200 lines
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200 lines
8.2 KiB
import logging
from contextlib import closing
from unittest.mock import patch
from urllib.parse import urljoin, urlsplit
import requests
import odoo
from odoo.modules.registry import Registry
from odoo.sql_db import close_db, db_connect
from odoo.tests import HOST, BaseCase, Like, get_db_name, tagged
from odoo.tools import lazy_property, mute_logger, SQL
The other "what could go wrong" I can think about:
* you cannot connect to PostgreSQL
* the database does not exists
* the database is corrupted:
* + table ir_module_module does not exist or misses some columns
* + the "sequences" don't exist
* the database version doesn't match the server version (version is inferred from module base, I think)
* you cannot import some modules (in the Python sense)
* some modules are marked to be installed/upgraded/uninstalled and that fails (that's part of Registry.new)
# TODO: write some tests for those too
def duplicate_db(db_source, db_dest):
query = SQL("CREATE DATABASE %s ENCODING 'unicode' TEMPLATE %s", SQL.identifier(db_dest), SQL.identifier(db_source))
with closing(db_connect('postgres').cursor()) as cr:
cr._cnx.autocommit = True
def drop_db(db):
query = SQL("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS %s", SQL.identifier(db))
with closing(db_connect('postgres').cursor()) as cr:
cr._cnx.autocommit = True
@tagged('-standard', '-at_install', 'post_install', 'database_breaking')
class TestHttpRegistry(BaseCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.addClassCleanup(lazy_property.reset_all, odoo.http.root)
cls.classPatch(odoo.conf, 'server_wide_modules', ['base', 'web', 'test_http'])
# make sure there are always many databases, to break monodb
cls._db_list = cls.startClassPatcher(patch('odoo.http.db_list'))
cls._db_list.return_value = ['postgres', get_db_name()]
side_effect=lambda dbs, host=None: [db for db in dbs if db in cls._db_list()]))
def setUp(self):
self.opener = requests.Session()
def duplicate_current_db(self, db_suffix):
db_duplicate = f'{get_db_name()}-test-http-registry-{db_suffix}'
# duplicate the current database
duplicate_db(db_source=get_db_name(), db_dest=db_duplicate)
self.addCleanup(drop_db, db_duplicate)
self.addCleanup(close_db, db_duplicate)
self.addCleanup(self._db_list.return_value.remove, db_duplicate)
return db_duplicate
def authenticate(self, *, db=None):
session = odoo.http.root.session_store.new()
session.update(odoo.http.get_default_session(), db=db or get_db_name())
session.context['lang'] = odoo.http.DEFAULT_LANG
self.opener.cookies['session_id'] = session.sid
return session
def url_open(self, path, *, allow_redirects=False):
if not path.startswith('/'):
raise ValueError("can only request a relative url")
url = urljoin(f"http://{HOST}:{odoo.tools.config['http_port']}", path)
return self.opener.get(url, allow_redirects=allow_redirects)
def test_signaling(self):
# open a registry + session on the current db
res = self.url_open('/test_http/ensure_db')
self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 200)
# invalidate the registry of the current db
with Registry(get_db_name()).cursor() as cr:
cr.execute("select nextval('base_registry_signaling')")
# the registry should rebuild itself just fine
with self.assertLogs('odoo.modules.registry', logging.INFO) as capture:
res = self.url_open('/test_http/ensure_db')
self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 200)
self.assertEqual(capture.output, [
"INFO:odoo.modules.registry:Reloading the model registry after database signaling.",
Like("INFO:odoo.modules.registry:Registry loaded in ...s"),
def test_missing_db(self):
db_duplicate = self.duplicate_current_db('drop')
# open a registry + session on the duplicated db
res = self.url_open('/test_http/ensure_db')
self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 200)
# drop the duplicate, leave the session and registry dangling
self.assertIn(db_duplicate, Registry.registries) # dangling
# the registry is unusable, make sure the system recovers fine
with self.assertLogs('odoo.http', logging.WARNING) as capture:
res = self.url_open('/test_http/ensure_db')
self.authenticate(db=db_duplicate) # session was drop
res_query = self.url_open(f'/test_http/ensure_db?db={db_duplicate}')
[(res.status_code, urlsplit(res.headers.get('Location', '')).path),
(res_query.status_code, urlsplit(res_query.headers.get('Location', '')).path)],
[(303, '/web/database/selector')] * 2,
"It should not redirect back on /test_http/ensure_db.",
self.assertEqual(capture.output, [
Like("WARNING:odoo.http:Database or registry unusable, trying without\n"
f'Traceback...database "{db_duplicate}" does not exist...')
] * 2)
def test_corrupt_ir_module_module_table(self):
db_duplicate = self.duplicate_current_db('corrupt-irmodule')
# corrupt the ir_module_module table
with db_connect(db_duplicate).cursor() as cr:
ALTER TABLE "ir_module_module" DROP COLUMN "state"
# we have a session on that database but no registry
# impossible to build a registry, make sure the system recovers
with self.assertLogs('odoo.modules.registry', logging.ERROR) as capture1, \
self.assertLogs('odoo.http', logging.WARNING) as capture2:
res = self.url_open('/test_http/greeting-public')
self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 404)
self.assertEqual(capture1.output, [
"ERROR:odoo.modules.registry:Failed to load registry",
self.assertEqual(capture2.output, [
Like("WARNING:odoo.http:Database or registry unusable, trying without\n"
'Traceback...column "state" does not exist...')
def test_corrupt_sequences(self):
db_duplicate = self.duplicate_current_db('corrupt-sequence')
# open a registry + session on the current db (for first subtest)
res = self.url_open('/test_http/ensure_db')
self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 200)
# drop the signaling sequence
with db_connect(db_duplicate).cursor() as cr:
DROP SEQUENCE "base_registry_signaling"
with self.subTest(name="existing registry"):
# attempt to reuse the registry, make sure the system recover
with self.assertLogs('odoo.http', logging.WARNING) as capture:
res = self.url_open('/test_http/greeting-public')
self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 404)
self.assertEqual(capture.output, [
Like("WARNING:odoo.http:Database or registry unusable, trying without\n"
'Traceback...relation "base_registry_signaling" does not exist...')
with self.subTest(name="new registry"):
# attempt to create a new registry, it should create the
# missing sequences and go on just fine
res = self.url_open('/test_http/greeting-public')
self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 200)