85 lines
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85 lines
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from odoo.tests.common import TransactionCase
from odoo.addons.web.controllers.utils import get_action_triples, get_action
class TestWebRouter(TransactionCase):
def test_router_get_action_exist(self):
ir_cron_act = self.env.ref('base.ir_cron_act')
valid_actions = [
f'action-{ir_cron_act.id}', # record id
'action-base.ir_cron_act', # xml id
'm-ir.cron', # m- model name (for website)
'ir.cron', # dotted model name
'crons', # action path
for action in valid_actions:
with self.subTest(action=action):
self.assertEqual(get_action(self.env, action), ir_cron_act)
def test_router_get_action_missing(self):
Actions = self.env['ir.actions.actions']
missing_actions = [
'm-base', # abstract model
for action in missing_actions:
with self.subTest(action=action):
self.assertEqual(get_action(self.env, action), Actions)
def test_router_get_action_triples_exist(self):
base = self.env['ir.module.module'].search([('name', '=', 'base')])
user = self.env.user
ir_cron_act = self.env.ref('base.ir_cron_act')
matrix = {
# single action
f'action-{ir_cron_act.id}': [(None, ir_cron_act, None)],
'action-base.ir_cron_act': [(None, ir_cron_act, None)],
'm-ir.cron': [(None, ir_cron_act, None)],
'ir.cron': [(None, ir_cron_act, None)],
'crons': [(None, ir_cron_act, None)],
# multiple actions, all are accessible by clicking in the web client
# Apps > Base > Module info
f'apps/{base.id}/ir.module.module/{base.id}': [
(None, self.env.ref('base.open_module_tree'), base.id),
(base.id, self.env.ref('base.open_module_tree'), base.id)],
# Settings > Users & Companies > Users > Marc Demo > Related Partner
f'users/{user.id}/res.partner/{user.partner_id.id}': [
(None, self.env.ref('base.action_res_users'), user.id),
(user.id, self.env.ref('base.action_partner_form'), user.partner_id.id)],
# Settings > Users & Companies > Users > Marc Demo > Access Right > TOTP
f'users/{user.id}/ir.model.access/ir.model.access/146': [
(None, self.env.ref('base.action_res_users'), user.id),
(user.id, self.env.ref('base.ir_access_act'), None),
(user.id, self.env.ref('base.ir_access_act'), 146),
for path, triples in matrix.items():
with self.subTest(path=path):
self.assertEqual(list(get_action_triples(self.env, path)), triples)
def test_router_get_action_triples_missing(self):
# single unknown action
missing_actions = [
for action in missing_actions:
with self.subTest(path=action):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as capture:
all(get_action_triples(self.env, action))
f"expected action at word 0 but found “{action}”")