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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import tools, _
from odoo.http import route, request
from odoo.addons.mass_mailing.controllers import main
class MassMailController(main.MassMailController):
@route('/website_mass_mailing/is_subscriber', type='json', website=True, auth='public')
def is_subscriber(self, list_id, subscription_type, **post):
value = self._get_value(subscription_type)
fname = self._get_fname(subscription_type)
is_subscriber = False
if value and fname:
contacts_count = request.env['mailing.subscription'].sudo().search_count(
[('list_id', 'in', [int(list_id)]), (f'contact_id.{fname}', '=', value), ('opt_out', '=', False)])
is_subscriber = contacts_count > 0
return {'is_subscriber': is_subscriber, 'value': value}
def _get_value(self, subscription_type):
value = None
if subscription_type == 'email':
if not request.env.user._is_public():
value = request.env.user.email
elif request.session.get('mass_mailing_email'):
value = request.session['mass_mailing_email']
return value
def _get_fname(self, subscription_type):
return 'email' if subscription_type == 'email' else ''
@route('/website_mass_mailing/subscribe', type='json', website=True, auth='public')
def subscribe(self, list_id, value, subscription_type, **post):
if not request.env['ir.http']._verify_request_recaptcha_token('website_mass_mailing_subscribe'):
return {
'toast_type': 'danger',
'toast_content': _("Suspicious activity detected by Google reCaptcha."),
fname = self._get_fname(subscription_type)
self.subscribe_to_newsletter(subscription_type, value, list_id, fname)
return {
'toast_type': 'success',
'toast_content': _("Thanks for subscribing!"),
def subscribe_to_newsletter(subscription_type, value, list_id, fname, address_name=None):
ContactSubscription = request.env['mailing.subscription'].sudo()
Contacts = request.env['mailing.contact'].sudo()
if subscription_type == 'email':
name, value = tools.parse_contact_from_email(value)
if not name:
name = address_name
elif subscription_type == 'mobile':
name = value
subscription = ContactSubscription.search(
[('list_id', '=', int(list_id)), (f'contact_id.{fname}', '=', value)], limit=1)
if not subscription:
# inline add_to_list as we've already called half of it
contact_id = Contacts.search([(fname, '=', value)], limit=1)
if not contact_id:
contact_id = Contacts.create({'name': name, fname: value})
ContactSubscription.create({'contact_id': contact_id.id, 'list_id': int(list_id)})
elif subscription.opt_out:
subscription.opt_out = False
# add email to session
request.session[f'mass_mailing_{fname}'] = value