2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

238 lines
8.2 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import base64
import re
from odoo import api, models
from odoo.tools import misc
from odoo.addons.base.models.assetsbundle import EXTENSIONS
_match_asset_file_url_regex = re.compile(r"^(/_custom/([^/]+))?/(\w+)/([/\w]+\.\w+)$")
class Assets(models.AbstractModel):
_name = 'web_editor.assets'
_description = 'Assets Utils'
def reset_asset(self, url, bundle):
Delete the potential customizations made to a given (original) asset.
url (str): the URL of the original asset (scss / js) file
bundle (str):
the name of the bundle in which the customizations to delete
were made
custom_url = self._make_custom_asset_url(url, bundle)
# Simply delete the attachement which contains the modified scss/js file
# and the xpath view which links it
def save_asset(self, url, bundle, content, file_type):
Customize the content of a given asset (scss / js).
url (src):
the URL of the original asset to customize (whether or not the
asset was already customized)
bundle (src):
the name of the bundle in which the customizations will take
content (src): the new content of the asset (scss / js)
file_type (src):
either 'scss' or 'js' according to the file being customized
custom_url = self._make_custom_asset_url(url, bundle)
datas = base64.b64encode((content or "\n").encode("utf-8"))
# Check if the file to save had already been modified
custom_attachment = self._get_custom_attachment(custom_url)
if custom_attachment:
# If it was already modified, simply override the corresponding
# attachment content
custom_attachment.write({"datas": datas})
# If not, create a new attachment to copy the original scss/js file
# content, with its modifications
new_attach = {
'name': url.split("/")[-1],
'type': "binary",
'mimetype': (file_type == 'js' and 'text/javascript' or 'text/scss'),
'datas': datas,
'url': custom_url,
# Create an asset with the new attachment
IrAsset = self.env['ir.asset']
new_asset = {
'path': custom_url,
'target': url,
'directive': 'replace',
target_asset = self._get_custom_asset(url)
if target_asset:
new_asset['name'] = target_asset.name + ' override'
new_asset['bundle'] = target_asset.bundle
new_asset['sequence'] = target_asset.sequence
new_asset['name'] = '%s: replace %s' % (bundle, custom_url.split('/')[-1])
new_asset['bundle'] = IrAsset._get_related_bundle(url, bundle)
def _get_content_from_url(self, url, url_info=None, custom_attachments=None):
Fetch the content of an asset (scss / js) file. That content is either
the one of the related file on the disk or the one of the corresponding
custom ir.attachment record.
url (str): the URL of the asset (scss / js) file/ir.attachment
url_info (dict, optional):
the related url info (see _get_data_from_url) (allows to optimize
some code which already have the info and do not want this
function to re-get it)
custom_attachments (ir.attachment(), optional):
the related custom ir.attachment records the function might need
to search into (allows to optimize some code which already have
that info and do not want this function to re-get it)
utf-8 encoded content of the asset (scss / js)
if url_info is None:
url_info = self._get_data_from_url(url)
if url_info["customized"]:
# If the file is already customized, the content is found in the
# corresponding attachment
attachment = None
if custom_attachments is None:
attachment = self._get_custom_attachment(url)
attachment = custom_attachments.filtered(lambda r: r.url == url)
return attachment and base64.b64decode(attachment.datas) or False
# If the file is not yet customized, the content is found by reading
# the local file
with misc.file_open(url.strip('/'), 'rb', filter_ext=EXTENSIONS) as f:
return f.read()
def _get_data_from_url(self, url):
Return information about an asset (scss / js) file/ir.attachment just by
looking at its URL.
url (str): the url of the asset (scss / js) file/ir.attachment
module (str): the original asset's related app
resource_path (str):
the relative path to the original asset from the related app
customized (bool): whether the asset is a customized one or not
bundle (str):
the name of the bundle the asset customizes (False if this
is not a customized asset)
m = _match_asset_file_url_regex.match(url)
if not m:
return False
return {
'module': m.group(3),
'resource_path': m.group(4),
'customized': bool(m.group(1)),
'bundle': m.group(2) or False
def _make_custom_asset_url(self, url, bundle_xmlid):
Return the customized version of an asset URL, that is the URL the asset
would have if it was customized.
url (str): the original asset's url
bundle_xmlid (str): the name of the bundle the asset would customize
str: the URL the given asset would have if it was customized in the
given bundle
return f"/_custom/{bundle_xmlid}{url}"
def _get_custom_attachment(self, custom_url, op='='):
Fetch the ir.attachment record related to the given customized asset.
custom_url (str): the URL of the customized asset
op (str, default: '='): the operator to use to search the records
assert op in ('in', '='), 'Invalid operator'
return self.env["ir.attachment"].search([("url", op, custom_url)])
def _get_custom_asset(self, custom_url):
Fetch the ir.asset record related to the given customized asset (the
inheriting view which replace the original asset by the customized one).
custom_url (str): the URL of the customized asset
url = custom_url[1:] if custom_url.startswith(('/', '\\')) else custom_url
return self.env['ir.asset'].search([('path', 'like', url)])
def _save_asset_attachment_hook(self):
Returns the additional values to use to write the DB on customized
ir.attachment creation.
return {}
def _save_asset_hook(self):
Returns the additional values to use to write the DB on customized
ir.asset creation.
return {}