2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

304 lines
12 KiB

/** @odoo-module **/
* This code has been more that widely inspired by the multirange library
* which can be found on https://github.com/LeaVerou/multirange.
* The license file can be found in the same folder as this file.
* The multirange library will display the two values as one range input with
* two cursors linked by a background. This is to be used with Bootstrap
* custom-range inputs.
* There is 2 number inputs on the right and left of the multirange to
* display and allow quick and precise value modifications. They are
* initialized with the same value provided to the input (min, max, step).
* There is 2 events that are added to the input:
* - oldRangeValue: Triggered when the user clicks on a cursor or on focus
* of the right or left number input.
* - newRangeValue: Triggered when the user release a cursor or on focus
* out of the right or left number input.
* The options available for the multirange are :
* - On range input or as multirange method options:
* - min: minimal value of the range. Default: 0.
* - max: maximal value of the range. Default: 100.
* - step: precision of the range. Default: 1.
* - currency: symbol preceding the displayed values. Default: Empty.
* - currencyPosition: currency before/after value. Default: "after".
* - value: the current value of the range. Default: "0,100".
* - As multirange method options only:
* - displayCounterInput: if we display the value. Default: true.
* Initialization of a multiple range input can be done in two ways:
* Having the inputs with the options as properties and the multiple
* property set will let the library initialize it just after DOM loaded.
* <input type="range" multiple="multiple" class="custom-range
* range-with-input" min=2 max=10 step=0.5 data-currency="€"
* data-currency-position="before" value="4,8"/>
* Providing a HTMLElement and an Object with the desired options.
* <input id="multi" type="range" class="custom-range"/>
* multirange(document.querySelector('#multi'), {
* min: 2,
* max: 10,
* step: 0.5,
* currency: "€",
* currencyPosition: "before",
* value: "4,8"
* rangeWithInput: true,
* });
const HTMLInputElement = window.HTMLInputElement;
const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLInputElement.prototype, "value");
export class Multirange {
constructor(input, options = {}) {
const self = this;
/* Set default and optionnal values */
this.input = input;
this.rangeWithInput = options.rangeWithInput === true || this.input.classList.contains('range-with-input');
const value = options.value || this.input.getAttribute("value");
const values = value === null ? [] : value.split(",");
this.input.min = this.min = options.min || this.input.min || 0;
this.input.max = this.max = options.max || this.input.max || 100;
this.input.step = this.step = options.step || this.input.step || 1;
this.currency = options.currency || this.input.dataset.currency || '';
this.currencyPosition = options.currencyPosition || this.input.dataset.currencyPosition || 'after';
const inputClasses = ["multirange", "d-inline-block", "p-0", "align-top"];
/* Wrap the input and add its ghost */
this.rangeDiv = document.createElement("div");
this.rangeDiv.classList.add("multirange-wrapper", "position-relative", "mb-5");
this.countersWrapper = document.createElement("small");
this.countersWrapper.classList.add("d-flex", "justify-content-between", "mt-2");
this.input.parentNode.insertBefore(this.rangeDiv, this.input.nextSibling);
this.ghost = this.input.cloneNode();
this.input.classList.add("original", "position-absolute", "w-100", "m-0", ...inputClasses);
this.ghost.classList.add("ghost", "position-relative", ...inputClasses);
this.input.value = values[0] || this.min;
this.ghost.value = values[1] || this.max;
this.leftCounter = document.createElement("span");
this.leftCounter.classList.add("multirange-min", "position-absolute", "opacity-75", "opacity-100-hover", "mt-1");
this.rightCounter = document.createElement("span");
this.rightCounter.classList.add("multirange-max", "position-absolute", "opacity-75", "opacity-100-hover", "mt-1", "end-0");
this.countersWrapper.append(this.leftCounter, this.rightCounter);
/* Add the counterInput */
if (this.rangeWithInput) {
this.leftInput = document.createElement("input");
this.leftInput.type = "number";
this.leftInput.classList.add("invisible", "form-control", "form-control-sm", "mb-2", "mb-lg-1");
this.leftInput.min = this.min;
this.leftInput.max = this.max;
this.leftInput.step = this.step;
this.rightInput = this.leftInput.cloneNode();
this.leftInput.classList.add("multirange-min", "invisible");
this.rightInput.classList.add("multirange-max", "invisible");
/* Define new properties on range input to link it with ghost, especially for Safari compatibility*/
Object.defineProperty(this.input, "originalValue", descriptor.get ? descriptor : {
get: function () {
return this.value;
set: function (v) {
this.value = v;
Object.defineProperties(this.input, {
valueLow: {
get: function () {
return Math.min(this.originalValue, self.ghost.value);
set: function (v) {
this.originalValue = v;
enumerable: true
valueHigh: {
get: function () {
return Math.max(this.originalValue, self.ghost.value);
set: function (v) {
self.ghost.value = v;
enumerable: true
if (descriptor.get) {
Object.defineProperty(this.input, "value", {
get: function () {
return this.valueLow + "," + this.valueHigh;
set: function (v) {
const values = v.split(",");
this.valueLow = values[0];
this.valueHigh = values[1];
enumerable: true
if (typeof this.input.oninput === "function") {
this.ghost.oninput = this.input.oninput.bind(this.input);
this.input.addEventListener("input", this.update.bind(this));
this.ghost.addEventListener("input", this.update.bind(this));
this.input.addEventListener("touchstart", this.saveOldValues.bind(this));
this.ghost.addEventListener("touchstart", this.saveOldValues.bind(this));
this.input.addEventListener("mousedown", this.saveOldValues.bind(this));
this.ghost.addEventListener("mousedown", this.saveOldValues.bind(this));
this.input.addEventListener("touchend", this.dispatchNewValueEvent.bind(this));
this.ghost.addEventListener("touchend", this.dispatchNewValueEvent.bind(this));
this.input.addEventListener("mouseup", this.dispatchNewValueEvent.bind(this));
this.ghost.addEventListener("mouseup", this.dispatchNewValueEvent.bind(this));
if (this.rangeWithInput) {
this.leftCounter.addEventListener("click", this.counterInputSwitch.bind(this));
this.rightCounter.addEventListener("click", this.counterInputSwitch.bind(this));
this.leftInput.addEventListener("blur", this.counterInputSwitch.bind(this));
this.rightInput.addEventListener("blur", this.counterInputSwitch.bind(this));
this.leftInput.addEventListener("keypress", this.elementBlurOnEnter.bind(this));
this.rightInput.addEventListener("keypress", this.elementBlurOnEnter.bind(this));
this.leftInput.addEventListener("focus", this.selectAllFocus.bind(this));
this.rightInput.addEventListener("focus", this.selectAllFocus.bind(this));
update() {
const low = 100 * (this.input.valueLow - this.min) / (this.max - this.min);
const high = 100 * (this.input.valueHigh - this.min) / (this.max - this.min);
this.rangeDiv.style.setProperty("--low", low + '%');
this.rangeDiv.style.setProperty("--high", high + '%');
counterInputUpdate() {
if (this.rangeWithInput) {
this.leftCounter.innerText = this.formatNumber(this.input.valueLow);
this.rightCounter.innerText = this.formatNumber(this.input.valueHigh);
this.leftInput.value = this.input.valueLow;
this.rightInput.value = this.input.valueHigh;
counterInputSwitch(ev) {
let counter = this.rightCounter;
let input = this.rightInput;
if (ev.currentTarget.classList.contains('multirange-min')) {
counter = this.leftCounter;
input = this.leftInput;
if (counter.classList.contains("invisible")) {
this.input.valueLow = this.leftInput.value;
this.input.valueHigh = this.rightInput.value;
} else {
// Hack because firefox: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1057858
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 1);
elementBlurOnEnter(ev) {
if (ev.key === "Enter") {
selectAllFocus(ev) {
dispatchNewValueEvent() {
if (this._previousMaxPrice !== this.input.valueHigh || this._previousMinPrice !== this.input.valueLow) {
this.input.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("newRangeValue", {
bubbles: true,
saveOldValues() {
this._previousMinPrice = this.input.valueLow;
this._previousMaxPrice = this.input.valueHigh;
formatNumber(number) {
const language = document.querySelector("html").getAttribute("lang");
const locale = (() => {
switch (language) {
case "sr@latin":
return "sr-Latn";
case "sr@Cyrl":
return "sr-Cyrl";
return language.replaceAll("_", "-");
let formatedNumber = number.toLocaleString(locale, {
minimumFractionDigits: 2,
maximumFractionDigits: 2,
if (this.currency.length) {
if (this.currencyPosition === 'after') {
formatedNumber = formatedNumber + ' ' + this.currency;
} else {
formatedNumber = this.currency + ' ' + formatedNumber;
return formatedNumber;
export function multirange(input, options) {
if (input.classList.contains('multirange')) {
new Multirange(input, options);
export default {
Multirange: Multirange,
init: multirange,