1033 lines
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1033 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import timedelta, datetime, date
import calendar
from odoo import fields, models, api, _, Command
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError, UserError, RedirectWarning
from odoo.osv import expression
from odoo.tools import date_utils, format_list, SQL
from odoo.tools.mail import is_html_empty
from odoo.tools.misc import format_date
from odoo.addons.account.models.account_move import MAX_HASH_VERSION
from odoo.addons.base_vat.models.res_partner import _ref_vat
('1', 'January'),
('2', 'February'),
('3', 'March'),
('4', 'April'),
('5', 'May'),
('6', 'June'),
('7', 'July'),
('8', 'August'),
('9', 'September'),
('10', 'October'),
('11', 'November'),
('12', 'December'),
# List of countries where Peppol should be used by default.
'AT', 'BE', 'CH', 'CY', 'CZ', 'DE', 'DK', 'EE', 'ES', 'FI',
'FR', 'GR', 'IE', 'IS', 'IT', 'LT', 'LU', 'LV', 'MT', 'NL',
'NO', 'PL', 'PT', 'RO', 'SE', 'SI',
# List of countries where Peppol is accessible.
'AD', 'AL', 'BA', 'BG', 'GB', 'HR', 'HU', 'LI', 'MC', 'ME',
'MK', 'RS', 'SK', 'SM', 'TR', 'VA',
class ResCompany(models.Model):
_name = "res.company"
_inherit = ["res.company", "mail.thread"]
fiscalyear_last_day = fields.Integer(default=31, required=True)
fiscalyear_last_month = fields.Selection(MONTH_SELECTION, default='12', required=True)
fiscalyear_lock_date = fields.Date(
string="Global Lock Date",
help="Any entry up to and including that date will be postponed to a later time, in accordance with its journal's sequence.",
tax_lock_date = fields.Date(
string="Tax Return Lock Date",
help="Any entry with taxes up to and including that date will be postponed to a later time, in accordance with its journal's sequence. "
"The tax lock date is automatically set when the tax closing entry is posted.",
sale_lock_date = fields.Date(
string='Sales Lock Date',
help="Any sales entry prior to and including this date will be postponed to a later date, in accordance with its journal's sequence.",
purchase_lock_date = fields.Date(
string='Purchase Lock date',
help="Any purchase entry prior to and including this date will be postponed to a later date, in accordance with its journal's sequence.",
hard_lock_date = fields.Date(
string='Hard Lock Date',
help="Any entry up to and including that date will be postponed to a later time, in accordance with its journal sequence. "
"This lock date is irreversible and does not allow any exception.",
# The user lock date fields are explicitly invalidated when
# * writing the corresponding lock date field on any company
# * an exception for that field is created (for any company)
# * an exception for that field is revoked (for any company)
# A `@api.depends` is necessary for the `@api.depends_context` to work correctly
user_fiscalyear_lock_date = fields.Date(compute='_compute_user_fiscalyear_lock_date')
user_tax_lock_date = fields.Date(compute='_compute_user_tax_lock_date')
user_sale_lock_date = fields.Date(compute='_compute_user_sale_lock_date')
user_purchase_lock_date = fields.Date(compute='_compute_user_purchase_lock_date')
user_hard_lock_date = fields.Date(compute='_compute_user_hard_lock_date')
transfer_account_id = fields.Many2one('account.account',
domain="[('reconcile', '=', True), ('account_type', '=', 'asset_current'), ('deprecated', '=', False)]", string="Inter-Banks Transfer Account", help="Intermediary account used when moving money from a liquidity account to another")
expects_chart_of_accounts = fields.Boolean(string='Expects a Chart of Accounts', default=True)
chart_template = fields.Selection(selection='_chart_template_selection')
bank_account_code_prefix = fields.Char(string='Prefix of the bank accounts')
cash_account_code_prefix = fields.Char(string='Prefix of the cash accounts')
default_cash_difference_income_account_id = fields.Many2one('account.account', string="Cash Difference Income", check_company=True)
default_cash_difference_expense_account_id = fields.Many2one('account.account', string="Cash Difference Expense", check_company=True)
account_journal_suspense_account_id = fields.Many2one('account.account', string='Journal Suspense Account', check_company=True)
account_journal_early_pay_discount_gain_account_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='account.account', string='Cash Discount Write-Off Gain Account', check_company=True)
account_journal_early_pay_discount_loss_account_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='account.account', string='Cash Discount Write-Off Loss Account', check_company=True)
transfer_account_code_prefix = fields.Char(string='Prefix of the transfer accounts')
account_sale_tax_id = fields.Many2one('account.tax', string="Default Sale Tax", check_company=True)
account_purchase_tax_id = fields.Many2one('account.tax', string="Default Purchase Tax", check_company=True)
tax_calculation_rounding_method = fields.Selection([
('round_per_line', 'Round per Line'),
('round_globally', 'Round Globally'),
], default='round_per_line', string='Tax Calculation Rounding Method')
currency_exchange_journal_id = fields.Many2one('account.journal', string="Exchange Gain or Loss Journal", domain=[('type', '=', 'general')])
income_currency_exchange_account_id = fields.Many2one(
string="Gain Exchange Rate Account",
domain="[('deprecated', '=', False),\
('internal_group', '=', 'income')]")
expense_currency_exchange_account_id = fields.Many2one(
string="Loss Exchange Rate Account",
domain="[('deprecated', '=', False), \
('account_type', '=', 'expense')]")
anglo_saxon_accounting = fields.Boolean(string="Use anglo-saxon accounting")
bank_journal_ids = fields.One2many('account.journal', 'company_id', domain=[('type', '=', 'bank')], string='Bank Journals')
incoterm_id = fields.Many2one('account.incoterms', string='Default incoterm',
help='International Commercial Terms are a series of predefined commercial terms used in international transactions.')
qr_code = fields.Boolean(string='Display QR-code on invoices')
display_invoice_amount_total_words = fields.Boolean(string='Total amount of invoice in letters')
display_invoice_tax_company_currency = fields.Boolean(
string="Taxes in company currency",
account_use_credit_limit = fields.Boolean(
string='Sales Credit Limit', help='Enable the use of credit limit on partners.')
batch_payment_sequence_id = fields.Many2one(
default=lambda self: self.env['ir.sequence'].sudo().create({
'name': _("Batch Payment Number Sequence"),
'implementation': 'no_gap',
'padding': 5,
'use_date_range': True,
'company_id': self.id,
'prefix': 'BATCH/%(year)s/',
#Fields of the setup step for opening move
account_opening_move_id = fields.Many2one(string='Opening Journal Entry', comodel_name='account.move', help="The journal entry containing the initial balance of all this company's accounts.")
account_opening_journal_id = fields.Many2one(string='Opening Journal', comodel_name='account.journal', related='account_opening_move_id.journal_id', help="Journal where the opening entry of this company's accounting has been posted.", readonly=False)
account_opening_date = fields.Date(string='Opening Entry', default=lambda self: fields.Date.context_today(self).replace(month=1, day=1), required=True, help="That is the date of the opening entry.")
invoice_terms = fields.Html(string='Default Terms and Conditions', translate=True)
terms_type = fields.Selection([('plain', 'Add a Note'), ('html', 'Add a link to a Web Page')],
string='Terms & Conditions format', default='plain')
invoice_terms_html = fields.Html(string='Default Terms and Conditions as a Web page', translate=True,
compute='_compute_invoice_terms_html', store=True, readonly=False)
# Needed in the Point of Sale
account_default_pos_receivable_account_id = fields.Many2one('account.account', string="Default PoS Receivable Account", check_company=True)
# Accrual Accounting
expense_accrual_account_id = fields.Many2one('account.account',
help="Account used to move the period of an expense",
domain="[('internal_group', '=', 'liability'), ('account_type', 'not in', ('asset_receivable', 'liability_payable'))]")
revenue_accrual_account_id = fields.Many2one('account.account',
help="Account used to move the period of a revenue",
domain="[('internal_group', '=', 'asset'), ('account_type', 'not in', ('asset_receivable', 'liability_payable'))]")
automatic_entry_default_journal_id = fields.Many2one(
domain="[('type', '=', 'general')]",
help="Journal used by default for moving the period of an entry",
# Taxes
account_fiscal_country_id = fields.Many2one(
string="Fiscal Country",
help="The country to use the tax reports from for this company")
account_enabled_tax_country_ids = fields.Many2many(
string="l10n-used countries",
help="Technical field containing the countries for which this company is using tax-related features"
"(hence the ones for which l10n modules need to show tax-related fields).")
# Cash basis taxes
tax_exigibility = fields.Boolean(string='Use Cash Basis')
tax_cash_basis_journal_id = fields.Many2one(
string="Cash Basis Journal")
account_cash_basis_base_account_id = fields.Many2one(
domain=[('deprecated', '=', False)],
string="Base Tax Received Account",
help="Account that will be set on lines created in cash basis journal entry and used to keep track of the "
"tax base amount.")
# Storno Accounting
account_storno = fields.Boolean(string="Storno accounting", readonly=False)
# Multivat
fiscal_position_ids = fields.One2many(comodel_name="account.fiscal.position", inverse_name="company_id")
multi_vat_foreign_country_ids = fields.Many2many(
string="Foreign VAT countries",
help="Countries for which the company has a VAT number",
# Fiduciary mode
quick_edit_mode = fields.Selection(
('out_invoices', 'Customer Invoices'),
('in_invoices', 'Vendor Bills'),
('out_and_in_invoices', 'Customer Invoices and Vendor Bills')],
string="Quick encoding")
# Separate account for allocation of discounts
account_discount_income_allocation_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='account.account', string='Separate account for income discount')
account_discount_expense_allocation_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='account.account', string='Separate account for expense discount')
# Audit trail
check_account_audit_trail = fields.Boolean(string='Audit Trail')
# Autopost Wizard
autopost_bills = fields.Boolean(string='Auto-validate bills', default=True)
# Tax ex/included in prices
account_price_include = fields.Selection(
selection=[('tax_included', 'Tax Included'), ('tax_excluded', 'Tax Excluded')],
string='Default Sales Price Include',
help="Default on whether the sales price used on the product and invoices with this Company includes its taxes."
company_vat_placeholder = fields.Char(compute='_compute_company_vat_placeholder')
def get_next_batch_payment_communication(self):
When in need of a batch payment communication reference (several invoices paid at the same time)
use batch_payment_sequence_id to get it (eventually create it first): e.g BATCH/2024/00001
return self.sudo().batch_payment_sequence_id.next_by_id()
def _get_company_root_delegated_field_names(self):
return super()._get_company_root_delegated_field_names() + [
def cache_invalidation_fields(self):
# EXTENDS base
invalidation_fields = super().cache_invalidation_fields()
return invalidation_fields
def _check_set_account_price_include(self):
if any(company.sudo()._existing_accounting() for company in self):
raise ValidationError("Cannot change Price Tax computation method on a company that has already started invoicing.")
@api.constrains('account_opening_move_id', 'fiscalyear_last_day', 'fiscalyear_last_month')
def _check_fiscalyear_last_day(self):
# if the user explicitly chooses the 29th of February we allow it:
# there is no "fiscalyear_last_year" so we do not know his intentions.
for rec in self:
if rec.fiscalyear_last_day == 29 and rec.fiscalyear_last_month == '2':
if rec.account_opening_date:
year = rec.account_opening_date.year
year = datetime.now().year
max_day = calendar.monthrange(year, int(rec.fiscalyear_last_month))[1]
if rec.fiscalyear_last_day > max_day:
raise ValidationError(_("Invalid fiscal year last day"))
def _check_audit_trail_records(self):
if not self.check_account_audit_trail:
move_count = self.env['account.move'].search_count([('company_id', '=', self.id)], limit=1)
if move_count:
raise UserError(_("Can't disable audit trail when there are existing records."))
def _compute_multi_vat_foreign_country(self):
company_to_foreign_vat_country = {
company.id: country_ids
for company, country_ids in self.env['account.fiscal.position']._read_group(
('foreign_vat', '!=', False),
for company in self:
company.multi_vat_foreign_country_ids = self.env['res.country'].browse(company_to_foreign_vat_country.get(company.id))
def compute_account_tax_fiscal_country(self):
for record in self:
if not record.account_fiscal_country_id:
record.account_fiscal_country_id = record.country_id
def _compute_account_enabled_tax_country_ids(self):
for record in self:
if record not in self.env.user.company_ids:
# can have access to the company form without having access to its content (see base.res_company_rule_erp_manager)
record.account_enabled_tax_country_ids = False
foreign_vat_fpos = self.env['account.fiscal.position'].search([
('foreign_vat', '!=', False)
record.account_enabled_tax_country_ids = foreign_vat_fpos.country_id + record.account_fiscal_country_id
def _compute_invoice_terms_html(self):
for company in self.filtered(lambda company: is_html_empty(company.invoice_terms_html) and company.terms_type == 'html'):
html = self.env['ir.qweb']._render('account.account_default_terms_and_conditions',
{'company_name': company.name, 'company_country': company.country_id.name},
if html:
company.invoice_terms_html = html
@api.depends_context('uid', 'ignore_exceptions')
def _compute_user_fiscalyear_lock_date(self):
ignore_exceptions = bool(self.env.context.get('ignore_exceptions', False))
for company in self:
company.user_fiscalyear_lock_date = company._get_user_lock_date('fiscalyear_lock_date', ignore_exceptions)
@api.depends_context('uid', 'ignore_exceptions')
def _compute_user_tax_lock_date(self):
ignore_exceptions = bool(self.env.context.get('ignore_exceptions', False))
for company in self:
company.user_tax_lock_date = company._get_user_lock_date('tax_lock_date', ignore_exceptions)
@api.depends_context('uid', 'ignore_exceptions')
def _compute_user_sale_lock_date(self):
ignore_exceptions = bool(self.env.context.get('ignore_exceptions', False))
for company in self:
company.user_sale_lock_date = company._get_user_lock_date('sale_lock_date', ignore_exceptions)
@api.depends_context('uid', 'ignore_exceptions')
def _compute_user_purchase_lock_date(self):
ignore_exceptions = bool(self.env.context.get('ignore_exceptions', False))
for company in self:
company.user_purchase_lock_date = company._get_user_lock_date('purchase_lock_date', ignore_exceptions)
def _compute_user_hard_lock_date(self):
for company in self:
company.user_hard_lock_date = max(c.hard_lock_date or date.min for c in company.sudo().parent_ids)
def _initiate_account_onboardings(self):
account_onboarding_routes = [
onboardings = self.env['onboarding.onboarding'].sudo().search([('route_name', 'in', account_onboarding_routes)])
for company in self:
def create(self, vals_list):
companies = super().create(vals_list)
for company in companies:
if root_template := company.parent_ids[0].chart_template:
def try_loading(company=company, root_template=root_template):
return companies
def get_new_account_code(self, current_code, old_prefix, new_prefix):
digits = len(current_code)
return new_prefix + current_code.replace(old_prefix, '', 1).lstrip('0').rjust(digits-len(new_prefix), '0')
def reflect_code_prefix_change(self, old_code, new_code):
if not old_code or new_code == old_code:
accounts = self.env['account.account'].with_company(self).search([
('code', '=like', old_code + '%'),
('account_type', 'in', ('asset_cash', 'liability_credit_card')),
], order='code asc')
for account in accounts:
account.write({'code': self.get_new_account_code(account.code, old_code, new_code)})
def _get_unreconciled_statement_lines_redirect_action(self, unreconciled_statement_lines):
""" Get the action redirecting to the statement lines that are not already reconciled.
It can i.e. be used when setting a fiscal year lock date or hashing all entries until a certain date.
:param unreconciled_statement_lines: The statement lines.
:return: A dictionary representing a window action.
action = {
'name': _("Unreconciled Transactions"),
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'res_model': 'account.bank.statement.line',
'context': {'create': False},
if len(unreconciled_statement_lines) == 1:
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_id': unreconciled_statement_lines.id,
'view_mode': 'list,form',
'domain': [('id', 'in', unreconciled_statement_lines.ids)],
return action
def _get_unreconciled_statement_lines_domain(self, last_date):
return [
('company_id', 'child_of', self.ids),
('is_reconciled', '=', False),
('date', '<=', last_date),
('move_id.state', 'in', ('draft', 'posted')),
def _validate_locks(self, values):
"""Check that the lock date changes are valid.
* Check that we do not decrease or remove the hard lock dates.
* Check there are no unreconciled bank statement lines in the period we want to lock.
* Check there are no unhashed journal entires in the period we want to lock.
:param vals: The values passed to the write method.
new_locks = {field: fields.Date.to_date(values[field])for field in LOCK_DATE_FIELDS if field in values}
fiscalyear_lock_date = new_locks.get('fiscalyear_lock_date')
hard_lock_date = new_locks.get('hard_lock_date')
sale_lock_date = new_locks.get('sale_lock_date')
purchase_lock_date = new_locks.get('purchase_lock_date')
fiscal_lock_date = None
if fiscalyear_lock_date or hard_lock_date:
fiscal_lock_date = max(fiscalyear_lock_date or date.min, hard_lock_date or date.min)
if 'hard_lock_date' in new_locks:
for company in self:
if not company.hard_lock_date:
if not hard_lock_date:
raise UserError(_("The Hard Lock Date cannot be removed."))
if hard_lock_date < company.hard_lock_date:
raise UserError(_("A new Hard Lock Date must be posterior (or equal) to the previous one."))
if hard_lock_date:
draft_entries = self.env['account.move'].search([
('company_id', 'child_of', self.ids),
('state', '=', 'draft'),
('date', '<=', hard_lock_date)])
if draft_entries:
error_msg = _('There are still draft entries in the period you want to hard lock. You should either post or delete them.')
action_error = {
'view_mode': 'list',
'name': _('Draft Entries'),
'res_model': 'account.move',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'domain': [('id', 'in', draft_entries.ids)],
'search_view_id': [self.env.ref('account.view_account_move_filter').id, 'search'],
'views': [[self.env.ref('account.view_move_tree_multi_edit').id, 'list'], [self.env.ref('account.view_move_form').id, 'form']],
raise RedirectWarning(error_msg, action_error, _('Show draft entries'))
# Check for unreconciled bank statement lines
if fiscal_lock_date:
unreconciled_statement_lines = self.env['account.bank.statement.line'].search(
if unreconciled_statement_lines:
error_msg = _("There are still unreconciled bank statement lines in the period you want to lock."
"You should either reconcile or delete them.")
action_error = self._get_unreconciled_statement_lines_redirect_action(unreconciled_statement_lines)
raise RedirectWarning(error_msg, action_error, _('Show Unreconciled Bank Statement Line'))
def _get_user_lock_date(self, soft_lock_date_field, ignore_exceptions=False):
"""Get the lock date called `soft_lock_date_field` for this company depending on the user.
We consider the field and exceptions (except if `ignore_exceptions`) for it in this company and the parent companies.
:param str soft_lock_date_field: One of the lock date fields (except 'hard_lock_date'; see SOFT_LOCK_DATE_FIELDS)
:param bool ignore_exceptions: Whether we ignore exceptions or not
:return the user lock date
soft_lock_date = date.min
# We need to use sudo, since we might not have access to a parent company.
for company in self.sudo().parent_ids:
if company[soft_lock_date_field]:
if ignore_exceptions:
exception = None
exception = self.env['account.lock_exception'].search(
('state', '=', 'active'), # checks the datetime
('user_id', '=', None),
('user_id', '=', self.env.user.id),
(soft_lock_date_field, '<', company[soft_lock_date_field]),
('company_id', '=', company.id),
order='lock_date asc NULLS FIRST',
if exception:
# The search domain of the exception ensures `exception[soft_lock_date_field] < company[soft_lock_date_field]`
# or `exception[soft_lock_date_field] is False`
soft_lock_date = max(soft_lock_date, exception[soft_lock_date_field] or date.min)
soft_lock_date = max(soft_lock_date, company[soft_lock_date_field])
return soft_lock_date
def _get_user_fiscal_lock_date(self, journal, ignore_exceptions=False):
"""Get the fiscal lock date for this company (depending on the affected journal) accounting for potential user exceptions
:param bool ignore_exceptions: Whether we ignore exceptions or not
:return the lock date
company = self.with_context(ignore_exceptions=ignore_exceptions)
lock = max(company.user_fiscalyear_lock_date, company.user_hard_lock_date)
if journal.type == 'sale':
lock = max(company.user_sale_lock_date, lock)
elif journal.type == 'purchase':
lock = max(company.user_purchase_lock_date, lock)
return lock
def _get_violated_soft_lock_date(self, soft_lock_date_field, date):
Check whether `date` violates the lock date called `soft_lock_date_field`.
:param str soft_lock_date_field: One of the lock date fields (except 'hard_lock_date'; see SOFT_LOCK_DATE_FIELDS)
:param date: We check whether this date is prior or equal to the lock date.
:return the violated lock date as a date (or `None`)
violated_date = None
if not self:
return violated_date
user_lock_date_field = f'user_{soft_lock_date_field}'
regular_lock_date = self.with_context(ignore_exceptions=True)[user_lock_date_field]
if date <= regular_lock_date:
violated_date = regular_lock_date
user_lock_date = self.with_context(ignore_exceptions=False)[user_lock_date_field]
violated_date = None if date > user_lock_date else user_lock_date
return violated_date
def _get_lock_date_violations(self, accounting_date, fiscalyear=True, sale=True, purchase=True, tax=True, hard=True):
"""Get all the lock dates affecting the current accounting_date.
:param accounting_date: The accounting date
:param bool fiscalyear: Whether we should check the `fiscalyear_lock_date`
:param bool sale: Whether we should check the `sale_lock_date`
:param bool purchase: Whether we should check the `purchase_lock_date`
:param bool tax: Whether we should check the `tax_lock_date`
:param bool hard: Whether we should check the `hard_lock_date`
:return: a list of tuples containing the lock dates (not ordered chronologically).
locks = []
if not accounting_date:
return locks
soft_lock_date_fields_to_check = [
# (field, "to check")
('fiscalyear_lock_date', fiscalyear),
('sale_lock_date', sale),
('purchase_lock_date', purchase),
('tax_lock_date', tax),
for field, to_check in soft_lock_date_fields_to_check:
if not to_check:
violated_date = self._get_violated_soft_lock_date(field, accounting_date)
if violated_date:
locks.append((violated_date, field))
if hard:
hard_lock_date = self.user_hard_lock_date
if accounting_date <= hard_lock_date:
locks.append((hard_lock_date, 'hard_lock_date'))
return locks
def _format_lock_dates(self, lock_dates):
"""Format a list of lock dates as a string.
:param lock_date_violations: list of tuple (lock_date, lock_date_field)
:return: a (localized) string listing all the lock date fields and their values
return format_list(self.env, [
f"{self.fields_get([field])[field]['string']} ({format_date(self.env, lock_date)})"
for lock_date, field in sorted(lock_dates)
def _get_violated_lock_dates(self, accounting_date, has_tax, journal):
"""Get all the lock dates affecting the current accounting_date.
:param accounting_date: The accounting date
:param has_tax: If any taxes are involved in the lines of the invoice
:param journal: The affected journal
:return: a list of tuples containing the lock dates ordered chronologically.
locks = self._get_lock_date_violations(
sale=(journal and journal.type == 'sale'),
purchase=(journal and journal.type == 'purchase'),
return locks
def write(self, values):
self.env['res.company'].invalidate_model(fnames=[f'user_{field}' for field in LOCK_DATE_FIELDS if field in values])
# Reflect the change on accounts
for company in self:
if values.get('bank_account_code_prefix'):
new_bank_code = values.get('bank_account_code_prefix') or company.bank_account_code_prefix
company.reflect_code_prefix_change(company.bank_account_code_prefix, new_bank_code)
if values.get('cash_account_code_prefix'):
new_cash_code = values.get('cash_account_code_prefix') or company.cash_account_code_prefix
company.reflect_code_prefix_change(company.cash_account_code_prefix, new_cash_code)
#forbid the change of currency_id if there are already some accounting entries existing
if 'currency_id' in values and values['currency_id'] != company.currency_id.id:
if company.root_id._existing_accounting():
raise UserError(_('You cannot change the currency of the company since some journal items already exist'))
companies = super().write(values)
# We revoke all active exceptions affecting the changed lock dates and recreate them (with the updated lock dates)
changed_soft_lock_fields = [field for field in SOFT_LOCK_DATE_FIELDS if field in values]
for company in self:
active_exceptions = self.env['account.lock_exception'].search(
self.env['account.lock_exception']._get_active_exceptions_domain(company, changed_soft_lock_fields),
return companies
def setting_init_bank_account_action(self):
""" Called by the 'Bank Accounts' button of the setup bar or from the Financial configuration menu."""
view_id = self.env.ref('account.setup_bank_account_wizard').id
context = {'dialog_size': 'medium', **self.env.context}
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'name': _('Setup Bank Account'),
'res_model': 'account.setup.bank.manual.config',
'target': 'new',
'view_mode': 'form',
'views': [[view_id, 'form']],
'context': context,
def _get_default_opening_move_values(self):
""" Get the default values to create the opening move.
:return: A dictionary to be passed to account.move.create.
default_journal = self.env['account.journal'].search(
('type', '=', 'general'),
if not default_journal:
raise UserError(_("Please install a chart of accounts or create a miscellaneous journal before proceeding."))
return {
'ref': _('Opening Journal Entry'),
'company_id': self.id,
'journal_id': default_journal.id,
'date': self.account_opening_date - timedelta(days=1),
def opening_move_posted(self):
""" Returns true if this company has an opening account move and this move is posted."""
return bool(self.account_opening_move_id) and self.account_opening_move_id.state == 'posted'
def get_unaffected_earnings_account(self):
""" Returns the unaffected earnings account for this company, creating one
if none has yet been defined.
unaffected_earnings_type = "equity_unaffected"
account = self.env['account.account'].with_company(self).search([
('account_type', '=', unaffected_earnings_type),
], limit=1)
if account:
return account
# Do not assume '999999' doesn't exist since the user might have created such an account
# manually.
code = 999999
while self.env['account.account'].with_company(self).search_count([
('code', '=', str(code)),
], limit=1):
code -= 1
return self.env['account.account']._load_records([
'xml_id': f"account.{str(self.id)}_unaffected_earnings_account",
'values': {
'code': str(code),
'name': _('Undistributed Profits/Losses'),
'account_type': unaffected_earnings_type,
'company_ids': [Command.link(self.id)],
'noupdate': True,
def _update_opening_move(self, to_update):
""" Create or update the opening move for the accounts passed as parameter.
:param to_update: A dictionary mapping each account with a tuple (debit, credit).
A separated opening line is created for both fields. A None value on debit/credit means the corresponding
line will not be updated.
# Don't allow to modify the opening move if not in draft.
opening_move = self.account_opening_move_id
if opening_move and opening_move.state != 'draft':
raise UserError(_(
'You cannot import the "openning_balance" if the opening move (%s) is already posted. \
If you are absolutely sure you want to modify the opening balance of your accounts, reset the move to draft.',
def del_lines(lines):
nonlocal open_balance
for line in lines:
open_balance -= line.balance
yield Command.delete(line.id)
def update_vals(account, side, balance, balancing=False):
nonlocal open_balance
corresponding_lines = corresponding_lines_per_account[(account, side)]
currency = account.currency_id or self.currency_id
amount_currency = balance if balancing else self.currency_id._convert(balance, currency, date=conversion_date)
open_balance += balance
if self.currency_id.is_zero(balance):
yield from del_lines(corresponding_lines)
elif corresponding_lines:
line_to_update = corresponding_lines[0]
open_balance -= line_to_update.balance
yield Command.update(line_to_update.id, {
'balance': balance,
'amount_currency': amount_currency,
yield from del_lines(corresponding_lines[1:])
yield Command.create({
'name':_("Automatic Balancing Line") if balancing else _("Opening balance"),
'account_id': account.id,
'balance': balance,
'amount_currency': amount_currency,
'currency_id': currency.id,
# Decode the existing opening move.
corresponding_lines_per_account = defaultdict(lambda: self.env['account.move.line'])
corresponding_lines_per_account.update(opening_move.line_ids.grouped(lambda line: (
'debit' if line.balance > 0.0 or line.amount_currency > 0.0 else 'credit',
# Update the opening move's lines.
balancing_account = self.get_unaffected_earnings_account()
open_balance = (
sum(corresponding_lines_per_account[(balancing_account, 'credit')].mapped('credit'))
-sum(corresponding_lines_per_account[(balancing_account, 'debit')].mapped('debit'))
commands = []
move_values = {'line_ids': commands}
if opening_move:
conversion_date = opening_move.date
conversion_date = move_values['date']
for account, (debit, credit) in to_update.items():
if debit is not None:
commands.extend(update_vals(account, 'debit', debit))
if credit is not None:
commands.extend(update_vals(account, 'credit', -credit))
commands.extend(update_vals(balancing_account, 'debit', max(-open_balance, 0), balancing=True))
commands.extend(update_vals(balancing_account, 'credit', -max(open_balance, 0), balancing=True))
# Nothing to do.
if not commands:
if opening_move:
self.account_opening_move_id = self.env['account.move'].create(move_values)
def action_save_onboarding_sale_tax(self):
""" Set the onboarding step as done """
def action_save_onboarding_company_data(self):
if self.street:
ref = 'account.onboarding_onboarding_step_company_data'
return {'type': 'ir.actions.client', 'tag': 'soft_reload'}
def get_chart_of_accounts_or_fail(self):
account = self.env['account.account'].search(self.env['account.account']._check_company_domain(self), limit=1)
if len(account) == 0:
action = self.env.ref('account.action_account_config')
msg = _(
"We cannot find a chart of accounts for this company, you should configure it. \n"
"Please go to Account Configuration and select or install a fiscal localization.")
raise RedirectWarning(msg, action.id, _("Go to the configuration panel"))
return account
def install_l10n_modules(self):
if self.env.context.get('chart_template_load'):
# No automatic install during the loading of a chart_template
return False
if res := super().install_l10n_modules():
self.env.reset() # clear the set of environments
env = self.env() # get an environment that refers to the new registry
for company in self.filtered(lambda c: c.country_id and not c.chart_template):
template_code = company.parent_id.chart_template or self.env['account.chart.template']._guess_chart_template(company.country_id)
if template_code != 'generic_coa':
def try_loading(template_code=template_code, company=company):
return res
def _existing_accounting(self) -> bool:
"""Return True iff some accounting entries have already been made for the current company."""
return bool(self.env['account.move.line'].search([('company_id', 'child_of', self.id)], limit=1))
def _chart_template_selection(self):
return self.env['account.chart.template']._select_chart_template(self.country_id)
def _action_check_hash_integrity(self):
return self.env.ref('account.action_report_account_hash_integrity').report_action(self.id)
def _check_hash_integrity(self):
"""Checks that all hashed moves have still the same data as when they were hashed
and raises an error with the result.
if not self.env.user.has_group('account.group_account_user'):
raise UserError(_('Please contact your accountant to print the Hash integrity result.'))
journals = self.env['account.journal'].search(self.env['account.journal']._check_company_domain(self))
results = []
for journal in journals:
restricted_by_hash_table_flag = 'V' if journal.restrict_mode_hash_table else 'X'
# We need the `sudo()` to ensure that all the moves are searched, no matter the user's access rights.
# This is required in order to generate consistent hashes.
# It is not an issue, since the data is only used to compute a hash and not to return the actual values.
query = self.env['account.move'].sudo()._search(
('journal_id', '=', journal.id),
('inalterable_hash', '!=', False),
order="secure_sequence_number ASC NULLS LAST, sequence_prefix, sequence_number ASC",
prefix2result = defaultdict(lambda: {
'first_move': self.env['account.move'],
'last_move': self.env['account.move'],
'corrupted_move': self.env['account.move'],
last_move = self.env['account.move']
self.env.execute_query(SQL("DECLARE hashed_moves CURSOR FOR %s", query.select()))
while move_ids := self.env.execute_query(SQL("FETCH %s FROM hashed_moves", INTEGRITY_HASH_BATCH_SIZE)):
moves = self.env['account.move'].browse(move_id[0] for move_id in move_ids)
if not moves and not last_move:
'journal_name': journal.name,
'restricted_by_hash_table': restricted_by_hash_table_flag,
'status': 'no_data',
'msg_cover': _('There is no journal entry flagged for accounting data inalterability yet.'),
current_hash_version = 1
for move in moves:
prefix_result = prefix2result[move.sequence_prefix]
if prefix_result['corrupted_move']:
previous_move = prefix_result['last_move'] if not move.secure_sequence_number else last_move
previous_hash = previous_move.inalterable_hash or ""
computed_hash = move.with_context(hash_version=current_hash_version)._calculate_hashes(previous_hash)[move]
while move.inalterable_hash != computed_hash and current_hash_version < MAX_HASH_VERSION:
current_hash_version += 1
computed_hash = move.with_context(hash_version=current_hash_version)._calculate_hashes(previous_hash)[move]
if move.inalterable_hash != computed_hash:
prefix_result['corrupted_move'] = move
if not prefix_result['first_move']:
prefix_result['first_move'] = move
prefix_result['last_move'] = move
last_move = move
self.env.execute_query(SQL("CLOSE hashed_moves"))
for prefix, prefix_result in prefix2result.items():
if corrupted_move := prefix_result['corrupted_move']:
'restricted_by_hash_table': restricted_by_hash_table_flag,
'journal_name': f"{journal.name} ({prefix}...)",
'status': 'corrupted',
'msg_cover': _(
"Corrupted data on journal entry with id %(id)s (%(name)s).",
'restricted_by_hash_table': restricted_by_hash_table_flag,
'journal_name': f"{journal.name} ({prefix}...)",
'status': 'verified',
'msg_cover': _("Entries are correctly hashed"),
'first_move_name': prefix_result['first_move'].name,
'first_hash': prefix_result['first_move'].inalterable_hash,
'first_move_date': format_date(self.env, prefix_result['first_move'].date),
'last_move_name': prefix_result['last_move'].name,
'last_hash': prefix_result['last_move'].inalterable_hash,
'last_move_date': format_date(self.env, prefix_result['last_move'].date),
return {
'results': results,
'printing_date': format_date(self.env, fields.Date.context_today(self)),
def _with_locked_records(self, records, allow_raising=True):
""" To avoid sending the same records multiple times from different transactions,
we use this generic method to lock the records passed as parameter.
:param records: The records to lock.
if not records.ids:
self._cr.execute(f'SELECT * FROM {records._table} WHERE id IN %s FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED', [tuple(records.ids)])
available_ids = {r[0] for r in self._cr.fetchall()}
all_locked = available_ids == set(records.ids)
if not all_locked and allow_raising:
raise UserError(_("Some documents are being sent by another process already."))
return all_locked
def compute_fiscalyear_dates(self, current_date):
Returns the dates of the fiscal year containing the provided date for this company.
:return: A dictionary containing:
* date_from
* date_to
date_from, date_to = date_utils.get_fiscal_year(current_date, day=self.fiscalyear_last_day, month=int(self.fiscalyear_last_month))
return {'date_from': date_from, 'date_to': date_to}
@api.depends('country_id', 'account_fiscal_country_id')
def _compute_company_vat_placeholder(self):
for company in self:
placeholder = _("/ if not applicable")
if company.country_id or company.account_fiscal_country_id:
expected_vat = _ref_vat.get(
(company.country_id.code or company.account_fiscal_country_id.code).lower()
if expected_vat:
placeholder = _("%s, or / if not applicable", expected_vat)
company.company_vat_placeholder = placeholder