2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

989 lines
30 KiB

import { describe, expect, test } from "@odoo/hoot";
import { click, edit, press, queryAllValues, queryFirst, select } from "@odoo/hoot-dom";
import { animationFrame, Deferred, runAllTimers } from "@odoo/hoot-mock";
import {
} from "@web/../tests/web_test_helpers";
class Partner extends models.Model {
name = fields.Char();
foo = fields.Char({ default: "My little Foo Value" });
bar = fields.Boolean({ default: true });
int_field = fields.Integer();
p = fields.One2many({
relation: "partner",
relation_field: "trululu",
turtles = fields.One2many({
relation: "turtle",
relation_field: "turtle_trululu",
trululu = fields.Many2one({ relation: "partner" });
color = fields.Selection({
selection: [
["red", "Red"],
["black", "Black"],
default: "red",
reference = fields.Reference({
selection: [
["product", "Product"],
["partner.type", "Partner Type"],
["partner", "Partner"],
reference_char = fields.Char();
model_id = fields.Many2one({ relation: "ir.model" });
_records = [
id: 1,
name: "first record",
bar: true,
foo: "yop",
int_field: 10,
p: [],
turtles: [2],
trululu: 4,
reference: "product,37",
id: 2,
name: "second record",
bar: true,
foo: "blip",
int_field: 9,
p: [],
trululu: 1,
id: 4,
name: "aaa",
bar: false,
class Product extends models.Model {
name = fields.Char();
_records = [
{ id: 37, name: "xphone" },
{ id: 41, name: "xpad" },
class PartnerType extends models.Model {
name = fields.Char();
_records = [
{ id: 12, name: "gold" },
{ id: 14, name: "silver" },
class Turtle extends models.Model {
name = fields.Char();
turtle_trululu = fields.Many2one({ relation: "partner" });
turtle_ref = fields.Reference({
selection: [
["product", "Product"],
["partner", "Partner"],
partner_ids = fields.Many2many({ relation: "partner" });
_records = [
{ id: 1, name: "leonardo", partner_ids: [] },
{ id: 2, name: "donatello", partner_ids: [2, 4] },
{ id: 3, name: "raphael", partner_ids: [], turtle_ref: "product,37" },
class IrModel extends models.Model {
_name = "ir.model";
name = fields.Char();
model = fields.Char();
_records = [
{ id: 17, name: "Partner", model: "partner" },
{ id: 20, name: "Product", model: "product" },
{ id: 21, name: "Partner Type", model: "partner.type" },
defineModels([Partner, Product, PartnerType, Turtle, IrModel]);
test("ReferenceField can quick create models", async () => {
onRpc(({ method }) => expect.step(method));
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `<form><field name="reference" /></form>`,
await click("select");
await select("partner");
await animationFrame();
await click(".o_field_widget[name='reference'] input");
await edit("new partner");
await runAllTimers();
await click(".o_field_widget[name='reference'] .o_m2o_dropdown_option_create");
await animationFrame();
await clickSave();
// The name_create method should have been called
"name_search", // for the select
"name_search", // for the spawned many2one
test("ReferenceField respects no_quick_create", async () => {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `<form><field name="reference" options="{'no_quick_create': 1}" /></form>`,
await click("select");
await select("partner");
await animationFrame();
await click(".o_field_widget[name='reference'] input");
await edit("new partner");
await runAllTimers();
expect(".ui-autocomplete .o_m2o_dropdown_option").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "Dropdown should be opened and have only one item",
expect(".ui-autocomplete .o_m2o_dropdown_option").toHaveClass(
test("ReferenceField in modal readonly mode", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
Partner._records[1].trululu = 1;
Partner._records[1].reference = "product,41";
Partner._views[["form", false]] = /* xml */ `
<field name="display_name" />
<field name="reference" />
Partner._views[["list", false]] = /* xml */ `
<field name="display_name"/>
<field name="reference" />
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `
<form edit="0">
<field name="reference" />
<field name="p" />
// Current Form
expect(".o_field_widget[name=reference] .o_form_uri").toHaveText("xphone", {
message: "the field reference of the form should have the right value",
expect(queryFirst(".o_data_cell")).toHaveText("second record", {
message: "the list should have one record",
await click(".o_data_cell");
await animationFrame();
// In modal
expect(".modal-lg .o_field_widget[name=reference] .o_form_uri").toHaveText("xpad", {
message: "The field reference in the modal should have the right value",
test("ReferenceField in modal write mode", async () => {
Partner._records[0].p = [2];
Partner._records[1].trululu = 1;
Partner._records[1].reference = "product,41";
Partner._views[["form", false]] = /* xml */ `
<field name="display_name" />
<field name="reference" />
Partner._views[["list", false]] = /* xml */ `
<field name="display_name"/>
<field name="reference" />
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="reference" />
<field name="p" />
// Current Form
expect(".o_field_widget[name=reference] option:checked").toHaveText("Product", {
message: "The reference field's model should be Product",
expect(".o_field_widget[name=reference] .o-autocomplete--input").toHaveValue("xphone", {
message: "The reference field's record should be xphone",
await click(".o_data_cell");
await animationFrame();
// In modal
expect(".modal-lg").toHaveCount(1, { message: "there should be one modal opened" });
expect(".modal-lg .o_field_widget[name=reference] option:checked").toHaveText("Product", {
message: "The reference field's model should be Product",
expect(".modal-lg .o_field_widget[name=reference] .o-autocomplete--input").toHaveValue("xpad", {
message: "The reference field's record should be xpad",
test("reference in form view", async () => {
Product._views[["form", false]] = /* xml */ `
<field name="display_name" />
onRpc(({ args, method, model }) => {
if (method === "get_formview_action") {
expect(args[0]).toEqual([37], {
message: "should call get_formview_action with correct id",
return {
res_id: 17,
type: "ir.actions.act_window",
target: "current",
res_model: "res.partner",
if (method === "get_formview_id") {
expect(args[0]).toEqual([37], {
message: "should call get_formview_id with correct id",
return false;
if (method === "name_search") {
expect(model).toBe("partner.type", {
message: "the name_search should be done on the newly set model",
if (method === "web_save") {
expect(model).toBe("partner", { message: "should write on the current model" });
expect(args).toEqual([[1], { reference: "partner.type,12" }], {
message: "should write the correct value",
mockService("action", {
doAction(action) {
expect(action.res_id).toBe(17, {
message: "should do a do_action with correct parameters",
await mountViewInDialog({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="reference" string="custom label"/>
expect(".o_field_many2one_selection").toHaveCount(1, {
message: "should contain one many2one",
expect(".o_field_widget select").toHaveValue("product", {
message: "widget should contain one select with the model",
expect(".o_field_widget input").toHaveValue("xphone", {
message: "widget should contain one input with the record",
expect(queryAllValues(".o_field_widget select > option")).toEqual(
["", "product", "partner.type", "partner"],
message: "the options should be correctly set",
await click(".o_external_button");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_dialog:not(.o_inactive_modal) .modal-title").toHaveText("Open: custom label", {
message: "dialog title should display the custom string label",
await click(".o_dialog:not(.o_inactive_modal) .o_form_button_cancel");
await animationFrame();
await select("partner.type", { target: ".o_field_widget select" });
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_widget input").toHaveValue("", {
message: "many2one value should be reset after model change",
await click(".o_field_widget[name=reference] input");
await animationFrame();
await click(".o_field_widget[name=reference] .ui-menu-item");
await clickSave();
expect(".o_field_widget[name=reference] input").toHaveValue("gold", {
message: "should contain a link with the new value",
test("Many2One 'Search more...' updates on resModel change", async () => {
onRpc("has_group", () => true);
Product._views[["list", false]] = /* xml */ `<list><field name="display_name"/></list>`;
Product._views[["search", false]] = /* xml */ `<search/>`;
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `<form><field name="reference"/></form>`,
// Selecting a relation
await click("div.o_field_reference select.o_input");
await select("partner.type");
// Selecting another relation
await click("div.o_field_reference select.o_input");
await select("product");
await animationFrame();
// Opening the Search More... option
await click("div.o_field_reference input.o_input");
await animationFrame();
await click("div.o_field_reference .o_m2o_dropdown_option_search_more");
await animationFrame();
expect(queryFirst("div.modal td.o_data_cell")).toHaveText("xphone", {
message: "The search more should lead to the values of product.",
test("computed reference field changed by onchange to 'False,0' value", async () => {
Partner._onChanges.bar = (obj) => {
if (!obj.bar) {
obj.reference_char = "False,0";
onRpc("web_save", ({ args }) => {
bar: false,
reference_char: "False,0",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="bar"/>
<field name="reference_char" widget="reference"/>
// trigger the onchange to set a value for the reference field
await click(".o_field_boolean input");
await animationFrame();
await clickSave();
test("interact with reference field changed by onchange", async () => {
Partner._onChanges.bar = (obj) => {
if (!obj.bar) {
obj.reference = "partner,1";
onRpc("web_save", ({ args }) => {
bar: false,
reference: "partner,4",
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="bar"/>
<field name="reference"/>
// trigger the onchange to set a value for the reference field
await click(".o_field_boolean input");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_widget[name=reference] select").toHaveValue("partner");
// manually update reference field
queryFirst(".o_field_widget[name=reference] input").tabIndex = 0;
await click(".o_field_widget[name=reference] input");
await edit("aaa");
await runAllTimers();
await click(".ui-autocomplete .ui-menu-item");
// save
await clickSave();
test("default_get and onchange with a reference field", async () => {
Partner._fields.reference = fields.Reference({
selection: [
["product", "Product"],
["partner.type", "Partner Type"],
["partner", "Partner"],
default: "product,37",
Partner._onChanges.int_field = (obj) => {
if (obj.int_field) {
obj.reference = "partner.type," + obj.int_field;
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="int_field" />
<field name="reference" />
expect(".o_field_widget[name='reference'] select").toHaveValue("product", {
message: "reference field model should be correctly set",
expect(".o_field_widget[name='reference'] input").toHaveValue("xphone", {
message: "reference field value should be correctly set",
// trigger onchange
await click(".o_field_widget[name=int_field] input");
await edit(12, { confirm: "enter" });
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_widget[name='reference'] select").toHaveValue("partner.type", {
message: "reference field model should be correctly set",
expect(".o_field_widget[name='reference'] input").toHaveValue("gold", {
message: "reference field value should be correctly set",
test("default_get a reference field in a x2m", async () => {
Partner._fields.turtles = fields.One2many({
relation: "turtle",
relation_field: "turtle_trululu",
default: [[0, 0, { turtle_ref: "product,37" }]],
Turtle._views[["form", false]] = /* xml */ `
<field name="display_name" />
<field name="turtle_ref" />
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="turtles">
<field name="turtle_ref" />
expect('.o_field_widget[name="turtles"] .o_data_row').toHaveText("xphone", {
message: "the default value should be correctly handled",
test("ReferenceField on char field, reset by onchange", async () => {
Partner._records[0].foo = "product,37";
Partner._onChanges.int_field = (obj) => (obj.foo = "product," + obj.int_field);
let nbNameGet = 0;
onRpc("product", "read", ({ args }) => {
if (args[1].length === 1 && args[1][0] === "display_name") {
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="int_field" />
<field name="foo" widget="reference" readonly="1" />
expect(nbNameGet).toBe(1, { message: "the first name_get should have been done" });
expect(".o_field_widget[name=foo]").toHaveText("xphone", {
message: "foo field should be correctly set",
// trigger onchange
await click(".o_field_widget[name=int_field] input");
await edit(41, { confirm: "enter" });
await runAllTimers();
await animationFrame();
expect(nbNameGet).toBe(2, { message: "the second name_get should have been done" });
expect(".o_field_widget[name=foo]").toHaveText("xpad", {
message: "foo field should have been updated",
test("reference and list navigation", async () => {
onRpc("has_group", () => true);
await mountView({
type: "list",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="reference" />
// edit first row
await click(".o_data_row .o_data_cell");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_data_row [name='reference'] input").toBeFocused();
await press("Tab");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_data_row:nth-child(2) [name='reference'] select").toBeFocused();
test("ReferenceField with model_field option", async () => {
Partner._records[0].reference = false;
Partner._records[0].model_id = 20;
Partner._records[1].name = "John Smith";
Product._records[0].name = "Product 1";
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="model_id" />
<field name="reference" options="{'model_field': 'model_id'}" />
expect("select").toHaveCount(0, {
message: "the selection list of the reference field should not exist.",
expect(".o_field_widget[name='reference'] input").toHaveValue("", {
message: "no record should be selected in the reference field",
await click(".o_field_widget[name='reference'] input");
await edit("Product 1");
await runAllTimers();
await click(".ui-autocomplete .ui-menu-item:first-child");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_widget[name='reference'] input").toHaveValue("Product 1", {
message: "the Product 1 record should be selected in the reference field",
await click(".o_field_widget[name='model_id'] input");
await edit("Partner");
await runAllTimers();
await click(".ui-autocomplete .ui-menu-item:first-child");
await runAllTimers();
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_widget[name='reference'] input").toHaveValue("", {
message: "no record should be selected in the reference field",
await click(".o_field_widget[name='reference'] input");
await edit("John");
await runAllTimers();
await click(".ui-autocomplete .ui-menu-item:first-child");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_field_widget[name='reference'] input").toHaveValue("John Smith", {
message: "the John Smith record should be selected in the reference field",
test("ReferenceField with model_field option (model_field not synchronized with reference)", async () => {
// Checks that the data is not modified even though it is not synchronized.
// Not synchronized = model_id contains a different model than the one used in reference.
Partner._records[0].reference = "partner,1";
Partner._records[0].model_id = 20;
Partner._records[0].name = "John Smith";
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="model_id" />
<field name="reference" options="{'model_field': 'model_id'}" />
expect("select").toHaveCount(0, {
message: "the selection list of the reference field should not exist.",
expect(".o_field_widget[name='model_id'] input").toHaveValue("Product", {
message: "the Product model should be selected in the model_id field",
expect(".o_field_widget[name='reference'] input").toHaveValue("John Smith", {
message: "the John Smith record should be selected in the reference field",
test("Reference field with default value in list view", async () => {
onRpc("has_group", () => true);
onRpc(({ method, args }) => {
if (method === "onchange") {
return {
value: {
reference: {
id: { id: 2, model: "partner" },
name: "second record",
} else if (method === "web_save") {
await mountView({
type: "list",
resModel: "partner",
arch: /* xml */ `
<list string="Test" editable="top">
<field name="reference"/>
<field name="name"/>
await click(".o_control_panel_main_buttons .o_list_button_add");
await animationFrame();
await click('.o_list_char[name="name"] input');
await edit("Blabla");
await runAllTimers();
await click(".o_control_panel_main_buttons .o_list_button_save");
await animationFrame();
test("ReferenceField with model_field option (tree list in form view)", async () => {
Turtle._records[0].partner_ids = [1];
Partner._records[0].reference = "product,41";
Partner._records[0].model_id = 20;
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "turtle",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="partner_ids">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="name" />
<field name="model_id" />
<field name="reference" options="{'model_field': 'model_id'}" class="reference_field" />
// Select the second product without changing the model
await click(".o_list_table .reference_field");
await animationFrame();
await click(".o_list_table .reference_field input");
await animationFrame();
// Enter to select it
await press("Enter");
await animationFrame();
expect(".reference_field input").toHaveValue("xphone", {
message: "should have selected the first product",
test("edit a record containing a ReferenceField with model_field option (list in form view)", async () => {
Turtle._records[0].partner_ids = [1];
Partner._records[0].reference = "product,41";
Partner._records[0].model_id = 20;
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "turtle",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="partner_ids">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="name" />
<field name="model_id" />
<field name="reference" options='{"model_field": "model_id"}'/>
expect(".o_list_table [name='name']").toHaveText("first record");
expect(".o_list_table [name='reference']").toHaveText("xpad");
await click(".o_list_table .o_data_cell");
await animationFrame();
await click(".o_list_table [name='name'] input");
await edit("plop");
await animationFrame();
await click(".o_form_view");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_list_table [name='name']").toHaveText("plop");
expect(".o_list_table [name='reference']").toHaveText("xpad");
test("Change model field of a ReferenceField then select an invalid value (tree list in form view)", async () => {
Turtle._records[0].partner_ids = [1];
Partner._records[0].reference = "product,41";
Partner._records[0].model_id = 20;
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "turtle",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="partner_ids">
<list editable="bottom">
<field name="name" />
<field name="model_id"/>
<field name="reference" required="true" options="{'model_field': 'model_id'}" class="reference_field" />
await click(".o_list_table td.o_list_many2one");
await animationFrame();
await click(".o_list_table .o_list_many2one input");
await animationFrame();
//Select the "Partner" option, different from original "Product"
await click(
".o_list_table .o_list_many2one .o_input_dropdown .dropdown-item:contains(Partner)"
await runAllTimers();
await animationFrame();
expect(".reference_field input").toHaveValue("");
expect(".o_list_many2one input").toHaveValue("Partner");
//Void the associated, required, "reference" field and make sure the form marks the field as required
await click(".o_list_table .reference_field input");
const textInput = queryFirst(".o_list_table .reference_field input");
textInput.setSelectionRange(0, textInput.value.length);
await click(".o_list_table .reference_field input");
await press("Backspace");
await click(".o_form_view_container");
await animationFrame();
expect(".o_list_table .reference_field.o_field_invalid").toHaveCount(1);
test("model selector is displayed only when it should be", async () => {
//The model selector should be only displayed if
//there is no hide_model=True options AND no model_field specified
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="reference" options="{'model_field': 'model_id'}" />
<field name="reference" options="{'model_field': 'model_id', 'hide_model': True}" />
<field name="reference" options="{'hide_model': True}" />
<field name="reference" />
expect(".o_inner_group:eq(0) select").toHaveCount(0, {
"the selection list of the reference field should not exist when model_field is specified.",
expect(".o_inner_group:eq(1) select").toHaveCount(0, {
"the selection list of the reference field should not exist when model_field is specified and hide_model=True.",
expect(".o_inner_group:eq(2) select").toHaveCount(0, {
message: "the selection list of the reference field should not exist when hide_model=True.",
expect(".o_inner_group:eq(3) select").toHaveCount(1, {
"the selection list of the reference field should exist when hide_model=False and no model_field specified.",
test("reference field should await fetch model before render", async () => {
Partner._records[0].model_id = 20;
const def = new Deferred();
onRpc(async (args) => {
if (args.method === "read" && args.model === "ir.model") {
await def;
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: /* xml */ `
<field name="model_id" invisible="1"/>
<field name="reference" options="{'model_field': 'model_id'}" />
await animationFrame();
test("do not ask for display_name if field is invisible", async () => {
onRpc("web_read", ({ kwargs }) => {
display_name: {},
reference: {
fields: {},
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
arch: `<form><field name="reference" invisible="1"/></form>`,
test("reference char with list view pager navigation", async () => {
Partner._records[0].reference_char = "product,37";
Partner._records[1].reference_char = "product,41";
await mountView({
type: "form",
resModel: "partner",
resId: 1,
resIds: [1, 2],
arch: `<form edit="0"><field name="reference_char" widget="reference" string="Record"/></form>`,
await click(".o_pager_next");
await animationFrame();