682 lines
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682 lines
27 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import io
import logging
from base64 import b64decode
from unittest import skipIf
import odoo
import odoo.tests
from pdfminer.converter import PDFPageAggregator
from pdfminer.layout import LAParams, LTFigure, LTTextBox
from pdfminer.pdfdocument import PDFDocument
from pdfminer.pdfinterp import PDFResourceManager, PDFPageInterpreter
from pdfminer.pdfpage import PDFPage
from pdfminer.pdfparser import PDFParser
pdfminer = True
except ImportError:
pdfminer = False
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@odoo.tests.tagged('post_install', '-at_install', 'post_install_l10n')
class TestReports(odoo.tests.TransactionCase):
def test_reports(self):
invoice_domain = [('move_type', 'in', ('out_invoice', 'out_refund', 'out_receipt', 'in_invoice', 'in_refund', 'in_receipt'))]
specific_model_domains = {
'account.report_original_vendor_bill': [('move_type', 'in', ('in_invoice', 'in_receipt'))],
'account.report_invoice_with_payments': invoice_domain,
'account.report_invoice': invoice_domain,
'l10n_th.report_commercial_invoice': invoice_domain,
Report = self.env['ir.actions.report']
for report in Report.search([('report_type', 'like', 'qweb')]):
report_model = 'report.%s' % report.report_name
except KeyError:
# Only test the generic reports here
_logger.info("testing report %s", report.report_name)
report_model_domain = specific_model_domains.get(report.report_name, [])
report_records = self.env[report.model].search(report_model_domain, limit=10)
if not report_records:
_logger.info("no record found skipping report %s", report.report_name)
# Test report generation
if not report.multi:
for record in report_records:
Report._render_qweb_html(report.id, record.ids)
Report._render_qweb_html(report.id, report_records.ids)
def test_report_reload_from_attachment(self):
def get_attachments(res_id):
return self.env["ir.attachment"].search([('res_model', "=", "res.partner"), ("res_id", "=", res_id)])
Report = self.env['ir.actions.report'].with_context(force_report_rendering=True)
report = Report.create({
'name': 'test report',
'report_name': 'base.test_report',
'model': 'res.partner',
'type': 'qweb',
'name': 'base.test_report',
'key': 'base.test_report',
'arch': '''
<div class="article" data-oe-model="res.partner" t-att-data-oe-id="docs.id">
<span t-field="docs.display_name" />
pdf_text = "0"
def _run_wkhtmltopdf(*args, **kwargs):
return bytes(pdf_text, "utf-8")
self.patch(type(Report), "_run_wkhtmltopdf", _run_wkhtmltopdf)
# sanity check: the report is not set to save attachment
# assert that there are no pre-existing attachment
partner_id = self.env.user.partner_id.id
pdf = report._render_qweb_pdf(report.id, [partner_id])
self.assertEqual(pdf[0], b"0")
# set the report to reload from attachment and make one
pdf_text = "1"
report.attachment = "'test_attach'"
report.attachment_use = True
report._render_qweb_pdf(report.id, [partner_id])
attach_1 = get_attachments(partner_id)
# use the context key to not reload from attachment
# and not create another one
pdf_text = "2"
report = report.with_context(report_pdf_no_attachment=True)
pdf = report._render_qweb_pdf(report.id, [partner_id])
attach_2 = get_attachments(partner_id)
self.assertEqual(attach_2.id, attach_1.id)
self.assertEqual(b64decode(attach_1.datas), b"1")
self.assertEqual(pdf[0], b"2")
# Some paper format examples
(842, 1190): 'A3',
(595, 842): 'A4',
(420, 595): 'A5',
(297, 420): 'A6',
(612, 792): 'Letter',
(612, 1008): 'Legal',
(792, 1224): 'Ledger',
class Box:
Utility class to help assertions
def __init__(self, obj, page_height, page_width):
self.x1 = round(obj.x0, 1)
self.y1 = round(page_height-obj.y1, 1)
self.x2 = round(obj.x1, 1)
self.y2 = round(page_height-obj.y0, 1)
self.page_height = page_height
self.page_width = page_width
def height(self):
return self.y2 - self.y1
def width(self):
return self.x2 - self.x1
def top(self):
return self.y1
def left(self):
return self.x1
def end_top(self):
return self.y2
def end_left(self):
return self.x2
def right(self):
return self.page_width - self.x2
def bottom(self):
return self.page_height - self.y2
def __lt__(self, other):
return (self.y1, self.x1, self.y2, self.x2) < (other.y1, other.x1, other.y2, other.x2)
@skipIf(pdfminer is False, "pdfminer not installed")
class TestReportsRenderingCommon(odoo.tests.HttpCase):
def setUp(self):
self.report = self.env['ir.actions.report'].create({
'name': 'Test Report Partner',
'model': 'res.partner',
'report_name': 'test_report.test_report_partner',
'paperformat_id': self.env.ref('base.paperformat_euro').id,
self.partners = self.env['res.partner'].create([{
'name': f'Report record {i}',
} for i in range(2)])
self.report_view = self.env['ir.ui.view'].create({
'type': 'qweb',
'name': 'test_report_partner',
'key': 'test_report.test_report_partner',
'arch': "<t></t>",
self.last_pdf_content = None
self.last_pdf_content_saved = False
def _addError(self, result, test, exc_info):
if self.last_pdf_content and not self.last_pdf_content_saved:
self.last_pdf_content_saved = True
super()._addError(result, test, exc_info)
def get_paper_format(self, mediabox):
:param: mediabox: a page mediabox. (Example: (0, 0, 595, 842))
:return: a (format, orientation). Example ('A4', 'portait')
x, y, width, height = mediabox
self.assertEqual((x, y), (0, 0), "Expecting top corner to be 0, 0 ")
orientation = 'portait'
paper_size = (width, height)
if width > height:
orientation = 'landscape'
paper_size = (height, width)
return PAPER_SIZES.get(paper_size, f'custom{paper_size}'), orientation
def create_pdf(self, partners=None, header_content=None, page_content=None, footer_content=None):
if header_content is None:
header_content = '''
<img t-if="company.logo" t-att-src="image_data_uri(company.logo)" style="max-height: 45px;" alt="Logo"/>
<span>Some header Text</span>
if footer_content is None:
footer_content = '''
<div style="text-align:center">Footer for <t t-esc="o.name"/> Page: <span class="page"/> / <span class="topage"/></div>
if page_content is None:
page_content = '''
<div class="page">
<div style="background-color:red">
Name: <t t-esc="o.name"/>
self.report_view.arch = f'''
<t t-name="test_report.test_report_partner">
<t t-set="company" t-value="res_company"/>
<t t-call="web.html_container">
<t t-foreach="docs" t-as="o">
<div class="header" style="font-family:Sans">
<div class="article" style="font-family:Sans">
<div class="footer" style="font-family:Sans">
# this templates doesn't use the "web.external_layout" in order to simplify the final result and make the edition of footer and header easier
# this test does not aims to test company base.document.layout, but the rendering only.
if partners is None:
partners = self.partners
self.last_pdf_content = self.env['ir.actions.report'].with_context(force_report_rendering=True)._render_qweb_pdf(self.report, partners.ids)[0]
return self.last_pdf_content
def save_pdf(self):
assert self.last_pdf_content
odoo.tests.save_test_file(self._testMethodName, self.last_pdf_content, 'pdf_', 'pdf', document_type='Report PDF', logger=_logger)
def _get_pdf_pages(self, pdf_content):
ioBytes = io.BytesIO(pdf_content)
parser = PDFParser(ioBytes)
doc = PDFDocument(parser)
return list(PDFPage.create_pages(doc))
def _parse_pdf(self, pdf_content, expected_format=('A4', 'portait')):
:param: pdf_content: the bdf binary content
:param: expected_format: a get_paper_format like format.
:return: list[list[(box, Element)]] a list of element per page
Note: box is a 4 float tuple based on the top left corner to ease ordering of elements.
The result is also rounded to one digit
pages = self._get_pdf_pages(pdf_content)
ressource_manager = PDFResourceManager()
device = PDFPageAggregator(ressource_manager, laparams=LAParams())
interpreter = PDFPageInterpreter(ressource_manager, device)
parsed_pages = []
for page in pages:
"Expecting pdf to be in A4 portait format",
) # this is the default expected format and other layout assertions are based on this one.
layout = device.get_result()
elements = []
for obj in layout:
box = Box(
if isinstance(obj, LTTextBox):
#inverse x to start from top left corner
elements.append((box, obj.get_text().strip()))
elif isinstance(obj, LTFigure):
elements.append((box, 'LTFigure'))
return parsed_pages
def assertPageFormat(self, paper_format, orientation):
pdf_content = self.create_pdf()
pages = self._get_pdf_pages(pdf_content)
self.assertEqual(len(pages), 2)
for page in pages:
(paper_format, orientation),
f"Expecting pdf to be in {paper_format} {orientation} format",
@odoo.tests.tagged('post_install', '-at_install', 'pdf_rendering')
class TestReportsRendering(TestReportsRenderingCommon):
This test aims to test as much as possible the current pdf rendering,
especially multipage headers and footers
(the main reason why we are currently using wkhtmltopdf with patched qt)
A custom template without web.external_layout is used on purpose in order to
easily test headers and footer regarding rendering only,
without using any comany document.layout logic
def test_format_A4(self):
self.report.paperformat_id = self.env.ref('base.paperformat_euro')
self.assertPageFormat('A4', 'portait')
def test_format_letter(self):
self.report.paperformat_id = self.env.ref('base.paperformat_us')
self.assertPageFormat('Letter', 'portait')
def test_format_landscape(self):
paper_format = self.env.ref('base.paperformat_euro')
paper_format.orientation = 'Landscape'
self.report.paperformat_id = paper_format
self.assertPageFormat('A4', 'landscape')
def test_layout(self):
pdf_content = self.create_pdf()
pages = self._parse_pdf(pdf_content)
self.assertEqual(len(pages), 2)
page_contents = [[elem[1] for elem in page] for page in pages]
expected_pages_content = [[
'Some header Text',
f'Name: {partner.name}',
f'Footer for {partner.name} Page: 1 / 1',
] for partner in self.partners]
page_positions = [[elem[0] for elem in page] for page in pages]
logo, header, content, footer = page_positions[0]
# leaving this as reference but this is to fragile to make a strict assertion
# 14.3, 29.6, 43.1, 137.2 # logo
# 19.1, 137.2, 32.5, 214.2 # header
# 111.3, 29.6, 124.8, 123.7 # content
# 751.6, 220.1, 765.1, 375.0 # footer
# \ \ / // _ \ | | | || _ \ | |
# \ V /| (_) || |_| || / | |__ / _ \/ _` |/ _ \ Some header Text
# |_| \___/ \___/ |_|_\ |____|\___/\__, |\___/
# Name: Report record 0
# Footer for Report record 0 Page: 1 / 1
self.assertEqual(logo.left, content.left, 'Logo and content should have the same left margin')
self.assertEqual(header.left, logo.end_left, 'Header starts after logo')
self.assertGreaterEqual(header.top, logo.top, 'header is vertically centered on logo')
self.assertGreaterEqual(logo.end_top, header.end_top, 'header is vertically centered on logo')
self.assertGreaterEqual(content.top, logo.end_top, 'Content is bellow logo')
self.assertGreaterEqual(footer.top, content.end_top, 'Footer is bellow content')
self.assertGreaterEqual(100, footer.bottom, 'Footer is on the bottom of the page')
self.assertAlmostEqual(footer.left, footer.right, -1, 'Footer is centered on the page')
def test_report_pdf_page_break(self):
partners = self.partners[:2]
page_content = '''
<div class="page">
<div style="background-color:red">
Name: <t t-esc="o.name"/>
<div style="page-break-before:always;background-color:blue">
Last page for <t t-esc="o.name"/>
pdf_content = self.create_pdf(partners=partners, page_content=page_content)
pages = self._parse_pdf(pdf_content)
self.assertEqual(len(pages), 4, "Expecting 2 pages * 2 partners")
expected_pages_contents = []
for partner in self.partners:
'LTFigure', #logo
'Some header Text',
f'Name: {partner.name}',
f'Footer for {partner.name} Page: 1 / 2',
'LTFigure', #logo
'Some header Text',
f'Last page for {partner.name}',
f'Footer for {partner.name} Page: 2 / 2',
pages_contents = [[elem[1] for elem in page] for page in pages]
self.assertEqual(pages_contents, expected_pages_contents)
def test_pdf_render_page_overflow(self):
nb_lines = 80
page_content = f'''
<div class="page">
<div style="background-color:red">
Name: <t t-esc="o.name"/>
<div t-foreach="range({nb_lines})" t-as="pos" t-esc="pos"/>
pdf_content = self.create_pdf(page_content=page_content)
pages = self._parse_pdf(pdf_content)
self.assertEqual(len(pages), 6,
'6 pages are expected, 3 per record (you may ensure `nb_lines` has a correct value to generate an oveflow)')
first_page_break_at = int(
pages[1][2][1].split('\n')[0]) # This element should be the first line, 61 when this test was written
second_page_break_at = int(pages[2][2][1].split('\n')[0])
# There is some inconsistency caused by the pdfminer library when \n are placed, to be sure we don't have issues
# We put one element per line
pages_contents = []
for page in pages:
page_content = []
for elem in page:
if '\n' in elem[1]:
expected_pages_contents = []
# Thoses changes are needed to format the page content and the expected page the same due to the inconsistency
# With the pdfminer library
for partner in self.partners:
def create_page_content(start, end, page_number, include_name=False):
content = [
'LTFigure', # logo
'Some header Text',
if include_name:
content.append(f'Name: {partner.name}')
content.extend([str(i) for i in range(start, end)])
content.append(f'Footer for {partner.name} Page: {page_number} / 3')
return content
create_page_content(0, first_page_break_at, 1, include_name=True),
create_page_content(first_page_break_at, second_page_break_at, 2),
create_page_content(second_page_break_at, nb_lines, 3)
self.assertEqual(pages_contents, expected_pages_contents)
def test_thead_tbody_repeat(self):
Check that thead and t-foot are repeated after page break inside a tbody
nb_lines = 50
page_content = f'''
<div class="page">
<table class="table">
<thead><tr><th> T1 </th><th> T2 </th><th> T3 </th></tr></thead>
<t t-foreach="range({nb_lines})" t-as="pos">
<tr><td><t t-esc="pos"/></td><td><t t-esc="pos"/></td><td><t t-esc="pos"/></td></tr>
<tfoot><tr><th> T1 </th><th> T2 </th><th> T3 </th></tr></tfoot>
pdf_content = self.create_pdf(page_content=page_content)
pages = self._parse_pdf(pdf_content)
self.assertEqual(len(pages), 6, '6 pages are expected, 3 per record (you may ensure `nb_lines` has a correct value to generate an oveflow)')
# This element should be the first line of the table, 28 when this test was written
first_page_break_at = int(pages[1][5][1])
second_page_break_at = int(pages[2][5][1])
def expected_table(start, end):
table = ['T1', 'T2', 'T3'] # thead
for i in range(start, end):
table += [str(i), str(i), str(i)]
table += ['T1', 'T2', 'T3'] # tfoot
return table
expected_pages_contents = []
for partner in self.partners:
'LTFigure', #logo
'Some header Text',
* expected_table(0, first_page_break_at),
f'Footer for {partner.name} Page: 1 / 3',
'LTFigure', #logo
'Some header Text',
* expected_table(first_page_break_at, second_page_break_at),
f'Footer for {partner.name} Page: 2 / 3',
'LTFigure', # logo
'Some header Text',
*expected_table(second_page_break_at, nb_lines),
f'Footer for {partner.name} Page: 3 / 3',
pages_contents = [[elem[1] for elem in page] for page in pages]
self.assertEqual(pages_contents, expected_pages_contents)
@odoo.tests.tagged('post_install', '-at_install', '-standard', 'pdf_rendering')
class TestReportsRenderingLimitations(TestReportsRenderingCommon):
def test_no_clip(self):
Current version will add a fixed margin on top of document
This test demonstrates this limitation
header_content = '''
<div style="background-color:blue">
<div t-foreach="range(15)" t-as="pos" t-esc="'Header %s' % pos"/>
page_content = '''
<div class="page">
<div style="background-color:red; margin-left:100px">
<div t-foreach="range(10)" t-as="pos" t-esc="'Content %s' % pos"/>
# adding a margin on page to avoid bot block to me considered as the same
pdf_content = self.create_pdf(page_content=page_content, header_content=header_content)
pages = self._parse_pdf(pdf_content)
self.assertEqual(len(pages), 2, "2 partners")
page = pages[0]
self.assertEqual(len(page), 3, "Expecting 3 box per page, Header, body, footer")
header = page[0][0]
content = page[1][0]
self.assertGreaterEqual(content.top, header.end_top, "EXISTING LIMITATION: large header shouldn't overflow on body, but they do")
@odoo.tests.tagged('post_install', '-at_install')
class TestAggregatePdfReports(odoo.tests.HttpCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.partners = cls.env["res.partner"].create([{
"name": "Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov"
}, {
"name": "Dmitri Prokofich Razumikhin"
}, {
"name": "Porfiry Petrovich"
"name": "test report",
"report_name": "base.test_report",
"model": "res.partner",
def test_aggregate_report_with_some_resources_reloaded_from_attachment(self):
Test for opw-3827700, which caused reports generated for multiple records to fail if there was a record in
the middle that had an attachment, and 'Reload from attachment' was enabled for the report. The misbehavior was
caused by an indexing issue.
"type": "qweb",
"name": "base.test_report",
"key": "base.test_report",
"arch": """
<div t-foreach="docs" t-as="user">
<div class="article" data-oe-model="res.partner" t-att-data-oe-id="user.id">
<span t-esc="user.display_name"/>
self.assert_report_creation("base.test_report", self.partners, self.partners[1])
def test_aggregate_report_with_some_resources_reloaded_from_attachment_with_multiple_page_report(self):
Same as @test_report_with_some_resources_reloaded_from_attachment, but tests the behavior for reports that
span multiple pages per record.
"type": "qweb",
"name": "base.test_report",
"key": "base.test_report",
"arch": """
<div t-foreach="docs" t-as="user">
<div class="article" data-oe-model="res.partner" t-att-data-oe-id="user.id" >
<!-- This headline helps report generation to split pdfs per record after it generates
the report in bulk by creating an outline. -->
<!-- Make this a multipage report. -->
<div t-foreach="range(100)" t-as="i">
<span t-esc="i"/> - <span t-esc="user.display_name"/>
self.assert_report_creation("base.test_report", self.partners, self.partners[1])
def assert_report_creation(self, report_ref, records, record_to_report):
self.assertIn(record_to_report, records, "Record to report must be in records list")
reports = self.env['ir.actions.report'].with_context(force_report_rendering=True)
# Make sure attachments are created.
report = reports._get_report(report_ref)
if not report.attachment:
report.attachment = "object.name + '.pdf'"
report.attachment_use = True
# Generate report for chosen record to create an attachment.
record_report, content_type = reports._render_qweb_pdf(report_ref, res_ids=record_to_report.id)
self.assertEqual(content_type, "pdf", "Report is not a PDF")
self.assertTrue(record_report, "PDF not generated")
# Make sure the attachment is created.
report = reports._get_report(report_ref)
self.assertTrue(report.retrieve_attachment(record_to_report), "Attachment not generated")
aggregate_report_content, content_type = reports._render_qweb_pdf(report_ref, res_ids=records.ids)
self.assertEqual(content_type, "pdf", "Report is not a PDF")
self.assertTrue(aggregate_report_content, "PDF not generated")
for record in records:
self.assertTrue(report.retrieve_attachment(record), "Attachment not generated")