2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

202 lines
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# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import re
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict
from urllib3.util import parse_url
from odoo import models
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.tools import lazy
from odoo.addons.base.models.assetsbundle import AssetsBundle
from odoo.osv import expression
from odoo.addons.website.models import ir_http
from odoo.exceptions import AccessError
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
re_background_image = re.compile(r"(background-image\s*:\s*url\(\s*['\"]?\s*)([^)'\"]+)")
class IrQWeb(models.AbstractModel):
""" IrQWeb object for rendering stuff in the website context """
_inherit = 'ir.qweb'
'form': 'action',
'a': 'href',
'link': 'href',
'script': 'src',
'img': 'src',
# assume cache will be invalidated by third party on write to ir.ui.view
def _get_template_cache_keys(self):
""" Return the list of context keys to use for caching ``_compile``. """
return super()._get_template_cache_keys() + ['website_id', 'cookies_allowed']
def _prepare_frontend_environment(self, values):
""" Update the values and context with website specific value
(required to render website layout template)
irQweb = super()._prepare_frontend_environment(values)
current_website = request.website
editable = irQweb.env.user.has_group('website.group_website_designer')
has_group_restricted_editor = irQweb.env.user.has_group('website.group_website_restricted_editor')
if not editable and has_group_restricted_editor and 'main_object' in values:
main_object = values['main_object'].with_user(irQweb.env.user.id)
editable = True
except AccessError:
translatable = has_group_restricted_editor and irQweb.env.context.get('lang') != irQweb.env['ir.http']._get_default_lang().code
editable = editable and not translatable
if has_group_restricted_editor and irQweb.env.user.has_group('website.group_multi_website'):
values['multi_website_websites_current'] = lazy(lambda: current_website.name)
values['multi_website_websites'] = lazy(lambda: [
{'website_id': website.id, 'name': website.name, 'domain': website.domain}
for website in current_website.search([('id', '!=', current_website.id)])
cur_company = irQweb.env.company
values['multi_website_companies_current'] = lazy(lambda: {'company_id': cur_company.id, 'name': cur_company.name})
values['multi_website_companies'] = lazy(lambda: [
{'company_id': comp.id, 'name': comp.name}
for comp in irQweb.env.user.company_ids if comp != cur_company
# update values
is_view_active=lazy(lambda: current_website.is_view_active),
if editable:
# form editable object, add the backend configuration link
if 'main_object' in values and has_group_restricted_editor:
func = getattr(values['main_object'], 'get_backend_menu_id', False)
values['backend_menu_id'] = lazy(lambda: func and func() or irQweb.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id('website.menu_website_configuration'))
# update options
irQweb = irQweb.with_context(website_id=current_website.id)
if 'inherit_branding' not in irQweb.env.context and not self.env.context.get('rendering_bundle'):
if editable:
# in edit mode add branding on ir.ui.view tag nodes
irQweb = irQweb.with_context(inherit_branding=True)
elif has_group_restricted_editor:
# will add the branding on fields (into values)
irQweb = irQweb.with_context(inherit_branding_auto=True)
# Avoid cache inconsistencies: if the cookies have been accepted, the
# DOM structure should reflect it after a reload and not be stuck in its
# previous state (see the part related to cookies in
# `_post_processing_att`).
is_allowed_optional_cookies = request.env['ir.http']._is_allowed_cookie('optional')
irQweb = irQweb.with_context(cookies_allowed=is_allowed_optional_cookies)
return irQweb
def _post_processing_att(self, tagName, atts):
if atts.get('data-no-post-process'):
return atts
atts = super()._post_processing_att(tagName, atts)
website = ir_http.get_request_website()
if not website and self.env.context.get('website_id'):
website = self.env['website'].browse(self.env.context['website_id'])
if website and tagName == 'img' and 'loading' not in atts:
atts['loading'] = 'lazy' # default is auto
if self.env.context.get('inherit_branding') or self.env.context.get('rendering_bundle') or \
self.env.context.get('edit_translations') or self.env.context.get('debug') or (request and request.session.debug):
return atts
if not website:
return atts
if (
and website.block_third_party_domains
and not self.env.context.get('cookies_allowed')
and not request.env.user.has_group('website.group_website_restricted_editor')
# If the cookie banner is activated, 3rd-party embedded iframes and
# scripts should be controlled. As such:
# - 'domains' is a watchlist on the iframe/script's src itself,
# - 'classes' is a watchlist on container elements in which iframes
# are/could be built on the fly client-side for some reason.
cookies_watchlist = {
'domains': website.blocked_third_party_domains.split('\n'),
'classes': website._get_blocked_iframe_containers_classes(),
remove_src = False
if tagName in ('iframe', 'script'):
src_host = parse_url((atts.get('src') or '').lower()).host
if src_host:
remove_src = any(
# "www.example.com" and "example.com" should block both.
src_host == domain.removeprefix('www.')
# "domain.com" should block "subdomain.domain.com", but
# not "(subdomain.)mydomain.com".
or src_host.endswith('.' + domain.removeprefix('www.'))
for domain in cookies_watchlist['domains']
if (
or cookies_watchlist['classes'].intersection((atts.get('class') or '').split(' '))
atts['data-need-cookies-approval'] = 'true'
# Case class in watchlist: we stop here. The element could
# contain an iframe created on the fly client-side. It is marked
# now so that the iframe can be marked later when created.
# Case iframe/script's src in watchlist: we adapt the src.
if 'src' in atts:
atts['data-nocookie-src'] = atts['src']
atts['src'] = 'about:blank'
name = self.URL_ATTRS.get(tagName)
if request:
value = atts.get(name) if name else None
if value is not None and value is not False:
atts[name] = self.env['ir.http']._url_for(str(value))
# Adapt background-image URL in the same way as image src.
atts = self._adapt_style_background_image(atts, self.env['ir.http']._url_for)
if not website.cdn_activated:
return atts
data_name = f'data-{name}'
if name and (name in atts or data_name in atts):
atts = OrderedDict(atts)
if name in atts:
atts[name] = website.get_cdn_url(atts[name])
if data_name in atts:
atts[data_name] = website.get_cdn_url(atts[data_name])
atts = self._adapt_style_background_image(atts, website.get_cdn_url)
return atts
def _adapt_style_background_image(self, atts, url_adapter):
if isinstance(atts.get('style'), str) and 'background-image' in atts['style']:
atts['style'] = re_background_image.sub(lambda m: '%s%s' % (m[1], url_adapter(m[2])), atts['style'])
return atts
def _get_bundles_to_pregenarate(self):
js_assets, css_assets = super(IrQWeb, self)._get_bundles_to_pregenarate()
assets = {
return (js_assets | assets, css_assets | assets)