426 lines
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426 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import babel.dates
import re
import werkzeug
from ast import literal_eval
from collections import Counter
from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound
from odoo import fields, http, _
from odoo.addons.website.controllers.main import QueryURL
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.osv import expression
from odoo.tools.misc import get_lang
from odoo.tools import lazy
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
class WebsiteEventController(http.Controller):
def sitemap_event(env, rule, qs):
if not qs or qs.lower() in '/events':
yield {'loc': '/events'}
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_events_search_options(self, **post):
return {
'displayDescription': False,
'displayDetail': False,
'displayExtraDetail': False,
'displayExtraLink': False,
'displayImage': False,
'allowFuzzy': not post.get('noFuzzy'),
'date': post.get('date'),
'tags': post.get('tags'),
'type': post.get('type'),
'country': post.get('country'),
@http.route(['/event', '/event/page/<int:page>', '/events', '/events/page/<int:page>'], type='http', auth="public", website=True, sitemap=sitemap_event, readonly=True)
def events(self, page=1, **searches):
if searches.get('tags', '[]').count(',') > 0 and request.httprequest.method == 'GET' and not searches.get('prevent_redirect'):
# Previously, the tags were searched using GET, which caused issues with crawlers (too many hits)
# We replaced those with POST to avoid that, but it's not sufficient as bots "remember" crawled pages for a while
# This permanent redirect is placed to instruct the bots that this page is no longer valid
# Note: We allow a single tag to be GET, to keep crawlers & indexes on those pages
# What we really want to avoid is combinatorial explosions
# (Tags are formed as a JSON array, so we count ',' to keep it simple)
# TODO: remove in a few stable versions (v19?), including the "prevent_redirect" param in templates
return request.redirect('/event', code=301)
Event = request.env['event.event']
SudoEventType = request.env['event.type'].sudo()
searches.setdefault('search', '')
searches.setdefault('date', 'upcoming')
searches.setdefault('tags', '')
searches.setdefault('type', 'all')
searches.setdefault('country', 'all')
website = request.website
step = 12 # Number of events per page
options = self._get_events_search_options(**searches)
order = 'date_begin'
if searches.get('date', 'upcoming') == 'old':
order = 'date_begin desc'
order = 'is_published desc, ' + order + ', id desc'
search = searches.get('search')
event_count, details, fuzzy_search_term = website._search_with_fuzzy("events", search,
limit=page * step, order=order, options=options)
event_details = details[0]
events = event_details.get('results', Event)
events = events[(page - 1) * step:page * step]
# count by domains without self search
domain_search = [('name', 'ilike', fuzzy_search_term or searches['search'])] if searches['search'] else []
no_date_domain = event_details['no_date_domain']
dates = event_details['dates']
for date in dates:
if date[0] not in ['all', 'old']:
date[3] = Event.search_count(expression.AND(no_date_domain) + domain_search + date[2])
no_country_domain = event_details['no_country_domain']
countries = Event.read_group(expression.AND(no_country_domain) + domain_search, ["id", "country_id"],
groupby="country_id", orderby="country_id")
countries.insert(0, {
'country_id_count': sum([int(country['country_id_count']) for country in countries]),
'country_id': ("all", _("All Countries"))
search_tags = event_details['search_tags']
current_date = event_details['current_date']
current_type = None
current_country = None
if searches["type"] != 'all':
current_type = SudoEventType.browse(int(searches['type']))
if searches["country"] != 'all' and searches["country"] != 'online':
current_country = request.env['res.country'].browse(int(searches['country']))
pager = website.pager(
keep = QueryURL('/event', **{
key: value for key, value in searches.items() if (
key == 'search' or
(value != 'upcoming' if key == 'date' else value != 'all'))
searches['search'] = fuzzy_search_term or search
values = {
'current_date': current_date,
'current_country': current_country,
'current_type': current_type,
'event_ids': events, # event_ids used in website_event_track so we keep name as it is
'dates': dates,
'categories': request.env['event.tag.category'].search([
('is_published', '=', True), '|', ('website_id', '=', website.id), ('website_id', '=', False)
'countries': countries,
'pager': pager,
'searches': searches,
'search_tags': search_tags,
'keep': keep,
'search_count': event_count,
'original_search': fuzzy_search_term and search,
'website': website
return request.render("website_event.index", values)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
@http.route(['''/event/<model("event.event"):event>/page/<path:page>'''], type='http', auth="public", website=True, sitemap=False, readonly=True)
def event_page(self, event, page, **post):
values = {
'event': event,
if '.' not in page:
page = 'website_event.%s' % page
view = request.env["website.event.menu"].sudo().search([
("event_id", "=", event.id), ("view_id.key", "ilike", page)], limit=1).view_id
# Every event page view should have its own SEO.
page = view.key if view else page
values['seo_object'] = request.website.get_template(page)
values['main_object'] = event
except ValueError:
# page not found
values['path'] = re.sub(r"^website_event\.", '', page)
values['from_template'] = 'website_event.default_page' # .strip('website_event.')
page = request.env.user.has_group('website.group_website_designer') and 'website.page_404' or 'http_routing.404'
return request.render(page, values)
@http.route(['''/event/<model("event.event"):event>'''], type='http', auth="public", website=True, sitemap=True, readonly=True)
def event(self, event, **post):
if event.menu_id and event.menu_id.child_id:
target_url = event.menu_id.child_id[0].url
target_url = '/event/%s/register' % str(event.id)
if post.get('enable_editor') == '1':
target_url += '?enable_editor=1'
return request.redirect(target_url)
@http.route(['''/event/<model("event.event"):event>/register'''], type='http', auth="public", website=True, sitemap=False, readonly=True)
def event_register(self, event, **post):
values = self._prepare_event_register_values(event, **post)
return request.render("website_event.event_description_full", values)
def _prepare_event_register_values(self, event, **post):
"""Return the require values to render the template."""
urls = lazy(event._get_event_resource_urls)
return {
'event': event,
'main_object': event,
'range': range,
'google_url': lazy(lambda: urls.get('google_url')),
'iCal_url': lazy(lambda: urls.get('iCal_url')),
'registration_error_code': post.get('registration_error_code'),
def _process_tickets_form(self, event, form_details):
""" Process posted data about ticket order. Generic ticket are supported
for event without tickets (generic registration).
:return: list of order per ticket: [{
'id': if of ticket if any (0 if no ticket),
'ticket': browse record of ticket if any (None if no ticket),
'name': ticket name (or generic 'Registration' name if no ticket),
'quantity': number of registrations for that ticket,
}, {...}]
ticket_order = {}
for key, value in form_details.items():
registration_items = key.split('nb_register-')
if len(registration_items) != 2:
ticket_order[int(registration_items[1])] = int(value)
ticket_dict = dict((ticket.id, ticket) for ticket in request.env['event.event.ticket'].sudo().search([
('id', 'in', [tid for tid in ticket_order.keys() if tid]),
('event_id', '=', event.id)
return [{
'id': tid if ticket_dict.get(tid) else 0,
'ticket': ticket_dict.get(tid),
'name': ticket_dict[tid]['name'] if ticket_dict.get(tid) else _('Registration'),
'quantity': count,
} for tid, count in ticket_order.items() if count]
@http.route(['/event/<model("event.event"):event>/registration/new'], type='json', auth="public", methods=['POST'], website=True)
def registration_new(self, event, **post):
tickets = self._process_tickets_form(event, post)
availability_check = True
if event.seats_limited:
ordered_seats = 0
for ticket in tickets:
ordered_seats += ticket['quantity']
if event.seats_available < ordered_seats:
availability_check = False
if not tickets:
return False
default_first_attendee = {}
if not request.env.user._is_public():
default_first_attendee = {
"name": request.env.user.name,
"email": request.env.user.email,
"phone": request.env.user.mobile or request.env.user.phone,
visitor = request.env['website.visitor']._get_visitor_from_request()
if visitor.email:
default_first_attendee = {
"name": visitor.display_name,
"email": visitor.email,
"phone": visitor.mobile,
return request.env['ir.ui.view']._render_template("website_event.registration_attendee_details", {
'tickets': tickets,
'event': event,
'availability_check': availability_check,
'default_first_attendee': default_first_attendee,
def _process_attendees_form(self, event, form_details):
""" Process data posted from the attendee details form.
Extracts question answers:
- For both questions asked 'once_per_order' and questions asked to every attendee
- For questions of type 'simple_choice', extracting the suggested answer id
- For questions of type 'text_box', extracting the text answer of the attendee.
:param form_details: posted data from frontend registration form, like
{'1-name': 'r', '1-email': 'r@r.com', '1-phone': '', '1-event_ticket_id': '1'}
form_details.pop("recaptcha_token_response", None)
allowed_fields = request.env['event.registration']._get_website_registration_allowed_fields()
registration_fields = {key: v for key, v in request.env['event.registration']._fields.items() if key in allowed_fields}
for ticket_id in list(filter(lambda x: x is not None, [form_details[field] if 'event_ticket_id' in field else None for field in form_details.keys()])):
if int(ticket_id) not in event.event_ticket_ids.ids and len(event.event_ticket_ids.ids) > 0:
raise UserError(_("This ticket is not available for sale for this event"))
registrations = {}
general_answer_ids = []
general_identification_answers = {}
# as we may have several questions populating the same field (e.g: the phone)
# we use this to hold the fields that have already been handled
# goal is to use the answer to the first question of every 'type' (aka name / phone / email / company name)
already_handled_fields_data = {}
for key, value in form_details.items():
if not value:
key_values = key.split('-')
# Special case for handling event_ticket_id data that holds only 2 values
if len(key_values) == 2:
registration_index, field_name = key_values
if field_name not in registration_fields:
registrations.setdefault(registration_index, dict())[field_name] = int(value) or False
registration_index, question_type, question_id = key_values
answer_values = None
if question_type == 'simple_choice':
answer_values = {
'question_id': int(question_id),
'value_answer_id': int(value)
answer_values = {
'question_id': int(question_id),
'value_text_box': value
if answer_values and not int(registration_index):
general_answer_ids.append((0, 0, answer_values))
elif answer_values:
registrations.setdefault(registration_index, dict())\
.setdefault('registration_answer_ids', list()).append((0, 0, answer_values))
if question_type in ('name', 'email', 'phone', 'company_name')\
and question_type not in already_handled_fields_data.get(registration_index, []):
if question_type not in registration_fields:
field_name = question_type
already_handled_fields_data.setdefault(registration_index, list()).append(field_name)
if not int(registration_index):
general_identification_answers[field_name] = value
registrations.setdefault(registration_index, dict())[field_name] = value
if general_answer_ids:
for registration in registrations.values():
registration.setdefault('registration_answer_ids', list()).extend(general_answer_ids)
if general_identification_answers:
for registration in registrations.values():
return list(registrations.values())
def _create_attendees_from_registration_post(self, event, registration_data):
""" Also try to set a visitor (from request) and
a partner (if visitor linked to a user for example). Purpose is to gather
as much informations as possible, notably to ease future communications.
Also try to update visitor informations based on registration info. """
visitor_sudo = request.env['website.visitor']._get_visitor_from_request(force_create=True)
registrations_to_create = []
for registration_values in registration_data:
registration_values['event_id'] = event.id
if not registration_values.get('partner_id') and visitor_sudo.partner_id:
registration_values['partner_id'] = visitor_sudo.partner_id.id
elif not registration_values.get('partner_id'):
registration_values['partner_id'] = False if request.env.user._is_public() else request.env.user.partner_id.id
# update registration based on visitor
registration_values['visitor_id'] = visitor_sudo.id
return request.env['event.registration'].sudo().create(registrations_to_create)
@http.route(['''/event/<model("event.event"):event>/registration/confirm'''], type='http', auth="public", methods=['POST'], website=True)
def registration_confirm(self, event, **post):
""" Check before creating and finalize the creation of the registrations
that we have enough seats for all selected tickets.
If we don't, the user is instead redirected to page to register with a
formatted error message. """
if not request.env['ir.http']._verify_request_recaptcha_token('website_event_registration'):
raise UserError(_('Suspicious activity detected by Google reCaptcha.'))
registrations_data = self._process_attendees_form(event, post)
registration_tickets = Counter(registration['event_ticket_id'] for registration in registrations_data)
event_tickets = request.env['event.event.ticket'].browse(list(registration_tickets.keys()))
if any(event_ticket.seats_limited and event_ticket.seats_available < registration_tickets.get(event_ticket.id) for event_ticket in event_tickets):
return request.redirect('/event/%s/register?registration_error_code=insufficient_seats' % event.id)
attendees_sudo = self._create_attendees_from_registration_post(event, registrations_data)
return request.redirect(('/event/%s/registration/success?' % event.id) + werkzeug.urls.url_encode({'registration_ids': ",".join([str(id) for id in attendees_sudo.ids])}))
@http.route(['/event/<model("event.event"):event>/registration/success'], type='http', auth="public", methods=['GET'], website=True, sitemap=False)
def event_registration_success(self, event, registration_ids):
# fetch the related registrations, make sure they belong to the correct visitor / event pair
visitor = request.env['website.visitor']._get_visitor_from_request()
if not visitor:
raise NotFound()
attendees_sudo = request.env['event.registration'].sudo().search([
('id', 'in', [str(registration_id) for registration_id in registration_ids.split(',')]),
('event_id', '=', event.id),
('visitor_id', '=', visitor.id),
return request.render("website_event.registration_complete",
self._get_registration_confirm_values(event, attendees_sudo))
def _get_registration_confirm_values(self, event, attendees_sudo):
urls = event._get_event_resource_urls()
return {
'attendees': attendees_sudo,
'event': event,
'google_url': urls.get('google_url'),
'iCal_url': urls.get('iCal_url')
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def get_formated_date(self, event):
start_date = fields.Datetime.from_string(event.date_begin).date()
end_date = fields.Datetime.from_string(event.date_end).date()
month = babel.dates.get_month_names('abbreviated', locale=get_lang(event.env).code)[start_date.month]
return ('%s %s%s') % (month, start_date.strftime("%e"), (end_date != start_date and ("-" + end_date.strftime("%e")) or ""))
def _extract_searched_event_tags(self, searches):
tags = request.env['event.tag']
if searches.get('tags'):
tag_ids = literal_eval(searches['tags'])
# perform a search to filter on existing / valid tags implicitely + apply rules on color
tags = request.env['event.tag'].search([('id', 'in', tag_ids)])
return tags