122 lines
3.5 KiB
122 lines
3.5 KiB
/** @odoo-module **/
import { queryAll, queryText } from "@odoo/hoot-dom";
import { rpc } from "@web/core/network/rpc";
import { registry } from "@web/core/registry";
const openUserPreferenceSecurity = () => [{
content: 'Open user account menu',
trigger: '.o_user_menu .dropdown-toggle',
run: 'click',
}, {
content: "Open preferences / profile screen",
trigger: '[data-menu=settings]',
run: 'click',
}, {
content: "Switch to security tab",
trigger: 'a[role=tab]:contains("Account Security")',
run: 'click',
registry.category("web_tour.tours").add('apikeys_tour_setup', {
url: '/odoo?debug=1', // Needed as API key part is now only displayed in debug mode
steps: () => [
...openUserPreferenceSecurity(), {
content: "Open API keys wizard",
trigger: 'button:contains("New API Key")',
run: "click",
}, {
content: "Check that we have to enter enhanced security mode",
trigger: ".modal div:contains(entering your password)",
}, {
content: "Input password",
trigger: '.modal [name=password] input',
run: "edit test_user",
}, {
content: "Confirm",
trigger: ".modal button:contains(Confirm Password)",
run: "click",
}, {
content: "Check that we're now on the key description dialog",
trigger: '.modal p:contains("Enter a description of and purpose for the key.")',
}, {
content: "Enter description",
trigger: '.modal [name=name] input',
run: "edit my key",
}, {
content: "Confirm key creation",
trigger: '.modal button:contains("Generate key")',
run: "click",
}, {
content: "Check that we're on the last step & grab key",
trigger: '.modal p:contains("Here is your new API key")',
run: async () => {
const key = queryText("code [name=key] span");
await rpc('/web/dataset/call_kw', {
model: 'ir.logging', method: 'send_key',
args: [key],
kwargs: {},
trigger: "button:contains(Done)",
run: "click",
content: "check that our key is present",
trigger: '[name=api_key_ids] td:contains("my key")',
// deletes the previously created key
registry.category("web_tour.tours").add('apikeys_tour_teardown', {
url: '/odoo?debug=1', // Needed as API key part is now only displayed in debug mode
steps: () => [{
content: 'Open preferences',
trigger: '.o_user_menu .dropdown-toggle',
run: "click",
}, {
trigger: '[data-menu=settings]',
run: "click",
}, {
content: "Switch to security tab",
trigger: 'a[role=tab]:contains("Account Security")',
run: 'click',
}, {
content: "delete key",
trigger: '[name=api_key_ids] i.fa-trash',
run: 'click',
}, {
content: "Input password for security mode again",
trigger: ".modal [name=password] input",
run: "edit test_user",
}, {
content: "And confirm",
trigger: ".modal button:contains(Confirm Password)",
run: "click",
trigger: "body:not(:has(.modal))",
content: 'Re-open preferences again',
trigger: '.o_user_menu .dropdown-toggle',
run: "click",
}, {
trigger: '[data-menu=settings]',
run: "click",
}, {
content: "Switch to security tab",
trigger: 'a[role=tab]:contains("Account Security")',
run: 'click',
}, {
content: "Check that there's no more keys",
trigger: '.o_notebook',
run: function() {
if (queryAll("[name=api_key_ids]:visible", { root: this.anchor }).length) {
console.error("Expected API keys to be hidden (because empty), but it's not");