2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

104 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import logging
import threading
from odoo import api, fields, models
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ResUsersDeletion(models.Model):
"""User deletion requests.
Those requests are logged in a different model to keep a trace of this action and the
deletion is done in a CRON. Indeed, removing a user can be a heavy operation on
large database (because of create_uid, write_uid on each model, which are not always
indexed). This model just remove the users added in the deletion queue, remaining code
must deal with other consideration (archiving, blacklist email...).
_name = 'res.users.deletion'
_description = 'Users Deletion Request'
_rec_name = 'user_id'
# Integer field because the related user might be deleted from the database
user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='User', ondelete='set null')
user_id_int = fields.Integer('User Id', compute='_compute_user_id_int', store=True)
state = fields.Selection([('todo', 'To Do'), ('done', 'Done'), ('fail', 'Failed')],
string='State', required=True, default='todo')
def _compute_user_id_int(self):
for user_deletion in self:
if user_deletion.user_id:
user_deletion.user_id_int = user_deletion.user_id.id
def _gc_portal_users(self, batch_size=50):
"""Remove the portal users that asked to deactivate their account.
(see <res.users>::_deactivate_portal_user)
Removing a user can be an heavy operation on large database (because of
create_uid, write_uid on each models, which are not always indexed). Because of
that, this operation is done in a CRON.
delete_requests = self.search([("state", "=", "todo")])
# filter the requests related to a deleted user
done_requests = delete_requests.filtered(lambda request: not request.user_id)
done_requests.state = "done"
todo_requests = delete_requests - done_requests
cron_done, cron_remaining = len(done_requests), len(todo_requests)
self.env['ir.cron']._notify_progress(done=cron_done, remaining=cron_remaining)
batch_requests = todo_requests[:batch_size]
auto_commit = not getattr(threading.current_thread(), "testing", False)
for delete_request in batch_requests:
user = delete_request.user_id
user_name = user.name
requester_name = delete_request.create_uid.name
# Step 1: Delete User
self.env.cr.execute("SAVEPOINT delete_user")
partner = user.partner_id
_logger.info("User #%i %r, deleted. Original request from %r.",
user.id, user_name, delete_request.create_uid.name)
self.env.cr.execute("RELEASE SAVEPOINT delete_user")
delete_request.state = 'done'
except Exception as e:
_logger.error("User #%i %r could not be deleted. Original request from %r. Related error: %s",
user.id, user_name, requester_name, e)
self.env.cr.execute("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT delete_user")
delete_request.state = "fail"
# make sure we never rollback the work we've done, this can take a long time
cron_done, cron_remaining = cron_done + 1, cron_remaining - 1
if auto_commit:
self.env['ir.cron']._notify_progress(done=cron_done, remaining=cron_remaining)
if delete_request.state == "fail":
# Step 2: Delete Linked Partner
# Could be impossible if the partner is linked to a SO for example
self.env.cr.execute("SAVEPOINT delete_partner")
_logger.info("Partner #%i %r, deleted. Original request from %r.",
partner.id, user_name, delete_request.create_uid.name)
self.env.cr.execute("RELEASE SAVEPOINT delete_partner")
except Exception as e:
_logger.warning("Partner #%i %r could not be deleted. Original request from %r. Related error: %s",
partner.id, user_name, requester_name, e)
self.env.cr.execute("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT delete_partner")
# make sure we never rollback the work we've done, this can take a long time
if auto_commit:
self.env['ir.cron']._notify_progress(done=cron_done, remaining=cron_remaining)