2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from uuid import uuid4
from odoo import api, fields, models
class ChatRoom(models.Model):
""" Store all useful information to manage chat room (currently limited
to Jitsi). This model embeds all information about the chat room. We do not
store them in the related mixin (see chat.room.mixin) to avoid to add too
many fields on the models which want to use the chat room mixin as the
behavior can be optional in those models.
The participant count is automatically updated thanks to the chat room widget
to avoid having a costly computed field with a members model.
_name = "chat.room"
_description = "Chat Room"
def _default_name(self, objname='room'):
return "odoo-%s-%s" % (objname, str(uuid4())[:8])
name = fields.Char(
"Room Name", required=True, copy=False,
default=lambda self: self._default_name())
is_full = fields.Boolean("Full", compute="_compute_is_full")
jitsi_server_domain = fields.Char(
'Jitsi Server Domain', compute='_compute_jitsi_server_domain',
help='The Jitsi server domain can be customized through the settings to use a different server than the default "meet.jit.si"')
lang_id = fields.Many2one(
"res.lang", "Language",
default=lambda self: self.env["res.lang"].search([("code", "=", self.env.user.lang)], limit=1))
max_capacity = fields.Selection(
[("4", "4"), ("8", "8"), ("12", "12"), ("16", "16"),
("20", "20"), ("no_limit", "No limit")], string="Max capacity",
default="8", required=True)
participant_count = fields.Integer("Participant count", default=0, copy=False)
# reporting fields
last_activity = fields.Datetime(
"Last Activity", copy=False, readonly=True,
default=lambda self: fields.Datetime.now())
max_participant_reached = fields.Integer(
"Max participant reached", copy=False, readonly=True,
help="Maximum number of participant reached in the room at the same time")
@api.depends("max_capacity", "participant_count")
def _compute_is_full(self):
for room in self:
if room.max_capacity == "no_limit":
room.is_full = False
room.is_full = room.participant_count >= int(room.max_capacity)
def _compute_jitsi_server_domain(self):
jitsi_server_domain = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param(
'website_jitsi.jitsi_server_domain', 'meet.jit.si')
for room in self:
room.jitsi_server_domain = jitsi_server_domain