2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

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from odoo import fields
from odoo.addons.website_forum.tests.common import TestForumCommon
class TestForumPost(TestForumCommon):
def test_get_related_posts(self):
"""Test the method returns 5 related posts based on tag similarity."""
# Create forum posts and associate them tags
forum_tags = self.env['forum.tag'].create([{
'name': f'tag_{i}',
'forum_id': self.forum.id,
for i in range(10)])
forum_posts = self.env['forum.post'].create([{
'content': 'A post ...',
'forum_id': self.forum.id,
'name': 'Post...',
'tag_ids': forum_tags[:i],
'last_activity_date': fields.Datetime.subtract(fields.Datetime.now(), days=i)
for i in range(len(forum_tags) + 1) # 11 posts with 0 to 10 tags
# First post (no tags), should return an empty record set
self.assertEqual(forum_posts[0]._get_related_posts(), self.env['forum.post'])
# Second post, most similar posts should be the 5 following posts
self.assertEqual(forum_posts[1]._get_related_posts(), forum_posts[2:7])
# Last post, most similar posts should be the 5 preceding posts in descending order
forum_posts[len(forum_posts) - 6: -1][::-1])
# A post with a unique tag, should return an empty record set
self.assertEqual(self.post.tag_ids.post_ids, self.post)
self.assertEqual(forum_posts[0]._get_related_posts(), self.env['forum.post'])
# Related posts with the same list of tags are sorted by last activity date in descending order
forum_posts.write({'tag_ids': forum_tags.ids})
self.assertEqual(forum_posts[0]._get_related_posts(), forum_posts[1:6])
self.assertEqual(forum_posts[-1]._get_related_posts(), forum_posts[:5])