2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

535 lines
26 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from ast import literal_eval
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import timedelta
from pytz import timezone, utc
from werkzeug.exceptions import Forbidden, NotFound
import babel
import babel.dates
import base64
import json
import operator
import pytz
from odoo import exceptions, http, fields, tools, _
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.osv import expression
from odoo.tools import is_html_empty, plaintext2html
from odoo.tools.misc import babel_locale_parse
class EventTrackController(http.Controller):
def _get_event_tracks_agenda_domain(self, event):
""" Base domain for displaying track names (preview). The returned search
domain will select the tracks that belongs to a track stage that should
be visible in the agenda (see: 'is_visible_in_agenda'). Published tracks
are also displayed whatever their stage. """
agenda_domain = [
('event_id', '=', event.id),
('is_published', '=', True),
('stage_id.is_visible_in_agenda', '=', True),
return agenda_domain
def _get_event_tracks_domain(self, event):
""" Base domain for displaying tracks. The returned search domain will
select the tracks that belongs to a track stage that should be visible
in the agenda (see: 'is_visible_in_agenda'). When the user is a visitor,
the domain will contain an additional condition that will remove the
unpublished tracks from the search results."""
search_domain_base = self._get_event_tracks_agenda_domain(event)
if not request.env.user.has_group('event.group_event_registration_desk'):
search_domain_base = expression.AND([
[('is_published', '=', True)]
return search_domain_base
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
], type='http', auth="public", website=True, sitemap=False, readonly=True)
def event_tracks(self, event, tag=None, **searches):
""" Main route
:param event: event whose tracks are about to be displayed;
:param tag: deprecated: search for a specific tag
:param searches: frontend search dict, containing
* 'search': search string;
* 'tags': list of tag IDs for filtering;
if searches.get('tags', '[]').count(',') > 0 and request.httprequest.method == 'GET' and not searches.get('prevent_redirect'):
# Previously, the tags were searched using GET, which caused issues with crawlers (too many hits)
# We replaced those with POST to avoid that, but it's not sufficient as bots "remember" crawled pages for a while
# This permanent redirect is placed to instruct the bots that this page is no longer valid
# Note: We allow a single tag to be GET, to keep crawlers & indexes on those pages
# What we really want to avoid is combinatorial explosions
# (Tags are formed as a JSON array, so we count ',' to keep it simple)
# TODO: remove in a few stable versions (v19?), including the "prevent_redirect" param in templates
slug = request.env['ir.http']._slug
return request.redirect(f'/event/{slug(event)}/track', code=301)
return request.render(
self._event_tracks_get_values(event, tag=tag, **searches)
def _event_tracks_get_values(self, event, tag=None, **searches):
# init and process search terms
searches.setdefault('search', '')
searches.setdefault('search_wishlist', '')
searches.setdefault('tags', '')
search_domain = self._get_event_tracks_agenda_domain(event)
# search on content
if searches.get('search'):
search_domain = expression.AND([
[('name', 'ilike', searches['search'])]
# search on tags
search_tags = self._get_search_tags(searches['tags'])
if not search_tags and tag: # backward compatibility
search_tags = tag
if search_tags:
# Example: You filter on age: 10-12 and activity: football.
# Doing it this way allows to only get events who are tagged "age: 10-12" AND "activity: football".
# Add another tag "age: 12-15" to the search and it would fetch the ones who are tagged:
# ("age: 10-12" OR "age: 12-15") AND "activity: football
grouped_tags = dict()
for search_tag in search_tags:
grouped_tags.setdefault(search_tag.category_id, list()).append(search_tag)
search_domain_items = [
[('tag_ids', 'in', [tag.id for tag in grouped_tags[group]])]
for group in grouped_tags
search_domain = expression.AND([
# fetch data to display with TZ set for both event and tracks
now_tz = utc.localize(fields.Datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0), is_dst=False).astimezone(timezone(event.date_tz))
today_tz = now_tz.date()
event = event.with_context(tz=event.date_tz or 'UTC')
tracks_sudo = event.env['event.track'].sudo().search(search_domain, order='is_published desc, date asc')
tag_categories = request.env['event.track.tag.category'].sudo().search([])
# filter on wishlist (as post processing due to costly search on is_reminder_on)
if searches.get('search_wishlist'):
tracks_sudo = tracks_sudo.filtered(lambda track: track.is_reminder_on)
# organize categories for display: announced, live, soon and day-based
tracks_announced = tracks_sudo.filtered(lambda track: not track.date)
tracks_wdate = tracks_sudo - tracks_announced
date_begin_tz_all = list(set(
for dt in self._get_dt_in_event_tz(tracks_wdate.mapped('date'), event)
tracks_sudo_live = tracks_wdate.filtered(lambda track: track.is_track_live)
tracks_sudo_soon = tracks_wdate.filtered(lambda track: not track.is_track_live and track.is_track_soon)
tracks_by_day = []
for display_date in date_begin_tz_all:
matching_tracks = tracks_wdate.filtered(lambda track: self._get_dt_in_event_tz([track.date], event)[0].date() == display_date)
tracks_by_day.append({'date': display_date, 'name': display_date, 'tracks': matching_tracks})
if tracks_announced:
tracks_announced = tracks_announced.sorted('wishlisted_by_default', reverse=True)
tracks_by_day.append({'date': False, 'name': _('Coming soon'), 'tracks': tracks_announced})
for tracks_group in tracks_by_day:
# the tracks group is folded if all tracks are done (and if it's not "today")
tracks_group['default_collapsed'] = (today_tz != tracks_group['date']) and all(
track.is_track_done and not track.is_track_live
for track in tracks_group['tracks']
# return rendering values
return {
# event information
'event': event,
'main_object': event,
# tracks display information
'tracks': tracks_sudo,
'tracks_by_day': tracks_by_day,
'tracks_live': tracks_sudo_live,
'tracks_soon': tracks_sudo_soon,
'today_tz': today_tz,
# search information
'searches': searches,
'search_count': len(tracks_sudo),
'search_key': searches['search'],
'search_wishlist': searches['search_wishlist'],
'search_tags': search_tags,
'tag_categories': tag_categories,
# environment
'is_html_empty': is_html_empty,
'hostname': request.httprequest.host.split(':')[0],
'is_event_user': request.env.user.has_group('event.group_event_user'),
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
@http.route(['''/event/<model("event.event"):event>/agenda'''], type='http', auth="public", website=True, sitemap=False)
def event_agenda(self, event, tag=None, **post):
event = event.with_context(tz=event.date_tz or 'UTC')
vals = {
'event': event,
'main_object': event,
'tag': tag,
'is_event_user': request.env.user.has_group('event.group_event_user'),
return request.render("website_event_track.agenda_online", vals)
def _prepare_calendar_values(self, event):
""" This methods slit the day (max end time - min start time) into
15 minutes time slots. For each time slot, we assign the tracks that
start at this specific time slot, and we add the number of time slot
that the track covers (track duration / 15 min). The calendar will be
divided into rows of 15 min, and the talks will cover the corresponding
number of rows (15 min slots). """
event = event.with_context(tz=event.date_tz or 'UTC')
local_tz = pytz.timezone(event.date_tz or 'UTC')
lang_code = request.env.context.get('lang')
base_track_domain = expression.AND([
[('date', '!=', False)]
tracks_sudo = request.env['event.track'].sudo().search(base_track_domain)
locations = list(set(track.location_id for track in tracks_sudo))
locations.sort(key=operator.itemgetter('sequence', 'id'))
# First split day by day (based on start time)
time_slots_by_tracks = {track: self._split_track_by_days(track, local_tz) for track in tracks_sudo}
# extract all the tracks time slots
track_time_slots = set().union(*(time_slot.keys() for time_slot in [time_slots for time_slots in time_slots_by_tracks.values()]))
# extract unique days
days = list(set(time_slot.date() for time_slot in track_time_slots))
# Create the dict that contains the tracks at the correct time_slots / locations coordinates
tracks_by_days = dict.fromkeys(days, 0)
time_slots_by_day = dict((day, dict(start=set(), end=set())) for day in days)
tracks_by_rounded_times = dict((time_slot, dict((location, {}) for location in locations)) for time_slot in track_time_slots)
for track, time_slots in time_slots_by_tracks.items():
start_date = fields.Datetime.from_string(track.date).replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).astimezone(local_tz)
end_date = start_date + timedelta(hours=(track.duration or 0.25))
for time_slot, duration in time_slots.items():
tracks_by_rounded_times[time_slot][track.location_id][track] = {
'rowspan': duration, # rowspan
'start_date': self._get_locale_time(start_date, lang_code),
'end_date': self._get_locale_time(end_date, lang_code),
'occupied_cells': self._get_occupied_cells(track, duration, locations, local_tz)
# get all the time slots by day to determine the max duration of a day.
day = time_slot.date()
tracks_by_days[day] += 1
# split days into 15 minutes time slots
global_time_slots_by_day = dict((day, {}) for day in days)
for day, time_slots in time_slots_by_day.items():
start_time_slot = min(time_slots['start'])
end_time_slot = max(time_slots['end'])
time_slots_count = int(((end_time_slot - start_time_slot).total_seconds() / 3600) * 4)
current_time_slot = start_time_slot
for i in range(0, time_slots_count + 1):
global_time_slots_by_day[day][current_time_slot] = tracks_by_rounded_times.get(current_time_slot, {})
global_time_slots_by_day[day][current_time_slot]['formatted_time'] = self._get_locale_time(current_time_slot, lang_code)
current_time_slot = current_time_slot + timedelta(minutes=15)
# count the number of tracks by days
tracks_by_days = dict.fromkeys(days, 0)
locations_by_days = defaultdict(list)
for track in tracks_sudo:
track_day = fields.Datetime.from_string(track.date).replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).astimezone(local_tz).date()
tracks_by_days[track_day] += 1
if track.location_id not in locations_by_days[track_day]:
for used_locations in locations_by_days.values():
used_locations.sort(key=operator.itemgetter('sequence', 'id'))
return {
'days': days,
'tracks_by_days': tracks_by_days,
'locations_by_days': locations_by_days,
'time_slots': global_time_slots_by_day,
'locations': locations # TODO: clean me in master, kept for retro-compatibility
def _get_locale_time(self, dt_time, lang_code):
""" Get locale time from datetime object
:param dt_time: datetime object
:param lang_code: language code (eg. en_US)
locale = babel_locale_parse(lang_code)
return babel.dates.format_time(dt_time, format='short', locale=locale)
def time_slot_rounder(self, time, rounded_minutes):
""" Rounds to nearest hour by adding a timedelta hour if minute >= rounded_minutes
E.g. : If rounded_minutes = 15 -> 09:26:00 becomes 09:30:00
09:17:00 becomes 09:15:00
return (time.replace(second=0, microsecond=0, minute=0, hour=time.hour)
+ timedelta(minutes=rounded_minutes * (time.minute // rounded_minutes)))
def _split_track_by_days(self, track, local_tz):
Based on the track start_date and the duration,
split the track duration into :
start_time by day : number of time slot (15 minutes) that the track takes on that day.
E.g. : start date = 01-01-2000 10:00 PM and duration = 3 hours
return {
01-01-2000 10:00:00 PM: 8 (2 * 4),
01-02-2000 00:00:00 AM: 4 (1 * 4)
Also return a set of all the time slots
start_date = fields.Datetime.from_string(track.date).replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).astimezone(local_tz)
start_datetime = self.time_slot_rounder(start_date, 15)
end_datetime = self.time_slot_rounder(start_datetime + timedelta(hours=(track.duration or 0.25)), 15)
time_slots_count = int(((end_datetime - start_datetime).total_seconds() / 3600) * 4)
time_slots_by_day_start_time = {start_datetime: 0}
for i in range(0, time_slots_count):
# If the new time slot is still on the current day
next_day = (start_datetime + timedelta(days=1)).date()
if (start_datetime + timedelta(minutes=15*i)).date() <= next_day:
time_slots_by_day_start_time[start_datetime] += 1
start_datetime = next_day.datetime()
time_slots_by_day_start_time[start_datetime] = 0
return time_slots_by_day_start_time
def _get_occupied_cells(self, track, rowspan, locations, local_tz):
In order to use only once the cells that the tracks will occupy, we need to reserve those cells
(time_slot, location) coordinate. Those coordinated will be given to the template to avoid adding
blank cells where already occupied by a track.
occupied_cells = []
start_date = fields.Datetime.from_string(track.date).replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).astimezone(local_tz)
start_date = self.time_slot_rounder(start_date, 15)
for i in range(0, rowspan):
time_slot = start_date + timedelta(minutes=15*i)
if track.location_id:
occupied_cells.append((time_slot, track.location_id))
# when no location, reserve all locations
occupied_cells += [(time_slot, location) for location in locations if location]
return occupied_cells
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
@http.route('''/event/<model("event.event", "[('website_track', '=', True)]"):event>/track/<model("event.track", "[('event_id', '=', event.id)]"):track>''',
type='http', auth="public", website=True, sitemap=True, readonly=True)
def event_track_page(self, event, track, **options):
track = self._fetch_track(track.id, allow_sudo=False)
return request.render(
self._event_track_page_get_values(event, track.sudo(), **options)
def _event_track_page_get_values(self, event, track, **options):
track = track.sudo()
option_widescreen = options.get('widescreen', False)
option_widescreen = bool(option_widescreen) if option_widescreen != '0' else False
# search for tracks list
tracks_other = track._get_track_suggestions(
return {
# event information
'event': event,
'main_object': track,
'track': track,
# sidebar
'tracks_other': tracks_other,
# options
'option_widescreen': option_widescreen,
# environment
'is_html_empty': is_html_empty,
'hostname': request.httprequest.host.split(':')[0],
'is_event_user': request.env.user.has_group('event.group_event_user'),
'user_event_manager': request.env.user.has_group('event.group_event_manager'),
@http.route("/event/track/toggle_reminder", type="json", auth="public", website=True)
def track_reminder_toggle(self, track_id, set_reminder_on):
""" Set a reminder a track for current visitor. Track visitor is created or updated
if it already exists. Exception made if un-favoriting and no track_visitor
record found (should not happen unless manually done).
:param boolean set_reminder_on:
If True, set as a favorite, otherwise un-favorite track;
If the track is a Key Track (wishlisted_by_default):
if set_reminder_on = False, blacklist the track_partner
otherwise, un-blacklist the track_partner
track = self._fetch_track(track_id, allow_sudo=True)
force_create = set_reminder_on or track.wishlisted_by_default
event_track_partner = track._get_event_track_visitors(force_create=force_create)
if not track.wishlisted_by_default:
if not event_track_partner or event_track_partner.is_wishlisted == set_reminder_on: # ignore if new state = old state
return {'error': 'ignored'}
event_track_partner.is_wishlisted = set_reminder_on
if not event_track_partner or event_track_partner.is_blacklisted != set_reminder_on: # ignore if new state = old state
return {'error': 'ignored'}
event_track_partner.is_blacklisted = not set_reminder_on
result = {'reminderOn': set_reminder_on}
return result
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
@http.route(['''/event/<model("event.event"):event>/track_proposal'''], type='http', auth="public", website=True, sitemap=False)
def event_track_proposal(self, event, **post):
return request.render("website_event_track.event_track_proposal", {'event': event, 'main_object': event})
@http.route(['''/event/<model("event.event"):event>/track_proposal/post'''], type='http', auth="public", methods=['POST'], website=True)
def event_track_proposal_post(self, event, **post):
if not event.can_access_from_current_website():
return json.dumps({'error': 'forbidden'})
# Only accept existing tag indices. Use search instead of browse + exists:
# this prevents users to register colorless tags if not allowed to (ACL).
input_tag_indices = [int(tag_id) for tag_id in post['tags'].split(',') if tag_id]
valid_tag_indices = request.env['event.track.tag'].search([('id', 'in', input_tag_indices)]).ids
contact = request.env['res.partner']
visitor_partner = request.env['website.visitor']._get_visitor_from_request().partner_id
# Contact name is required. Therefore, empty contacts are not considered here. At least one of contact_phone
# and contact_email must be filled. Email is verified. If the post tries to create contact with no valid entry,
# raise exception. If normalized email is the same as logged partner, use its partner_id on track instead.
# This prevents contact duplication. Otherwise, create new contact with contact additional info of post.
if post.get('add_contact_information'):
valid_contact_email = tools.email_normalize(post.get('contact_email'))
# Here, the phone is not formatted. To format it, one needs a country. Based on a country, from geoip for instance.
# The problem is that one could propose a track in country A with phone number of country B. Validity is therefore
# quite tricky. We accept any format of contact_phone. Could be improved with select country phone widget.
if valid_contact_email or post.get('contact_phone'):
if visitor_partner and valid_contact_email == visitor_partner.email_normalized:
contact = visitor_partner
contact = request.env['res.partner'].sudo().create({
'email': valid_contact_email,
'name': post.get('contact_name'),
'phone': post.get('contact_phone'),
return json.dumps({'error': 'invalidFormInputs'})
# If the speaker email is the same as logged user's, then also uses its partner on track, same as above.
valid_speaker_email = tools.email_normalize(post['partner_email'])
if visitor_partner and valid_speaker_email == visitor_partner.email_normalized:
contact = visitor_partner
track = request.env['event.track'].with_context({'mail_create_nosubscribe': True}).sudo().create({
'name': post['track_name'],
'partner_id': contact.id,
'partner_name': post['partner_name'],
'partner_email': post['partner_email'],
'partner_phone': post['partner_phone'],
'partner_function': post['partner_function'],
'contact_phone': contact.phone,
'contact_email': contact.email,
'event_id': event.id,
'tag_ids': [(6, 0, valid_tag_indices)],
'description': plaintext2html(post['description']),
'partner_biography': plaintext2html(post['partner_biography']),
'user_id': False,
'image': base64.b64encode(post['image'].read()) if post.get('image') else False,
if request.env.user != request.website.user_id:
return json.dumps({'success': True})
# ACL : This route is necessary since rpc search_read method in js is not accessible to all users (e.g. public user).
@http.route(['''/event/track_tag/search_read'''], type='json', auth="public", website=True)
def website_event_track_fetch_tags(self, domain, fields):
return request.env['event.track.tag'].search_read(domain, fields)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def _fetch_track(self, track_id, allow_sudo=False):
track = request.env['event.track'].browse(track_id).exists()
if not track:
raise NotFound()
if not track.has_access('read'):
if not allow_sudo:
raise Forbidden()
track = track.sudo()
event = track.event_id
# JSON RPC have no website in requests
if hasattr(request, 'website_id') and not event.can_access_from_current_website():
raise NotFound()
if not event.has_access('read'):
raise Forbidden()
return track
def _get_search_tags(self, tag_search):
# TDE FIXME: make me generic (slides, event, ...)
tag_ids = literal_eval(tag_search)
except Exception:
tags = request.env['event.track.tag'].sudo()
# perform a search to filter on existing / valid tags implicitly
tags = request.env['event.track.tag'].sudo().search([('id', 'in', tag_ids)])
return tags
def _get_dt_in_event_tz(self, datetimes, event):
tz_name = event.date_tz
return [
utc.localize(dt, is_dst=False).astimezone(timezone(tz_name))
for dt in datetimes