz 1"]);
await contains("table thead [data-name='int_field'].o_column_sortable").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row")).toEqual(["abc 1", "xyz 1"]);
await contains("table thead [data-name='foo'].o_column_sortable").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row")).toEqual(["abc 1", "def 2"]);
await contains(".o_field_widget[name='p'] .o_pager_next").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row")).toEqual(["otc 2", "xyz 1"]);
test("one2many list field edition", async () => {
id: 3,
name: "relational record 1",
Partner._records[1].p = [3];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="top">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 2,
expect(".o_field_one2many tbody td:eq(0)").toHaveText("relational record 1");
await contains(".o_field_one2many tbody td").click();
expect(".o_field_one2many tbody .o_data_row:eq(0)").toHaveClass("o_selected_row");
await contains(".o_field_one2many tbody td input").edit("new value", { confirm: false });
expect(".o_field_one2many tbody .o_data_row:eq(0)").toHaveClass("o_selected_row");
expect(".o_field_one2many tbody td input").toHaveValue("new value");
// leave o2m edition
await contains(".o_form_view").click();
expect(".o_field_one2many tbody .o_data_row:eq(0)").not.toHaveClass("o_selected_row");
// discard changes
await contains(".o_form_button_cancel").click();
expect(".o_field_one2many tbody td:eq(0)").toHaveText("relational record 1");
// edit again and save
await contains(".o_field_one2many tbody td").click();
await contains(".o_field_one2many tbody td input").edit("new value");
await contains(".o_form_view").click();
await clickSave();
expect(".o_field_one2many tbody td:eq(0)").toHaveText("new value");
test("one2many list: create action disabled", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list create="0">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
test("one2many list: cannot open record in editable list and form in readonly mode", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<form edit="0">
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_cell[name='name']").click();
test("one2many list: cannot open record in editable=bottom and edit=false list", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom" edit="false">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_cell[name='name']").click();
test("one2many list: conditional create/delete actions", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2, 4];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="bar"/>
<field name="p" options="{'create': [('bar', '=', True)], 'delete': [('bar', '=', True)]}">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
// bar is true -> create and delete action are available
expect("td.o_list_record_remove button").toHaveCount(2);
// set bar to false -> create and delete action are no longer available
await contains('.o_field_widget[name="bar"] input').click();
expect("td.o_list_record_remove button").toHaveCount(0);
test("boolean field in a one2many must be directly editable", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2, 4];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="top">
<field name="bar"/>
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
expect(".o_data_cell[name='bar'] input:eq(0)").toBeChecked();
expect(".o_data_cell[name='bar'] input:eq(1)").not.toBeChecked();
await contains('[name="bar"] .o-checkbox').click();
expect(".o_data_cell[name='bar'] input:eq(0)").not.toBeChecked();
expect(".o_data_cell[name='bar'] input:eq(1)").not.toBeChecked();
test("many2many list: unlink two records", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [1, 2, 4];
Partner._views = {
form: `
<field name="name"/>
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
expect(args.args[1].p).toEqual([[3, 1]], { message: "should send a command 3 (unlink)" });
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p" widget="many2many">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
expect("td.o_list_record_remove button").toHaveCount(3);
await contains("td.o_list_record_remove button").click();
expect("td.o_list_record_remove button").toHaveCount(2);
await contains("tr.o_data_row td").click();
expect(".modal .modal-footer .o_btn_remove").toHaveCount(0);
await contains(".modal .btn-secondary").click();
await clickSave();
test("one2many list: deleting one records", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [1, 2, 4];
Partner._views = {
form: `
<field name="name"/>
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
expect(args.args[1].p).toEqual([[2, 1]]);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
expect("td.o_list_record_remove button").toHaveCount(3);
await contains("td.o_list_record_remove button").click();
expect("td.o_list_record_remove button").toHaveCount(2);
// save and check that the correct command has been generated
await clickSave();
// FIXME: it would be nice to test that the view is re-rendered correctly,
// but as the relational data isn't re-fetched, the rendering is ok even
// if the changes haven't been saved
test("one2many kanban: edition", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
const commands = args.args[1].p;
color: "red",
name: "new subrecord 3",
foo: "My little Foo Value",
[2, 2],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
// color will be in the kanban but not in the form
// foo will be in the form but not in the kanban
arch: `
<field name="p">
<t t-name="card">
<a t-if="!read_only_mode" type="delete" class="fa fa-times float-end delete_icon"/>
<field name="name"/>
<field name="color"/>
<field name="name"/>
<field name="foo"/>
resId: 1,
expect(".o_kanban_record span:eq(0)").toHaveText("second record");
expect(".o_kanban_record span:eq(1)").toHaveText("Red");
expect(".o_field_one2many .o-kanban-button-new").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".o_field_one2many .o-kanban-button-new").toHaveClass("btn-secondary");
expect(".o_field_one2many .o-kanban-button-new").toHaveText("Add");
// edit existing subrecord
await contains(".o_kanban_record:eq(0)").click();
await contains(".modal .o_form_view .o_field_widget:eq(0) input").edit("new name");
await contains(".modal .modal-footer .btn-primary:eq(0)").click();
expect(".o_kanban_record span:first").toHaveText("new name");
// create a new subrecord
await contains(".o-kanban-button-new:eq(0)").click();
await contains(".modal .o_form_view .o_field_widget:eq(0) input").edit("new subrecord 1");
await contains(".modal .modal-footer .btn-primary:eq(0)").click();
expect(".o_kanban_record:eq(1) span:eq(0)").toHaveText("new subrecord 1", {
message: 'value of newly created subrecord should be "new subrecord 1"',
// create two new subrecords
await contains(".o-kanban-button-new:eq(0)").click();
await contains(".modal .o_form_view .o_field_widget:eq(0) input").edit("new subrecord 2");
await contains(".modal .modal-footer .btn-primary:eq(1)").click();
await contains(".modal .o_form_view .o_field_widget:eq(0) input").edit("new subrecord 3");
await contains(".modal .modal-footer .btn-primary:eq(0)").click();
// delete subrecords
await contains(".o_kanban_record:eq(0)").click();
expect(".modal .modal-footer .o_btn_remove").toHaveCount(1);
await contains(".modal .modal-footer .o_btn_remove:eq(0)").click();
expect(".o_modal").toHaveCount(0, { message: "modal should have been closed" });
await contains(".o_kanban_renderer .delete_icon:first():eq(0)").click();
await contains(".o_kanban_renderer .delete_icon:first():eq(0)").click();
expect(".o_kanban_record span:first").toHaveText("new subrecord 3", {
message: 'the remaining subrecord should be "new subrecord 3"',
// save and check that the correct command has been generated
await clickSave();
test("one2many kanban (editable): properly handle add-label node attribute", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles" add-label="Add turtle" mode="kanban">
<t t-name="card">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
expect(queryAllTexts('.o_field_one2many[name="turtles"] .o-kanban-button-new')).toEqual(
["Add turtle"],
{ message: "In O2M Kanban, Add button should have 'Add turtle' label" }
test("one2many kanban: create action disabled", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [4];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<kanban create="0">
<t t-name="card">
<a t-if="!read_only_mode" type="delete" class="fa fa-times float-end delete_icon"/>
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
expect(".o_field_x2many_kanban .delete_icon").toHaveCount(1);
test("one2many kanban: conditional create/delete actions", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2, 4];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="bar"/>
<field name="p" options="{'create': [('bar', '=', True)], 'delete': [('bar', '=', True)]}">
<t t-name="card">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="name"/>
<field name="foo"/>
resId: 1,
// bar is initially true -> create and delete actions are available
expect(".o-kanban-button-new").toHaveCount(1, { message: '"Add" button should be available' });
await contains(".o_kanban_record:first").click();
expect(".modal .modal-footer .o_btn_remove").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "There should be a Remove Button inside modal",
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_cancel").click();
// set bar false -> create and delete actions are no longer available
await contains('.o_field_widget[name="bar"] input').click();
expect(".o-kanban-button-new").toHaveCount(0, {
message: '"Add" button should not be available as bar is False',
await contains(".o_kanban_record:first").click();
expect(".modal .modal-footer .o_btn_remove").toHaveCount(0, {
message: "There should not be a Remove Button as bar field is False",
test("editable one2many list, pager is updated on desktop", async () => {
Turtle._records.push({ id: 4, turtle_foo: "stephen hawking" });
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2, 3, 4];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom" limit="3">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
// add a record, add value to turtle_foo then click in form view to confirm it
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains('div[name="turtle_foo"] input').edit("nora");
await contains(getFixture()).click();
expect(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_pager").toHaveText("1-4 / 5");
test("one2many list (non editable): edition", async () => {
let nbWrite = 0;
Partner._records[0].p = [2, 4];
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
p: [
[1, 2, { name: "new name" }],
[2, 4],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="qux"/>
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
expect(".o_list_renderer tbody td:eq(0)").toHaveText("second record");
// edit first record
await contains(".o_list_renderer .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".o_list_renderer .o_data_cell:eq(0)").toHaveClass("o_readonly_modifier");
await contains(".modal .o_form_editable input").edit("new name");
contains(".modal .modal-footer .btn-primary").click();
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_list_renderer tbody td:eq(0)").toHaveText("new name");
expect(nbWrite).toBe(0, { message: "should not have write anything in DB" });
// remove second record
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_list_renderer tbody td:eq(0)").toHaveText("new name");
await clickSave(); // save the record
expect(nbWrite).toBe(1, { message: "should have write the changes in DB" });
test("one2many list (editable): edition, part 2", async () => {
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
// Would be nice to assert this way, but we don't control the virtual ids index
// expect(args.args[1].p).toEqual([
// [0, "virtual_2", { foo: "gemuse" }],
// [0, "virtual_1", { foo: "kartoffel" }],
// ]);
expect(args.args[1].p[0][2]).toEqual({ foo: "gemuse" });
expect(args.args[1].p[1][2]).toEqual({ foo: "kartoffel" });
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="top">
<field name="foo"/>
resId: 1,
// edit mode, then click on Add an item and enter a value
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains(".o_selected_row > td input").edit("kartoffel", { confirm: "false" });
expect("td .o_field_char input").toHaveValue("kartoffel");
// click again on Add an item
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".o_selected_row > td input").toHaveCount(1);
// enter another value and save
await contains(".o_selected_row > td input").edit("gemuse", { confirm: "false" });
await clickSave();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell")).toEqual(["gemuse", "kartoffel"]);
test("one2many list (editable): edition, part 3", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
// edit mode, then click on Add an item, enter value in turtle_foo and Add an item again
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains('div[name="turtle_foo"] input').edit("nora", { confirm: "false" });
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
// cancel the edition
await contains(".o_form_button_cancel").click();
test("one2many list (editable): edition, part 4", async () => {
let i = 0;
Turtle._onChanges = {
turtle_trululu: function (obj) {
if (i) {
obj.turtle_description = "Some Description";
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top">
<field name="turtle_trululu"/>
<field name="turtle_description"/>
resId: 2,
// edit mode, then click on Add an item
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".o_data_row textarea").toHaveValue("");
// add a value in the turtle_trululu field to trigger an onchange
await clickFieldDropdown("turtle_trululu");
await press("Enter");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_data_row textarea").toHaveValue("Some Description");
test("one2many list (editable): edition, part 5", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
// edit mode, then click on Add an item, enter value in turtle_foo and Add an item again
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=turtle_foo] input").edit("aaa", { confirm: "false" });
await contains(".o_list_record_remove:eq(1)").click();
// cancel the edition
await contains(".o_form_button_cancel").click();
test("one2many list (editable): discarding required empty data", async () => {
Turtle._fields.turtle_foo = fields.Char({ required: true });
onRpc((args) => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 2,
// edit mode, then click on Add an item, then click elsewhere
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains(getFixture()).click();
// click on Add an item again, then click on save
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await clickSave();
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "web_read", "onchange", "onchange"]);
test("discard O2M field with close button", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="name" />
<field name="name" />
resId: 1,
expect(".o_data_row").toHaveText("second record");
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal .o_field_widget[name=name] input").toHaveValue("second record");
await contains(".modal .o_field_widget[name=name] input").edit("plop");
await contains(".modal .btn-close").click();
expect(".o_data_row").toHaveText("second record");
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal .o_field_widget[name=name] input").toHaveValue("second record");
test("editable one2many list, adding line when only one page", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2, 3];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom" limit="3">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
// add a record, to reach the page size limit
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
// the record currently being added should not count in the pager
expect(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_pager").toHaveCount(0);
// enter value in turtle_foo field and click outside to unselect the row
await contains('.o_field_widget[name="turtle_foo"] input').edit("nora");
await contains(getFixture()).click();
expect(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_pager").toHaveCount(0);
await clickSave();
expect(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_pager").toHaveCount(1);
test("editable one2many list, adding line when only one page on desktop", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2, 3];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom" limit="3">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
// add a record, to reach the page size limit
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
// enter value in turtle_foo field and click outside to unselect the row
await contains('.o_field_widget[name="turtle_foo"] input').edit("nora");
await contains(getFixture()).click();
await clickSave();
expect(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_pager").toHaveText("1-3 / 4");
test("editable one2many list, adding line, then discarding", async () => {
Turtle._records.push({ id: 4, turtle_foo: "stephen hawking" });
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2, 3, 4];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom" limit="3">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
// add a record, then discard
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains(".o_form_button_cancel").click();
expect(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_pager").toBeVisible();
test("editable one2many list, adding line, then discarding on desktop", async () => {
Turtle._records.push({ id: 4, turtle_foo: "stephen hawking" });
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2, 3, 4];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom" limit="3">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
// add a record, then discard
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains(".o_form_button_cancel").click();
expect(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_pager").toHaveText("1-3 / 4");
test("editable one2many list, required field and pager", async () => {
Turtle._records.push({ id: 4, turtle_foo: "stephen hawking" });
Turtle._fields.turtle_foo = fields.Char({ required: true });
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2, 3, 4];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom" limit="3">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
// add a (empty) record
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
// go on next page. The new record is not valid and should be discarded
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_pager_next").click();
test("editable one2many list, required field, pager and confirm discard on desktop", async () => {
Turtle._records.push({ id: 4, turtle_foo: "stephen hawking" });
Turtle._fields.turtle_foo = fields.Char({ required: true });
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2, 3, 4];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom" limit="3">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="turtle_int"/>
resId: 1,
// add a record with a dirty state, but not valid
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains('.o_field_widget[name="turtle_int"] input').edit(4321);
// try to go to next page. The new record is not valid, but dirty so we should
// stay on the current page, and the record should be marked as invalid
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_pager_next").click();
expect(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_pager").toHaveText("1-4 / 5");
expect(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_pager").toHaveText("1-4 / 5");
test("save a record with not new, dirty and invalid subrecord", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
Partner._records[1].name = ""; // invalid record
onRpc("write", () => {
throw new Error("Should not call write as record is invalid");
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="name" required="1"/>
<field name="int_field"/>
resId: 1,
mode: "edit",
await contains(".o_data_cell").click(); // edit the first row
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=int_field] input").edit(44);
await contains(".o_form_button_save").click();
test("editable one2many list, adding, discarding, and pager", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom" limit="3">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
// add 4 records (to have more records than the limit)
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains('.o_field_widget[name="turtle_foo"] input').edit("nora", { confirm: false });
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains('.o_field_widget[name="turtle_foo"] input').edit("nora", { confirm: false });
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains('.o_field_widget[name="turtle_foo"] input').edit("nora", { confirm: false });
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_pager").toHaveCount(0);
// discard
await contains(".o_form_button_cancel").click();
expect(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_pager").toHaveCount(0);
test("unselecting a line with missing required data", async () => {
Turtle._fields.turtle_foo = fields.Char({ required: true });
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="turtle_int"/>
resId: 2,
// edit mode, then click on Add an item, then click elsewhere
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
// adding a value in the non required field, so it is dirty, but with
// a missing required field
await contains('.o_field_widget[name="turtle_int"] input').edit("12345");
// click elsewhere
await contains(getFixture()).click();
// the line should still be selected
// click discard
await contains(".o_form_button_cancel").click();
test("pressing enter in a o2m with a required empty field", async () => {
Turtle._fields.turtle_foo = fields.Char({ required: true });
onRpc((args) => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 2,
// edit mode, then click on Add an item, then press enter
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await press("Enter");
await animationFrame();
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "web_read", "onchange"]);
test("pressing enter several times in a one2many", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 2,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains("[name='turtle_foo'] input").edit("a", { confirm: false });
await press("Enter");
await animationFrame();
await contains("[name='turtle_foo'] input").edit("a", { confirm: false });
await press("Enter");
await animationFrame();
// this is a weird case, but there's no required fields, so the record is already valid, we can press Enter directly.
await press("Enter");
await animationFrame();
test("creating a new line in an o2m with an handle field does not focus the handler", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_int" widget="handle"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 2,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect("[name='turtle_foo'] input").toBeFocused();
await press("Enter");
await animationFrame();
expect("[name='turtle_foo'] input").toBeFocused();
test("editing a o2m, with required field and onchange", async () => {
Turtle._fields.turtle_foo = fields.Char({ required: true });
Turtle._onChanges = {
turtle_foo: function (obj) {
obj.turtle_int = obj.turtle_foo.length;
onRpc((args) => {
if (args.method) {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="turtle_int"/>
resId: 2,
// edit mode, then click on Add an item
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
// input some text in required turtle_foo field
await contains('.o_field_widget[name="turtle_foo"] input').edit("aubergine", {
confirm: "blur",
// save and check everything is fine
await clickSave();
expect(".o_data_row .o_data_cell.o_list_char").toHaveText("aubergine");
expect(".o_data_row .o_data_cell.o_list_number").toHaveText("9");
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "web_read", "onchange", "onchange", "web_save"]);
test("editable o2m, pressing ESC discard current changes", async () => {
onRpc((args) => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 2,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await press("Escape");
await animationFrame();
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "web_read", "onchange"]);
test("editable o2m with required field, pressing ESC discard current changes", async () => {
Turtle._fields.turtle_foo = fields.Char({ required: true });
onRpc((args) => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 2,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await press("Escape");
await animationFrame();
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "web_read", "onchange"]);
test("pressing escape in editable o2m list in dialog", async () => {
Partner._views = {
form: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="name"/>
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains(".modal .o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".modal .o_data_row.o_selected_row").toHaveCount(1);
await press("Escape");
await animationFrame();
expect(".modal .o_data_row").toHaveCount(0);
test("editable o2m with onchange and required field: delete an invalid line", async () => {
Partner._onChanges = {
turtles: function () {},
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1];
Turtle._records[0].product_id = 37;
onRpc((args) => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top">
<field name="product_id"/>
resId: 1,
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "web_read"]);
await contains(".o_data_cell").click();
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=product_id] input").clear();
// no onchange should be done as line is invalid
await contains(".o_list_record_remove").click();
// onchange should have been done
test("onchange in a one2many", async () => {
id: 3,
foo: "relational record 1",
Partner._records[1].p = [3];
Partner._onChanges = { p: () => {} };
onRpc("onchange", (args) => {
return {
value: {
p: [
[2, 3], // delete 3
[0, 0, { foo: "from onchange" }], // create new
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="top">
<field name="foo"/>
resId: 2,
await contains(".o_field_one2many tbody td").click();
await contains(".o_field_one2many tbody td input").edit("new value", { confirm: false });
await clickSave();
expect(".o_field_one2many tbody td:eq(0)").toHaveText("from onchange");
test("one2many, default_get and onchange (basic)", async () => {
Partner._fields.p = fields.One2many({
string: "one2many field",
relation: "partner",
relation_field: "trululu",
default: [],
Partner._onChanges = { p: () => {} };
onRpc("onchange", (args) => {
return {
value: {
p: [
[0, 0, { foo: "from onchange" }], // create new
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="foo"/>
expect("td:eq(0)").toHaveText("from onchange");
test("one2many and default_get (with date)", async () => {
Partner._fields.p = fields.One2many({
string: "one2many field",
relation: "partner",
relation_field: "trululu",
default: [[0, false, { date: "2017-10-08", p: [] }]],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="date"/>
test("one2many and onchange (with integer)", async () => {
Turtle._onChanges = {
turtle_int: function () {},
onRpc((args) => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_int"/>
resId: 1,
await contains('td [name="turtle_int"] input').edit("3", { confirm: "blur" });
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "web_read", "onchange"]);
test("one2many and onchange (with date)", async () => {
Partner._onChanges = {
date: function () {},
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
onRpc((args) => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="date"/>
resId: 1,
await contains("td:eq(0) .o_field_date input").click();
await clickSave();
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "web_read", "onchange", "web_save"]);
test("one2many and onchange only write modified field", async () => {
Partner._onChanges = {
turtles: function (obj) {
obj.turtles = [
name: "coucou",
turtle_foo: "has changed",
turtle_int: 42,
Partner._records[0].turtles = [3];
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
name: "coucou",
turtle_foo: "has changed",
turtle_int: 42,
{ message: "correct commands should be sent (only send changed values)" }
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="product_id"/>
<field name="turtle_bar"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="turtle_int"/>
<field name="turtle_qux"/>
<field name="turtle_ref"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_one2many td").click();
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=name] input").edit("blurp");
await clickSave();
test("one2many with CREATE _onChanges correctly refreshed", async () => {
let delta = 0;
const fieldRegistry = registry.category("fields");
for (const [name, field] of fieldRegistry.getEntries()) {
class DeltaField extends field.component {
setup() {
onWillStart(() => {
onWillDestroy(() => {
fieldRegistry.add(name, { ...field, component: DeltaField }, { force: true });
let _onChangestep = 0;
Partner._records[0].turtles = [];
Partner._onChanges = {
turtles: function (obj) {
// the onchange will either:
// - create a second line if there is only one line
// - edit the second line if there are two lines
if (_onChangestep === 1) {
obj.turtles = [
name: "first",
name: "second",
turtle_int: -obj.turtles[0][2].turtle_int,
} else if (_onChangestep === 2) {
obj.turtles = [
turtle_int: -obj.turtles[0][2].turtle_int,
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="name" widget="char"/>
<field name="turtle_int"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
// trigger the first onchange
_onChangestep = 1;
await contains('[name="turtle_int"] input').edit("10", { confirm: "blur" });
// put the list back in non edit mode
contains('[name="foo"] input').click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row")).toEqual(["first 10", "second -10"]);
// trigger the second onchange
_onChangestep = 2;
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list tbody tr td").click();
await contains('[name="turtle_int"] input').edit("20", { confirm: "blur" });
contains('[name="foo"] input').click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row")).toEqual(["first 20", "second -20"]);
await clickSave();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row")).toEqual(["first 20", "second -20"]);
test("editable one2many with sub widgets are rendered in readonly", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_foo" widget="char" readonly="turtle_int == 11111"/>
<field name="turtle_int"/>
resId: 1,
expect(".o_form_view .o_field_x2many_list_row_add ").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".o_form_view input").toHaveCount(0);
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".o_form_view .o_field_x2many_list_row_add ").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".o_form_view input").toHaveCount(2);
test("one2many editable list with onchange keeps the order", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [1, 2, 4];
Partner._onChanges = {
p: function () {},
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell")).toEqual(["first record", "second record", "aaa"]);
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
await contains(".o_selected_row .o_field_widget[name=name] input").edit("new", {
confirm: "blur",
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell")).toEqual(["new", "second record", "aaa"]);
test("one2many list (editable): readonly domain is evaluated", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2, 4];
Partner._records[1].product_id = false;
Partner._records[2].product_id = 37;
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="top">
<field name="name" readonly="not product_id"/>
<field name="product_id"/>
resId: 1,
// switch the first row in edition
await contains(".o_data_cell").click();
expect(".o_selected_row .o_field_widget:eq(0)").toHaveClass("o_readonly_modifier", {
message: "first record should have name in readonly mode",
// switch the second row in edition
await contains(".o_data_row:not(.o_selected_row) .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".o_selected_row .o_field_widget").not.toHaveClass("o_readonly_modifier", {
message: "second record should not have name in readonly mode",
test("pager of one2many field in new record", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="top">
<field name="foo"/>
expect(".o_x2m_control_panel .o_pager").toHaveCount(0, {
message: "o2m pager should be hidden",
// click to create a subrecord
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".o_x2m_control_panel .o_pager").toHaveCount(0, {
message: "o2m pager should be hidden",
test("one2many list with a many2one", async () => {
let checkOnchange = false;
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
Partner._records[1].product_id = 37;
Partner._onChanges.p = () => {};
Partner._views.form = '<form><field name="product_id"/></form>';
onRpc("onchange", (args) => {
if (checkOnchange) {
expect(args.args[1].p).toEqual([[0, args.args[1].p[0][1], { product_id: 41 }]], {
message: "should trigger onchange with correct parameters",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="product_id"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
checkOnchange = true;
await clickFieldDropdown("product_id");
await contains('div[name="product_id"] .o_input_dropdown li:eq(1)').click();
await contains(".modal .modal-footer button").click();
test("one2many list with inline form view", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [];
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
foo: "My little Foo Value",
int_field: 123,
product_id: 41,
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
// don't remove foo field in sub tree view, it is useful to make sure
// the foo fieldwidget does not crash because the foo field is not in the form view
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="product_id"/>
<field name="int_field"/>
<field name="product_id"/>
<field name="foo"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
// write in the many2one field, value = 37 (xphone)
await clickFieldDropdown("product_id");
await press("Enter");
await animationFrame();
// write in the integer field
await contains('.modal .modal-body div[name="int_field"] input').edit("123", {
confirm: false,
// save and close
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_save").click();
// reopen the record in form view
await contains(".o_data_cell[data-tooltip='xphone']").click();
expect(".modal .modal-body input:eq(0)").toHaveValue("xphone");
await contains('.modal .modal-body div[name="int_field"] input').edit("456", {
confirm: false,
// discard
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_cancel").click();
// reopen the record in form view
await contains(".o_data_cell[data-tooltip='xphone']").click();
expect('.modal .modal-body div[name="int_field"] input').toHaveValue("123", {
message: "should display 123 (previous change has been discarded)",
// write in the many2one field, value = 41 (xpad)
await clickFieldDropdown("product_id");
await contains('div[name="product_id"] .o_input_dropdown li:eq(1)').click();
// save and close
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_save").click();
// save the record
await clickSave();
test("one2many, edit record in dialog, save, re-edit, discard", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="int_field"/>
<field name="int_field"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal .o_field_widget[name=int_field] input").toHaveValue("9");
await contains(".modal .o_field_widget[name=int_field] input").edit("123");
await contains(`.modal .modal-footer .o_form_button_save`).click();
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal .o_field_widget[name=int_field] input").toHaveValue("123");
await contains(`.modal .modal-footer .o_form_button_cancel`).click();
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal .o_field_widget[name=int_field] input").toHaveValue("123");
test("one2many list with inline form view with context with parent key", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
Partner._records[0].product_id = 41;
Partner._records[1].product_id = 37;
onRpc("name_search", (args) => {
expect(args.kwargs.context.partner_foo).toBe("yop", {
message: "should have correctly evaluated parent foo field",
expect(args.kwargs.context.lalala).toBe(41, {
message: "should have correctly evaluated parent product_id field",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="product_id"/>
<field name="p">
<field name="product_id" context="{'partner_foo':parent.foo, 'lalala': parent.product_id}"/>
<field name="product_id"/>
resId: 1,
// open a modal
await contains("tr.o_data_row td[data-tooltip='xphone']").click();
// write in the many2one field
await contains(".modal .o_field_many2one input").click();
test("value of invisible x2many fields is correctly evaluated in context", async () => {
Partner._records[0].timmy = [12];
Partner._records[0].p = [2, 4];
onRpc("name_search", (args) => {
const { p, timmy } = args.kwargs.context;
expect(p).toEqual([2, 4]);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="product_id" context="{'p': p, 'timmy': timmy}"/>
<field name="p" invisible="1"/>
<field name="timmy" invisible="1"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=product_id] input").click();
test("one2many list, editable, with many2one and with context with parent key", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
Partner._records[1].product_id = 37;
onRpc("name_search", (args) => {
expect(args.kwargs.context.partner_foo).toBe("yop", {
message: "should have correctly evaluated parent foo field",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="product_id" context="{'partner_foo':parent.foo}"/>
resId: 1,
await contains("tr.o_data_row td[data-tooltip='xphone']").click();
// trigger a name search
await contains("table td input").click();
test("one2many list, multi page, with many2one and with context with parent key", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2, 3];
onRpc("web_read", ({ method, model, kwargs }) => {
if (model === "turtle") {
expect.step("web_read turtle");
{ partner_foo: "yop" },
{ message: "should have correctly evaluated parent foo field" }
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list limit="2">
<field name="product_id" context="{'partner_foo': parent.foo}"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_x2m_control_panel .o_pager_next").click();
expect.verifySteps(["web_read turtle"]);
test("one2many list, editable, with a date in the context", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
Partner._records[1].product_id = 37;
onRpc("onchange", (args) => {
expect(args.kwargs.context.date).toBe("2017-01-25", {
message: "should have properly evaluated date key in context",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="date"/>
<field name="p" context="{'date':date}">
<list editable="top">
<field name="date"/>
resId: 2,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
test("one2many field with context", async () => {
onRpc("onchange", (args) => {
expect(args.kwargs.context.turtles).toEqual([2], {
message: "should have properly evaluated turtles key in context",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles" context="{'turtles':turtles}">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains('[name="turtle_foo"] input').edit("hammer", { confirm: false });
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
test("one2many list edition, some basic functionality", async () => {
Partner._fields.foo = fields.Char({ default: false });
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="top">
<field name="foo"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect("td .o_field_widget input").toHaveCount(1);
await contains("td .o_field_widget input").edit("a", { confirm: false });
expect("td .o_field_widget input").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "should not have unselected the row after edition",
await contains("td .o_field_widget input").edit("abc", { confirm: false });
await clickSave();
test("one2many list, the context is properly evaluated and sent", async () => {
onRpc("onchange", (args) => {
const context = args.kwargs.context;
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="int_field"/>
<field name="p" context="{'hello': 'world', 'abc': int_field}">
<list editable="top">
<field name="foo"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
test("one2many list not editable, the context is properly evaluated and sent", async () => {
Turtle._views = {
form: '<form><field name="turtle_foo"/><field name="turtle_int" readonly="context.get(\'abc\') == 10"/></form>',
onRpc("turtle", "get_views", ({ kwargs }) => {
const context = kwargs.context;
allowed_company_ids: [1],
lang: "en",
tz: "taht",
uid: 7,
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="int_field"/>
<field name="turtles" context="{'hello': 'world', 'abc': int_field, 'default_turtle_int': 5}">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
test("one2many with many2many widget: create", async () => {
Turtle._views = {
list: `
<field name="name"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="turtle_bar"/>
<field name="product_id"/>
search: `
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="turtle_bar"/>
<field name="product_id"/>
let expectedCommand;
onRpc("turtle", "web_save", (args) => {
expect.step("turtle save");
onRpc("partner", "web_save", (args) => {
expect(args.args[0][0]).toBe(1, {
message: "should write on the partner record 1",
expect(args.args[1].turtles).toEqual(expectedCommand, {
message: "should send only a 'LINK TO' command",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles" widget="many2many">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="turtle_qux"/>
<field name="turtle_int"/>
<field name="product_id"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="turtle_bar"/>
<field name="turtle_int"/>
<field name="product_id"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".modal .o_data_row").toHaveCount(2);
await contains(".modal .o_data_row .o_list_record_selector input").click();
await animationFrame(); // additional render due to the change of selection (done in owl, not pure js)
await contains(".modal .o_select_button").click();
expectedCommand = [[4, 1]];
await clickSave();
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".modal .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1);
await contains(".modal-footer button:eq(1)").click();
await contains('.modal .o_field_widget[name="turtle_foo"] input').edit("tototo", {
confirm: false,
await contains('.modal .o_field_widget[name="turtle_int"] input').edit(50, { confirm: false });
await clickFieldDropdown("product_id");
await press("Enter");
await animationFrame();
await contains(".modal-footer button").click();
expect.verifySteps(["turtle save"]);
["blip 1.5 9", "yop 1.5 0", "tototo 1.5 50 xphone"],
message: "should display the record values in one2many list",
expectedCommand = [[4, 4]];
await clickSave();
test("one2many with many2many widget: edition", async () => {
Turtle._views = {
list: `
<field name="name"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="turtle_bar"/>
<field name="product_id"/>
search: `
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="turtle_bar"/>
<field name="product_id"/>
onRpc("turtle", "web_save", ({ args }) => {
{ product_id: 37 },
{ message: "should write only the product_id on the turtle record" }
onRpc("partner", "web_save", ({ args }) => {
expect(args[0][0]).toBe(1, {
message: "should write on the partner record 1",
expect(args[1].turtles[0][0]).toBe(4, {
message: "should send only a 'link to' command",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles" widget="many2many">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="turtle_qux"/>
<field name="turtle_int"/>
<field name="product_id"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="turtle_bar"/>
<field name="turtle_int"/>
<field name="turtle_trululu"/>
<field name="product_id"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal .modal-title:eq(0)").toHaveText("Open: one2many turtle field", {
message: "modal should use the python field string as title",
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_cancel").click();
// edit the first one2many record
await contains(".o_data_cell:eq(0)").click();
await clickFieldDropdown("product_id");
await press("Enter");
await animationFrame();
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_save").click();
// add a one2many record
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains(".modal .o_data_row:first .o_list_record_selector input:eq(0)").click();
await animationFrame(); // wait for re-rendering because of the change of selection
await contains(".modal .o_select_button:eq(0)").click();
// edit the second one2many record
await contains(".o_data_row:eq(1) .o_data_cell:eq(0)").click();
await clickFieldDropdown("product_id");
await press("Enter");
await animationFrame();
await contains(".modal .modal-footer button:first:eq(0)").click();
await clickSave();
test("new record, the context is properly evaluated and sent", async () => {
Partner._fields.int_field = fields.Integer({ default: 17 });
let n = 0;
onRpc("onchange", (args) => {
if (n === 2) {
const context = args.kwargs.context;
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="int_field"/>
<field name="p" context="{'hello': 'world', 'abc': int_field}">
<list editable="top">
<field name="foo"/>
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
test("parent data is properly sent on an onchange rpc", async () => {
onRpc("onchange", (args) => {
const fieldValues = args.args[1];
{ foo: "hello", id: 1 },
{ message: "should have properly sent the parent changes" }
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="name"/>
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="p">
<list editable="top">
<field name="bar"/>
resId: 1,
await contains("[name=foo] input").edit("hello", { confirm: false });
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
test("parent data is properly sent on an onchange rpc (existing x2many record)", async () => {
Partner._onChanges = {
name: function () {},
foo: function () {},
Partner._records[0].p = [1];
Partner._records[0].turtles = [2];
let count = 0;
onRpc("onchange", (args) => {
const fieldValues = args.args[1];
if (count === 1) {
foo: "hello",
id: 1,
} else if (count === 2) {
foo: "hello",
id: 1,
p: [[1, 1, { name: "new val" }]],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="name"/>
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="p">
<list editable="top">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="turtles" widget="many2many_tags"/>
resId: 1,
await contains("[name=foo] input").edit("hello", { confirm: false });
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
await contains(".o_selected_row .o_field_widget[name=name] input").edit("new val", {
confirm: false,
await contains(".o_selected_row .o_field_widget[name=foo] input").edit("new foo", {
confirm: "blur",
test("parent data is properly sent on an onchange rpc, new record", async () => {
Turtle._onChanges = { turtle_bar: function () {} };
onRpc((args) => {
onRpc("turtle", "onchange", (args) => {
expect(args.args[1].turtle_trululu.foo).toBe("My little Foo Value", {
message: "should have properly sent the parent foo value",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top">
<field name="turtle_bar"/>
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "onchange", "onchange"]);
test("id in one2many obtained in onchange is properly set", async () => {
Partner._onChanges.turtles = function (obj) {
obj.turtles = [
[4, 3],
[1, 3, { turtle_foo: "kawa" }],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<field name="id"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
expect(queryAllTexts("tr.o_data_row .o_data_cell")).toEqual(["3", "kawa"], {
message: "should have properly displayed id and foo field",
test("id field in one2many in a new record", async () => {
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
const virtualID = args.args[1].turtles[0][1];
expect(args.args[1].turtles).toEqual([[0, virtualID, { turtle_foo: "cat" }]], {
message: "should send proper commands",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="id" invisible="1"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains('td [name="turtle_foo"] input').edit("cat", { confirm: false });
await clickSave();
test("sub form view with a required field", async () => {
Partner._fields.foo = fields.Char({ default: null, required: true });
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<group><field name="foo"/></group>
<field name="foo"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains(".modal-footer button.btn-primary").click();
expect(".modal label.o_field_invalid").toHaveCount(1);
test("one2many list with action button", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
mockService("action", {
doActionButton: (params) => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="int_field"/>
<field name="p">
<field name="foo"/>
<button name="method_name" type="object" icon="fa-plus"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_list_button button").click();
test("one2many kanban with action button", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
mockService("action", {
doActionButton: (params) => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<t t-name="card">
<field name="foo"/>
<button name="method_name" type="object" class="fa fa-plus"/>
resId: 1,
await contains("button.oe_kanban_action").click();
test("one2many without inline tree arch", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [2, 3];
Turtle._views = {
list: `
<field name="turtle_bar"/>
<field name="name"/>
<field name="partner_ids"/>
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
// should not call loadViews for the field with many2many_tags widget,
// nor for the invisible field
arch: `
<field name="p" widget="many2many_tags"/>
<field name="turtles"/>
<field name="timmy" invisible="1"/>
resId: 1,
expect('.o_field_widget[name="turtles"] .o_list_renderer').toHaveCount(1, {
message: "should display one2many list view in the modal",
test("many2one and many2many in one2many", async () => {
Turtle._records[1].product_id = 37;
Partner._records[0].turtles = [2, 3];
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
partner_ids: [
[3, 4],
[4, 1],
product_id: 41,
{ message: "generated commands should be correct" }
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="int_field"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="product_id"/>
<field name="partner_ids" widget="many2many_tags"/>
resId: 1,
expect(".o_data_row .o_list_many2one").toHaveText("xphone");
expect('.o_data_row td div[name="partner_ids"] .badge').toHaveCount(2);
// edit the m2m of first row
await contains(".o_list_renderer tbody td").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_selected_row .o_field_many2many_tags .badge")).toEqual([
"second record",
// remove a tag
await contains(".o_selected_row .o_field_many2many_tags .badge .o_delete:eq(1)").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_selected_row .o_field_many2many_tags .badge")).toEqual([
"second record",
// add a tag
await contains('div[name="partner_ids"] input').click();
await contains('div[name="partner_ids"] .o_input_dropdown li').click(); // xpad
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_selected_row .o_field_many2many_tags .badge")).toEqual([
"second record",
"first record",
// edit the m2o of first row
await clickFieldDropdown("product_id");
await contains('div[name="product_id"] .o_input_dropdown li:eq(1)').click(); // xpad
expect(".o_selected_row .o_field_many2one input").toHaveValue("xpad");
// save (should correctly generate the commands)
await clickSave();
test("many2manytag in one2many, onchange, some modifiers, and more than one page", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2, 3];
Partner._onChanges.turtles = function () {};
onRpc((args) => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top" limit="2">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="partner_ids" widget="many2many_tags" readonly="turtle_foo == 'a'"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_list_record_remove").click();
await contains(".o_list_record_remove").click();
"get_views", // main form view
"web_read", // initial read on partner
"web_read", // after first delete, read on turtle (to fetch 3rd record)
"onchange", // after first delete, onchange on field turtles
"onchange", // onchange after second delete
test("onchange many2many in one2many list editable", async () => {
id: 1,
name: "xenomorphe",
Turtle._onChanges = {
product_id: function (rec) {
if (rec.product_id === 41) {
rec.partner_ids = [[4, 1]];
} else if (rec.product_id === 37) {
rec.partner_ids = [[4, 2]];
let enableOnchange = false;
const partnerOnchange = function (rec) {
if (!enableOnchange) {
rec.turtles = [
name: "new line",
product_id: [37, "xphone"],
partner_ids: [[4, 1]],
product_id: [1, "xenomorphe"],
partner_ids: rec.turtles[0][2].partner_ids.length
? [
[3, 1],
[4, 2],
: [[4, 2]],
Partner._onChanges = {
int_field: partnerOnchange,
turtles: partnerOnchange,
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="int_field"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="product_id"/>
<field name="partner_ids" widget="many2many_tags"/>
// add new line (first, xpad)
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains('div[name="name"] input').edit("first", { confirm: false });
await clickFieldDropdown("product_id");
await contains('div[name="product_id"] .o_input_dropdown li:eq(1)').click(); // xpad
expect(".o_field_many2many_tags .o_tags_input").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "should display the line in editable mode",
expect(".o_field_many2one input").toHaveValue("xpad");
expect(".o_field_many2many_tags .o_tag_badge_text").toHaveText("first record");
expect(".o_data_cell .o_required_modifier input").toHaveValue("xpad");
await contains('div[name="int_field"] input').click();
expect(".o_field_many2many_tags input.o_input").toHaveCount(0, {
message: "should display the tag in readonly",
// enable the many2many onchange and generate it
enableOnchange = true;
await contains('div[name="int_field"] input').edit("10");
"second record",
"new line",
"first record",
// disable the many2many onchange
enableOnchange = false;
// remove and start over
await contains(".o_list_record_remove button").click();
await contains(".o_list_record_remove button").click();
// enable the many2many onchange
enableOnchange = true;
// add new line (first, xenomorphe)
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains('div[name="name"] input').edit("first", { confirm: false });
await clickFieldDropdown("product_id");
await contains('div[name="product_id"] .o_input_dropdown li:eq(2)').click(); // xenomorphe
expect(".o_field_many2many_tags .o_tags_input").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "should display the line in editable mode",
expect('div[name="product_id"] input').toHaveValue("xenomorphe");
expect(".o_field_many2many_tags .o_tag_badge_text:eq(0)").toHaveText("second record");
// put list in readonly mode
await contains('div[name="int_field"] input').click();
"second record",
"new line",
"first record",
expect(".o_field_many2many_tags input.o_input").toHaveCount(0, {
message: "should display the tag in readonly",
await contains('div[name="int_field"] input').edit("10");
"second record",
"new line",
"first record",
await clickSave();
"second record",
"new line",
"first record",
test("load view for x2many in one2many", async () => {
Turtle._records[1].product_id = 37;
Partner._records[0].turtles = [2, 3];
Partner._records[2].turtles = [1, 3];
Partner._views = {
list: `
<field name="name"/>
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="int_field"/>
<field name="turtles">
<field name="product_id"/>
<field name="partner_ids"/>
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_row td").click();
expect('.modal div[name="partner_ids"] .o_list_renderer').toHaveCount(1);
test("one2many (who contains a one2many) with list view and without form view", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<form edit="0">
<field name="turtles">
<field name="partner_ids"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_row td").click();
expect('.modal div[name="turtle_foo"]').toHaveText("blip");
test("one2many with x2many in form view (but not in list view)", async () => {
// avoid error when saving the edited related record (because the
// related x2m field is unknown in the inline list view)
// also ensure that the changes are correctly saved
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
partner_ids: [[4, 1]],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="partner_ids" widget="many2many_tags"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_row td").click(); // edit first record
await contains('div[name="partner_ids"] input').click();
await contains('div[name="partner_ids"] .o_input_dropdown li').click();
// add a many2many tag and save
await contains(".modal .o_field_many2many_tags input").edit("test", { confirm: false });
await contains(".modal .modal-footer .btn-primary").click(); // save
await clickSave();
test("many2many list in a one2many opened by a many2one", async () => {
Turtle._records[1].turtle_trululu = 2;
Partner._views = { form: '<form><field name="timmy"/></form>' };
PartnerType._views = {
list: '<list editable="bottom"><field name="name"/></list>',
search: "<search></search>",
onRpc("/web/dataset/call_kw/partner/get_formview_id", () => false);
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
expect(args.args[1].timmy).toEqual([[4, 12]], {
message: "should properly add id",
await mountViewInDialog({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_trululu"/>
resId: 1,
// edit the first partner in the one2many partner form view
await contains(".o_data_row td.o_data_cell").click();
// open form view for many2one
await contains(".o_external_button").click();
// click on add, to add a new partner in the m2m
await contains(".modal:eq(1) .o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
// select the PartnerType 'gold' (this closes the 3rd modal)
await contains(".o_dialog:not(.o_inactive_modal) td.o_data_cell").click(); // select gold
// confirm the changes in the modal
await contains(".modal:eq(1) .o_form_button_save").click();
await clickSave();
test("nested x2many default values", async () => {
Partner._fields.turtles = fields.One2many({
string: "one2many turtle field",
relation: "turtle",
relation_field: "turtle_trululu",
default: [
[0, 0, { partner_ids: [[4, 4]] }],
[0, 0, { partner_ids: [[4, 1]] }],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top">
<field name="partner_ids" widget="many2many_tags"/>
expect(".o_field_x2many_list .o_data_row").toHaveCount(2);
expect('.o_field_x2many_list .o_field_many2many_tags[name="partner_ids"] .badge').toHaveCount(
'.o_field_x2many_list .o_field_many2many_tags[name="partner_ids"] .o_tag_badge_text'
).toEqual(["aaa", "first record"]);
test("nested x2many (inline form view) and _onChanges", async () => {
Partner._onChanges.bar = function (obj) {
if (!obj.bar) {
obj.p = [
turtles: [
turtle_foo: "new turtle",
onRpc("onchange", (args) => {
bar: {},
display_name: {},
p: {
fields: {
turtles: {
fields: {
turtle_foo: {},
limit: 40,
order: "",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="bar"/>
<field name="p">
<field name="turtles"/>
<field name="turtles">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=bar] input").click();
expect(".o_data_row").toHaveText("1 record");
await contains(".o_data_row td").click();
expect(".modal .o_form_view").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".modal .o_form_view .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".modal .o_form_view .o_data_row").toHaveText("new turtle");
test("nested x2many (non inline views and no widget on inner x2many in list)", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [1];
Partner._views = {
list: `
<field name="turtles"/>
form: `
<field name="turtles" widget="many2many_tags"/>
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: '<form><field name="p"/></form>',
resId: 1,
expect(".o_data_row").toHaveText("1 record");
await contains(".o_data_row td").click();
expect(".modal .o_form_view").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".modal .o_form_view .o_field_many2many_tags .badge").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".modal .o_field_many2many_tags").toHaveText("donatello");
test("one2many (who contains name) with list view and without form view", async () => {
Turtle._views = { form: '<form><field name="turtle_foo"/></form>' };
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<form edit="0">
<field name="turtles">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_row td").click();
expect('.modal div[name="turtle_foo"]').toHaveText("blip");
test("open a record in a one2many list (mode 'readonly') with a notebook", async () => {
Turtle._views = {
form: `
<page string="Yop">
<field name="name">
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal .o_form_view").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".modal .o_form_view .o_notebook_headers").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".modal .o_form_view .o_notebook_headers").toHaveText("Yop");
test("one2many field with virtual ids", async () => {
Partner._views = { form: '<form><field name="foo"/></form>' };
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p" mode="kanban">
<t t-name="card">
<field name="id" class="o_test_id"/>
<field name="foo" class="o_test_foo"/>
resId: 4,
expect(".o_field_widget .o_kanban_renderer").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "should have one inner kanban view for the one2many field",
expect(".o_field_widget .o_kanban_renderer .o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(
{ message: "should not have kanban records yet" }
// create a new kanban record
await contains(".o_field_widget .o-kanban-button-new").click();
// save & close the modal
expect(".modal-content .o_field_widget input").toHaveValue("My little Foo Value", {
message: "should already have the default value for field foo",
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_save").click();
expect(".o_field_widget .o_kanban_renderer").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "should have one inner kanban view for the one2many field",
expect(".o_field_widget .o_kanban_renderer .o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(
{ message: "should now have one kanban record" }
".o_field_widget .o_kanban_renderer .o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost) .o_test_id"
).toHaveText("", { message: "should not have a value for the id field" });
".o_field_widget .o_kanban_renderer .o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost) .o_test_foo"
).toHaveText("My little Foo Value", { message: "should have a value for the foo field" });
// save the view to force a create of the new record in the one2many
await clickSave();
expect(".o_field_widget .o_kanban_renderer").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "should have one inner kanban view for the one2many field",
expect(".o_field_widget .o_kanban_renderer .o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(
{ message: "should now have one kanban record" }
".o_field_widget .o_kanban_renderer .o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost) .o_test_id"
).toHaveText("5", { message: "should now have a value for the id field" });
".o_field_widget .o_kanban_renderer .o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost) .o_test_foo"
).toHaveText("My little Foo Value", { message: "should still have a value for the foo field" });
test("one2many field with virtual ids with kanban button", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [4];
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
const command = args.args[1].p[0];
foo: "My little Foo Value",
mockService("action", {
doActionButton: (params) => {
const { name, resModel, resId } = params;
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p" mode="kanban">
<t t-name="card">
<field name="foo"/>
<button type="object" class="btn btn-link fa fa-shopping-cart" name="button_warn" string="button_warn" warn="warn" />
<button type="object" class="btn btn-link fa fa-shopping-cart" name="button_disabled" string="button_disabled" />
<field name="foo"/>
resId: 1,
// 1. Define all css selector
const oKanbanView = ".o_field_widget .o_kanban_renderer";
const oKanbanRecordActive = oKanbanView + " .o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)";
const oAllKanbanButton = oKanbanRecordActive + " button";
const btn1 = oKanbanRecordActive + ":eq(0) button";
const btn2 = oKanbanRecordActive + ":eq(1) button";
const btn1Warn = btn1 + '[name="button_warn"]';
const btn1Disabled = btn1 + '[name="button_disabled"]';
const btn2Warn = btn2 + '[name="button_warn"]';
const btn2Disabled = btn2 + '[name="button_disabled"]';
// check if we already have one kanban card
expect(oKanbanView).toHaveCount(1, {
message: "should have one inner kanban view for the one2many field",
expect(oKanbanRecordActive).toHaveCount(1, { message: "should have one kanban records yet" });
// we have 2 buttons
// disabled ?
expect(oAllKanbanButton + "[disabled]").toHaveCount(0, {
message: "should not have button type object disabled",
// click on the button
await contains(btn1Disabled).click();
await contains(btn1Warn).click();
// click on existing buttons
await contains(btn1Disabled).click();
await contains(btn1Warn).click();
// create new kanban record
await contains(".o_field_widget .o-kanban-button-new").click();
// save & close the modal
expect(".modal-content .o_field_widget input").toHaveValue("My little Foo Value", {
message: "should already have the default value for field foo",
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_save").click();
// check new item
expect(oAllKanbanButton + "[disabled]").toHaveCount(0, {
message: "should have 1 button type object disabled",
expect(btn2Warn).toHaveAttribute("warn", "warn", {
message: "Should have a button type object with warn attr in area 2",
// click all buttons
await contains(btn1Disabled).click();
expect.verifySteps(["web_save", "button_disabled_partner_4"]);
await contains(btn1Warn).click();
await contains(btn2Disabled).click();
await contains(btn2Warn).click();
// save the form
// click all buttons
await contains(btn1Disabled).click();
await contains(btn1Warn).click();
await contains(btn2Disabled).click();
await contains(btn2Warn).click();
// should have clicked once on every button
test("focusing fields in one2many list", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="turtle_int"/>
<field name="foo"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_row td").click();
expect('[name="turtle_foo"] input').toBeFocused();
await press("Tab");
await animationFrame();
expect('[name="turtle_int"] input').toBeFocused();
test("one2many list editable = top", async () => {
Turtle._fields.turtle_foo = fields.Char({ default: "default foo turtle" });
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
const commands = args.args[1].turtles;
expect(commands).toEqual([[0, commands[0][1], { turtle_foo: "default foo turtle" }]]);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect("tr.o_data_row input").toHaveValue("default foo turtle", {
message: "first row should be the new value",
await clickSave();
test("one2many list editable = bottom", async () => {
Turtle._fields.turtle_foo = fields.Char({ default: "default foo turtle" });
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
const commands = args.args[1].turtles;
expect(commands).toEqual([[0, commands[0][1], { turtle_foo: "default foo turtle" }]]);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect("tr.o_data_row input").toHaveValue("default foo turtle", {
message: "second row should be the new value",
await clickSave();
test("one2many list editable - should properly unselect the list field after shift+tab", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="name"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="turtle_bar" optional="hide"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_row td:first-child").click();
const events = await press("Shift+Tab");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_selected_row").toHaveCount(0, { message: "list should not be in edition" });
// We also check the event is not default prevented, to make sure that the
// event flows and selection goes to the previous field.
test("one2many list editable - should not allow tab navigation focus on the optional field toggler", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="name"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="turtle_bar" optional="hide"/>
resId: 1,
expect(".o_optional_columns_dropdown .dropdown-toggle").toHaveProperty("tabIndex", -1);
test('one2many list edition, no "Remove" button in modal', async () => {
Partner._fields.foo = fields.Char({ default: false });
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".modal .modal-footer .o_btn_remove").toHaveCount(0);
// Discard a modal
await contains(".modal-footer .btn-secondary").click();
test('x2many fields use their "mode" attribute', async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field mode="kanban" name="turtles">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<t t-name="card">
<field name="turtle_int"/>
resId: 1,
expect(".o_field_one2many .o_field_x2many_kanban").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "should have rendered a kanban view",
test("one2many list editable, onchange and required field", async () => {
Turtle._fields.turtle_foo = fields.Char({ required: true });
let intFieldVal = 0;
Partner._onChanges = {
turtles: function (obj) {
obj.int_field = intFieldVal;
Partner._records[0].int_field = 0;
Partner._records[0].turtles = [];
onRpc((args) => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="int_field"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top">
<field name="turtle_int"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
expect('.o_field_widget[name="int_field"] input').toHaveValue("0");
intFieldVal = 1;
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect('.o_field_widget[name="int_field"] input').toHaveValue("0");
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "web_read", "onchange"]);
await contains('.o_field_widget[name="turtle_foo"] input').edit("some text", {
confirm: "blur",
expect('.o_field_widget[name="int_field"] input').toHaveValue("1");
test("one2many list editable: trigger onchange when row is valid", async () => {
// should omit require fields that aren't in the view as they (obviously)
// have no value, when checking the validity of required fields
// shouldn't consider numerical fields with value 0 as unset
Turtle._fields.turtle_foo = fields.Char({ required: true });
Turtle._fields.turtle_bar = fields.Boolean({ required: true });
Turtle._fields.turtle_int = fields.Integer({ required: true, default: 0 }); // required int field (default 0)
Turtle._fields.partner_ids = fields.Many2many({ relation: "partner", required: true }); // required many2many
let intFieldVal = 0;
Partner._onChanges = {
turtles: function (obj) {
obj.int_field = intFieldVal;
Partner._records[0].int_field = 0;
Partner._records[0].turtles = [];
Turtle._views = {
list: `
<list editable="top">
<field name="turtle_qux"/>
<field name="turtle_bar"/>
<field name="turtle_int"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="partner_ids" widget="many2many_tags"/>
onRpc((args) => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="int_field"/>
<field name="turtles"/>
resId: 1,
expect('.o_field_widget[name="int_field"] input').toHaveValue("0", {
message: "int_field should start with value 0",
intFieldVal = 1;
// add a new row (which is invalid at first)
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect('.o_field_widget[name="int_field"] input').toHaveValue("0", {
message: "int_field should still be 0 (no onchange should have been done yet)",
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "web_read", "onchange"]);
// fill turtle_foo field
await contains('.o_field_widget[name="turtle_foo"] input').edit("some text", {
confirm: false,
expect('.o_field_widget[name="int_field"] input').toHaveValue("0", {
message: "int_field should still be 0 (no onchange should have been done yet)",
// no onchange should have been applied
// fill partner_ids field with a tag (all required fields will then be set)
await selectFieldDropdownItem("partner_ids", "first record");
expect('.o_field_widget[name="int_field"] input').toHaveValue("1", {
message: "int_field should now be 1 (the onchange should have been done",
expect.verifySteps(["name_search", "web_read", "onchange"]);
test("one2many list editable: 'required' modifiers is properly working", async () => {
Partner._onChanges = {
turtles: function (obj) {
obj.int_field = 44;
Partner._records[0].turtles = [];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="int_field"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top">
<field name="turtle_foo" required="1"/>
resId: 1,
expect('.o_field_widget[name="int_field"] input').toHaveValue("10");
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect('.o_field_widget[name="int_field"] input').toHaveValue("10");
// fill turtle_foo field
await contains('.o_field_widget[name="turtle_foo"] input').edit("some text");
expect('.o_field_widget[name="int_field"] input').toHaveValue("44");
test("one2many list editable: 'required' modifiers is properly working, part 2", async () => {
Partner._onChanges = {
turtles: function (obj) {
obj.int_field = 44;
Partner._records[0].turtles = [];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="int_field"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top">
<field name="turtle_int"/>
<field name="turtle_foo" required='turtle_int == 0'/>
resId: 1,
expect('.o_field_widget[name="int_field"] input').toHaveValue("10");
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect('.o_field_widget[name="int_field"] input').toHaveValue("10");
// fill turtle_int field
await contains('.o_field_widget[name="turtle_int"] input').edit("1");
expect('.o_field_widget[name="int_field"] input').toHaveValue("44");
test("one2many list editable: add new line before onchange returns", async () => {
// If the user adds a new row (with a required field with onchange), selects
// a value for that field, then adds another row before the onchange returns,
// the editable list must wait for the onchange to return before trying to
// unselect the first row, otherwise it will be detected as invalid.
Turtle._onChanges = {
turtle_trululu: function () {},
let def;
onRpc("onchange", () => def);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_trululu" required="1"/>
// add a first line but hold the onchange back
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
def = new Deferred();
await clickFieldDropdown("turtle_trululu");
await press("Enter");
await animationFrame();
// try to add a second line and check that it is correctly waiting
// for the onchange to return
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
// resolve the onchange promise
await animationFrame();
test("editable list: multiple clicks on Add an item do not create invalid rows", async () => {
Turtle._onChanges = {
turtle_trululu: function () {},
let def;
onRpc("onchange", () => def);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_trululu" required="1"/>
def = new Deferred();
// click twice to add a new line
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
// resolve the onchange promise
await animationFrame();
test("editable list: value reset by an onchange", async () => {
// this test reproduces a subtle behavior that may occur in a form view:
// the user adds a record in a one2many field, and directly clicks on a
// datetime field of the form view which has an onchange, which totally
// erases the value from the one2many (command 2 + command 0). The handler
// that switches the edited row to readonly is then called after the
// new value of the one2many field is applied (the one returned by the
// onchange), so the row that must go to readonly doesn't exist anymore.
Partner._onChanges = {
datetime: function (obj) {
if (obj.turtles.length) {
obj.turtles = [
[2, obj.turtles[0][1]],
[0, 0, { name: "new" }],
let def;
onRpc("onchange", () => def);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="datetime"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="name"/>
// trigger the two _onChanges
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains(".o_data_row .o_field_widget input").edit("a name", { confirm: false });
def = new Deferred();
await contains(".o_field_datetime .o_input").edit("04/27/2022 14:08:52", { confirm: "blur" });
// resolve the onchange promise
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").toHaveText("new");
test("editable list: onchange that returns a warning", async () => {
Turtle._onChanges = {
name: function () {},
const warning = {
title: "Warning",
message: "You must first select a partner",
onRpc("onchange", (args) => {
return {
value: {},
mockService("notification", {
add: (message, params) => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
// add a line (this should trigger an onchange and a warning)
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
// check if 'Add an item' still works (this should trigger an onchange
// and a warning again)
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect.verifySteps(["onchange", "warning", "onchange", "warning"]);
test("editable list: contexts are correctly sent", async () => {
Partner._records[0].timmy = [12];
serverState.userContext = { someKey: "some value" };
onRpc("partner", "web_read", ({ kwargs }) => {
allowed_company_ids: [1],
active_field: 2,
bin_size: true,
someKey: "some value",
uid: 7,
lang: "en",
tz: "taht",
{ message: "read partner context" }
expect(kwargs.specification.timmy.context).toEqual({ key2: "hello" });
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
allowed_company_ids: [1],
active_field: 2,
someKey: "some value",
uid: 7,
lang: "en",
tz: "taht",
{ message: "read partner context" }
expect(args.kwargs.specification.timmy.context).toEqual({ key2: "hello" });
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="timmy" context="{'key': foo, 'key2': 'hello'}">
<list editable="top">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
context: { active_field: 2 },
await contains(".o_data_cell").click();
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=name] input").edit("abc", { confirm: false });
await clickSave();
test("contexts of nested x2manys are correctly sent (add line)", async () => {
Partner._fields.timmy = fields.Many2many({
relation: "partner.type",
string: "pokemon",
default: [[4, 12]],
serverState.userContext = { someKey: "some value" };
onRpc("onchange", (args) => {
allowed_company_ids: [1],
active_field: 2,
someKey: "some value",
uid: 7,
lang: "en",
tz: "taht",
{ message: "onchange context" }
key: "yop",
key2: "hello",
onRpc("partner", "web_read", (args) => {
allowed_company_ids: [1],
active_field: 2,
bin_size: true,
someKey: "some value",
uid: 7,
lang: "en",
tz: "taht",
{ message: "read timmy context" }
key2: "hello",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="p">
<list editable="top">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="timmy" context="{'key': parent.foo, 'key2': 'hello'}" widget="many2many_tags"/>
resId: 1,
context: { active_field: 2 },
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
test("nested x2manys with context referencing parent record", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
let onchangeNb = 0;
onRpc("onchange", (args) => {
if (onchangeNb === 1) {
expect(args.args[3].p.context).toEqual({ parent_foo: "yop" });
} else {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="p">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="p" context="{'parent_foo': parent.foo}">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains(".o_dialog .o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
test("resetting invisible one2manys", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [];
Partner._onChanges.foo = function (obj) {
obj.turtles = [[5], [4, 1]];
onRpc((args) => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="turtles" invisible="1"/>
resId: 1,
await contains('[name="foo"] input').edit("abcd", { confirm: "blur" });
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "web_read", "onchange"]);
test("one2many: onchange that returns unknown field in list, but not in form", async () => {
Partner._onChanges = {
name: function (obj) {
obj.p = [[0, 0, { name: "new", timmy: [[4, 12]] }]];
onRpc("onchange", (args) => {
name: {},
display_name: {},
p: {
fields: {
name: {},
timmy: {
fields: {
display_name: {},
limit: 40,
order: "",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="name"/>
<field name="p">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="name"/>
<field name="timmy" widget="many2many_tags"/>
await contains(".o_data_row td").click();
expect('.modal .o_field_many2many_tags[name="timmy"]').toHaveCount(1);
expect('.modal .o_field_many2many_tags[name="timmy"] .badge').toHaveCount(1);
expect(queryAllTexts('.modal .o_field_many2many_tags[name="timmy"] .o_tag_badge_text')).toEqual(
test("multi level of nested x2manys, onchange", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [1];
Partner._onChanges = {
name: function () {},
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
p: [[1, 1, { name: "new name" }]],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="name"/>
<field name="p" readonly="name == 'readonly'">
<list><field name="name"/></list>
<field name="name"/>
<field name="p">
<list><field name="name"/></list>
<form><field name="name"/></form>
resId: 1,
// open the dialog
await contains(".o_data_row td").click();
expect(".modal .o_form_editable").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".modal .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1);
// open the o2m again, in the dialog
await contains(".modal .o_data_row td").click();
expect(".modal .o_form_editable").toHaveCount(2);
// edit the name and click save modal that is on top
await contains(".modal:eq(1) .o_field_widget[name=name] input").edit("new name", {
confirm: false,
await contains(".modal:eq(1) .modal-footer .btn-primary").click();
expect(".modal .o_form_editable").toHaveCount(1);
// click save on the other modal
await contains(".modal .modal-footer .btn-primary").click();
// save the main record
await clickSave();
test("onchange and required fields with override in arch", async () => {
Partner._onChanges = {
turtles: function () {},
Turtle._fields.turtle_foo = fields.Char({ required: true });
Partner._records[0].turtles = [];
onRpc((args) => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_int"/>
<field name="turtle_foo" required="0"/>
resId: 1,
// triggers an onchange on partner, because the new record is valid
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "web_read", "onchange", "onchange"]);
test("onchange on a one2many containing a one2many", async () => {
// the purpose of this test is to ensure that the onchange specs are
// correctly and recursively computed
Partner._onChanges = {
p: function () {},
let checkOnchange = false;
onRpc("onchange", (args) => {
if (checkOnchange) {
display_name: {},
p: {
fields: {
name: {},
p: {
fields: {
name: {},
limit: 40,
order: "",
limit: 40,
order: "",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="name"/>
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="name"/>
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains(".modal .o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains(".modal .o_data_cell input").edit("new record", { confirm: "blur" });
checkOnchange = true;
await contains(".modal .modal-footer .btn-primary").click();
test("editing tabbed one2many (editable=bottom)", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 42; i++) {
const id = 100 + i;
Turtle._records.push({ id: id, turtle_foo: "turtle" + (id - 99) });
onRpc((args) => {
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
expect(args.args[1].turtles[0][0]).toBe(0, {
message: "should send a create command",
expect(args.args[1].turtles[0][2]).toEqual({ turtle_foo: "rainbow dash" });
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains('.o_data_row [name="turtle_foo"] input').edit("rainbow dash", {
confirm: false,
await clickSave();
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "web_read", "onchange", "web_save"]);
test("editing tabbed one2many (editable=bottom), again...", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
const id = 100 + i;
Turtle._records.push({ id: id, turtle_foo: "turtle" + (id - 99) });
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom" limit="3">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
// add a new record page 1 (this increases the limit to 4)
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains('.o_data_row [name="turtle_foo"] input').edit("rainbow dash", {
confirm: false,
await contains(".o_x2m_control_panel .o_pager_next").click(); // page 2: 4 records
await contains(".o_x2m_control_panel .o_pager_next").click(); // page 3: 2 records
test("editing tabbed one2many (editable=top)", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [];
Turtle._fields.turtle_foo = fields.Char({ default: "default foo" });
for (let i = 0; i < 42; i++) {
const id = 100 + i;
Turtle._records.push({ id: id, turtle_foo: "turtle" + (id - 99) });
onRpc((args) => {
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
expect(args.args[1].turtles[0][2]).toEqual({ turtle_foo: "rainbow dash" });
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_pager_next").click();
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect("tr.o_data_row input").toHaveValue("default foo");
await contains('.o_data_row [name="turtle_foo"] input').edit("rainbow dash", {
confirm: false,
await clickSave();
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "web_read", "web_read", "onchange", "web_save"]);
test("one2many field: change value before pending onchange returns", async () => {
Partner._onChanges = {
int_field: function () {},
let def;
onRpc("onchange", () => def);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="int_field"/>
<field name="trululu"/>
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
def = new Deferred();
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=int_field] input").edit("44", { confirm: false });
// set trululu before onchange
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=trululu] input").edit("first", { confirm: false });
await runAllTimers();
// complete the onchange
expect(".o_field_many2one input").toHaveValue("first");
await animationFrame();
// check name_search result
expect(".o_field_many2one input").toHaveValue("first");
expect(".dropdown-menu li:not(.o_m2o_dropdown_option)").toHaveCount(1);
test("focus is correctly reset after an onchange in an x2many", async () => {
Partner._onChanges = {
int_field: function () {},
let def;
onRpc("onchange", () => def);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="int_field"/>
<button string="hello"/>
<field name="qux"/>
<field name="trululu"/>
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
def = new Deferred();
contains("[name=int_field] input").edit("44", { confirm: false });
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=qux]").click();
expect(".o_field_widget[name=qux] input").toBeFocused();
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_widget[name=qux] input").toBeFocused();
await clickFieldDropdown("trululu");
await press("Enter");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_widget[name=trululu] input").toHaveValue("first record");
test("checkbox in an x2many that triggers an onchange", async () => {
Partner._onChanges = {
bar: function () {},
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="bar"/>
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".o_field_widget[name=bar] input").toBeChecked();
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=bar] input").click();
expect(".o_field_widget[name=bar] input").not.toBeChecked();
test("one2many with default value: edit line to make it invalid", async () => {
Partner._fields.p = fields.One2many({
string: "one2many field",
relation: "partner",
relation_field: "trululu",
default: [[0, false, { foo: "coucou", int_field: 5, p: [] }]],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="int_field"/>
// edit the line and enter an invalid value for int_field
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell:eq(1)").click();
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=int_field] input").edit("e", { confirm: false });
await contains(".o_form_view").click();
expect(".o_data_row.o_selected_row").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "line should not have been removed and should still be in edition",
expect(".modal").toHaveCount(0, { message: "a confirmation dialog should not be opened" });
test("one2many with invalid value and click on another row", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2, 4];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="int_field"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_row:eq(0) .o_data_cell").click();
await contains(".o_data_row [name='int_field'] input").edit("abc", { confirm: false });
await contains(".o_data_row:eq(1) .o_data_cell").click();
// Stays on the invalid row
expect(".o_data_row:eq(0) [name='int_field'] .o_field_invalid").toHaveCount(1);
test("default value for nested one2manys (coming from onchange)", async () => {
Partner._onChanges.p = function (obj) {
obj.p = [
[0, 0, { turtles: [[5], [4, 1, false]] }], // link record 1 by default
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
expect(args.args[1].p[0][0]).toBe(0, {
message: "should send a command 0 (CREATE) for p",
{ turtles: [[4, 1]] },
{ message: "should send the correct values" }
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="turtles"/>
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell")).toEqual(["1 record"]);
await clickSave();
test("display correct value after validation error", async () => {
function validationHandler(env, error, originalError) {
if (originalError.data.name === "odoo.exceptions.ValidationError") {
return true;
const errorHandlerRegistry = registry.category("error_handlers");
errorHandlerRegistry.add("validationHandler", validationHandler, { sequence: 1 });
Partner._onChanges.turtles = function () {};
onRpc("onchange", (args) => {
if (args.args[1].turtles[0][2].turtle_foo === "pinky") {
throw makeServerError({ type: "ValidationError" });
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
expect(args.args[1].turtles[0]).toEqual([1, 2, { turtle_foo: "foo" }], {
message: 'should send the "good" value',
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
expect(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").toHaveText("blip");
// click and edit value to 'foo', which will trigger onchange
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=turtle_foo] input").edit("foo", { confirm: false });
await contains(".o_form_view").click();
expect(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").toHaveText("foo");
// click and edit value to 'pinky', which trigger a failed onchange
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=turtle_foo] input").edit("pinky", { confirm: false });
await contains(".o_form_view").click();
expect(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").toHaveText("foo");
// we make sure here that when we save, the values are the current
// values displayed in the field.
await clickSave();
test("propagate context to sub views without default_* keys", async () => {
onRpc("onchange", (args) => {
expect(args.kwargs.context.flutter).toBe("shy", {
message: "view context key should be used for every rpcs",
if (args.model === "partner") {
expect(args.kwargs.context.default_flutter).toBe("why", {
message: "should have default_* values in context for form view RPCs",
} else if (args.model === "turtle") {
expect(args.kwargs.context.default_flutter).toBe(undefined, {
message: "should not have default_* values in context for subview RPCs",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
context: {
flutter: "shy",
default_flutter: "why",
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains('[name="turtle_foo"] input').edit("pinky pie", { confirm: false });
await clickSave();
test("nested one2manys with no widget in list and as invisible list in form", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [1];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="turtles"/>
<field name="turtles" invisible="1"/>
resId: 1,
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row .o_data_cell")).toEqual(["1 record"]);
await contains(".o_data_row td").click();
expect(".modal .o_form_view").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".modal .o_form_view .o_field_one2many").toHaveCount(0);
// Test possible caching issues
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_cancel").click();
await contains(".o_data_row td").click();
expect(".modal .o_form_view").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".modal .o_form_view .o_field_one2many").toHaveCount(0);
test("onchange on nested one2manys", async () => {
Partner._onChanges.name = function (obj) {
if (obj.name) {
obj.p = [
name: "test",
turtles: [[0, 0, { name: "test nested" }]],
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
const commands = args.args[1].p;
name: "test",
turtles: [[0, commands[0][2].turtles[0][1], { name: "test nested" }]],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="name"/>
<field name="p">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="turtles">
<field name="name"/>
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=name] input").edit("trigger onchange", {
confirm: "blur",
// open the new subrecord to check the value of the nested o2m, and to
// ensure that it will be saved
await contains(".o_data_cell").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".modal .o_data_cell")).toEqual(["test nested"]);
await contains(".modal .modal-footer .btn-primary").click();
await clickSave();
test("one2many with multiple pages and sequence field", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [3, 2, 1];
Partner._onChanges.turtles = function () {};
onRpc("onchange", () => {
return {
value: {
turtles: [
[2, 2],
[2, 3],
[4, 1, { id: 1, turtle_int: 0, turtle_foo: "yop", partner_ids: [] }],
[1, 1, { turtle_foo: "from onchange" }],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list limit="2">
<field name="turtle_int" widget="handle"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="partner_ids" invisible="1"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_list_record_remove button").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row")).toEqual(["from onchange"]);
test("one2many with multiple pages and sequence field, part2", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [3, 2, 1];
Partner._onChanges.turtles = function () {};
onRpc("onchange", () => {
return {
value: {
turtles: [
[2, 2],
[4, 1, { id: 1, turtle_int: 0, turtle_foo: "yop", partner_ids: [] }],
[1, 1, { turtle_foo: "from onchange id2" }],
[1, 3, { turtle_foo: "from onchange id3" }],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list limit="2">
<field name="turtle_int" widget="handle"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="partner_ids" invisible="1"/>
resId: 1,
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row .o_data_cell.o_list_char")).toEqual(["yop", "blip"]);
await contains(".o_list_record_remove button").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row .o_data_cell.o_list_char")).toEqual([
"from onchange id3",
"from onchange id2",
test("one2many with sequence field, override default_get, bottom when inline", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [3, 2, 1];
Turtle._fields.turtle_int = fields.Integer({ default: 10 });
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_int" widget="handle"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
// starting condition
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row")).toEqual(["blip", "yop", "kawa"]);
// click add a new line
// save the record
// check line is at the correct place
const inputText = "ninja";
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains('[name="turtle_foo"] input').edit(inputText, { confirm: false });
await clickSave();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row")).toEqual(["blip", "yop", "kawa", inputText]);
test("one2many with sequence field, override default_get, top when inline", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [3, 2, 1];
Turtle._fields.turtle_int = fields.Integer({ default: 10 });
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top">
<field name="turtle_int" widget="handle"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
// starting condition
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row")).toEqual(["blip", "yop", "kawa"]);
// click add a new line
// save the record
// check line is at the correct place
const inputText = "ninja";
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains('[name="turtle_foo"] input').edit(inputText, { confirm: false });
await clickSave();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row")).toEqual([inputText, "blip", "yop", "kawa"]);
test("one2many with sequence field, override default_get, bottom when popup", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [3, 2, 1];
Turtle._fields.turtle_int = fields.Integer({ default: 10 });
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<field name="turtle_int" widget="handle"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="turtle_int" invisible="1"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
// starting condition
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row")).toEqual(["blip", "yop", "kawa"]);
// click add a new line
// save the record
// check line is at the correct place
const inputText = "ninja";
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains('.modal [name="turtle_foo"] input').edit(inputText, { confirm: false });
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_save").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row")).toEqual(["blip", "yop", "kawa", inputText]);
await clickSave();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row")).toEqual(["blip", "yop", "kawa", inputText]);
test("one2many with sequence field, override default_get, not last page", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [3, 2, 1];
Turtle._fields.turtle_int = fields.Integer({ default: 5 });
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list limit="2">
<field name="turtle_int" widget="handle"/>
<field name="turtle_int"/>
resId: 1,
// click add a new line
// check turtle_int for new is the current max of the page
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect('.modal [name="turtle_int"] input').toHaveValue("9");
test("one2many with sequence field, override default_get, last page", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [3, 2, 1];
Turtle._fields.turtle_int = fields.Integer({ default: 10 });
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list limit="4">
<field name="turtle_int" widget="handle"/>
<field name="turtle_int"/>
resId: 1,
// click add a new line
// check turtle_int for new is the current max of the page +1
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect('.modal [name="turtle_int"] input').toHaveValue("22");
test("one2many with sequence field and text field", async () => {
Turtle._fields.turtle_int = fields.Integer({ default: 10 });
Turtle._fields.product_id = fields.Many2one({
relation: "product",
required: true,
default: 37,
Turtle._fields.not_required_product_id = fields.Many2one({
string: "Product",
relation: "product",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_int" widget="handle"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="not_required_product_id"/>
<field name="turtle_description" widget="text"/>
// starting condition
const inputText1 = "relax";
const inputText2 = "max";
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains('div[name="turtle_foo"] input').edit(inputText1, { confirm: false });
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains('div[name="turtle_foo"] input').edit(inputText2, { confirm: false });
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell.o_list_char")).toEqual([inputText1, inputText2, ""]);
await contains("tbody tr:eq(1) .o_handle_cell").dragAndDrop("tbody tr:eq(0)");
// empty line has been discarded on the drag and drop)
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell.o_list_char")).toEqual([inputText2, inputText1]);
test("one2many with several pages, onchange and default order", async () => {
// This test reproduces a specific scenario where a one2many is displayed
// over several pages, and has a default order such that a record that
// would normally be on page 1 is actually on another page. Moreover,
// there is an onchange on that one2many which converts all commands 4
// (LINK_TO) into commands 1 (UPDATE), which is standard in the ORM.
// This test ensures that the record displayed on page 2 is never fully
// read.
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2, 3];
Turtle._records[0].partner_ids = [1];
Partner._onChanges = {
turtles: function (obj) {
const res = obj.turtles.map((command) => {
if (command[0] === 1) {
// already an UPDATE command: do nothing
return command;
// convert LINK_TO commands to UPDATE commands
const id = command[1];
const record = Turtle._records.find((record) => record.id === id);
return [1, id, pick(record, "turtle_int", "turtle_foo", "partner_ids")];
obj.turtles = res;
onRpc((args) => {
const ids = args.method === "web_read" ? " [" + args.args[0] + "]" : "";
expect.step(args.method + ids);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top" limit="2" default_order="turtle_foo">
<field name="turtle_int"/>
<field name="turtle_foo" class="foo"/>
<field name="partner_ids" widget="many2many_tags"/>
resId: 1,
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell.foo")).toEqual(["blip", "kawa"]);
// edit turtle_int field of first row
await contains(".o_data_cell").click();
await contains(".o_data_row .o_field_widget[name=turtle_int] input").edit(3, {
confirm: false,
await contains(".o_form_view").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell.foo")).toEqual(["blip", "kawa"]);
"web_read [1]", // main record
// this test's purpose is to assert that this rpc isn't
// done, but yet it is. Actually, it wasn't before because mockOnChange
// returned [1] as command list, instead of [[6, false, [1]]], so basically
// this value was ignored. Now that mockOnChange properly works, the value
// is taken into account but the basicmodel doesn't care it concerns a
// record of the second page, and does the read. I don't think we
// introduced a regression here, this test was simply wrong...
test("one2many with several pages, onchange return command update on unknown record (readonly field)", async () => {
Turtle._fields.turtle_int = fields.Integer({ readonly: true });
Partner._onChanges = {
foo: function (obj) {
obj.turtles = [[1, 3, { turtle_int: 57, turtle_foo: "yop" }]];
onRpc("web_save", ({ args }) => {
// for unknownCommand, we should not send readonly fields
foo: "blip",
turtles: [[1, 3, { turtle_foo: "yop" }]],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top" limit="1">
<field name="turtle_int"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=foo] input").edit("blip", { confirm: false });
await clickSave();
test("new record, with one2many with more default values than limit", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list limit="2">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
context: { default_turtles: [1, 2, 3] },
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row")).toEqual(["yop", "blip"]);
await clickSave();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row")).toEqual(["yop", "blip"]);
test("add a new line after limit is reached should behave nicely", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2, 3];
Partner._onChanges = {
turtles: function () {},
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list limit="3" editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_foo" required="1"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains('div[name="turtle_foo"] .o_input').edit("a", { confirm: false });
expect(".o_data_row").toHaveCount(4, {
message: "should still have 4 data rows (the limit is increased to 4)",
test("onchange in a one2many with non inline view on an existing record", async () => {
Partner._fields.sequence = fields.Integer({ string: "Sequence", type: "integer" });
Partner._records[0].sequence = 1;
Partner._records[1].sequence = 2;
Partner._onChanges = { sequence: function () {} };
PartnerType._fields.partner_ids = fields.One2many({
string: "Partner",
relation: "partner",
PartnerType._records[0].partner_ids = [1, 2];
Partner._views = {
list: `
<field name="sequence" widget="handle"/>
<field name="name"/>
onRpc((args) => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner.type",
arch: `
<field name="partner_ids" widget="one2many"/>
resId: 12,
// swap 2 lines in the one2many
await contains("tbody tr:eq(1) .o_handle_cell").dragAndDrop("tbody tr");
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "get_views", "web_read", "onchange", "onchange"]);
test("onchange in a one2many with non inline view on a new record", async () => {
Turtle._onChanges = {
name: function (obj) {
if (obj.name) {
obj.turtle_int = 44;
Turtle._views = {
list: `
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="turtle_int"/>
onRpc((args) => {
expect.step(args.method || args.route);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles" widget="one2many"/>
// add a row and trigger the onchange
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains('.o_data_row div[name="name"] input').edit("a name", { confirm: "blur" });
"get_views", // load main form
"get_views", // load sub list
"onchange", // main record
"onchange", // sub record
"onchange", // edition of name of sub record
test('add a line, edit it and "Save & New"', async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="name" widget="char" class="do_not_remove_widget_char"/>
<field name="name"/>
// add a new record
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains(".modal .o_field_widget input").edit("new record", { confirm: false });
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_save").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row .o_data_cell")).toEqual(["new record"]);
// reopen freshly added record and edit it
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
await contains(".modal .o_field_widget input").edit("new record edited", { confirm: false });
// save it, and choose to directly create another record
await contains(".modal .modal-footer .btn-primary:eq(1)").click();
expect(".modal .o_field_widget").toHaveText("");
await contains(".modal .o_field_widget input").edit("another new record", { confirm: false });
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_save").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row .o_data_cell")).toEqual([
"new record edited",
"another new record",
test('add a line with a context depending on the parent record, created a second record with "Save & New"', async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="name"/>
<field name="p" context="{'default_name': name}" >
<field name="name"/>
<field name="name"/>
expect(queryAllTexts("[name='p'] .o_data_row")).toEqual([]);
await contains("[name='name'] input").edit("Jack", { confirm: "blur" });
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".modal [name='name'] input").toHaveValue("Jack");
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_save_new").click();
expect(".modal [name='name'] input").toHaveValue("Jack");
expect(queryAllTexts("[name='p'] .o_data_row")).toEqual(["Jack"]);
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_save").click();
expect(queryAllTexts("[name='p'] .o_data_row")).toEqual(["Jack", "Jack"]);
test("o2m add a line custom control create editable", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom">
<create string="Add food" context="" />
<create string="Add pizza" context="{'default_name': 'pizza'}"/>
<create string="Add pasta" context="{'default_name': 'pasta'}"/>
<field name="name"/>
<field name="name"/>
// new controls correctly added
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a")).toEqual([
"Add food",
"Add pizza",
"Add pasta",
// click add food
// check it's empty
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
// click add pizza
// press enter to save the record
// check it's pizza
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a:eq(1)").click();
'.o_field_widget[name="p"] .o_selected_row .o_field_widget[name="name"] input'
await press("Enter");
await animationFrame();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell")).toEqual(["", "pizza", ""]);
// click add pasta
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a:eq(2)").click();
await clickSave();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell")).toEqual(["", "pizza", "", "pasta"]);
test("o2m add a line custom control create non-editable", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<create string="Add food" context="" />
<create string="Add pizza" context="{'default_name': 'pizza'}" />
<create string="Add pasta" context="{'default_name': 'pasta'}" />
<field name="name"/>
<field name="name"/>
// new controls correctly added
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a")).toEqual([
"Add food",
"Add pizza",
"Add pasta",
// click add food
// check it's empty
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_save").click();
// click add pizza
// save the modal
// check it's pizza
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a:eq(1)").click();
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_save").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell")).toEqual(["", "pizza"]);
// click add pasta
// save the whole record
// check it's pizzapasta
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a:eq(2)").click();
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_save").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell")).toEqual(["", "pizza", "pasta"]);
test("o2m add an action button control", async () => {
onRpc("do_something", (args) => {
return true;
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 2,
arch: `
<field name="p">
<create string="Create" context="{}" />
<button string="Action Button" name="do_something" class="btn-link" type="object" context="{'parent_id': parent.id}"/>
<field name="name"/>
expect(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add").toHaveText("CreateAction Button");
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add button").click();
test("o2m button with parent in context", async () => {
onRpc("test_button", (args) => {
expect(args.kwargs.context.parent_name).toBe("first record");
return true;
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<field name="display_name"/>
<button string="Action Button" name="test_button" type="object" context="{'parent_name': parent.display_name}"/>
await contains('button[name="test_button"]').click();
test("o2m add a line custom control create align with handle", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="int_field" widget="handle"/>
// controls correctly added, at one column offset when handle is present
expect(".o_list_table tr:eq(1) td").toHaveCount(2);
expect(".o_list_table tr:eq(1) td:eq(0)").toHaveText("");
expect(".o_list_table tr:eq(1) td:eq(1)").toHaveText("Add a line");
test("one2many form view with action button", async () => {
// once the action button is clicked, the record is reloaded (via the
// onClose handler, executed because the python method does not return
// any action, or an ir.action.act_window_close) ; this test ensures that
// it reloads the fields of the opened view (i.e. the form in this case).
// See https://github.com/odoo/odoo/issues/24189
mockService("action", {
doActionButton(params) {
Partner._records[1].name = "new name";
Partner._records[1].timmy = [12];
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
PartnerType._views = {
list: `
<field name="name"/>
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="name"/>
<button type="action" string="Set Timmy"/>
<field name="timmy"/>
expect(".o_data_cell").toHaveText("second record");
// open one2many record in form view
await contains(".o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal .o_form_view").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".modal .o_form_view .o_data_row").toHaveCount(0);
// click on the action button
await contains(".modal .o_form_editable button").click();
expect(".modal .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".modal .o_data_cell").toHaveText("gold");
// save the dialog
await contains(".modal .modal-footer .btn-primary").click();
expect(".o_data_cell").toHaveText("new name");
test("onchange affecting inline unopened list view", async () => {
let numUserOnchange = 0;
Users._onChanges = {
partner_ids: function (obj) {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "res.users",
arch: `
<field name="partner_ids">
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="name"/>
resId: 17,
// add a turtle on second partner
await contains(".o_data_row:eq(1) .o_data_cell").click();
await contains(".modal .o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains(".modal .o_field_widget[name=name] input").edit("michelangelo", {
confirm: false,
await contains(".modal .btn-primary").click();
// open first partner so changes from previous action are applied
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
await contains(".modal .btn-primary").click();
await clickSave();
expect(numUserOnchange).toBe(1, {
message: "there should 1 and only 1 onchange from closing the partner modal",
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1, { message: "only 1 turtle for first partner" });
expect(".modal .o_data_cell").toHaveText("donatello");
await contains(".modal .modal-footer .btn-primary").click(); // Close
await contains(".o_data_row:eq(1) .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1, { message: "only 1 turtle for second partner" });
expect(".modal .o_data_cell").toHaveText("michelangelo");
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_cancel").click();
test("click on URL should not open the record", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1];
// avoid to open a new tab or the mail app
const onClick = (ev) => {
expect.step("link clicked");
browser.addEventListener("click", onClick, { capture: true });
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<field name="name" widget="email"/>
<field name="turtle_foo" widget="url"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_email_cell a").click();
expect.verifySteps(["link clicked"]);
await contains(".o_url_cell a").click();
expect.verifySteps(["link clicked"]);
test("create and edit on m2o in o2m, and press ESCAPE", async () => {
Partner._views = {
form: `
<field name="name"/>
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top">
<field name="turtle_trululu"/>
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await clickFieldDropdown("turtle_trululu");
await contains("[name=turtle_trululu] input").edit("ABC", { confirm: false });
await runAllTimers();
await clickFieldDropdownItem("turtle_trululu", "Create and edit...");
expect(".modal .o_form_view").toHaveCount(1);
await press("Escape");
await animationFrame();
expect(".modal .o_form_view").toHaveCount(0);
expect(".o_selected_row [name=turtle_trululu] input").toBeFocused();
test("one2many add a line should not crash if orderedResIDs is not set on desktop", async () => {
mockService("action", {
doActionButton(args) {
return Promise.reject();
Partner._records[0].turtles = [];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<button name="post" type="object" string="Validate" class="oe_highlight"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
await contains('button[name="post"]').click();
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
test("one2many add a line should not crash if orderedResIDs is not set on mobile", async () => {
mockService("action", {
doActionButton(args) {
return Promise.reject();
Partner._records[0].turtles = [];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<button name="post" type="object" string="Validate" class="oe_highlight"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
await contains(`.o_cp_action_menus button:has(.fa-cog)`).click();
await contains('button[name="post"]').click();
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
test("one2many shortcut tab should not crash when there is no input widget", async () => {
// create a one2many view which has no input (only 1 textarea in this case)
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_foo" widget="text"/>
resId: 1,
// add a row, fill it, then trigger the tab shortcut
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
// This is not how it should happen but non trusted event listeners are called sooner than
// trusted ones so the update is called after the list's tab listener in which case the field is
// not dirty when we press tab, therefore we need to set it dirty through onChange before pressing tab
// so in practice we could only run the following line but it wont work since the tab keydown event is not trusted
// await contains("[name=turtle_foo] textarea").edit("ninja", { confirm: false });
await contains("[name=turtle_foo] textarea").edit("ninja", { confirm: "blur" });
await contains("[name=turtle_foo]:eq(2)").click();
expect("[name=turtle_foo] textarea").toBeFocused();
await press("tab");
await animationFrame();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_field_text")).toEqual(["blip", "ninja", ""]);
expect(".o_field_text textarea").toHaveCount(1);
test("o2m add a line custom control create editable with 'tab'", async () => {
onRpc("onchange", ({ kwargs }) => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<create string="Add soft shell turtle" context="{'default_turtle_foo': 'soft'}"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
// This is not how it should happen but non trusted event listeners are called sooner than
// trusted ones so the update is called after the list's tab listener in which case the field is
// not dirty when we press tab, therefore we need to set it dirty through onChange before pressing tab
// so in practice we could only run the following line but it wont work since the tab keydown event is not trusted
// await contains("[name=turtle_foo] textarea").edit("Test", { confirm: false });
await contains("[name=turtle_foo] input").edit("Test", { confirm: "blur" });
await contains("[name=turtle_foo]").click();
await press("Tab");
await animationFrame();
test("one2many with onchange, required field, shortcut enter", async () => {
Turtle._onChanges = {
turtle_foo: function () {},
let def;
onRpc("onchange", () => def);
onRpc((args) => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_foo" required="1"/>
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "onchange"]);
// add a new line
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
// we want to add a delay to simulate an onchange
def = new Deferred();
// write something in the field, edit will confirm with enter
await contains("[name=turtle_foo] input").edit("hello");
// check that nothing changed before the onchange finished
expect("[name=turtle_foo] input").toHaveValue("hello");
// unlock onchange
await animationFrame();
// check the current line is added with the correct content and a new line is editable
expect(".o_data_row:eq(0) [name=turtle_foo]").toHaveText("hello");
expect(".o_data_row:eq(1) [name=turtle_foo] input").toHaveValue("");
test("edit a field with a slow onchange in one2many", async () => {
Turtle._onChanges = {
turtle_foo: function () {},
let def;
onRpc("onchange", () => def);
onRpc((args) => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "onchange"]);
// add a new line
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
// we want to add a delay to simulate an onchange
def = new Deferred();
// write something in the field
await contains("[name=turtle_foo] input").edit("hello", { confirm: false });
expect("[name=turtle_foo] input").toHaveValue("hello");
await contains(".o_form_view").click();
// check that nothing changed before the onchange finished
expect("[name=turtle_foo] input").toHaveValue("hello");
// unlock onchange
await animationFrame();
// check the current line is added with the correct content
expect(".o_data_row [name=turtle_foo]").toHaveText("hello");
test("no deadlock when leaving a one2many line with uncommitted changes", async () => {
// Before unselecting a o2m line, field widgets are asked to commit their changes (new values
// that they wouldn't have sent to the model yet). This test is added alongside a bug fix
// ensuring that we don't end up in a deadlock when a widget actually has some changes to
// commit at that moment.
onRpc((args) => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] input").edit("some foo value", {
confirm: false,
// click to add a second row to unselect the current one, then save
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await clickSave();
expect(".o_data_row:eq(0)").toHaveText("some foo value");
"get_views", // main form view
"onchange", // main record
"onchange", // line 1
"onchange", // line 2
test("one2many with extra field from server not in form", async () => {
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
args.args[1].p[0][2].datetime = "2018-04-05 12:00:00";
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="datetime"/>
<field name="name"/>
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
// Add a record in the list
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains(".modal div[name=name] input").edit("michelangelo", { confirm: false });
// Save the record in the modal (though it is still virtual)
await contains(".modal .btn-primary").click();
let cells = queryAll(".o_data_cell");
// Save the whole thing
await clickSave();
// Redo asserts in RO mode after saving
cells = queryAll(".o_data_cell");
expect(cells[0]).toHaveText("04/05/2018 13:00:00");
test("one2many invisible depends on parent field", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="product_id"/>
<page string="Partner page">
<field name="bar"/>
<field name="p">
<field name="foo" column_invisible="parent.product_id"/>
<field name="bar" column_invisible="not parent.bar"/>
resId: 1,
await selectFieldDropdownItem("product_id", "xphone");
expect("th:not(.o_list_actions_header)").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "should be 1 column when the product_id is set",
await contains(".o_field_many2one[name=product_id] input").clear({ confirm: "blur" });
expect("th:not(.o_list_actions_header)").toHaveCount(2, {
message: "should be 2 columns in the one2many when product_id is not set",
await contains(".o_field_boolean[name=bar] input").click();
expect("th:not(.o_list_actions_header)").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "should be 1 column after the value change",
test("column_invisible attrs on a button in a one2many list", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="product_id"/>
<field name="p">
<field name="foo"/>
<button name="abc" string="Do it" class="some_button" column_invisible="not parent.product_id"/>
resId: 1,
expect(".o_field_widget[name=product_id] input").toHaveValue("");
expect(".o_list_table th").toHaveCount(2); // foo + trash bin
await selectFieldDropdownItem("product_id", "xphone");
expect(".o_field_widget[name=product_id] input").toHaveValue("xphone");
expect(".o_list_table th").toHaveCount(3); // foo + button + trash bin
test("column_invisible attrs on adjacent buttons", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="product_id"/>
<field name="trululu"/>
<field name="p">
<button name="abc1" string="Do it 1" class="some_button1"/>
<button name="abc2" string="Do it 2" class="some_button2" column_invisible="parent.product_id"/>
<field name="foo"/>
<button name="abc3" string="Do it 3" class="some_button3" column_invisible="parent.product_id"/>
<button name="abc4" string="Do it 4" class="some_button4" column_invisible="parent.trululu"/>
resId: 1,
expect(".o_field_widget[name=product_id] input").toHaveValue("");
expect(".o_field_widget[name=trululu] input").toHaveValue("aaa");
expect(".o_list_table th").toHaveCount(4); // button group 1 + foo + button group 2 + trash bin
await selectFieldDropdownItem("product_id", "xphone");
expect(".o_field_widget[name=product_id] input").toHaveValue("xphone");
expect(".o_field_widget[name=trululu] input").toHaveValue("aaa");
expect(".o_list_table th").toHaveCount(3); // button group 1 + foo + trash bin
test("field context is correctly passed to x2m subviews", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles" context="{'some_key': 1}">
<t t-name="card">
<t t-if="context.some_key">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
expect(".o_kanban_record span:contains('blip')").toHaveCount(1);
test("one2many kanban with widget handle", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2, 3];
onRpc("write", (args) => {
turtles: [
[1, 2, { turtle_int: 0 }],
[1, 3, { turtle_int: 1 }],
[1, 1, { turtle_int: 2 }],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<field name="turtle_int" widget="handle"/>
<t t-name="card">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)")).toEqual(["yop", "blip", "kawa"]);
// // should not work (form in mode "readonly")
// await contains(".o_kanban_record:eq(0)").dragAndDrop(".o_kanban_record:eq(2)");
// expect(
// queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)")).toEqual(
// ["yop", "blip", "kawa"]
// );
await contains(".o_kanban_record:eq(0)").dragAndDrop(".o_kanban_record:eq(2)");
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)")).toEqual(["blip", "kawa", "yop"]);
await clickSave();
test("one2many editable list: edit and click on add a line", async () => {
Turtle._onChanges = {
turtle_int: function () {},
onRpc("onchange", (args) => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom"><field name="turtle_int"/></list>
resId: 1,
// edit first row
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
await contains(".o_selected_row .o_field_widget[name=turtle_int] input").edit("44", {
confirm: false,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect.verifySteps(["onchange", "onchange"]);
test("many2manys inside a one2many are fetched in batch after onchange", async () => {
Partner._onChanges = {
turtles: function (obj) {
obj.turtles = [
[4, 1],
[4, 2],
turtle_foo: "leonardo",
partner_ids: [[4, 2]],
onRpc((args) => {
expect.step(args.method || args.route);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="partner_ids" widget="many2many_tags"/>
"second record",
"second record\naaa",
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "onchange"]);
test("two one2many fields with same relation and _onChanges", async () => {
// this test simulates the presence of two one2many fields with _onChanges, such that
// changes to the first o2m are repercuted on the second one
Partner._fields.turtles2 = fields.One2many({
string: "Turtles 2",
type: "one2many",
relation: "turtle",
relation_field: "turtle_trululu",
Partner._onChanges = {
turtles: function (obj) {
// replicate changes on turtles2
if (obj.turtles.length) {
const command = obj.turtles2 && obj.turtles2[0];
if (command) {
// second onchange (with ABC): there's already a create command
obj.turtles2 = [[1, command[1], obj.turtles[0][2]]];
} else {
// first onchange (when adding the row): replicate the create command
obj.turtles2 = [[0, false, obj.turtles[0][2]]];
turtles2: () => {}, // simulate an onchange on turtles2 as well
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom"><field name="name" required="1"/></list>
<field name="turtles2">
<list editable="bottom"><field name="name" required="1"/></list>
// trigger first onchange by adding a line in turtles field (should add a line in turtles2)
await contains('.o_field_widget[name="turtles"] .o_field_x2many_list_row_add a').click();
await contains('.o_field_widget[name="turtles"] .o_field_widget[name="name"] input').edit(
{ confirm: "blur" }
expect('.o_field_widget[name="turtles"] .o_data_row').toHaveCount(1, {
message: "line of first o2m should have been created",
expect('.o_field_widget[name="turtles2"] .o_data_row').toHaveCount(1, {
message: "line of second o2m should have been created",
// add a line in turtles2
await contains('.o_field_widget[name="turtles2"] .o_field_x2many_list_row_add a').click();
await contains('.o_field_widget[name="turtles2"] .o_field_widget[name="name"] input').edit(
{ confirm: false }
expect('.o_field_widget[name="turtles"] .o_data_row').toHaveCount(1, {
message: "we should still have 1 line in turtles",
expect('.o_field_widget[name="turtles2"] .o_data_row').toHaveCount(2);
expect('.o_field_widget[name="turtles2"] .o_data_row:eq(1)').toHaveClass("o_selected_row");
await clickSave();
expect(queryAllTexts('.o_field_widget[name="turtles2"] .o_data_row')).toEqual(["ABC", "DEF"]);
test("one2many reset by onchange (of another field) while being edited", async () => {
// In this test, we have a many2one and a one2many. The many2one has an onchange that
// updates the value of the one2many. We set a new value to the many2one (name_create)
// such that the onchange is delayed. During the name_create, we click to add a new row
// to the one2many. After a while, we unlock the name_create, which triggers the onchange
// and resets the one2many. At the end, we want the row to be in edition.
const def = new Deferred();
Partner._onChanges = {
trululu: () => {},
onRpc("name_create", () => def);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="trululu"/>
<field name="p">
<list editable="top"><field name="product_id" required="1"/></list>
// set a new value for trululu (will delay the onchange)
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=trululu] input").edit("new value", { confirm: false });
await runAllTimers();
await clickFieldDropdownItem("trululu", `Create "new value"`);
// add a row in p
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
// resolve the name_create to trigger the onchange, and the reset of p
await animationFrame();
test("one2many with many2many_tags in list and list in form with a limit", async () => {
// This test encodes a limitation of the current model architecture:
// we have an nested x2manys, and the inner one is displayed as tags
// in the list, and as a list in the form. As both the list and the
// form will use the same Record datapoint, the config of their static
// list will be the same. We obviously don't want to see the limit
// applied on the tags (in the background) when opening the form. So
// the stategy is to keep the initial config, and to ignore the
// limit set on the list
Partner._records[0].p = [1];
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2, 3];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="bar"/>
<field name="p">
<field name="turtles" widget="many2many_tags"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list limit="2">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
expect(".o_field_widget[name=p] .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".o_data_row .o_field_many2many_tags .badge").toHaveCount(3);
await contains(".o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal .o_form_view").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".modal .o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_data_row").toHaveCount(3);
expect(".modal .o_field_x2many_list .o_pager").not.toBeVisible();
test("one2many with many2many_tags in list and list in form, and onchange", async () => {
Partner._onChanges = {
bar: function (obj) {
obj.p = [[0, 0, { turtles: [[0, 0, { name: "new turtle" }]] }]];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="bar"/>
<field name="p">
<field name="turtles" widget="many2many_tags"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="name"/>
expect(".o_field_widget[name=p] .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".o_data_row .o_field_many2many_tags .badge").toHaveCount(1);
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal .o_form_view").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".modal .o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1);
expect(queryAllTexts(".modal .o_data_cell")).toEqual(["new turtle"]);
await contains(".modal .o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".modal .o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_data_row").toHaveCount(2);
expect(queryAllTexts(".modal .o_data_cell")).toEqual(["new turtle", ""]);
expect(".modal .o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_data_row:eq(1)").toHaveClass("o_selected_row");
test("one2many with many2many_tags in list and list in form, and onchange (2)", async () => {
Partner._onChanges = {
bar: function (obj) {
obj.p = [
turtles: [
display_name: "new turtle",
Turtle._onChanges = {
turtle_foo: function (obj) {
obj.display_name = obj.turtle_foo;
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="bar"/>
<field name="p">
<field name="turtles" widget="many2many_tags"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_foo" required="1"/>
expect(".o_field_widget[name=p] .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1);
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal .o_form_view").toHaveCount(1);
await contains(".modal .o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".modal .o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_data_row").toHaveCount(2);
await contains(".modal .o_selected_row input").edit("another one", { confirm: false });
await contains(".modal .modal-footer .btn-primary").click();
expect(".o_field_widget[name=p] .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".o_data_row .o_field_many2many_tags .badge").toHaveCount(2);
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row .o_field_many2many_tags .o_tag_badge_text")).toEqual([
"new turtle",
"another one",
test("reorder one2many with many2many_tags in list and list in form", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2, 4];
Partner._records[0].p = [1, 4];
Partner._views = {
form: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="top">
<field name="int_field" widget="handle"/>
<field name="name"/>
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="p" widget="many2many_tags"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_cell").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".modal [name='name']")).toEqual(["aaa", "first record"]);
await contains(".modal tr:eq(2) .o_handle_cell").dragAndDrop(".modal tr:eq(1)");
expect(queryAllTexts(".modal [name='name']")).toEqual(["first record", "aaa"]);
test("nested one2many, onchange, no command value", async () => {
// This test ensures that we always send all values to onchange rpcs for nested
// one2manys, even if some field hasn't changed. In this particular test case,
// a first onchange returns a value for the inner one2many, and a second onchange
// removes it, thus restoring the field to its initial empty value. From this point,
// the nested one2many value must still be sent to onchange rpcs (on the main record),
// as it might be used to compute other fields (so the fact that the nested o2m is empty
// must be explicit).
Turtle._fields.o2m = fields.One2many({
string: "o2m",
relation: "partner",
relation_field: "trululu",
Partner._onChanges.turtles = function (obj) {};
Turtle._onChanges.turtle_bar = function (obj) {};
let step = 1;
onRpc((args) => {
if (step === 3 && args.method === "onchange" && args.model === "partner") {
o2m: [],
turtle_bar: false,
if (args.model === "turtle") {
if (step === 2) {
return {
value: {
o2m: [[0, false, { name: "default" }]],
turtle_bar: true,
if (step === 3) {
const virtualId = args.args[1].o2m[0][1];
return {
value: { o2m: [[2, virtualId]] },
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="o2m"/>
<field name="turtle_bar"/>
step = 2;
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
step = 3;
await contains(".o_data_row .o_field_boolean input").click();
test("edition in list containing widget with decoration", async () => {
// We use here a badge widget and check its decoration is properly managed
// in this scenario (we need a widget with specific decoration handling)
Partner._records[0].p = [1, 2];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="int_field"/>
<field name="color" widget="badge" decoration-warning="int_field == 9"/>
resId: 1,
expect(".o_data_row:eq(1) .o_field_badge .badge").toHaveClass("text-bg-warning");
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
await contains(".o_selected_row .o_field_integer input").edit("44", { confirm: false });
expect(".o_data_row:eq(1) .o_field_badge .badge").toHaveClass("text-bg-warning");
test("reordering embedded one2many with handle widget starting with same sequence", async () => {
Turtle._records = [
{ id: 1, turtle_int: 1 },
{ id: 2, turtle_int: 1 },
{ id: 3, turtle_int: 1 },
{ id: 4, turtle_int: 2 },
{ id: 5, turtle_int: 3 },
{ id: 6, turtle_int: 4 },
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list default_order="turtle_int">
<field name="turtle_int" widget="handle"/>
<field name="id"/>
resId: 1,
// Drag and drop the fourth line in first position
await contains("tbody tr:eq(3) .o_handle_cell").dragAndDrop("tbody tr");
await clickSave();
Turtle._records.map((r) => {
return { id: r.id, turtle_int: r.turtle_int };
{ id: 1, turtle_int: 2 },
{ id: 2, turtle_int: 3 },
{ id: 3, turtle_int: 4 },
{ id: 4, turtle_int: 1 },
{ id: 5, turtle_int: 5 },
{ id: 6, turtle_int: 6 },
test("combine contexts on o2m field and create tags", async () => {
onRpc("turtle", "onchange", (args) => {
allowed_company_ids: [1],
default_turtle_foo: "soft",
default_turtle_bar: true,
default_turtle_int: 2,
lang: "en",
tz: "taht",
uid: 7,
"combined context should have the default_turtle_foo value from the <create>",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles" context="{'default_turtle_foo': 'hard', 'default_turtle_bar': True}">
<list editable="bottom">
<create name="add_soft_shell_turtle" string="Add soft shell turtle" context="{'default_turtle_foo': 'soft', 'default_turtle_int': 2}"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
test("do not call read if name already known", async () => {
Partner._fields.product_id = fields.Many2one({ relation: "product", default: 37 });
Partner._onChanges = {
trululu: function (obj) {
obj.trululu = 1;
onRpc((args) => {
expect.step(args.method + " on " + args.model);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="trululu"/>
<field name="product_id"/>
expect(".o_field_widget[name=trululu] input").toHaveValue("first record");
expect(".o_field_widget[name=product_id] input").toHaveValue("xphone");
expect.verifySteps(["get_views on partner", "onchange on partner"]);
test("x2many default_order multiple fields", async () => {
Partner._records = [
{ int_field: 10, id: 1, name: "record1" },
{ int_field: 12, id: 2, name: "record2" },
{ int_field: 11, id: 3, name: "record3" },
{ int_field: 12, id: 4, name: "record4" },
{ int_field: 10, id: 5, name: "record5" },
{ int_field: 10, id: 6, name: "record6" },
{ int_field: 11, id: 7, name: "record7" },
Partner._records[0].p = [1, 7, 4, 5, 2, 6, 3];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p" >
<list default_order="int_field,id">
<field name="id"/>
<field name="int_field"/>
resId: 1,
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_field_x2many_list .o_data_row .o_data_cell[name=id]")).toEqual([
test("x2many default_order multiple fields with limit", async () => {
Partner._records = [
{ int_field: 10, id: 1, name: "record1" },
{ int_field: 12, id: 2, name: "record2" },
{ int_field: 11, id: 3, name: "record3" },
{ int_field: 12, id: 4, name: "record4" },
{ int_field: 10, id: 5, name: "record5" },
{ int_field: 10, id: 6, name: "record6" },
{ int_field: 11, id: 7, name: "record7" },
Partner._records[0].p = [1, 7, 4, 5, 2, 6, 3];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p" >
<list default_order="int_field,id" limit="4">
<field name="id"/>
<field name="int_field"/>
resId: 1,
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_field_x2many_list .o_data_row .o_data_cell[name=id]")).toEqual([
test("one2many from a model that has been sorted", async () => {
Partner._views = {
list: `<list><field name="int_field"/></list>`,
search: `<search/>`,
form: `
<field name="turtles">
<list><field name="turtle_foo"/></list>
Partner._records[0].turtles = [3, 2];
await mountWithCleanup(WebClient);
await getService("action").doAction({
id: 1,
name: "test",
res_model: "partner",
type: "ir.actions.act_window",
views: [
[false, "list"],
[false, "form"],
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell")).toEqual(["10", "9", "0"]);
await contains("th.o_column_sortable").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell")).toEqual(["0", "9", "10"]);
await contains(".o_data_row:eq(2) .o_data_cell").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell")).toEqual(["kawa", "blip"], {
message: "The o2m should not have been sorted.",
test("prevent the dialog in readonly x2many list view with option no_open True", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom" no_open="True">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
expect('.o_data_row:contains("blip")').toHaveCount(1, {
message: "There should be one record in x2many list view",
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal").toHaveCount(0, {
message: "There is should be no dialog open on click of readonly list row",
test("delete a record while adding another one in a multipage", async () => {
// in a one2many with at least 2 pages, add a new line. Delete the line above it.
// it should load the next line to display it on the page.
Partner._records[0].turtles = [2, 3];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom" limit="1" decoration-muted="turtle_bar == False">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="turtle_bar"/>
resId: 1,
// add a line (virtual record)
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=turtle_foo] input").edit("pi", { confirm: false });
// delete the line above it
await contains(".o_list_record_remove").click();
// the next line should be displayed below the newly added one
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell")).toEqual(["pi", "", "kawa", ""], {
message: "should display the correct records on page 1",
test("one2many, onchange, edition and multipage...", async () => {
Partner._onChanges = {
turtles: function (obj) {
obj.turtles = [[5]].concat(obj.turtles);
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2, 3];
onRpc((args) => {
expect.step(args.method + " " + args.model);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom" limit="2">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=turtle_foo] input").edit("nora", { confirm: false });
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
"get_views partner",
"web_read partner",
"onchange turtle",
"onchange partner",
"onchange partner",
"onchange turtle",
"onchange partner",
test("x2many multipage, onchange returning update commands with readonly field", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2];
Partner._onChanges = {
foo: function (obj) {
obj.turtles = [
[1, 1, { name: "rec 1", turtle_foo: "new val 1" }],
[1, 2, { name: "rec 2", turtle_foo: "new val 2" }],
onRpc("web_save", ({ args }) => {
foo: "trigger onchange",
turtles: [
[1, 1, { name: "rec 1" }],
[1, 2, { name: "rec 2" }],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list limit="1">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="turtle_foo" readonly="1"/>
resId: 1,
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell")).toEqual(["leonardo", "yop"]);
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=foo] input").edit("trigger onchange", { confirm: "blur" });
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell")).toEqual(["rec 1", "new val 1"]);
await clickSave();
test("x2many multipage, onchange returning update commands with readonly field (2)", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2];
Partner._onChanges = {
foo: function (obj) {
obj.turtles = [
[1, 1, { name: "rec 1", turtle_foo: "new val 1" }],
[1, 2, { name: "rec 2", turtle_foo: "new val 2" }],
onRpc("web_save", ({ args }) => {
foo: "trigger onchange",
turtles: [
[1, 1, { name: "rec 1" }],
[1, 2, { name: "rec 2" }],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list limit="1">
<field name="name" readonly="not context.get('some_key')"/>
<field name="turtle_foo" readonly="context.get('some_key')"/>
resId: 1,
context: { some_key: true },
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell")).toEqual(["leonardo", "yop"]);
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=foo] input").edit("trigger onchange", { confirm: "blur" });
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell")).toEqual(["rec 1", "new val 1"]);
await clickSave();
test("x2many multipage, onchange returning update commands with readonly field (3)", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2];
Partner._onChanges = {
foo: function (obj) {
obj.turtles = [
[1, 1, { name: "rec 1", turtle_foo: "new val 1" }],
[1, 2, { name: "rec 2", turtle_foo: "new val 2" }],
onRpc("web_save", ({ args }) => {
foo: "trigger onchange",
turtles: [
[1, 1, { name: "rec 1" }],
// we can't evaluate the readonly expressions for the record of
// second page, so we send both fields
[1, 2, { name: "rec 2", turtle_foo: "new val 2" }],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list limit="1">
<field name="name" readonly="not turtle_bar"/>
<field name="turtle_foo" readonly="turtle_bar"/>
<field name="turtle_bar" column_invisible="1"/>
resId: 1,
context: { some_key: true },
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell")).toEqual(["leonardo", "yop"]);
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=foo] input").edit("trigger onchange", { confirm: "blur" });
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell")).toEqual(["rec 1", "new val 1"]);
await clickSave();
test("onchange on unloaded record clearing posterious change", async () => {
let numUserOnchange = 0;
Users._onChanges = {
partner_ids: function (obj) {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "res.users",
arch: `
<field name="partner_ids">
<field name="trululu"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="name"/>
resId: 17,
// open first partner and change turtle name
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
await contains(".modal .o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
await contains(".modal .o_field_widget[name=name] input").edit("Donatello", { confirm: false });
await contains(".modal .btn-primary").click();
await contains(".o_data_row:eq(1) .o_data_cell").click();
await contains(".modal .o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains(".modal .o_field_widget[name=name] input").edit("Michelangelo", {
confirm: false,
await contains(".modal .btn-primary").click();
expect(numUserOnchange).toBe(2, {
message: "there should be 2 and only 2 onchange from closing the partner modal",
// check first record still has change
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1, { message: "only 1 turtle for first partner" });
expect(".modal .o_data_cell").toHaveText("Donatello");
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_cancel").click();
// check second record still has changes
await contains(".o_data_row:eq(1) .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1, { message: "only 1 turtle for second partner" });
expect(".modal .o_data_cell").toHaveText("Michelangelo");
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_cancel").click();
// re-open, edit michelangelo row, click out -> row still there, in readonly
await contains(".o_data_row:eq(1) .o_data_cell").click();
await contains(".modal .o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal .o_selected_row").toHaveCount(1);
await contains(".modal").click();
expect(".modal .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".modal .o_data_cell").toHaveText("Michelangelo");
test("quickly switch between pages in one2many list", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2, 3];
const readDefs = [null, new Deferred(), null];
onRpc("web_read", async (args) => {
const recordID = args.args[0][0];
await readDefs[recordID - 1];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list limit="1">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_pager_next").click();
expect(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_pager_next").not.toBeEnabled();
await animationFrame();
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_pager_next").click();
expect(" .o_data_cell").toHaveText("raphael");
test("one2many column visiblity depends on onchange of parent field", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
Partner._records[0].bar = false;
let triggerOnchange = false;
Partner._onChanges.p = function (obj) {
if (triggerOnchange) {
obj.bar = true;
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="bar"/>
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="int_field" column_invisible="not parent.bar"/>
resId: 1,
// bar is false so there should be 1 column
expect(".o_list_renderer th:not(.o_list_actions_header)").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".o_list_renderer .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1);
// add a new o2m record
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
triggerOnchange = true;
await contains(".o_field_one2many input").edit("New line", { confirm: false });
await contains(".o_form_view").click();
expect(".o_list_renderer th:not(.o_list_actions_header)").toHaveCount(2);
test("one2many column_invisible on view not inline", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
Partner._views = {
list: `
<field name="foo" column_invisible="parent.product_id"/>
<field name="bar" column_invisible="not parent.bar"/>
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="product_id"/>
<page string="Partner page">
<field name="bar"/>
<field name="p" widget="one2many"/>
resId: 1,
await selectFieldDropdownItem("product_id", "xphone");
expect("th:not(.o_list_actions_header)").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "should be 1 column when the product_id is set",
await contains(".o_field_many2one[name=product_id] input").clear({ confirm: "blur" });
expect("th:not(.o_list_actions_header)").toHaveCount(2, {
message: "should be 2 columns in the one2many when product_id is not set",
await contains(".o_field_boolean[name=bar] input").click();
expect("th:not(.o_list_actions_header)").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "should be 1 column after the value change",
test("one2many field in edit mode with optional fields and trash icon", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
Partner._views = {
list: `
<list editable="top">
<field name="foo" optional="show"/>
<field name="bar" optional="hide"/>
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `<form><field name="p"/></form>`,
resId: 1,
expect(".o_field_one2many table .o_optional_columns_dropdown .dropdown-toggle").toHaveCount(1);
// should have 2 columns 1 for foo and 1 for trash icon, dropdown is displayed
// on trash icon cell, no separate cell created for trash icon and advanced field dropdown
expect(".o_field_one2many th").toHaveCount(2, {
message: "should be 2 th in the one2many edit mode",
expect(".o_field_one2many .o_data_row:first > td").toHaveCount(2, {
message: "should be 2 cells in the one2many in edit mode",
await contains(".o_optional_columns_dropdown .dropdown-toggle").click();
expect(".o-dropdown--menu .dropdown-item").toHaveCount(2, {
message: "dropdown have 2 advanced field foo with checked and bar with unchecked",
await contains(".o-dropdown--menu .dropdown-item:eq(1)").click();
expect(".o_field_one2many th").toHaveCount(3, {
message: "should be 3 th in the one2many after enabling bar column from advanced dropdown",
await contains(".o-dropdown--menu .dropdown-item").click();
expect(".o_field_one2many th").toHaveCount(2, {
message: "should be 2 th in the one2many after disabling foo column from advanced dropdown",
expect(".o-dropdown--menu .dropdown-item").toHaveCount(2, {
message: "dropdown is still open",
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".o-dropdown--menu").toHaveCount(0, { message: "dropdown is closed" });
expect(".o_field_one2many tr.o_selected_row").toHaveCount(1);
await contains(".o_optional_columns_dropdown .dropdown-toggle").click();
await contains(".o-dropdown--menu .dropdown-item").click();
expect(".o_field_one2many tr.o_selected_row").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".o_field_one2many th").toHaveCount(3, {
"should be 3 th in the one2many after re-enabling foo column from advanced dropdown",
// optional columns must be preserved after save
await clickSave();
expect(".o_field_one2many th").toHaveCount(3, {
message: "should have 3 th in the one2many after reloading whole form view",
test("x2many list sorted by many2one", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [1, 2, 4];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="id"/>
<field name="trululu"/>
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row .o_list_number")).toEqual(["1", "2", "4"], {
message: "should have correct order initially",
await contains(".o_list_renderer thead th:eq(1)").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row .o_list_number")).toEqual(["4", "1", "2"], {
message: "should have correct order (ASC)",
await contains(".o_list_renderer thead th:eq(1)").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row .o_list_number")).toEqual(["2", "1", "4"], {
message: "should have correct order (DESC)",
test("one2many with extra field from server not in (inline) form", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="datetime"/>
<field name="name"/>
<field name="name"/>
// Add a record in the list
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=name] input").edit("michelangelo", { confirm: false });
// Save the record in the modal (though it is still virtual)
await contains(".modal .modal-footer .btn-primary").click();
test("one2many with extra X2many field from server not in inline form", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="turtles"/>
<field name="name"/>
<field name="name"/>
// Add a first record in the list
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains(".modal .o_field_widget[name=name] input").edit("first", { confirm: false });
// Save & New
await contains(".modal .btn-primary:eq(1)").click();
await contains(".modal .o_field_widget[name=name] input").edit("second", { confirm: false });
// Save & Close
await contains(".modal .btn-primary").click();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell.o_list_char")).toEqual(["first", "second"]);
test("when Navigating to a one2many with tabs, the button add a line receives the focus", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="qux"/>
<page string="Partner page">
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
await contains("[name=qux] input").click();
expect("[name=qux] input").toBeFocused();
// next tabable element is notebook tab
await press("Tab");
// go inside one2many
await press("Tab");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").toBeFocused();
test("Navigate to a one2many with tab then tab again focus the next field", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="qux"/>
<page string="Partner page">
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="turtle_description"/>
<field name="foo"/>
resId: 1,
await contains("[name=qux] input").click();
expect("[name=qux] input").toBeFocused();
// next tabable element is notebook tab
await press("Tab");
// go inside one2many
await press("Tab");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").toBeFocused();
expect("[name=turtles] .o_selected_row").toHaveCount(0);
// trigger Tab event and check that the default behavior can happen.
expect(getNextFocusableElement()).toBe(queryOne("[name=foo] input"));
await press("Tab");
expect("[name=foo] input").toBeFocused();
test("when Navigating to a one2many with tabs, not filling any field and hitting tab, no line is added and the next field is focused", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="qux"/>
<page string="Partner page">
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="turtle_description"/>
<field name="foo"/>
resId: 1,
await contains("[name=qux] input").click();
expect("[name=qux] input").toBeFocused();
// next tabable element is notebook tab
await press("Tab");
// go inside one2many
await press("Tab");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").toBeFocused();
expect("[name=turtles] .o_selected_row").toHaveCount(0);
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect("[name=turtle_foo] input").toBeFocused();
await press("Tab"); // go to turtle_description field
await animationFrame();
expect("[name=turtle_description] textarea").toBeFocused();
expect(getNextFocusableElement()).toBe(queryOne("[name=foo] input"));
// trigger Tab event and check that the default behavior can happen.
await press("Tab");
expect("[name=foo] input").toBeFocused();
test("when Navigating to a one2many with tabs, editing in a popup, the popup should receive the focus then give it back", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="qux"/>
<page string="Partner page">
<field name="turtles">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="turtle_description"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="turtle_int"/>
<field name="foo"/>
resId: 1,
await contains("[name=qux] input").click();
expect("[name=qux] input").toBeFocused();
// next tabable element is notebook tab
await press("Tab");
// go inside one2many
await press("Tab");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").toBeFocused();
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".modal [name=turtle_foo] input").toBeFocused();
await press("Escape");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").toBeFocused();
test("when creating a new many2one on a x2many then discarding it immediately with ESCAPE, it should not crash", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [];
Partner._views = {
form: `
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="bar"/>
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="turtle_trululu"/>
resId: 1,
// add a new line
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await clickFieldDropdown("turtle_trululu");
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=turtle_trululu] input").edit("ABC", {
confirm: false,
await runAllTimers();
// Discard input value
press("Escape").then(() => {
// ... then discard record
clickFieldDropdownItem("turtle_trululu", "Create and edit..."); // Open create modal
await animationFrame();
await animationFrame();
test("navigating through an editable list with custom controls", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="name"/>
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom">
<create string="Custom 1" context="{'default_foo': '1'}"/>
<create string="Custom 2" context="{'default_foo': '2'}"/>
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="int_field"/>
expect("[name=name] input").toBeFocused();
expect("[name=p] .o_selected_row").toHaveCount(0);
// press tab to navigate to the list
expect(getNextFocusableElement()).toBe(queryFirst(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a"));
await press("Tab");
expect(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a:eq(0)").toBeFocused();
// press right to focus the second control
await press("ArrowRight");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a:eq(1)").toBeFocused();
// press left to come back to first control
await press("ArrowLeft");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a:eq(0)").toBeFocused();
expect(getNextFocusableElement()).toBe(queryOne(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a:eq(1)"));
await press("Tab");
expect(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a:eq(1)").toBeFocused();
expect(getNextFocusableElement()).toBe(queryOne("[name=int_field] input"));
await press("Tab");
expect("[name=int_field] input").toBeFocused();
test("be able to press a key on the keyboard when focusing a column header without crashing", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_int" />
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_row .o_data_cell").click();
await contains(".o_list_renderer .o_column_sortable").click();
await press("a");
await animationFrame();
test("Navigate from an invalid but not dirty row", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2, 4];
Partner._records[1].name = ""; // invalid record
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="name" required="1" />
<field name="int_field" readonly="1" />
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_cell").click(); // edit the first row
await press("Tab"); // navigate with "Tab" to the second row
await animationFrame();
await contains(".o_data_cell").click(); // come back on first row
await press("Enter"); // try to navigate with "Enter" to the second row
await animationFrame();
test("Check onchange with two consecutive one2one", async () => {
Product._fields.product_partner_ids = fields.One2many({
string: "User",
relation: "partner",
Product._records[0].product_partner_ids = [1];
Product._records[1].product_partner_ids = [2];
Turtle._fields.product_ids = fields.One2many({
string: "Product",
relation: "product",
Turtle._fields.user_ids = fields.One2many({
string: "Product",
relation: "res.users",
Turtle._onChanges = {
turtle_trululu: function (record) {
record.product_ids = [[4, 37]];
record.user_ids = [
[4, 17],
[4, 19],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "turtle",
arch: `
<form string="Turtles">
<field string="Product" name="turtle_trululu"/>
<field readonly="1" string="Related field" name="product_ids">
<field widget="many2many_tags" name="product_partner_ids"/>
<field readonly="1" string="Second related field" name="user_ids">
<field widget="many2many_tags" name="partner_ids"/>
resId: 1,
await clickFieldDropdown("turtle_trululu");
await press("Enter");
await animationFrame();
'.o_field_many2many_tags[name="product_partner_ids"] .badge.o_tag_color_0 > .o_tag_badge_text'
).toEqual(["first record"], {
message: "should have the correct value in the many2many tag widget",
'.o_field_many2many_tags[name="partner_ids"] .badge.o_tag_color_0 > .o_tag_badge_text'
).toEqual(["first record", "second record"], {
message: "should have the correct values in the many2many tag widget",
test("does not crash when you parse a tree arch containing another tree arch", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="turtles">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
test("open a one2many record containing a one2many", async () => {
Partner._views = {
[["form", 1234]]: `
<field name="turtles" >
<field name="name" />
patchWithCleanup(browser.localStorage, {
setItem(args) {
expect.step(`localStorage setItem ${args}`);
getItem(args) {
expect.step(`localStorage getItem ${args}`);
return null;
const rec = Partner._records.find(({ id }) => id === 2);
rec.p = [1];
await mountView({
type: "form",
arch: `<form>
<field name="p" context="{ 'form_view_ref': 1234 }">
<list><field name="name" /></list>
resModel: "partner",
resId: 2,
"localStorage getItem pwaService.installationState",
"localStorage getItem optional_fields,partner,form,123456789,p,list,name",
"localStorage getItem debug_open_view,partner,form,123456789,p,list,name",
await contains(".o_data_cell").click();
expect(".modal .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1);
"localStorage getItem optional_fields,partner,form,123456789,p,list,name",
"localStorage getItem debug_open_view,partner,form,123456789,p,list,name",
"localStorage getItem optional_fields,partner,form,123456789,turtles,list,name",
"localStorage getItem debug_open_view,partner,form,123456789,turtles,list,name",
test("if there are less than 4 lines in a one2many, empty lines must be displayed to cover the difference.", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
// Should only contain the "Add a line" line and 3 blank lines
expect(".o_list_renderer tbody tr .o_data_row").toHaveCount(0);
expect(".o_list_renderer tbody tr .o_field_x2many_list_row_add").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".o_list_renderer tbody tr td:eq(0)").toHaveClass("o_field_x2many_list_row_add");
expect(".o_list_renderer tbody tr").toHaveCount(4);
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
// Should only contain a new row, the "Add a line" line and 2 blank lines
expect(".o_list_renderer tbody tr.o_data_row").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".o_list_renderer tbody tr:eq(0)").toHaveClass("o_data_row");
expect(".o_list_renderer tbody tr .o_field_x2many_list_row_add").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".o_list_renderer tbody tr:eq(1) td").toHaveClass("o_field_x2many_list_row_add");
expect(".o_list_renderer tbody tr").toHaveCount(4);
test("one2many can delete a new record", async () => {
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
expect.step("web_save"); // should not happen
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<t t-name="card">
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="foo" />
resId: 1,
await contains(".o-kanban-button-new").click();
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_save").click();
await contains(".o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").click();
expect(".modal .o_btn_remove").toHaveCount(1);
await contains(".modal .o_btn_remove").click();
await clickSave();
test("toggle boolean in o2m with the formView in edition", async () => {
Partner._onChanges = {
turtles: () => {},
Turtle._onChanges = {
turtle_bar: () => {},
onRpc((args) => {
expect.step(args.method + " " + args.model);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<field name="turtle_bar" widget="boolean_toggle"/>
resId: 1,
expect.verifySteps(["get_views partner", "web_read partner"]);
await contains(".o_boolean_toggle").click();
expect.verifySteps(["onchange partner"]);
test("Boolean toggle in x2many must not be editable if form is not editable", async () => {
Turtle._views = {
[["form", false]]: /* xml */ `
<field name="turtle_bar" widget="boolean_toggle"/>
<field name="partner_ids">
<field name="bar" widget="boolean_toggle"/>
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<form edit="0">
<field name="turtles">
<field name="turtle_bar" widget="boolean_toggle"/>
resId: 1,
const booleanToggle = queryOne(
"[name='turtles'] .o_data_row [name='turtle_bar'] .o_boolean_toggle input"
message: "The boolean toggle should be disabled when the form is readonly",
await contains(".o_data_cell").click();
const booleanToggleInDialog = queryOne(".modal [name='turtle_bar'] input");
"The boolean toggle in the form view dialog should be disabled when the main form is readonly",
".modal [name='partner_ids'] .o_data_row [name='bar'] .o_boolean_toggle input"
"The boolean toggle in x2m in the form view dialog should be disabled when the main form is readonly",
test("create a new record with an x2m invisible", async () => {
onRpc("onchange", (args) => {
display_name: {},
p: {
fields: {
int_field: {},
trululu: {
fields: {
display_name: {},
limit: 40,
order: "",
return {
value: {
p: [
int_field: 4,
trululu: { id: 1, name: "first record" },
onRpc((args) => {
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
const commands = args.args[1].p;
expect(commands).toEqual([[0, commands[0][1], { int_field: 4, trululu: 1 }]]);
display_name: {},
p: {},
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p" invisible="1">
<field name="int_field"/>
<field name="trululu"/>
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "onchange"]);
await contains(".o_form_button_save").click();
test("edit a record with an x2m invisible", async () => {
onRpc((args) => {
expect.step(`${args.method} ${args.model}`);
onRpc("web_read", (args) => {
display_name: {},
foo: {},
turtles: {},
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
foo: "plop",
display_name: {},
foo: {},
turtles: {},
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="turtles" invisible="1">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="turtle_int"/>
resId: 1,
expect.verifySteps(["get_views partner", "web_read partner"]);
await contains("[name='foo'] input").edit("plop", { confirm: false });
await clickSave();
expect.verifySteps(["web_save partner"]);
test("can't select a record in a one2many", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_row").click();
test("save a record after creating and editing a new invalid record in a one2many", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="name" required="1"/>
<field name="int_field"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=int_field] input").edit("3", { confirm: false });
await clickSave();
expect(".o_data_row.o_selected_row").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "line should not have been removed and should still be in edition",
test("nested one2manys, multi page, onchange", async () => {
Partner._records[2].int_field = 5;
Partner._records[0].p = [2, 4]; // limit 1 -> record 4 will be on second page
Partner._records[1].turtles = [1];
Partner._records[2].turtles = [2];
Turtle._records[0].turtle_int = 1;
Turtle._records[1].turtle_int = 2;
Partner._onChanges.int_field = function (obj) {
obj.p = [[5]];
obj.p.push([1, 2, { turtles: [[5], [1, 1, { turtle_int: obj.int_field }]] }]);
obj.p.push([1, 4, { turtles: [[5], [1, 2, { turtle_int: obj.int_field }]] }]);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="int_field"/>
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom" limit="1" default_order="name">
<field name="name" />
<field name="int_field" />
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_int"/>
resId: 1,
mode: "edit",
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=int_field] input").edit("5", { confirm: "blur" });
await clickSave();
test("multi page, command forget for record of second page", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [1, 2, 4];
Partner._onChanges = {
int_field: function (obj) {
obj.p = [[3, 4]];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="int_field"/>
<field name="p">
<list limit="2">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
expect("[name=int_field] input").toHaveValue("10");
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell")).toEqual(["first record", "second record"]);
// trigger the onchange
await contains("[name=int_field] input").edit("16", { confirm: "blur" });
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell")).toEqual(["first record", "second record"]);
expect(".o_x2m_control_panel .o_pager").toHaveCount(0);
test("multi page, command forget for record of second page on desktop", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [1, 2, 4];
Partner._onChanges = {
int_field: function (obj) {
obj.p = [[3, 4]];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="int_field"/>
<field name="p">
<list limit="2">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
expect(".o_x2m_control_panel .o_pager_counter").toHaveText("1-2 / 3");
// trigger the onchange
await contains("[name=int_field] input").edit("16", { confirm: "blur" });
expect(".o_x2m_control_panel .o_pager_counter").toHaveCount(0);
test("new record, receive more create commands than limit", async () => {
Partner._fields.sequence = fields.Integer();
Partner._onChanges = {
p: function (obj) {
obj.p = [
[0, 0, { sequence: 1, display_name: "Record 1" }],
[0, 0, { sequence: 2, display_name: "Record 2" }],
[0, 0, { sequence: 3, display_name: "Record 3" }],
[0, 0, { sequence: 4, display_name: "Record 4" }],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list limit="2">
<field name="sequence"/>
<field name="display_name"/>
"Record 1",
"Record 2",
"Record 3",
"Record 4",
expect(".o_x2m_control_panel .o_pager").toHaveCount(0);
test("active actions are passed to o2m field", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2, 3];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom" create="false" delete="false">
<field name="name" />
<field name="turtle_foo" />
resId: 1,
mode: "edit",
await contains(".o_data_row:eq(2) .o_data_cell:eq(1)").click();
await press("Enter");
await animationFrame();
test("kanban one2many in opened view form", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [1];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="p">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="p">
<kanban class="o-custom-class" can_open="0">
<t t-name="card">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_row td[name=name]").click();
expect(".modal .o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".modal .o_field_x2many_kanban").toHaveClass("o-custom-class");
await contains(".modal .o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").click();
expect(".modal .o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toBeFocused();
await press("ArrowUp");
await animationFrame();
expect(".modal .o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(1);
test("kanban one2many in opened view form (with _view_ref)", async () => {
Partner._views = {
[["kanban", 1234]]: /* xml */ `
<kanban class="o-custom-class" can_open="0">
<t t-name="card">
<field name="name"/>
Partner._records[0].p = [1];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="p">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="p" mode="kanban" context="{ 'kanban_view_ref': 1234 }" />
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_row td[name=name]").click();
expect(".modal .o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".modal .o_field_x2many_kanban").toHaveClass("o-custom-class");
await contains(".modal .o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").click();
expect(".modal .o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toBeFocused();
await press("ArrowUp");
await animationFrame();
expect(".modal .o_kanban_record:not(.o_kanban_ghost)").toHaveCount(1);
test("kanban one2many (with widget) in opened view form", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [1];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="p">
<t t-name="card">
<field name="name" widget="char"/>
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
expect(".o_kanban_record:eq(0)").toHaveText("first record");
await contains(".o_kanban_record").click();
expect(".o_dialog .o_form_view .o_field_widget[name=name]").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".o_dialog .o_form_view .o_field_widget[name=name] input").toHaveValue("first record");
expect(".o_kanban_record:eq(0)").toHaveText("first record");
await contains(".o_dialog .o_form_view .o_field_widget[name=name] input").edit("test", {
confirm: "blur",
test("list one2many in opened view form", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [1];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="p">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom" class="o-custom-class">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_row td[name=name]").click();
expect(".modal .o_data_row td[name=name]").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".modal .o_field_x2many_list").toHaveClass("o-custom-class");
await contains(".modal thead th[data-name=name]").click();
expect(".modal thead th[data-name=name]").toBeFocused();
await press("ArrowUp");
await animationFrame();
expect(".modal .o_data_row td[name=name]").toHaveCount(1);
test("list one2many in opened view form (with _view_ref)", async () => {
Partner._views = {
[["list", 1234]]: /* xml */ `
<list editable="bottom" class="o-custom-class">
<field name="name"/>
Partner._records[0].p = [1];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="p">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="p" mode="list" context="{ 'list_view_ref': 1234 }" />
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_row td[name=name]").click();
expect(".modal .o_data_row td[name=name]").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".modal .o_field_x2many_list").toHaveClass("o-custom-class");
await contains(".modal thead th[data-name=name]").click();
expect(".modal thead th[data-name=name]").toBeFocused();
await press("ArrowUp");
await animationFrame();
expect(".modal .o_data_row td[name=name]").toHaveCount(1);
test("one2many, form view dialog with custom footer", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [1];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="name"/>
<span class="my_span">Hello</span>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_row td[name=name]").click();
expect(".modal-footer .my_span").toHaveCount(1);
await contains(".modal-header .btn-close").click();
// open it again
await contains(".o_data_row td[name=name]").click();
expect(".modal-footer button").toHaveCount(0);
expect(".modal-footer .my_span").toHaveCount(1);
test("one2many, form view dialog with added custom footer (replace='0')", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [1];
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="name"/>
<footer replace="0">
<button class="btn btn-primary my_button">Hello</button>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_row td[name=name]").click();
expect(".modal-footer .my_button").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".modal-footer button").toHaveCount(3);
await contains(".modal-header .btn-close").click();
// open it again
await contains(".o_data_row td[name=name]").click();
expect(".modal-footer .my_button").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".modal-footer button").toHaveCount(3);
test('Add a line, click on "Save & New" with an invalid form', async () => {
mockService("notification", {
add: (message, params) => {
expect(params.title).toBe("Invalid fields: ");
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="name" required="1"/>
// Add a new record
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".o_dialog .o_form_view").toHaveCount(1);
// Click on "Save & New" with an invalid form
await contains(".o_dialog .o_form_button_save_new").click();
expect(".o_dialog .o_form_view").toHaveCount(1);
// Check that no buttons are disabled
expect(".o_dialog .o_form_button_save_new").toBeEnabled();
expect(".o_dialog .o_form_button_cancel").toBeEnabled();
test("field in list but not in fetched form", async () => {
Partner._fields.o2m = fields.One2many({
relation: "partner.type",
relation_field: "p_id",
PartnerType._onChanges = {
name: (rec) => {
if (rec.name === "changed") {
rec.color = 5;
PartnerType._fields.p_id = fields.Many2one({ relation: "partner" });
PartnerType._views = { form: `<form><field name="name" /></form>` };
onRpc((args) => {
expect.step(`${args.method}: ${args.model}`);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="o2m">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="color" />
expect.verifySteps(["get_views: partner", "onchange: partner"]);
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect.verifySteps(["get_views: partner.type", "onchange: partner.type"]);
await contains(".modal .o_field_widget[name='name'] input").edit("changed", {
confirm: "blur",
expect.verifySteps(["onchange: partner.type"]);
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_save").click();
expect(".o_data_row").toHaveText("changed 5");
await contains(".o_form_button_save").click();
expect.verifySteps(["web_save: partner"]);
expect(".o_data_row").toHaveText("changed 5");
test("pressing tab before an onchange is resolved", async () => {
const onchangeGetPromise = new Deferred();
Partner._onChanges = {
name: (obj) => {
obj.name = "test";
onRpc("product", "onchange", async (args) => {
if (args.args[2] === "name") {
await onchangeGetPromise;
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom" >
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
// This is not how it should happen but non trusted event listeners are called sooner than
// trusted ones so the update is called after the list's tab listener in which case the field is
// not dirty when we press tab, therefore we need to set it dirty through onChange before pressing tab
// so in practice we could only run the following line but it wont work since the tab keydown event is not trusted
// await contains(".o_field_widget[name='name'] input").edit("gold", { confirm: false });
await contains(".o_field_widget[name='name'] input").edit("gold", { confirm: "blur" });
await contains(".o_data_cell[name='name']").click(); // focus the input again
await press("Tab");
await animationFrame();
test("add a row to an x2many and ask canBeRemoved twice", async () => {
// This test simulates that the view is asked twice to save its changes because the user
// is leaving. Before the corresponding fix, the changes in the x2many field weren't
// removed after the save, and as a consequence they were saved twice (i.e. the row was
// created twice).
const def = new Deferred();
Partner._views = {
list: `<list><field name="int_field"/></list>`,
search: `<search/>`,
form: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="name"/>
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
p: [[0, args.args[1].p[0][1], { name: "a name" }]],
onRpc("web_search_read", () => {
return def;
const actions = [
id: 1,
name: "test",
res_model: "partner",
res_id: 1,
type: "ir.actions.act_window",
views: [[false, "form"]],
id: 2,
name: "another action",
res_model: "partner",
type: "ir.actions.act_window",
views: [[false, "list"]],
await mountWithCleanup(WebClient);
await getService("action").doAction(actions[0]);
// add a row in the x2many
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=name] input").edit("a name", { confirm: false });
await animationFrame();
await animationFrame();
await animationFrame();
test("one2many: save a record before the onchange is complete in a form dialog", async () => {
Turtle._onChanges = {
name: function () {},
Turtle._views = {
form: `
<field name="name"/>
const def = new Deferred();
onRpc("onchange", async (args) => {
if (args.args[2].length === 1 && args.args[2][0] === "name") {
await def;
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<field name="name" required="1"/>
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=name] input").edit("new name", { confirm: false });
await contains(".modal .o_form_button_save").click();
await animationFrame();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row [name='name']")).toEqual(["donatello", "new name"]);
test("onchange create a record in an invisible x2many", async () => {
Partner._onChanges = {
foo: function () {},
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
onRpc("onchange", () => {
return {
value: {
p: [
name: "plop",
p: [[0, false, {}]],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: `
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="p">
<field name="name" required="1"/>
<field name="p" invisible="1"/>
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_row")).toEqual(["second record"]);
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=foo] input").edit("new foo value", { confirm: "blur" });
test("forget command for nested x2manys in form, not in list", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [1, 2];
Partner._records[1].turtles = [2];
Partner._onChanges = {
int_field: function (obj) {
obj.p = [
foo: "new foo value (1)",
turtles: [
turtle_foo: "new turtle foo value (1)",
partner_ids: [[3, 4]],
foo: "new foo value (2)",
turtles: [
turtle_foo: "new turtle foo value (2)",
partner_ids: [[3, 2]],
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
int_field: 16,
p: [
foo: "new foo value (1)",
turtles: [
turtle_foo: "new turtle foo value (1)",
partner_ids: [[3, 4]],
foo: "new foo value (2)",
turtles: [
turtle_foo: "new turtle foo value (2)",
partner_ids: [[3, 2]],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="int_field"/>
<field name="p">
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="partner_ids" widget="many2many_tags"/>
resId: 1,
expect("[name=int_field] input").toHaveValue("10");
// trigger the onchange
await contains("[name=int_field] input").edit("16", { confirm: "blur" });
expect("[name=foo]:eq(0)").toHaveText("new foo value (1)");
expect("[name=foo]:eq(1)").toHaveText("new foo value (2)");
// open the second x2many record
await contains(".o_data_row:eq(1) td").click();
expect(".o_dialog .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".o_dialog .o_data_cell[name=turtle_foo]").toHaveText("new turtle foo value (2)");
expect(".o_dialog .o_data_cell[name=partner_ids] .o_tag").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".o_dialog .o_data_cell[name=partner_ids] .o_tag").toHaveText("aaa");
await contains(".o_dialog .o_form_button_save").click();
await clickSave();
test("modifiers based on x2many", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p" >
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="foo"/>
<field name="name" readonly="p"/>
<field name="int_field" required="p"/>
<button name="abc" string="Do it" class="my_button" invisible="not p"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
await contains("[name='foo'] input").edit("Test", { confirm: false });
await contains("button.fa-trash-o").click();
test("add record in nested x2many with context depending on parent", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [1];
onRpc("turtle", "web_read", (args) => {
allowed_company_ids: [1],
bin_size: true,
lang: "en",
tz: "taht",
uid: 7,
x: 10,
y: 2,
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="int_field"/>
<field name="p">
<list editable="top">
<field name="turtles" widget="many2many_tags" context="{'x': parent.int_field, 'y': 2}"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_cell").click();
await contains("div[name=turtles] .o-autocomplete.dropdown input").click();
await contains(".o-autocomplete--dropdown-menu li a").click();
test("one2many with default_order on id, but id not in view", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [1, 2, 3];
onRpc((args) => {
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
[1, 3, { turtle_int: 0 }],
[1, 1, { turtle_int: 1 }],
[1, 2, { turtle_int: 2 }],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top" default_order="turtle_int,id">
<field name="turtle_int" widget="handle"/>
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell.o_list_char")).toEqual(["yop", "blip", "kawa"]);
// drag the third record to top of the list
await contains("tbody tr:eq(2) .o_handle_cell").dragAndDrop("tbody tr");
await clickSave();
expect(queryAllTexts(".o_data_cell.o_list_char")).toEqual(["kawa", "yop", "blip"]);
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "web_read", "web_save"]);
test("one2many causes an onchange on the parent which fails", async () => {
Partner._onChanges = {
turtles: function () {},
onRpc("partner", "onchange", () => {
throw makeServerError();
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="top">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
resId: 1,
await contains(".o_data_cell").click();
expect(".o_field_widget[name='turtle_foo'] input").toHaveValue("blip");
// onchange on parent record fails
await contains(".o_field_widget[name='turtle_foo'] input").edit("new value", {
confirm: "blur",
await animationFrame();
test("one2many custom which can be edited in dialog or on the line", async () => {
const customState = reactive({ isEditable: false });
class CustomX2manyField extends X2ManyField {
setup() {
this.canOpenRecord = true;
this.customState = useState(customState);
get rendererProps() {
const props = super.rendererProps;
props.editable = this.customState.isEditable;
return props;
const customX2ManyField = {
component: CustomX2manyField,
registry.category("fields").add("custom", customX2ManyField);
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles" widget="custom">
<list editable="top">
<field name="turtle_foo"/>
<field name="name" />
resId: 1,
expect(".o_form_status_indicator_buttons.invisible").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "form view is not dirty",
await contains(".o_data_cell").click();
customState.isEditable = true;
await contains(".modal .btn-close").click();
expect(".o_form_status_indicator_buttons.invisible").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "form view is not dirty",
await contains(".o_data_cell").click();
await contains("[name='turtle_foo'] input").edit("new value", { confirm: false });
expect(".o_form_status_indicator_buttons:not(.invisible)").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "form view is dirty",
test("x2many kanban with float field in form (non inline) but not in kanban", async () => {
// In this test, the form view contains an extra float field and isn't inline. When we open
// a record, we add the form fields to the list of activeFields, and we load the
// corresponding data (for that record only). Afterwards, we force a re-rendering of the
// x2many kanban to ensure that the other record can still be rendered. Before the fix coming
// with this test, it wasn't the case, because those records had extra activeFields, but no
// entry in data for those fields.
Partner._records[0].turtles = [2, 3];
Turtle._views = {
form: `
<field name="name"/>
<field name="turtle_qux"/>
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="bar"/>
<field name="turtles" invisible="not bar">
<t t-name="card">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
// open the first record
await contains(".o_kanban_record").click();
expect(".o_dialog .o_field_widget[name=turtle_qux]").toHaveCount(1);
// close the dialog
await contains(".o_dialog .o_form_button_save").click();
// toggle bar to make the x2many invisible
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=bar] input").click();
// toggle bar again to make the x2many visible and force kanban cards to re-render
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=bar] input").click();
test("onchange on x2many returning an update command with only readonly fields", async () => {
Partner._records[0].turtles = [2];
Turtle._fields.name = fields.Char({ readonly: true });
Partner._onChanges = {
bar: (obj) => {
obj.turtles = [[1, 2, { name: "onchange name" }]];
onRpc((args) => {
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
expect(args.args[1]).toEqual({ bar: false }); // should not contain turtles
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="bar"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list><field name="name"/></list>
resId: 1,
expect(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1);
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=bar] input").click();
expect(".o_data_cell").toHaveText("onchange name");
await clickSave();
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "web_read", "onchange", "web_save"]);
test("onchange on x2many returning a create command with only readonly fields", async () => {
Turtle._fields.name = fields.Char({ readonly: true });
Partner._onChanges = {
bar: (obj) => {
obj.turtles = [[0, false, { name: "onchange name" }]];
onRpc((args) => {
onRpc("web_save", (args) => {
bar: false,
turtles: [[0, args.args[1].turtles[0][1], {}]],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="bar"/>
<field name="turtles">
<list><field name="name"/></list>
resId: 1,
expect(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1);
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=bar] input").click();
expect(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_data_row").toHaveCount(2);
expect(".o_data_cell:eq(1)").toHaveText("onchange name");
await clickSave();
expect(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_data_row").toHaveCount(2);
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "web_read", "onchange", "web_save"]);
test("onchange on x2many add and delete x2m record, returning to initial state", async () => {
Turtle._fields.name = fields.Char({ readonly: true });
Partner._onChanges = {
turtles: function () {},
let onchangeCount = 0;
onRpc((args) => {
onRpc("onchange", (args) => {
if (onchangeCount === 1) {
// partner turtles onchange for the new x2m record
} else if (onchangeCount === 2) {
// x2m record removed, empty list of commands expected
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="turtles">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="name"/>
resId: 1,
expect(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1);
await contains(".o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_data_row").toHaveCount(2);
await contains(".o_list_record_remove:eq(1)").click();
expect(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1);
await clickSave();
expect(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1);
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "web_read", "onchange", "onchange", "onchange"]);
test("press TAB in editable='top' create='0' one2many list with lines generated by default_get -> onchange", async () => {
onRpc((args) => {
Partner._onChanges = { p: () => {} };
onRpc("onchange", (args) => {
display_name: {},
p: {
fields: {
foo: {},
limit: 40,
order: "",
return {
value: {
p: [
[5], // delete all
[0, 0, { foo: "fu" }], // create new
[0, 0, { foo: "ber" }],
[0, 0, { foo: "qux" }],
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="p">
<list editable="top" create="0">
<field name="foo"/>
const target = getFixture();
await contains('.o_data_cell[data-tooltip="ber"]').click();
expect(target.querySelector(".o_selected_row .o_data_cell").dataset.tooltip).toBe("ber");
await press("Tab");
await animationFrame();
expect(target.querySelector(".o_selected_row .o_data_cell").dataset.tooltip).toBe("qux");
await press("Shift+Tab");
await animationFrame();
expect(target.querySelector(".o_selected_row .o_data_cell").dataset.tooltip).toBe("ber");
await press("Shift+Tab");
expect(target.querySelector(".o_selected_row .o_data_cell").dataset.tooltip).toBe("ber");
expect.verifySteps(["get_views", "onchange"]);
test("expand record in dialog", async () => {
Turtle._views["form, false"] = `<form><field name="name"/></form>`;
mockService("action", {
doAction(actionRequest) {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: `<form><field name="turtles"><list><field name="name"/></list></field></form>`,
resId: 1,
expect(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_data_row").toHaveCount(1);
await contains(queryFirst(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_data_cell")).click();
expect(".o_dialog .o_form_view").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".o_dialog .modal-header .o_expand_button").toHaveCount(1);
await contains(".o_dialog .modal-header .btn-close").click();
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_field_x2many_list_row_add a").click();
expect(".o_dialog .o_form_view").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".o_dialog .modal-header .o_expand_button").toHaveCount(0);
await contains("[name='name'] input").edit("new turtle");
await contains(".o_dialog .o_form_button_save").click();
expect(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_data_row").toHaveCount(2);
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_data_cell:last").click();
expect(".o_dialog .o_form_view").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".o_dialog .modal-header .o_expand_button").toHaveCount(0);
await contains(".o_dialog .modal-header .btn-close").click();
await clickSave();
await contains(".o_field_widget[name=turtles] .o_data_cell:last").click();
expect(".o_dialog .o_form_view").toHaveCount(1);
expect(".o_dialog .modal-header .o_expand_button").toHaveCount(1);
await contains(".o_dialog .modal-header .o_expand_button").click();
expect.verifySteps([[4, "turtle", "ir.actions.act_window", [[false, "form"]]]]);