42 lines
1.7 KiB
42 lines
1.7 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.osv import expression
from odoo.addons.website_profile.controllers.main import WebsiteProfile
class WebsiteSlidesSurvey(WebsiteProfile):
def _prepare_user_profile_values(self, user, **kwargs):
"""Loads all data required to display the certification attempts of the given user"""
values = super(WebsiteSlidesSurvey, self)._prepare_user_profile_values(user, **kwargs)
values['show_certification_tab'] = ('user' in values) and (
values['user'].id == request.env.user.id or \
if not values['show_certification_tab']:
return values
domain = expression.AND([
[('survey_id.certification', '=', True)],
[('state', '=', 'done')],
[('email', '=', values['user'].email)],
[('partner_id', '=', values['user'].partner_id.id)]
]) if values['user'].email else \
[('partner_id', '=', values['user'].partner_id.id)]
if 'certification_search' in kwargs:
values['active_tab'] = 'certification'
values['certification_search_terms'] = kwargs['certification_search']
domain = expression.AND([domain,
[('survey_id.title', 'ilike', kwargs['certification_search'])]
UserInputSudo = request.env['survey.user_input'].sudo()
values['user_inputs'] = UserInputSudo.search(domain, order='create_date desc')
return values