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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import models, fields, api, _
class Website(models.Model):
_inherit = 'website'
forum_count = fields.Integer(readonly=True, default=0)
def create(self, vals_list):
websites = super().create(vals_list)
return websites
def get_suggested_controllers(self):
suggested_controllers = super(Website, self).get_suggested_controllers()
suggested_controllers.append((_('Forum'), self.env['ir.http']._url_for('/forum'), 'website_forum'))
return suggested_controllers
def configurator_get_footer_links(self):
links = super().configurator_get_footer_links()
links.append({'text': _("Forum"), 'href': '/forum'})
return links
def configurator_set_menu_links(self, menu_company, module_data):
# Forum menu should only be a footer link, not a menu
forum_menu = self.env['website.menu'].search([('url', '=', '/forum'), ('website_id', '=', self.id)])
super().configurator_set_menu_links(menu_company, module_data)
def _search_get_details(self, search_type, order, options):
result = super()._search_get_details(search_type, order, options)
if search_type in ['forums', 'forums_only', 'all']:
result.append(self.env['forum.forum']._search_get_detail(self, order, options))
if search_type in ['forums', 'forum_posts_only', 'all']:
result.append(self.env['forum.post']._search_get_detail(self, order, options))
if search_type in ['forums', 'forum_tags_only', 'all']:
result.append(self.env['forum.tag']._search_get_detail(self, order, options))
return result
def _update_forum_count(self):
""" Update count of forum linked to some websites. This has to be
done manually as website_id=False on forum model means a shared forum.
There is therefore no straightforward relationship to be used between
forum and website.
This method either runs on self (if not void), either on all existing
websites (to update globally counters, notably when a new forum is
created). """
websites = self if self else self.search([])
forums_all = self.env['forum.forum'].search([])
for website in websites:
website.forum_count = len(forums_all.filtered_domain(website.website_domain()))