2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

2204 lines
103 KiB

# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import base64
import fnmatch
import hashlib
import inspect
import json
import logging
import re
import requests
import threading
import uuid
from lxml import etree, html
from werkzeug import urls
from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound
from odoo import api, fields, models, tools, release
from odoo.addons.website.models.ir_http import sitemap_qs2dom
from odoo.addons.website.tools import similarity_score, text_from_html, get_base_domain
from odoo.addons.portal.controllers.portal import pager
from odoo.addons.iap.tools import iap_tools
from odoo.exceptions import AccessError, UserError, ValidationError
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.modules.module import get_manifest
from odoo.osv.expression import AND, OR, FALSE_DOMAIN
from odoo.tools import SQL, Query, sql as sqltools
from odoo.tools.translate import _, xml_translate
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# retrocompatibility
DEFAULT_WEBSITE_ENDPOINT = 'https://website.api.odoo.com'
DEFAULT_OLG_ENDPOINT = 'https://olg.api.odoo.com'
'youtu.be', 'youtube.com', 'youtube-nocookie.com',
'instagram.com', 'instagr.am', 'ig.me',
'vimeo.com', # 'player.vimeo.com', 'vimeo.com',
'dailymotion.com', 'dai.ly',
'youku.com', # 'player.youku.com', 'youku.com',
'facebook.com', 'facebook.net', 'fb.com', 'fb.me', 'fb.watch',
'x.com', 'twitter.com', 't.co',
'googletagmanager.com', 'google-analytics.com',
# List from https://www.google.com/supported_domains
'google.com', 'google.ad', 'google.ae', 'google.com.af', 'google.com.ag', 'google.al',
'google.am', 'google.co.ao', 'google.com.ar', 'google.as', 'google.at', 'google.com.au',
'google.az', 'google.ba', 'google.com.bd', 'google.be', 'google.bf', 'google.bg',
'google.com.bh', 'google.bi', 'google.bj', 'google.com.bn', 'google.com.bo', 'google.com.br',
'google.bs', 'google.bt', 'google.co.bw', 'google.by', 'google.com.bz', 'google.ca',
'google.cd', 'google.cf', 'google.cg', 'google.ch', 'google.ci', 'google.co.ck', 'google.cl',
'google.cm', 'google.cn', 'google.com.co', 'google.co.cr', 'google.com.cu', 'google.cv',
'google.com.cy', 'google.cz', 'google.de', 'google.dj', 'google.dk', 'google.dm',
'google.com.do', 'google.dz', 'google.com.ec', 'google.ee', 'google.com.eg', 'google.es',
'google.com.et', 'google.fi', 'google.com.fj', 'google.fm', 'google.fr', 'google.ga',
'google.ge', 'google.gg', 'google.com.gh', 'google.com.gi', 'google.gl', 'google.gm',
'google.gr', 'google.com.gt', 'google.gy', 'google.com.hk', 'google.hn', 'google.hr',
'google.ht', 'google.hu', 'google.co.id', 'google.ie', 'google.co.il', 'google.im',
'google.co.in', 'google.iq', 'google.is', 'google.it', 'google.je', 'google.com.jm',
'google.jo', 'google.co.jp', 'google.co.ke', 'google.com.kh', 'google.ki', 'google.kg',
'google.co.kr', 'google.com.kw', 'google.kz', 'google.la', 'google.com.lb', 'google.li',
'google.lk', 'google.co.ls', 'google.lt', 'google.lu', 'google.lv', 'google.com.ly',
'google.co.ma', 'google.md', 'google.me', 'google.mg', 'google.mk', 'google.ml',
'google.com.mm', 'google.mn', 'google.com.mt', 'google.mu', 'google.mv', 'google.mw',
'google.com.mx', 'google.com.my', 'google.co.mz', 'google.com.na', 'google.com.ng',
'google.com.ni', 'google.ne', 'google.nl', 'google.no', 'google.com.np', 'google.nr',
'google.nu', 'google.co.nz', 'google.com.om', 'google.com.pa', 'google.com.pe', 'google.com.pg',
'google.com.ph', 'google.com.pk', 'google.pl', 'google.pn', 'google.com.pr', 'google.ps',
'google.pt', 'google.com.py', 'google.com.qa', 'google.ro', 'google.ru', 'google.rw',
'google.com.sa', 'google.com.sb', 'google.sc', 'google.se', 'google.com.sg', 'google.sh',
'google.si', 'google.sk', 'google.com.sl', 'google.sn', 'google.so', 'google.sm', 'google.sr',
'google.st', 'google.com.sv', 'google.td', 'google.tg', 'google.co.th', 'google.com.tj',
'google.tl', 'google.tm', 'google.tn', 'google.to', 'google.com.tr', 'google.tt',
'google.com.tw', 'google.co.tz', 'google.com.ua', 'google.co.ug', 'google.co.uk',
'google.com.uy', 'google.co.uz', 'google.com.vc', 'google.co.ve', 'google.co.vi',
'google.com.vn', 'google.vu', 'google.ws', 'google.rs', 'google.co.za', 'google.co.zm',
'google.co.zw', 'google.cat',
class Website(models.Model):
_name = "website"
_description = "Website"
_order = "sequence, id"
def website_domain(self, website_id=False):
return [('website_id', 'in', (False, website_id or self.id))]
def _active_languages(self):
return self.env['res.lang'].search([]).ids
def _default_language(self):
lang_code = self.env['ir.default']._get('res.partner', 'lang')
def_lang_id = self.env['res.lang']._get_data(code=lang_code).id
return def_lang_id or self._active_languages()[0]
name = fields.Char('Website Name', required=True)
sequence = fields.Integer(default=10)
domain = fields.Char('Website Domain', help='E.g. https://www.mydomain.com')
company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', string="Company", default=lambda self: self.env.company, required=True)
language_ids = fields.Many2many(
'res.lang', 'website_lang_rel', 'website_id', 'lang_id', string="Languages",
default=_active_languages, required=True)
language_count = fields.Integer('Number of languages', compute='_compute_language_count')
default_lang_id = fields.Many2one('res.lang', string="Default Language", default=_default_language, required=True)
auto_redirect_lang = fields.Boolean('Autoredirect Language', default=True, help="Should users be redirected to their browser's language")
cookies_bar = fields.Boolean('Cookies Bar', help="Display a customizable cookies bar on your website.")
configurator_done = fields.Boolean(help='True if configurator has been completed or ignored')
block_third_party_domains = fields.Boolean(
'Block 3rd-party domains',
help="Block 3rd-party domains that may track users (YouTube, Google Maps, etc.).",
custom_blocked_third_party_domains = fields.Text(
'User list of blocked 3rd-party domains',
blocked_third_party_domains = fields.Text(
'List of blocked 3rd-party domains',
def _default_social_facebook(self):
return self.env.ref('base.main_company').social_facebook
def _default_social_github(self):
return self.env.ref('base.main_company').social_github
def _default_social_linkedin(self):
return self.env.ref('base.main_company').social_linkedin
def _default_social_youtube(self):
return self.env.ref('base.main_company').social_youtube
def _default_social_instagram(self):
return self.env.ref('base.main_company').social_instagram
def _default_social_twitter(self):
return self.env.ref('base.main_company').social_twitter
def _default_social_tiktok(self):
return self.env.ref('base.main_company').social_tiktok
def _default_logo(self):
with tools.file_open('website/static/src/img/website_logo.svg', 'rb') as f:
return base64.b64encode(f.read())
logo = fields.Binary('Website Logo', default=_default_logo, help="Display this logo on the website.")
social_twitter = fields.Char('X Account', default=_default_social_twitter)
social_facebook = fields.Char('Facebook Account', default=_default_social_facebook)
social_github = fields.Char('GitHub Account', default=_default_social_github)
social_linkedin = fields.Char('LinkedIn Account', default=_default_social_linkedin)
social_youtube = fields.Char('Youtube Account', default=_default_social_youtube)
social_instagram = fields.Char('Instagram Account', default=_default_social_instagram)
social_tiktok = fields.Char('TikTok Account', default=_default_social_tiktok)
social_default_image = fields.Binary(string="Default Social Share Image", help="If set, replaces the website logo as the default social share image.")
has_social_default_image = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_has_social_default_image', store=True)
google_analytics_key = fields.Char('Google Analytics Key')
google_search_console = fields.Char(help='Google key, or Enable to access first reply')
google_maps_api_key = fields.Char('Google Maps API Key')
plausible_shared_key = fields.Char()
plausible_site = fields.Char()
user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='Public User', required=True)
cdn_activated = fields.Boolean('Content Delivery Network (CDN)')
cdn_url = fields.Char('CDN Base URL', default='')
cdn_filters = fields.Text('CDN Filters', default=lambda s: '\n'.join(DEFAULT_CDN_FILTERS), help="URL matching those filters will be rewritten using the CDN Base URL")
partner_id = fields.Many2one(related='user_id.partner_id', string='Public Partner', readonly=False)
menu_id = fields.Many2one('website.menu', compute='_compute_menu', string='Main Menu')
homepage_url = fields.Char(help='E.g. /contactus or /shop')
custom_code_head = fields.Html('Custom <head> code', sanitize=False)
custom_code_footer = fields.Html('Custom end of <body> code', sanitize=False)
robots_txt = fields.Html('Robots.txt', translate=False, groups='website.group_website_designer', sanitize=False)
def _default_favicon(self):
with tools.file_open('web/static/img/favicon.ico', 'rb') as f:
return base64.b64encode(f.read())
favicon = fields.Binary(string="Website Favicon", help="This field holds the image used to display a favicon on the website.", default=_default_favicon)
theme_id = fields.Many2one('ir.module.module', help='Installed theme')
specific_user_account = fields.Boolean('Specific User Account', help='If True, new accounts will be associated to the current website')
auth_signup_uninvited = fields.Selection([
('b2b', 'On invitation'),
('b2c', 'Free sign up'),
], string='Customer Account', default='b2b')
_sql_constraints = [
('domain_unique', 'unique(domain)', 'Website Domain should be unique.'),
def _onchange_language_ids(self):
language_ids = self.language_ids._origin
if language_ids and self.default_lang_id not in language_ids:
self.default_lang_id = language_ids[0]
def _compute_has_social_default_image(self):
for website in self:
website.has_social_default_image = bool(website.social_default_image)
def _compute_language_count(self):
for website in self:
website.language_count = len(website.language_ids)
def _compute_menu(self):
for website in self:
menus = self.env['website.menu'].browse(website._get_menu_ids())
# use field parent_id (1 query) to determine field child_id (2 queries by level)"
for menu in menus:
menu._cache['child_id'] = ()
for menu in menus:
# don't add child menu if parent is forbidden
if menu.parent_id and menu.parent_id in menus:
menu.parent_id._cache['child_id'] += (menu.id,)
# prefetch every website.page and ir.ui.view at once
top_menus = menus.filtered(lambda m: not m.parent_id)
website.menu_id = top_menus and top_menus[0].id or False
def _compute_blocked_third_party_domains(self):
for website in self:
custom_list = website.sudo().custom_blocked_third_party_domains
if custom_list:
full_list = f'{DEFAULT_BLOCKED_THIRD_PARTY_DOMAINS}\n{custom_list}'
website.blocked_third_party_domains = full_list
def _get_blocked_third_party_domains_list(self):
return self.blocked_third_party_domains.split('\n')
def _get_blocked_iframe_containers_classes(self):
return {
# self.env.uid for ir.rule groups on menu
@tools.ormcache('self.env.uid', 'self.id', cache='templates')
def _get_menu_ids(self):
return self.env['website.menu'].search([('website_id', '=', self.id)]).ids
@tools.ormcache('self.env.uid', 'self.id', cache='templates')
def is_menu_cache_disabled(self):
Checks if the website menu contains a record like url.
:return: True if the menu contains a record like url
return any(self.env['website.menu'].browse(self._get_menu_ids()).filtered(
lambda menu: (menu.url and re.search(r"[/](([^/=?&]+-)?[0-9]+)([/]|$)", menu.url)) or menu.group_ids
def create(self, vals_list):
for vals in vals_list:
if 'user_id' not in vals:
company = self.env['res.company'].browse(vals.get('company_id'))
vals['user_id'] = company._get_public_user().id if company else self.env.ref('base.public_user').id
websites = super().create(vals_list)
for website in websites:
if not self.env.user.has_group('website.group_multi_website') and self.search_count([]) > 1:
all_user_groups = 'base.group_portal,base.group_user,base.group_public'
groups = self.env['res.groups'].concat(*(self.env.ref(it) for it in all_user_groups.split(',')))
groups.write({'implied_ids': [(4, self.env.ref('website.group_multi_website').id)]})
return websites
def write(self, values):
public_user_to_change_websites = self.env['website']
original_company = self.company_id
if 'company_id' in values and 'user_id' not in values:
public_user_to_change_websites = self.filtered(lambda w: w.sudo().user_id.company_id.id != values['company_id'])
if public_user_to_change_websites:
company = self.env['res.company'].browse(values['company_id'])
super(Website, public_user_to_change_websites).write(dict(values, user_id=company and company._get_public_user().id))
result = super(Website, self - public_user_to_change_websites).write(values)
if 'cdn_activated' in values or 'cdn_url' in values or 'cdn_filters' in values:
# invalidate the caches from static node at compile time
# invalidate cache for `company.website_id` to be recomputed
if 'sequence' in values or 'company_id' in values:
(original_company | self.company_id)._compute_website_id()
if 'cookies_bar' in values:
existing_policy_page = self.env['website.page'].search([
('website_id', '=', self.id),
('url', '=', '/cookie-policy'),
if not values['cookies_bar']:
elif not existing_policy_page:
cookies_view = self.env.ref('website.cookie_policy', raise_if_not_found=False)
if cookies_view:
cookies_view.with_context(website_id=self.id).write({'website_id': self.id})
specific_cook_view = self.with_context(website_id=self.id).viewref('website.cookie_policy')
'is_published': True,
'website_indexed': False,
'url': '/cookie-policy',
'website_id': self.id,
'view_id': specific_cook_view.id,
return result
def _handle_create_write(self, vals):
def _handle_favicon(self, vals):
if vals.get('favicon'):
vals['favicon'] = base64.b64encode(tools.image_process(base64.b64decode(vals['favicon']), size=(256, 256), crop='center', output_format='ICO'))
def _handle_domain(self, vals):
if 'domain' in vals and vals['domain']:
vals['domain'] = self._normalize_domain_url(vals['domain'])
def _normalize_domain_url(self, url):
This method:
- Prefixes 'https://' if it doesn't start with 'http'
- Strips any tailing '/'
normalized_url = url
if not normalized_url.startswith('http'):
normalized_url = 'https://%s' % normalized_url
normalized_url = normalized_url.rstrip('/')
return normalized_url
def _handle_homepage_url(self, vals):
homepage_url = vals.get('homepage_url')
if homepage_url:
vals['homepage_url'] = homepage_url.rstrip('/')
def _check_homepage_url(self):
for website in self.filtered('homepage_url'):
if not website.homepage_url.startswith('/'):
raise ValidationError(_("The homepage URL should be relative and start with '/'."))
def _unlink_except_default_website(self):
default_website = self.env.ref('website.default_website', raise_if_not_found=False)
if default_website and default_website in self:
raise UserError(_("You cannot delete default website %s. Try to change its settings instead", default_website.name))
def unlink(self):
companies = self.company_id
res = super().unlink()
return res
def _remove_attachments_on_website_unlink(self):
# Do not delete invoices, delete what's strictly necessary
attachments_to_unlink = self.env['ir.attachment'].search([
('website_id', 'in', self.ids),
'|', '|',
('key', '!=', False), # theme attachment
('url', '=like', '/_custom/%'), # customized theme attachment
('url', 'ilike', '.assets\\_'),
def create_and_redirect_configurator(self):
configurator_action_todo = self.env.ref('website.website_configurator_todo')
return configurator_action_todo.action_launch()
def _is_indexable_url(self, url):
Returns True if the given url has to be indexed by search engines.
It is considered that the website must be indexed if the domain name
matches the URL. We check if they are equal while ignoring the www. and
http(s). This is to index the site even if the user put the www. in the
settings while he has a configuration that redirects the www. to the
naked domain for example (same thing for http and https).
:param url: the url to check
:return: True if the url has to be indexed, False otherwise
return get_base_domain(url.lower(), True) == get_base_domain(self.domain.lower(), True)
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# Configurator
# ----------------------------------------------------------
def _api_rpc(self, route, params, endpoint_param_name, default_endpoint, **kwargs):
params['version'] = release.version
IrConfigParameter = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo()
api_endpoint = IrConfigParameter.get_param(endpoint_param_name, default_endpoint)
return iap_tools.iap_jsonrpc(api_endpoint + route, params=params, **kwargs)
def _website_api_rpc(self, route, params):
# For industries, theme suggestions, ...
return self._api_rpc(route, params, 'website.website_api_endpoint', DEFAULT_WEBSITE_ENDPOINT)
def _OLG_api_rpc(self, route, params):
# For text content generation
return self._api_rpc(route, params, 'website.olg_api_endpoint', DEFAULT_OLG_ENDPOINT, timeout=45)
def get_cta_data(self, website_purpose, website_type):
return {'cta_btn_text': False, 'cta_btn_href': '/contactus'}
def get_theme_configurator_snippets(self, theme_name):
return {
**get_manifest(theme_name).get('configurator_snippets', {}),
def configurator_set_menu_links(self, menu_company, module_data):
menus = self.env['website.menu'].search([('url', 'in', list(module_data.keys())), ('website_id', '=', self.id)])
for m in menus:
m.sequence = module_data[m.url]['sequence']
def configurator_get_footer_links(self):
return [
{'text': _("Privacy Policy"), 'href': '/privacy'},
def configurator_init(self):
r = dict()
company = self.get_current_website().company_id
configurator_features = self.env['website.configurator.feature'].search([])
r['features'] = [{
'id': feature.id,
'name': feature.name,
'description': feature.description,
'type': 'page' if feature.page_view_id else 'app',
'icon': feature.icon,
'website_config_preselection': feature.website_config_preselection,
'module_state': feature.module_id.state,
} for feature in configurator_features]
r['logo'] = False
if not company.uses_default_logo:
r['logo'] = company.logo.decode('utf-8')
result = self._website_api_rpc('/api/website/1/configurator/industries', {'lang': self.env.context.get('lang')})
r['industries'] = result['industries']
except AccessError as e:
r['industries'] = []
return r
def configurator_recommended_themes(self, industry_id, palette, result_nbr_max=3):
Module = request.env['ir.module.module']
domain = Module.get_themes_domain()
domain = AND([[('name', '!=', 'theme_default')], domain])
client_themes = Module.search(domain).mapped('name')
client_themes_img = {t: get_manifest(t).get('images_preview_theme', {}) for t in client_themes if get_manifest(t)}
themes_suggested = self._website_api_rpc(
'/api/website/2/configurator/recommended_themes/%s' % (industry_id if industry_id > 0 else ''),
'client_themes': client_themes_img,
'result_nbr_max': result_nbr_max,
process_svg = self.env['website.configurator.feature']._process_svg
for theme in themes_suggested:
theme['svg'] = process_svg(theme['name'], palette, theme.pop('image_urls'))
return themes_suggested
def configurator_skip(self):
website = self.get_current_website()
website.configurator_done = True
def configurator_missing_industry(self, unknown_industry):
'unknown_industry': unknown_industry,
'lang': self.env.context.get('lang'),
def configurator_apply(self, **kwargs):
website = self.get_current_website()
theme_name = kwargs['theme_name']
theme = self.env['ir.module.module'].search([('name', '=', theme_name)])
redirect_url = theme.button_choose_theme()
website.configurator_done = True
# Enable tour
tour_asset_id = self.env.ref('website.configurator_tour')
tour_asset_id.copy({'key': tour_asset_id.key, 'website_id': website.id, 'active': True})
# Set logo from generated attachment or from company's logo
logo_attachment_id = kwargs.get('logo_attachment_id')
company = website.company_id
if logo_attachment_id:
attachment = self.env['ir.attachment'].browse(logo_attachment_id)
'res_model': 'website',
'res_field': 'logo',
'res_id': website.id,
elif not logo_attachment_id and not company.uses_default_logo:
website.logo = company.logo.decode('utf-8')
# Configure the color palette
selected_palette = kwargs.get('selected_palette')
if selected_palette:
Assets = self.env['web_editor.assets']
selected_palette_name = selected_palette if isinstance(selected_palette, str) else 'base-1'
{'color-palettes-name': "'%s'" % selected_palette_name}
if isinstance(selected_palette, list):
{f'o-color-{i}': color for i, color in enumerate(selected_palette, 1)}
# Update CTA
cta_data = website.get_cta_data(kwargs.get('website_purpose'), kwargs.get('website_type'))
if cta_data['cta_btn_text']:
xpath_view = 'website.snippets'
parent_view = self.env['website'].with_context(website_id=website.id).viewref(xpath_view)
'name': parent_view.key + ' CTA',
'key': parent_view.key + "_cta",
'inherit_id': parent_view.id,
'website_id': website.id,
'type': 'qweb',
'priority': 32,
'arch_db': """
<xpath expr="//t[@t-set='cta_btn_href']" position="replace">
<t t-set="cta_btn_href">%s</t>
<xpath expr="//t[@t-set='cta_btn_text']" position="replace">
<t t-set="cta_btn_text">%s</t>
""" % (cta_data['cta_btn_href'], cta_data['cta_btn_text'])
view_id = self.env['website'].viewref('website.header_call_to_action')
if view_id:
el = etree.fromstring(view_id.arch_db)
btn_cta_el = el.xpath("//a[hasclass('btn_cta')]")
if btn_cta_el:
btn_cta_el[0].attrib['href'] = cta_data['cta_btn_href']
btn_cta_el[0].text = cta_data['cta_btn_text']
view_id.with_context(website_id=website.id).write({'arch_db': etree.tostring(el)})
except ValueError as e:
# Configure the features
features = self.env['website.configurator.feature'].browse(kwargs.get('selected_features'))
menu_company = self.env['website.menu']
if len(features.filtered('menu_sequence')) > 5 and len(features.filtered('menu_company')) > 1:
menu_company = self.env['website.menu'].create({
'name': _('Company'),
'parent_id': website.menu_id.id,
'website_id': website.id,
'sequence': 40,
pages_views = {}
modules = self.env['ir.module.module']
module_data = {}
for feature in features:
add_menu = bool(feature.menu_sequence)
if feature.module_id:
if feature.module_id.state != 'installed':
modules += feature.module_id
if add_menu:
if feature.module_id.name != 'website_blog':
module_data[feature.feature_url] = {'sequence': feature.menu_sequence}
blogs = module_data.setdefault('#blog', [])
blogs.append({'name': feature.name, 'sequence': feature.menu_sequence})
elif feature.page_view_id:
result = self.env['website'].new_page(
page_values=dict(url=feature.feature_url, is_published=True),
menu_values=add_menu and {
'url': feature.feature_url,
'sequence': feature.menu_sequence,
'parent_id': feature.menu_company and menu_company.id or website.menu_id.id,
pages_views[feature.iap_page_code] = result['view_id']
if modules:
self.env['website'].browse(website.id).configurator_set_menu_links(menu_company, module_data)
# We need to refresh the environment of the website because we installed
# some new module and we need the overrides of these new menus e.g. for
# the call to `get_cta_data`.
website = self.env['website'].browse(website.id)
# Update footers links, needs to be done after "Features" addition to go
# through module overrides of `configurator_get_footer_links`.
footer_links = website.configurator_get_footer_links()
footer_ids = [
'website.template_footer_contact', 'website.template_footer_headline',
'website.footer_custom', 'website.template_footer_links',
for footer_id in footer_ids:
view_id = self.env['website'].viewref(footer_id)
if view_id:
# Deliberately hardcode dynamic code inside the view arch,
# it will be transformed into static nodes after a save/edit
# thanks to the t-ignore in parents node.
arch_string = etree.fromstring(view_id.arch_db)
el = arch_string.xpath("//t[@t-set='configurator_footer_links']")[0]
el.attrib['t-value'] = json.dumps(footer_links)
view_id.with_context(website_id=website.id).write({'arch_db': etree.tostring(arch_string)})
except Exception as e:
# The xml view could have been modified in the backend, we don't
# want the xpath error to break the configurator feature
# Load suggestion from iap for selected pages
industry_id = kwargs['industry_id']
custom_resources = self._website_api_rpc(
'/api/website/2/configurator/custom_resources/%s' % (industry_id if industry_id > 0 else ''),
{'theme': theme_name}
# Generate text for the pages
requested_pages = set(pages_views.keys()).union({'homepage'})
configurator_snippets = website.get_theme_configurator_snippets(theme_name)
industry = kwargs['industry_name']
IrQweb = self.env['ir.qweb'].with_context(website_id=website.id, lang=website.default_lang_id.code)
snippets_cache = {}
translated_content = {}
hashes_to_tags_and_attributes = {}
html_string_to_wrapping_tags = {}
def _compute_placeholder(html_string):
Transforms an HTML string by converting specific HTML tags into a
custom pseudo-markdown format.
The function wraps the input `html_string` with a root `<div>`
element, parses it into a tree, and iterates through the HTML
elements. It replaces recognized HTML tags with a custom pseudo-
markdown format like `#[text](hash_value)`, where `text` is the
content of the tag and `hash_value` is the key to fetch the tag name
and the attributes.
html_string (str): The input HTML string to be transformed.
str: The transformed string with HTML tags replaced by
tree = etree.fromstring(f'<div>{html_string}</div>')
# Identifying one or more wrapping tags that enclose the entire HTML
# content e.g., <strong><em>text ...</em></strong>. Store them to
# reapply them after processing with chatGPT.
wrapping_html = []
for element in tree.iter():
wrapping_html.append({"tag": element.tag, "attr": element.attrib})
if len(element) != 1 \
or (element.text and element.text.strip()) \
or (element[-1].tail and element[-1].tail.strip()):
# Remove the wrapping element used for parsing into a tree
wrapping_html = wrapping_html[1:]
# Loop through all nodes, ignoring wrapping ones, to mark them with
# a pseudo-markdown identifier if they are leaf nodes.
nb_tags_to_skip = len(wrapping_html) + 1
for cursor, element in enumerate(tree.iter()):
if cursor < nb_tags_to_skip or len(element) > 0:
# Generate a unique hash based on the element's text, tag
# and attributes.
attrib_string = ','.join(f'{key}={value}' for key, value in sorted(element.attrib.items()))
combined_string = f'{element.text or ""}-{element.tag}-{attrib_string}'
unique_uuid = uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, combined_string)
hash_value = unique_uuid.hex[:12]
hashes_to_tags_and_attributes[hash_value] = {"tag": element.tag, "attr": element.attrib}
element.text = f'#[{element.text or "0"}]({hash_value})'
res = tree.xpath('string()')
# If there is at least one wrapping tag, save the way it needs to
# be re-applied.
if wrapping_html:
tags = [
f'<{tag}{" " if attrs else ""}{attrs}>',
for el in wrapping_html
for tag, attrs in [(el["tag"], " ".join([f'{k}="{v}"' for k, v in el["attr"].items()]))]
opening_tags, closing_tags = zip(*tags)
html_string_to_wrapping_tags[html_string] = f'{"".join(opening_tags)}$0{"".join(closing_tags[::-1])}'
# Note that `get_text_content` here is still needed despite the use
# of `string()` in the XPath expression above. Indeed, it allows to
# strip newlines and double-spaces, which would confuse IAP (without
# this, it does not perform any replacement for some reason).
return xml_translate.get_text_content(res.strip())
def _render_snippet(key):
# Using this avoids rendering the same snippet multiple times
data = snippets_cache.get(key)
if data:
return data
render = IrQweb._render(key, cta_data)
terms = []
xml_translate(terms.append, render)
placeholders = [_compute_placeholder(term) for term in terms]
if text_must_be_translated_for_openai:
# Check if terms are translated.
translation_dictionary = self.env['website.page']._fields['arch_db'].get_translation_dictionary(
str(IrQweb._render(key, cta_data, lang="en_US")),
{text_generation_target_lang: str(render)},
# Remove all numeric keys.
translation_dictionary = {
k: v
for k, v in translation_dictionary.items()
if not xml_translate.get_text_content(k).strip().isnumeric()
for from_lang_term, to_lang_terms in translation_dictionary.items():
translated_content[from_lang_term] = to_lang_terms[text_generation_target_lang]
data = (render, placeholders)
snippets_cache[key] = data
return data
text_generation_target_lang = self.get_current_website().default_lang_id.code
# If the target language is not English, we need a good translation
# coverage. But if the target lang is en_XX it's ok to have en_US text.
text_must_be_translated_for_openai = not text_generation_target_lang.startswith('en_')
generated_content = {}
for page_code in requested_pages - {'privacy_policy'}:
snippet_list = configurator_snippets.get(page_code, [])
for snippet in snippet_list:
render, placeholders = _render_snippet(f'website.configurator_{page_code}_{snippet}')
for placeholder in placeholders:
generated_content[placeholder] = ''
if text_must_be_translated_for_openai:
nb_terms_translated = len([k for k, v in translated_content.items() if k != v])
nb_terms_total = len(translated_content)
nb_terms_translated = len(generated_content)
nb_terms_total = len(generated_content)
translated_ratio = nb_terms_translated / nb_terms_total
logger.debug("Ratio of translated content: %s%% (%s/%s)", translated_ratio * 100, nb_terms_translated, nb_terms_total)
if translated_ratio > 0.8:
database_id = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('database.uuid')
response = self._OLG_api_rpc('/api/olg/1/generate_placeholder', {
'placeholders': list(generated_content.keys()),
'lang': website.default_lang_id.name,
'industry': industry,
'database_id': database_id,
name_replace_parser = re.compile(r"XXXX", re.MULTILINE)
for key in generated_content:
if response.get(key):
generated_content[key] = (name_replace_parser.sub(website.name, response[key], 0))
except AccessError:
# If IAP is broken continue normally (without generating text)
logger.info("Skip AI text generation because translation coverage is too low (%s%%)", translated_ratio * 100)
def _format_replacement(html_string):
Reapplies original HTML formatting by replacing pseudo-markdown
with corresponding HTML tags.
The function searches for the replacement of the given HTML string
then processes it by identifying and replacing pseudo-markdown
in the form of `#[string](hash)` with actual HTML tags. It uses
stored tag and attribute information and reconstructs the correct
HTML structure. Additionally, it handles any wrapping tags that was
identified for the given HTML.
html_string (str): The source HTML whose replacement has to
receive original formatting
str: The text with HTML tags re-applied.
replacement = generated_content.get(_compute_placeholder(html_string))
if not replacement:
return html_string
# Replace #[string](hash) with <tag>...</tag> based on stored tag
# and attribute information
def _replace_tag(match):
content = match.group(1) # The string inside the square brackets
hash_value = match.group(2) # The hash value inside the parentheses
if hash_value not in hashes_to_tags_and_attributes:
return content
tag = hashes_to_tags_and_attributes[hash_value]['tag']
attr = hashes_to_tags_and_attributes[hash_value]['attr']
attr_string = (" " + " ".join([f'{key}="{value}"' for key, value in attr.items()])) if attr else ''
# Handle self-closing tag if content is "0"
if content == "0":
return f'<{tag}{attr_string}/>'
return f'<{tag}{attr_string}>{content}</{tag}>'
# Use regular expression to find instances of #[string](hash) and
# replace them
tag_pattern = r'#\[([^\]]+)\]\(([^)]+)\)'
replacement = re.sub(tag_pattern, _replace_tag, replacement)
# Handle possible wrapping tags identified
if html_string in html_string_to_wrapping_tags:
replacement = html_string_to_wrapping_tags[html_string].replace('$0', replacement)
return replacement
# Configure the pages
for page_code in requested_pages:
snippet_list = configurator_snippets.get(page_code, [])
if page_code == 'homepage':
page_view_id = self.with_context(website_id=website.id).viewref('website.homepage')
page_view_id = self.env['ir.ui.view'].browse(pages_views[page_code])
rendered_snippets = []
nb_snippets = len(snippet_list)
for i, snippet in enumerate(snippet_list, start=1):
render, placeholders = _render_snippet(f'website.configurator_{page_code}_{snippet}')
# Fill rendered block with AI text
render = xml_translate(_format_replacement, render)
el = html.fromstring(render)
# Add the data-snippet attribute to identify the snippet
# for compatibility code
el.attrib['data-snippet'] = snippet
# Remove the previews needed for the snippets dialog
dialog_preview_els = el.find_class('s_dialog_preview')
for preview_el in dialog_preview_els:
# Tweak the shape of the first snippet to connect it
# properly with the header color in some themes
if i == 1:
shape_el = el.xpath("//*[hasclass('o_we_shape')]")
if shape_el:
shape_el[0].attrib['class'] += ' o_header_extra_shape_mapping'
# Tweak the shape of the last snippet to connect it
# properly with the footer color in some themes
if i == nb_snippets:
shape_el = el.xpath("//*[hasclass('o_we_shape')]")
if shape_el:
shape_el[0].attrib['class'] += ' o_footer_extra_shape_mapping'
rendered_snippet = etree.tostring(el, encoding='unicode')
except ValueError as e:
page_view_id.save(value=f'<div class="oe_structure">{"".join(rendered_snippets)}</div>',
# Configure the images
images = custom_resources.get('images', {})
names = self.env['ir.model.data'].search([
('name', '=ilike', f'configurator\\_{website.id}\\_%'),
('module', '=', 'website'),
('model', '=', 'ir.attachment')
for name, image_src in images.items():
extn_identifier = 'configurator_%s_%s' % (website.id, name.split('.')[1])
if extn_identifier in names:
response = requests.get(image_src, timeout=3)
except Exception as e:
logger.warning("Failed to download image: %s.\n%s", image_src, e)
attachment = self.env['ir.attachment'].create({
'name': name,
'website_id': website.id,
'key': name,
'type': 'binary',
'raw': response.content,
'public': True,
'name': extn_identifier,
'module': 'website',
'model': 'ir.attachment',
'res_id': attachment.id,
'noupdate': True,
def fallback_create_missing_industry_image(image_name, fallback_img_name):
""" If an industry did not specify an image, this method allows that
specific image to be using the same image as another fallback one.
image_name = f'website.{image_name}'
if (
image_name not in images.keys()
and f'website.{fallback_img_name}' in images.keys()
extn_identifier = 'configurator_%s_%s' % (website.id, image_name.split('.')[1])
if extn_identifier not in names:
attachment = self.env['ir.attachment'].create({
'name': image_name,
'website_id': website.id,
'key': image_name,
'type': 'binary',
'raw': self.env.ref(f'website.configurator_{website.id}_{fallback_img_name}').raw,
'public': True,
'name': extn_identifier,
'module': 'website',
'model': 'ir.attachment',
'res_id': attachment.id,
'noupdate': True,
# TODO: Remove this try/except, safety net because it was merged
# to close to OXP.
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_intro_pill_default_image', 'library_image_10')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_intro_pill_default_image_2', 'library_image_14')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_banner_default_image_2', 's_image_text_default_image')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_banner_default_image_3', 's_product_list_default_image_1')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_striped_top_default_image', 's_picture_default_image')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_text_cover_default_image', 's_cover_default_image')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_showcase_default_image', 's_image_text_default_image')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_image_hexagonal_default_image', 's_cover_default_image')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_image_hexagonal_default_image_1', 's_company_team_image_1')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_accordion_image_default_image', 's_image_text_default_image')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_pricelist_boxed_default_background', 's_product_catalog_default_image')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_image_title_default_image', 's_cover_default_image')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_key_images_default_image_1', 's_media_list_default_image_1')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_key_images_default_image_2', 's_image_text_default_image')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_key_images_default_image_3', 's_media_list_default_image_2')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_key_images_default_image_4', 's_text_image_default_image')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_kickoff_default_image', 's_cover_default_image')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_quadrant_default_image_1', 'library_image_03')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_quadrant_default_image_2', 'library_image_10')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_quadrant_default_image_3', 'library_image_13')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_quadrant_default_image_4', 'library_image_05')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_sidegrid_default_image_1', 'library_image_03')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_sidegrid_default_image_2', 'library_image_10')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_sidegrid_default_image_3', 'library_image_13')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_sidegrid_default_image_4', 'library_image_05')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_cta_box_default_image', 'library_image_02')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_image_punchy_default_image', 's_cover_default_image')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_image_frame_default_image', 's_carousel_default_image_2')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_carousel_intro_default_image_1', 's_cover_default_image')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_carousel_intro_default_image_2', 's_image_text_default_image')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_carousel_intro_default_image_3', 's_text_image_default_image')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_framed_intro_default_image', 's_cover_default_image')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_wavy_grid_default_image_1', 's_cover_default_image')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_wavy_grid_default_image_2', 's_image_text_default_image')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_wavy_grid_default_image_3', 's_text_image_default_image')
fallback_create_missing_industry_image('s_wavy_grid_default_image_4', 's_carousel_default_image_1')
except Exception:
return {'url': redirect_url, 'website_id': website.id}
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# Page Management
# ----------------------------------------------------------
def _bootstrap_homepage(self):
Page = self.env['website.page']
standard_homepage = self.env.ref('website.homepage', raise_if_not_found=False)
if not standard_homepage:
# keep strange indentation in python file, to get it correctly in database
new_homepage_view = '''<t name="Homepage" t-name="website.homepage">
<t t-call="website.layout">
<t t-set="pageName" t-value="'homepage'"/>
<div id="wrap" class="oe_structure oe_empty"/>
standard_homepage.with_context(website_id=self.id).arch_db = new_homepage_view
homepage_page = Page.search([
('website_id', '=', self.id),
('key', '=', standard_homepage.key),
], limit=1)
if not homepage_page:
homepage_page = Page.create({
'website_published': True,
'url': '/',
'view_id': self.with_context(website_id=self.id).viewref('website.homepage').id,
# prevent /-1 as homepage URL
homepage_page.url = '/'
# Bootstrap default menu hierarchy, create a new minimalist one if no default
default_menu = self.env.ref('website.main_menu')
home_menu = self.env['website.menu'].search([('website_id', '=', self.id), ('url', '=', '/')])
home_menu.page_id = homepage_page
def copy_menu_hierarchy(self, top_menu):
def copy_menu(menu, t_menu):
new_menu = menu.copy({
'parent_id': t_menu.id,
'website_id': self.id,
for submenu in menu.child_id:
copy_menu(submenu, new_menu)
for website in self:
new_top_menu = top_menu.copy({
'name': _('Top Menu for Website %s', website.id),
'website_id': website.id,
for submenu in top_menu.child_id:
copy_menu(submenu, new_top_menu)
def new_page(self, name=False, add_menu=False, template='website.default_page', ispage=True, namespace=None, page_values=None, menu_values=None, sections_arch=None):
""" Create a new website page, and assign it a xmlid based on the given one
:param name: the name of the page
:param add_menu: if True, add a menu for that page
:param template: potential xml_id of the page to create
:param namespace: module part of the xml_id if none, the template module name is used
:param page_values: default values for the page to be created
:param menu_values: default values for the menu to be created
:param sections_arch: HTML content of sections
if namespace:
template_module = namespace
template_module, _ = template.split('.')
page_url = '/' + self.env['ir.http']._slugify(name, max_length=1024, path=True)
page_url = self.get_unique_path(page_url)
page_key = self.env['ir.http']._slugify(name)
result = {'url': page_url}
if not name:
name = 'Home'
page_key = 'home'
template_record = self.env.ref(template)
arch = template_record.arch
if sections_arch:
tree = html.fromstring(arch)
wrap = tree.xpath('//div[@id="wrap"]')[0]
for section in html.fromstring(f'<wrap>{sections_arch}</wrap>'):
arch = etree.tostring(tree, encoding="unicode")
website_id = self._context.get('website_id')
key = self.get_unique_key(page_key, template_module)
view = template_record.copy({'website_id': website_id, 'key': key})
'arch': arch.replace(template, key),
'name': name,
result['view_id'] = view.id
if view.arch_fs:
view.arch_fs = False
website = self.get_current_website()
if ispage:
default_page_values = {
'url': page_url,
'website_id': website.id, # remove it if only one website or not?
'view_id': view.id,
'track': True,
if page_values:
page = self.env['website.page'].create(default_page_values)
result['page_id'] = page.id
if add_menu:
default_menu_values = {
'name': name,
'url': page_url,
'parent_id': website.menu_id.id,
'page_id': page.id,
'website_id': website.id,
if menu_values:
menu = self.env['website.menu'].create(default_menu_values)
result['menu_id'] = menu.id
return result
def get_unique_path(self, page_url):
""" Given an url, return that url suffixed by counter if it already exists
:param page_url : the url to be checked for uniqueness
inc = 0
# we only want a unique_path for website specific.
# we need to be able to have /url for website=False, and /url for website=1
# in case of duplicate, page manager will allow you to manage this case
website_id = self.env.context.get('website_id', False) or self.get_current_website().id
domain_static = [('website_id', '=', website_id)] # .website_domain()
page_temp = page_url
while self.env['website.page'].with_context(active_test=False).sudo().search([('url', '=', page_temp)] + domain_static):
inc += 1
page_temp = page_url + (inc and "-%s" % inc or "")
return page_temp
def _get_plausible_script_url(self):
return self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param(
def _get_plausible_server(self):
return self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param(
def _get_plausible_share_url(self):
embed_url = f'/share/{self.plausible_site}?auth={self.plausible_shared_key}&embed=true&theme=system'
return self.plausible_shared_key and urls.url_join(self._get_plausible_server(), embed_url) or ''
def get_unique_key(self, string, template_module=False):
""" Given a string, return an unique key including module prefix.
It will be suffixed by a counter if it already exists to garantee uniqueness.
:param string : the key to be checked for uniqueness, you can pass it with 'website.' or not
:param template_module : the module to be prefixed on the key, if not set, we will use website
if template_module:
string = template_module + '.' + string
if not string.startswith('website.'):
string = 'website.' + string
# Look for unique key
key_copy = string
inc = 0
domain_static = self.get_current_website().website_domain()
website_id = self.env.context.get('website_id', False)
if website_id:
domain_static = [('website_id', 'in', (False, website_id))]
while self.env['ir.ui.view'].with_context(active_test=False).sudo().search([('key', '=', key_copy)] + domain_static):
inc += 1
key_copy = string + (inc and "-%s" % inc or "")
return key_copy
def search_url_dependencies(self, res_model, res_ids):
""" Search dependencies just for information. It will not catch 100%
of dependencies and False positive is more than possible
Each module could add dependences in this dict
:returns a dictionnary where key is the 'categorie' of object related to the given
view, and the value is the list of text and link to the resource using given page
dependencies = {}
current_website = self.get_current_website()
page_model_name = 'Page'
def _handle_views_and_pages(views):
page_views = views.filtered('page_ids')
views = views - page_views
if page_views:
dependencies.setdefault(page_model_name, [])
dependencies[page_model_name] += [{
'field_name': 'Content',
'record_name': page.name,
'link': page.url,
'model_name': page_model_name,
} for page in page_views.page_ids]
return views
# Prepare what's needed to later generate the URL search domain for the
# given records
search_criteria = []
for record in self.env[res_model].browse([int(res_id) for res_id in res_ids]):
website = 'website_id' in record and record.website_id or current_website
url = 'website_url' in record and record.website_url or record.url
search_criteria.append((url, website.website_domain()))
# Search the URL in every relevant field
html_fields = self._get_html_fields() + [
('website.menu', 'url'),
for model_name, field_name in html_fields:
Model = self.env[model_name]
if not Model.has_access('read'):
# Generate the exact domain to search for the URL in this field
domains = []
for url, website_domain in search_criteria:
[(field_name, 'ilike', url)],
website_domain if hasattr(Model, 'website_id') else [],
dependency_records = Model.search(OR(domains))
if model_name == 'ir.ui.view':
dependency_records = _handle_views_and_pages(dependency_records)
if dependency_records:
model_name = self.env['ir.model']._display_name_for([model_name])[0]['display_name']
field_string = Model.fields_get()[field_name]['string']
dependencies.setdefault(model_name, [])
dependencies[model_name] += [{
'field_name': field_string,
'record_name': rec.display_name,
'link': 'website_url' in rec and rec.website_url or f'/odoo/{model_name}/{rec.id}',
'model_name': model_name,
} for rec in dependency_records]
return dependencies
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# Utilities
# ----------------------------------------------------------
def get_current_website(self, fallback=True):
""" The current website is returned in the following order:
- the website forced in session `force_website_id`
- the website set in context
- (if frontend or fallback) the website matching the request's "domain"
- arbitrary the first website found in the database if `fallback` is set
to `True`
- empty browse record
is_frontend_request = request and getattr(request, 'is_frontend', False)
if request and request.session.get('force_website_id'):
website_id = self.browse(request.session['force_website_id']).exists()
if not website_id:
# Don't crash is session website got deleted
return website_id
website_id = self.env.context.get('website_id')
if website_id:
return self.browse(website_id)
if not is_frontend_request and not fallback:
# It's important than backend requests with no fallback requested
# don't go through
return self.browse(False)
# Reaching this point means that:
# - We didn't find a website in the session or in the context.
# - And we are either:
# - in a frontend context
# - in a backend context (or early in the dispatch stack) and a
# fallback website is requested.
# We will now try to find a website matching the request host/domain (if
# there is one on request) or return a random one.
# The format of `httprequest.host` is `domain:port`
domain_name = (
request and request.httprequest.host
or hasattr(threading.current_thread(), 'url') and threading.current_thread().url
or '')
website_id = self.sudo()._get_current_website_id(domain_name, fallback=fallback)
return self.browse(website_id)
@tools.ormcache('domain_name', 'fallback')
def _get_current_website_id(self, domain_name, fallback=True):
"""Get the current website id.
First find the website for which the configured `domain` (after
ignoring a potential scheme) is equal to the given
`domain_name`. If a match is found, return it immediately.
If there is no website found for the given `domain_name`, either
fallback to the first found website (no matter its `domain`) or return
False depending on the `fallback` parameter.
:param domain_name: the domain for which we want the website.
In regard to the `url_parse` method, only the `netloc` part should
be given here, no `scheme`.
:type domain_name: string
:param fallback: if True and no website is found for the specificed
`domain_name`, return the first website (without filtering them)
:type fallback: bool
:return: id of the found website, or False if no website is found and
`fallback` is False
:rtype: int or False
:raises: if `fallback` is True but no website at all is found
def _remove_port(domain_name):
return (domain_name or '').split(':')[0]
def _filter_domain(website, domain_name, ignore_port=False):
"""Ignore `scheme` from the `domain`, just match the `netloc` which
is host:port in the version of `url_parse` we use."""
website_domain = get_base_domain(website.domain)
if ignore_port:
website_domain = _remove_port(website_domain)
domain_name = _remove_port(domain_name)
return website_domain.lower() == (domain_name or '').lower()
found_websites = self.search([('domain', 'ilike', _remove_port(domain_name))])
# Filter for the exact domain (to filter out potential subdomains) due
# to the use of ilike.
# `domain_name` could be an empty string, in that case multiple website
# without a domain will be returned
websites = found_websites.filtered(lambda w: _filter_domain(w, domain_name))
# If there is no domain matching for the given port, ignore the port.
websites = websites or found_websites.filtered(lambda w: _filter_domain(w, domain_name, ignore_port=True))
if not websites:
if not fallback:
return False
return self.search([], limit=1).id
return websites[0].id
def _force(self):
def _force_website(self, website_id):
if request:
request.session['force_website_id'] = website_id and str(website_id).isdigit() and int(website_id)
def is_public_user(self):
return request.env.user.id == request.website._get_cached('user_id')
def viewref(self, view_id, raise_if_not_found=True):
''' Given an xml_id or a view_id, return the corresponding view record.
In case of website context, return the most specific one.
If no website_id is in the context, it will return the generic view,
instead of a random one like `_get_view_id`.
Look also for archived views, no matter the context.
:param view_id: either a string xml_id or an integer view_id
:param raise_if_not_found: should the method raise an error if no view found
:return: The view record or empty recordset
View = self.env['ir.ui.view'].sudo()
view = View
if isinstance(view_id, str):
if 'website_id' in self._context:
domain = [('key', '=', view_id)] + self.env['website'].website_domain(self._context.get('website_id'))
order = 'website_id'
domain = [('key', '=', view_id)]
order = View._order
views = View.with_context(active_test=False).search(domain, order=order)
if views:
view = views.filter_duplicate()
# we handle the raise below
view = self.env.ref(view_id, raise_if_not_found=False)
# self.env.ref might return something else than an ir.ui.view (eg: a theme.ir.ui.view)
if not view or view._name != 'ir.ui.view':
# make sure we always return a recordset
view = View
elif isinstance(view_id, int):
view = View.browse(view_id)
raise ValueError('Expecting a string or an integer, not a %s.' % (type(view_id)))
if not view and raise_if_not_found:
raise ValueError('No record found for unique ID %s. It may have been deleted.' % (view_id))
return view
@tools.ormcache('key', 'self._context.get("website_id")', cache='templates')
def is_view_active(self, key):
Return True if active, False if not active, None if not found
view = self.viewref(key, raise_if_not_found=False)
return view.active if view else None
def get_template(self, template):
if isinstance(template, str) and '.' not in template:
template = 'website.%s' % template
view = self.env['ir.ui.view']._get(template).sudo()
if not view:
raise NotFound
return view
def pager(self, url, total, page=1, step=30, scope=5, url_args=None):
return pager(url, total, page=page, step=step, scope=scope, url_args=url_args)
def rule_is_enumerable(self, rule):
""" Checks that it is possible to generate sensible GET queries for
a given rule (if the endpoint matches its own requirements)
:type rule: werkzeug.routing.Rule
:rtype: bool
endpoint = rule.endpoint
methods = endpoint.routing.get('methods') or ['GET']
converters = list(rule._converters.values())
if not ('GET' in methods
and endpoint.routing['type'] == 'http'
and endpoint.routing['auth'] in ('none', 'public')
and endpoint.routing.get('website', False)
and all(hasattr(converter, 'generate') for converter in converters)):
return False
# dont't list routes without argument having no default value or converter
sign = inspect.signature(endpoint.original_endpoint)
params = list(sign.parameters.values())[1:] # skip self
supported_kinds = (inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY,
# check that all args have a converter
return all(p.name in rule._converters for p in params
if p.kind in supported_kinds and p.default is inspect.Parameter.empty)
def _enumerate_pages(self, query_string=None, force=False):
""" Available pages in the website/CMS. This is mostly used for links
generation and can be overridden by modules setting up new HTML
controllers for dynamic pages (e.g. blog).
By default, returns template views marked as pages.
:param str query_string: a (user-provided) string, fetches pages
matching the string
:returns: a list of mappings with two keys: ``name`` is the displayable
name of the resource (page), ``url`` is the absolute URL
of the same.
:rtype: list({name: str, url: str})
# ==== WEBSITE.PAGES ====
# '/' already has a http.route & is in the routing_map so it will already have an entry in the xml
domain = [('url', '!=', '/')]
if not force:
domain += [('website_indexed', '=', True), ('visibility', '=', False)]
# is_visible
domain += [
('website_published', '=', True), ('visibility', '=', False),
'|', ('date_publish', '=', False), ('date_publish', '<=', fields.Datetime.now())
if query_string:
domain += [('url', 'like', query_string)]
pages = self._get_website_pages(domain)
for page in pages:
record = {'loc': page['url'], 'id': page['id'], 'name': page['name']}
if page.view_id and page.view_id.priority != 16:
record['priority'] = min(round(page.view_id.priority / 32.0, 1), 1)
if page['write_date']:
record['lastmod'] = page['write_date'].date()
yield record
# ==== CONTROLLERS ====
router = self.env['ir.http'].routing_map()
url_set = set()
sitemap_endpoint_done = set()
for rule in router.iter_rules():
if 'sitemap' in rule.endpoint.routing and rule.endpoint.routing['sitemap'] is not True:
if rule.endpoint.func in sitemap_endpoint_done:
func = rule.endpoint.routing['sitemap']
if func is False:
for loc in func(self.with_context(lang=self.default_lang_id.code).env, rule, query_string):
yield loc
if not self.rule_is_enumerable(rule):
if 'sitemap' not in rule.endpoint.routing:
logger.warning('No Sitemap value provided for controller %s (%s)' %
(rule.endpoint.original_endpoint, ','.join(rule.endpoint.routing['routes'])))
converters = rule._converters or {}
if query_string and not converters and (query_string not in rule.build({}, append_unknown=False)[1]):
values = [{}]
# converters with a domain are processed after the other ones
convitems = sorted(
key=lambda x: (hasattr(x[1], 'domain') and (x[1].domain != '[]'), rule._trace.index((True, x[0]))))
for (i, (name, converter)) in enumerate(convitems):
if 'website_id' in self.env[converter.model]._fields and (not converter.domain or converter.domain == '[]'):
converter.domain = "[('website_id', 'in', (False, current_website_id))]"
newval = []
for val in values:
query = i == len(convitems) - 1 and query_string
if query:
r = "".join([x[1] for x in rule._trace[1:] if not x[0]]) # remove model converter from route
query = sitemap_qs2dom(query, r, self.env[converter.model]._rec_name)
if query == FALSE_DOMAIN:
for rec in converter.generate(self.env, args=val, dom=query):
newval[-1].update({name: rec.with_context(lang=self.default_lang_id.code)})
values = newval
for value in values:
domain_part, url = rule.build(value, append_unknown=False)
pattern = query_string and '*%s*' % "*".join(query_string.split('/'))
if not query_string or fnmatch.fnmatch(url.lower(), pattern):
page = {'loc': url}
if url in url_set:
yield page
def get_website_page_ids(self):
if not self.env.user.has_group('website.group_website_restricted_editor'):
# Note that `website.pages` have `0,0,0,0` ACL rights by default for
# everyone except for the website designer which receive `1,0,0,0`.
# So the "Website/Site/Content/Pages" menu to reach the page manager
# is not shown to the restricted users, as the action linked model
# (website.page) can't be access. It's how the Odoo framework works.
# Still, we let the restricted editor access this resource for
# custos granting them read and/or write access on page.
raise AccessError(_("Access Denied"))
domain = [('url', '!=', False)]
if self:
domain = AND([domain, self.website_domain()])
pages = self.env['website.page'].sudo().search(domain)
if self:
pages = pages.with_context(website_id=self.id)._get_most_specific_pages()
return pages.ids
def _get_website_pages(self, domain=None, order='name', limit=None):
website = self.get_current_website()
if domain is None:
domain = []
domain += website.website_domain()
pages = self.env['website.page'].sudo().search(domain, order=order, limit=limit)
pages = pages.with_context(website_id=website.id)._get_most_specific_pages()
return pages
def search_pages(self, needle=None, limit=None):
name = self.env['ir.http']._slugify(needle, max_length=50, path=True)
res = []
for page in self._enumerate_pages(query_string=name, force=True):
if len(res) == limit:
return res
def get_suggested_controllers(self):
Returns a tuple (name, url, icon).
Where icon can be a module name, or a path
suggested_controllers = [
(_('Homepage'), self.env['ir.http']._url_for('/'), 'website'),
(_('Contact Us'), self.env['ir.http']._url_for('/contactus'), 'website_crm'),
return suggested_controllers
def image_url(self, record, field, size=None):
""" Returns a local url that points to the image field of a given browse record. """
sudo_record = record.sudo()
sha = hashlib.sha512(str(sudo_record.write_date).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[:7]
size = '' if size is None else '/%s' % size
return '/web/image/%s/%s/%s%s?unique=%s' % (record._name, record.id, field, size, sha)
def get_cdn_url(self, uri):
if not uri:
return ''
cdn_url = self.cdn_url
cdn_filters = (self.cdn_filters or '').splitlines()
for flt in cdn_filters:
if flt and re.match(flt, uri):
return urls.url_join(cdn_url, uri)
return uri
def action_dashboard_redirect(self):
if (self.env.user.has_group('base.group_system')
or self.env.user.has_group('website.group_website_designer')):
return self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id("website.backend_dashboard")
return self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id("website.action_website")
def get_client_action_url(self, url, mode_edit=False):
action_params = {
"path": url,
if mode_edit:
action_params["enable_editor"] = 1
return "/odoo/action-website.website_preview?" + urls.url_encode(action_params)
def get_client_action(self, url, mode_edit=False, website_id=False):
action = self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id("website.website_preview")
action['context'] = {
'params': {
'path': url,
'enable_editor': mode_edit,
'website_id': website_id,
return action
def button_go_website(self, path='/'):
return self.get_client_action(path)
def _is_canonical_url(self):
"""Returns whether the current request URL is canonical."""
# Compare URL at the first routing iteration because it's the one with
# the language in the path. It is important to also test the domain of
# the current URL.
current_url = request.httprequest.url_root[:-1] + request.httprequest.environ['REQUEST_URI']
canonical_url = self.env['ir.http']._url_localized(lang_code=request.lang.code, canonical_domain=self.get_base_url())
# A request path with quotable characters (such as ",") is never
# canonical because request.httprequest.base_url is always unquoted,
# and canonical url is always quoted, so it is never possible to tell
# if the current URL is indeed canonical or not.
return current_url == canonical_url
def _get_cached_values(self):
# ir.http:_match is called by ir.http:_serve_db at a time when the
# environment hasn't been completely initialized (i.e. before the method
# ir.http:_authenticate is called by ir.http:_serve_ir_http), and its
# context language hasn't been checked against activated languages yet.
# Inside ir.http:_match, the http_routing module is trying to retrieve
# the default language via _get_default_lang, which is overridden by the
# website module and calls website._get_cached('default_lang_id'), which
# eventually calls this method.
# Here, we manually prefetch the needed fields only to avoid prefetching
# any translatable field, such as contact_us_button_url by website_sale,
# as translating to an invalid language would result in an error.
self.fetch(['user_id', 'company_id', 'default_lang_id', 'homepage_url'])
return {
'user_id': self.user_id.id,
'company_id': self.company_id.id,
'default_lang_id': self.default_lang_id.id,
'homepage_url': self.homepage_url,
def _get_cached(self, field):
return self._get_cached_values()[field]
def _get_html_fields_blacklist(self):
return (
'mail.message', 'mail.activity', 'digest.tip',
def _get_html_fields(self):
html_fields = [('ir.ui.view', 'arch_db')]
cr = self.env.cr
SELECT f.model,
FROM ir_model_fields f
JOIN ir_model m
ON m.id = f.model_id
WHERE f.ttype = 'html'
AND f.store = true
AND m.transient = false
AND f.model NOT LIKE 'ir.actions%%'
AND f.model NOT IN %s
""", ([self._get_html_fields_blacklist()]))
for model_name, field_name, in cr.fetchall():
model = self.env[model_name]
field = model._fields[field_name]
if model._abstract or model._table_query is not None or not field.store:
except KeyError:
html_fields.append((model_name, field_name))
return html_fields
def _is_snippet_used(self, snippet_module, snippet_id, asset_version, asset_type, html_fields):
snippet_occurences = []
# Check snippet template definition to avoid disabling its related assets.
# This special case is needed because snippet template definitions do not
# have a `data-snippet` attribute (which is added during drag&drop).
snippet_template_html = self.env['ir.qweb']._render(f'{snippet_module}.{snippet_id}', raise_if_not_found=False)
if snippet_template_html:
match = re.search('<([^>]*class="[^>]*)>', snippet_template_html)
if self._check_snippet_used(snippet_occurences, asset_type, asset_version):
return True
html_fields = [(self.env[model_name], field_name) for model_name, field_name in html_fields]
# As well as every snippet dropped in html fields
self.env.cr.execute(SQL(" UNION ").join(
SQL("SELECT regexp_matches(%s, %s, 'g') FROM %s",
model._field_to_sql(model._table, field_name),
for model, field_name in html_fields
snippet_occurences = [r[0][0] for r in self.env.cr.fetchall()]
return self._check_snippet_used(snippet_occurences, asset_type, asset_version)
def _check_snippet_used(self, snippet_occurences, asset_type, asset_version):
for snippet in snippet_occurences:
if asset_version == '000':
if f'data-v{asset_type}' not in snippet:
return True
if f'data-v{asset_type}="{asset_version}"' in snippet:
return True
return False
def _check_user_can_modify(self, record):
""" Verify that the current user can modify the given record.
:param record: record on which to perform the check
:raise AccessError: if the operation is forbidden
def _disable_unused_snippets_assets(self):
snippet_assets = self.env['ir.asset'].with_context(active_test=False).search_fetch(
[('path', 'like', '/static%/snippets/')],
['active', 'path'], order='id')
snippet_re = re.compile(r'(\w*)\/.*\/snippets\/(\w*)\/(\d{3})(?:_\w*)?\.(js|scss)')
# regex will match /module/static/[.../]/snippets/snippet_id/XXX[_variable].asset_type
# _variable is not kept since only module, snippet_id, asset_version (XXX), asset_type are relevant
html_fields = self._get_html_fields()
snippet_used = {}
for snippet_asset in snippet_assets:
match = snippet_re.match(snippet_asset.path)
if not match:
(snippet_module, snippet_id, asset_version, asset_type) = match.groups()
if asset_type == 'scss':
asset_type = 'css'
key = (snippet_id, asset_version, asset_type) # module is not relevant, we want the first one in the asset id order to filter module extension
if key not in snippet_used:
snippet_used[key] = self._is_snippet_used(snippet_module, snippet_id, asset_version, asset_type, html_fields)
is_snippet_used = snippet_used[key]
if is_snippet_used != snippet_asset.active:
snippet_asset.active = is_snippet_used
# Handle missing data-snippet attributes
if snippet_id == 's_quotes_carousel' and asset_type == 'css' and asset_version in ['000', '001']:
old_blockquote_key = ('s_blockquote', '000', 'css')
if not snippet_used.get(old_blockquote_key):
snippet_used[old_blockquote_key] = True
old_blockquote_asset = snippet_assets.filtered(lambda asset: asset.path == 'website/static/src/snippets/s_blockquote/000.scss')
if old_blockquote_asset and not old_blockquote_asset.active:
old_blockquote_asset.active = True
def _search_build_domain(self, domain, search, fields, extra=None):
Builds a search domain AND-combining a base domain with partial matches of each term in
the search expression in any of the fields.
:param domain: base domain combined in the search expression
:param search: search expression string
:param fields: list of field names to match the terms of the search expression with
:param extra: function that returns an additional subdomain for a search term
:return: domain limited to the matches of the search expression
domains = domain.copy()
if search:
for search_term in search.split(' '):
subdomains = []
for field in fields:
subdomains.append([(field, 'ilike', sqltools.escape_psql(search_term))])
if extra:
subdomains.append(extra(self.env, search_term))
return AND(domains)
def _search_text_from_html(self, html_fragment):
Returns the plain non-tag text from an html
:param html_fragment: document from which text must be extracted
:return text extracted from the html
# lxml requires one single root element
tree = etree.fromstring('<p>%s</p>' % html_fragment, etree.XMLParser(recover=True))
return ' '.join(tree.itertext())
def _search_get_details(self, search_type, order, options):
Returns indications on how to perform the searches
:param search_type: type of search
:param order: order in which the results are to be returned
:param options: search options
:return: list of search details obtained from the `website.searchable.mixin`'s `_search_get_detail()`
result = []
if search_type in ['pages', 'all']:
result.append(self.env['website.page']._search_get_detail(self, order, options))
return result
def _search_with_fuzzy(self, search_type, search, limit, order, options):
Performs a search with a search text or with a resembling word
:param search_type: indicates what to search within, 'all' matches all available types
:param search: text against which to match results
:param limit: maximum number of results per model type involved in the result
:param order: order on which to sort results within a model type
:param options: search options from the submitted form containing:
- allowFuzzy: boolean indicating whether the fuzzy matching must be done
- other options used by `_search_get_details()`
:return: tuple containing:
- count: total number of results across all involved models
- results: list of results per model (see _search_exact)
- fuzzy_term: similar word against which results were obtained, indicates there were
no results for the initially requested search
fuzzy_term = False
search_details = self._search_get_details(search_type, order, options)
if search and options.get('allowFuzzy', True):
fuzzy_term = self._search_find_fuzzy_term(search_details, search)
if fuzzy_term:
count, results = self._search_exact(search_details, fuzzy_term, limit, order)
if fuzzy_term.lower() == search.lower():
fuzzy_term = False
count, results = self._search_exact(search_details, search, limit, order)
count, results = self._search_exact(search_details, search, limit, order)
return count, results, fuzzy_term
def _search_exact(self, search_details, search, limit, order):
Performs a search with a search text
:param search_details: see :meth:`_search_get_details`
:param search: text against which to match results
:param limit: maximum number of results per model type involved in the result
:param order: order on which to sort results within a model type
:return: tuple containing:
- total number of results across all involved models
- list of results per model made of:
- initial search_detail for the model
- count: number of results for the model
- results: model list equivalent to a `model.search()`
all_results = []
total_count = 0
for search_detail in search_details:
model = self.env[search_detail['model']]
results, count = model._search_fetch(search_detail, search, limit, order)
search_detail['results'] = results
total_count += count
search_detail['count'] = count
return total_count, all_results
def _search_render_results(self, search_details, limit):
Prepares data for the autocomplete and hybrid list rendering
:param search_details: obtained from `_search_exact()`
:param limit: maximum number or rows to render
:return: the updated `search_details` containing an additional `results_data` field equivalent
to the result of a `model.read()`
for search_detail in search_details:
fields = search_detail['fetch_fields']
results = search_detail['results']
icon = search_detail['icon']
mapping = search_detail['mapping']
results_data = results._search_render_results(fields, mapping, icon, limit)
search_detail['results_data'] = results_data
return search_details
def _search_find_fuzzy_term(self, search_details, search, limit=1000, word_list=None):
Returns the "closest" match of the search parameter within available words.
:param search_details: obtained from `_search_get_details()`
:param search: search term to which words must be matched against
:param limit: maximum number of records fetched per model to build the word list
:param word_list: if specified, this list of words is used as possible targets instead of
the words contained in the match fields of each involved model
:return: term on which a search can be performed instead of the initial search
# No fuzzy search for less that 4 characters, multi-words nor 80%+ numbers.
if len(search) < 4 or ' ' in search or len(re.findall(r'\d', search)) / len(search) >= 0.8:
return search
search = search.lower()
words = set()
best_score = 0
best_word = None
enumerate_words = self._trigram_enumerate_words if self.env.registry.has_trigram else self._basic_enumerate_words
for word in word_list or enumerate_words(search_details, search, limit):
if search in word:
return search
if word[0] == search[0] and word not in words:
similarity = similarity_score(search, word)
if similarity > best_score:
best_score = similarity
best_word = word
return best_word
def _search_get_indirect_fields(self, fields, model):
Returns the list of indirect fields amongst the requested fields.
:param fields: list of field names to be searched
:param model: model within which to search
:return: dict of indirect field details per indirect field name
# Are considered valid indirect fields, fields that belong to the
# comodel behind a relational direct field.
indirect_fields = {}
for field in fields:
field_parts = field.split('.')
if len(field_parts) != 2:
direct, indirect = field_parts
if direct not in model._fields:
direct_field = model._fields[direct]
comodel_name = direct_field.comodel_name
if comodel_name not in self.env:
comodel_fields = self.env[comodel_name]._fields
cofield = None
if '_description_relation_field' in dir(direct_field):
# One2many field's comodel reference to the model's id.
cofield = direct_field._description_relation_field
if cofield not in comodel_fields:
if indirect in comodel_fields:
indirect_fields[field] = {
'direct': direct,
'indirect': indirect,
'comodel': self.env[comodel_name],
'cofield': cofield,
return indirect_fields
def _trigram_enumerate_words(self, search_details, search, limit):
Browses through all words that need to be compared to the search term.
It extracts all words of every field associated to models in the fields_per_model parameter.
The search is restricted to a records having the non-zero pg_trgm.word_similarity() score.
:param search_details: obtained from `_search_get_details()`
:param search: search term to which words must be matched against
:param limit: maximum number of records fetched per model to build the word list
:return: yields words
match_pattern = r'[\w./-]{%s,}' % min(4, len(search) - 3)
similarity_threshold = 0.3
for search_detail in search_details:
model_name, fields = search_detail['model'], search_detail['search_fields']
model = self.env[model_name]
if search_detail.get('requires_sudo'):
model = model.sudo()
domain = search_detail['base_domain'].copy()
direct_fields = set(fields).intersection(model._fields)
indirect_fields = self._search_get_indirect_fields(fields, model)
query = Query(self.env.cr, model._table, model._table_query)
unaccent = self.env.registry.unaccent
similarities = [
SQL("word_similarity(%(search)s, %(field)s)",
search=unaccent(SQL('%s', search)),
field=unaccent(model._field_to_sql(model._table, field, query)),
for field in direct_fields
indirect_similarities = []
for field_info in indirect_fields.values():
direct = field_info['direct']
direct_field = model._fields[direct]
comodel = field_info['comodel']
coalias = query.make_alias(model._table, direct)
cofield = field_info['cofield']
if cofield:
# One2many's comodel references the model's id.
query.add_join('LEFT JOIN', coalias, comodel._table, SQL("%s = %s",
SQL.identifier(model._table, 'id'),
SQL.identifier(coalias, cofield),
elif 'relation' in dir(direct_field):
# Many2many's relation holds the model's id in column1 and
# the comodel's record id in column2.
rel_alias = coalias
query.add_join('LEFT JOIN', rel_alias, direct_field.relation, SQL("%s = %s",
SQL.identifier(model._table, 'id'),
SQL.identifier(rel_alias, direct_field.column1),
coalias = query.make_alias(coalias, direct_field.column2)
query.add_join('LEFT JOIN', coalias, comodel._table, SQL("%s = %s",
SQL.identifier(rel_alias, direct_field.column2),
SQL.identifier(coalias, 'id'),
indirect_similarities.append(SQL("word_similarity(%(search)s, %(field)s)",
search=unaccent(SQL('%s', search)),
field=unaccent(comodel._field_to_sql(coalias, field_info['indirect'], query)),
best_similarity = SQL('GREATEST(%(similarities)s)', similarities=SQL(', ').join(similarities))
# Filter unpublished records for portal and public user for
# performance.
# TODO: Same for `active` field?
filter_is_published = (
'is_published' in model._fields
and model._fields['is_published'].base_field.model_name == model_name
and not self.env.user._is_internal()
if filter_is_published:
query.order = '_best_similarity desc'
query.limit = 1000
SQL.identifier(model._table, 'id'),
SQL('%s AS _best_similarity', best_similarity),
ids = {row[0] for row in self.env.cr.fetchall() if row[1] and row[1] >= similarity_threshold}
domain.append([('id', 'in', list(ids))])
domain = AND(domain)
records = model.search_read(domain, direct_fields, limit=limit)
for record in records:
for field, value in record.items():
if isinstance(value, str):
value = value.lower()
yield from re.findall(match_pattern, value)
if indirect_fields:
records = model.search(domain, limit=limit)
for indirect_field in indirect_fields:
for value in records.mapped(indirect_field):
if isinstance(value, str):
value = value.lower()
yield from re.findall(match_pattern, value)
def _basic_enumerate_words(self, search_details, search, limit):
Browses through all words that need to be compared to the search term.
It extracts all words of every field associated to models in the fields_per_model parameter.
:param search_details: obtained from `_search_get_details()`
:param search: search term to which words must be matched against
:param limit: maximum number of records fetched per model to build the word list
:return: yields words
match_pattern = r'[\w./-]{%s,}' % min(4, len(search) - 3)
first = sqltools.escape_psql(search[0])
for search_detail in search_details:
model_name, fields = search_detail['model'], search_detail['search_fields']
model = self.env[model_name]
if search_detail.get('requires_sudo'):
model = model.sudo()
domain = search_detail['base_domain'].copy()
fields_domain = []
direct_fields = set(fields).intersection(model._fields)
indirect_fields = self._search_get_indirect_fields(fields, model)
fields = direct_fields.union(indirect_fields)
for field in fields:
fields_domain.append([(field, '=ilike', '%s%%' % first)])
fields_domain.append([(field, '=ilike', '%% %s%%' % first)])
fields_domain.append([(field, '=ilike', '%%>%s%%' % first)]) # HTML
domain = AND(domain)
perf_limit = 1000
records = model.search_read(domain, direct_fields, limit=perf_limit)
if len(records) == perf_limit:
# Exact match might have been missed because the fetched
# results are limited for performance reasons.
exact_records, _ = model._search_fetch(search_detail, search, 1, None)
if exact_records:
yield search
for record in records:
for field, value in record.items():
if isinstance(value, str):
value = value.lower()
if field == 'arch_db':
value = text_from_html(value)
for word in re.findall(match_pattern, value):
if word[0] == search[0]:
yield word.lower()
if indirect_fields:
records = model.search(domain, limit=limit)
for indirect_field in indirect_fields:
for value in records.mapped(indirect_field):
if isinstance(value, str):
value = value.lower()
yield from re.findall(match_pattern, value)
def _allConsentsGranted(self):
Checks if all (cookies) consents have been granted. Note that in the
case no cookies bar has been enabled, this considers that full consent
has been immediately given. Indeed, in that case, we suppose that the
user implemented his own consent behavior through custom code / app.
That custom code / app is able to override this function as desired and
xpath the `tracking_code_config` script in `website.layout`.
:return: True if all consents have been granted, False otherwise
return not self.cookies_bar or self.env['ir.http']._is_allowed_cookie('optional')