2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

294 lines
13 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import werkzeug
import itertools
import pytz
import babel.dates
from collections import defaultdict
from odoo import http, fields, tools, models
from odoo.addons.website.controllers.main import QueryURL
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.tools import html2plaintext
from odoo.tools.misc import get_lang
from odoo.tools import sql
class WebsiteBlog(http.Controller):
_blog_post_per_page = 12 # multiple of 2,3,4
_post_comment_per_page = 10
def tags_list(self, tag_ids, current_tag):
tag_ids = list(tag_ids) # required to avoid using the same list
if current_tag in tag_ids:
tag_ids = request.env['blog.tag'].browse(tag_ids)
return ','.join(request.env['ir.http']._slug(tag) for tag in tag_ids)
def nav_list(self, blog=None):
dom = blog and [('blog_id', '=', blog.id)] or []
if not request.env.user.has_group('website.group_website_designer'):
dom += [('post_date', '<=', fields.Datetime.now())]
groups = request.env['blog.post']._read_group(
dom, groupby=['post_date:month'])
locale = get_lang(request.env).code
tzinfo = pytz.timezone(request.context.get('tz', 'utc') or 'utc')
res = defaultdict(list)
for [start] in groups:
year = babel.dates.format_datetime(start, format='yyyy', tzinfo=tzinfo, locale=locale)
'date_begin': start.strftime(fmt),
'date_end': (start + models.READ_GROUP_TIME_GRANULARITY['month']).strftime(fmt),
'month': babel.dates.format_datetime(start, format='MMMM', tzinfo=tzinfo, locale=locale),
'year': year,
return res
def _get_blog_post_search_options(self, blog=None, active_tags=None, date_begin=None, date_end=None, state=None, **post):
return {
'displayDescription': True,
'displayDetail': False,
'displayExtraDetail': False,
'displayExtraLink': False,
'displayImage': False,
'allowFuzzy': not post.get('noFuzzy'),
'blog': str(blog.id) if blog else None,
'tag': ','.join([str(id) for id in active_tags.ids]),
'date_begin': date_begin,
'date_end': date_end,
'state': state,
def _prepare_blog_values(self, blogs, blog=False, date_begin=False, date_end=False, tags=False, state=False, page=False, search=None, **post):
""" Prepare all values to display the blogs index page or one specific blog"""
BlogPost = request.env['blog.post']
BlogTag = request.env['blog.tag']
# prepare domain
domain = request.website.website_domain()
if blog:
domain += [('blog_id', '=', blog.id)]
if date_begin and date_end:
domain += [("post_date", ">=", date_begin), ("post_date", "<=", date_end)]
active_tag_ids = tags and [request.env['ir.http']._unslug(tag)[1] for tag in tags.split(',')] or []
active_tags = BlogTag
if active_tag_ids:
active_tags = BlogTag.browse(active_tag_ids).exists()
fixed_tag_slug = ",".join(request.env['ir.http']._slug(t) for t in active_tags)
if fixed_tag_slug != tags:
path = request.httprequest.full_path
new_url = path.replace("/tag/%s" % tags, fixed_tag_slug and "/tag/%s" % fixed_tag_slug or "", 1)
if new_url != path: # check that really replaced and avoid loop
return request.redirect(new_url, 301)
domain += [('tag_ids', 'in', active_tags.ids)]
if request.env.user.has_group('website.group_website_designer'):
count_domain = domain + [("website_published", "=", True), ("post_date", "<=", fields.Datetime.now())]
published_count = BlogPost.search_count(count_domain)
unpublished_count = BlogPost.search_count(domain) - published_count
if state == "published":
domain += [("website_published", "=", True), ("post_date", "<=", fields.Datetime.now())]
elif state == "unpublished":
domain += ['|', ("website_published", "=", False), ("post_date", ">", fields.Datetime.now())]
domain += [("post_date", "<=", fields.Datetime.now())]
offset = (page - 1) * self._blog_post_per_page
options = self._get_blog_post_search_options(
total, details, fuzzy_search_term = request.website._search_with_fuzzy("blog_posts_only", search,
limit=page * self._blog_post_per_page, order="is_published desc, post_date desc, id asc", options=options)
posts = details[0].get('results', BlogPost)
posts = posts[offset:offset + self._blog_post_per_page]
url_args = dict()
if search:
url_args["search"] = search
if date_begin and date_end:
url_args["date_begin"] = date_begin
url_args["date_end"] = date_end
pager = tools.lazy(lambda: request.website.pager(
if not blogs:
all_tags = request.env['blog.tag']
all_tags = tools.lazy(lambda: blogs.all_tags(join=True) if not blog else blogs.all_tags().get(blog.id, request.env['blog.tag']))
tag_category = tools.lazy(lambda: sorted(all_tags.mapped('category_id'), key=lambda category: category.name.upper()))
other_tags = tools.lazy(lambda: sorted(all_tags.filtered(lambda x: not x.category_id), key=lambda tag: tag.name.upper()))
nav_list = tools.lazy(self.nav_list)
# and avoid accessing related blogs one by one
return {
'date_begin': date_begin,
'date_end': date_end,
'other_tags': other_tags,
'tag_category': tag_category,
'nav_list': nav_list,
'tags_list': self.tags_list,
'pager': pager,
'posts': posts.with_prefetch(),
'tag': tags,
'active_tag_ids': active_tags.ids,
'domain': domain,
'state_info': state and {"state": state, "published": published_count, "unpublished": unpublished_count},
'blogs': blogs,
'blog': blog,
'search': fuzzy_search_term or search,
'search_count': total,
'original_search': fuzzy_search_term and search,
], type='http', auth="public", website=True, sitemap=True)
def blog(self, blog=None, tag=None, page=1, search=None, **opt):
Blog = request.env['blog.blog']
blogs = tools.lazy(lambda: Blog.search(request.website.website_domain(), order="create_date asc, id asc"))
if not blog and len(blogs) == 1:
url = QueryURL('/blog/%s' % request.env['ir.http']._slug(blogs[0]), search=search, **opt)()
return request.redirect(url, code=302)
date_begin, date_end = opt.get('date_begin'), opt.get('date_end')
if tag and request.httprequest.method == 'GET':
# redirect get tag-1,tag-2 -> get tag-1
tags = tag.split(',')
if len(tags) > 1:
url = QueryURL('' if blog else '/blog', ['blog', 'tag'], blog=blog, tag=tags[0], date_begin=date_begin, date_end=date_end, search=search)()
return request.redirect(url, code=302)
values = self._prepare_blog_values(blogs=blogs, blog=blog, tags=tag, page=page, search=search, **opt)
# in case of a redirection need by `_prepare_blog_values` we follow it
if isinstance(values, werkzeug.wrappers.Response):
return values
if blog:
values['main_object'] = blog
values['blog_url'] = QueryURL('/blog', ['blog', 'tag'], blog=blog, tag=tag, date_begin=date_begin, date_end=date_end, search=search)
return request.render("website_blog.blog_post_short", values)
@http.route(['''/blog/<model("blog.blog"):blog>/feed'''], type='http', auth="public", website=True, sitemap=True)
def blog_feed(self, blog, limit='15', **kwargs):
v = {}
v['blog'] = blog
v['base_url'] = blog.get_base_url()
v['posts'] = request.env['blog.post'].search([('blog_id', '=', blog.id)], limit=min(int(limit), 50), order="post_date DESC")
v['html2plaintext'] = html2plaintext
r = request.render("website_blog.blog_feed", v, headers=[('Content-Type', 'application/atom+xml')])
return r
], type='http', auth="public", website=True, sitemap=False)
def old_blog_post(self, blog, blog_post, **post):
# Compatibility pre-v14
return request.redirect("/blog/%s/%s" % (request.env['ir.http']._slug(blog), request.env['ir.http']._slug(blog_post)), code=301)
'''/blog/<model("blog.blog"):blog>/<model("blog.post", "[('blog_id','=',blog.id)]"):blog_post>''',
], type='http', auth="public", website=True, sitemap=True)
def blog_post(self, blog, blog_post, tag_id=None, page=1, enable_editor=None, **post):
""" Prepare all values to display the blog.
:return dict values: values for the templates, containing
- 'blog_post': browse of the current post
- 'blog': browse of the current blog
- 'blogs': list of browse records of blogs
- 'tag': current tag, if tag_id in parameters
- 'tags': all tags, for tag-based navigation
- 'pager': a pager on the comments
- 'nav_list': a dict [year][month] for archives navigation
- 'next_post': next blog post, to direct the user towards the next interesting post
BlogPost = request.env['blog.post']
date_begin, date_end = post.get('date_begin'), post.get('date_end')
domain = request.website.website_domain()
blogs = blog.search(domain, order="create_date, id asc")
tag = None
if tag_id:
tag = request.env['blog.tag'].browse(int(tag_id))
blog_url = QueryURL('', ['blog', 'tag'], blog=blog_post.blog_id, tag=tag, date_begin=date_begin, date_end=date_end)
if not blog_post.blog_id.id == blog.id:
return request.redirect("/blog/%s/%s" % (request.env['ir.http']._slug(blog_post.blog_id), request.env['ir.http']._slug(blog_post)), code=301)
tags = request.env['blog.tag'].search([])
# Find next Post
blog_post_domain = [('blog_id', '=', blog.id)]
if not request.env.user.has_group('website.group_website_designer'):
blog_post_domain += [('post_date', '<=', fields.Datetime.now())]
all_post = BlogPost.search(blog_post_domain)
if blog_post not in all_post:
return request.redirect("/blog/%s" % (request.env['ir.http']._slug(blog_post.blog_id)))
# should always return at least the current post
all_post_ids = all_post.ids
current_blog_post_index = all_post_ids.index(blog_post.id)
nb_posts = len(all_post_ids)
next_post_id = all_post_ids[(current_blog_post_index + 1) % nb_posts] if nb_posts > 1 else None
next_post = next_post_id and BlogPost.browse(next_post_id) or False
values = {
'tags': tags,
'tag': tag,
'blog': blog,
'blog_post': blog_post,
'blogs': blogs,
'main_object': blog_post,
'nav_list': self.nav_list(blog),
'enable_editor': enable_editor,
'next_post': next_post,
'date': date_begin,
'blog_url': blog_url,
response = request.render("website_blog.blog_post_complete", values)
if blog_post.id not in request.session.get('posts_viewed', []):
if sql.increment_fields_skiplock(blog_post, 'visits'):
if not request.session.get('posts_viewed'):
request.session['posts_viewed'] = []
return response