247 lines
8.6 KiB
247 lines
8.6 KiB
# Translation of Odoo Server.
# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
# * auth_ldap
# Translators:
# Petko Karamotchev, 2024
# Boris Stefanov <borkata@gmail.com>, 2024
# KeyVillage, 2024
# Martin Trigaux, 2024
# Kamen Parishkov <kamen_2_01@abv.bg>, 2024
# Maria Boyadjieva <marabo2000@gmail.com>, 2024
# aleksandar ivanov, 2024
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Odoo Server 18.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-25 08:39+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-09-25 09:41+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: aleksandar ivanov, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Bulgarian (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/bg/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Language: bg\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model.fields,help:auth_ldap.field_res_company_ldap__ldap_filter
msgid ""
" Filter used to look up user accounts in the LDAP database. It is an arbitrary LDAP filter in string representation. Any `%s` placeholder will be replaced by the login (identifier) provided by the user, the filter should contain at least one such placeholder.\n"
" The filter must result in exactly one (1) result, otherwise the login will be considered invalid.\n"
" Example (actual attributes depend on LDAP server and setup):\n"
" (&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%s))\n"
" or\n"
" (|(mail=%s)(uid=%s))\n"
" "
msgstr ""
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model.fields,help:auth_ldap.field_res_company_ldap__create_user
msgid ""
"Automatically create local user accounts for new users authenticating via "
msgstr ""
"Създайте автоматично местни потребителски профили за нови потребители и ги "
"направете автентични чрез LDAP."
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model,name:auth_ldap.model_res_company
msgid "Companies"
msgstr "Фирми"
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_ldap.field_res_company_ldap__company
msgid "Company"
msgstr "Фирма"
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model,name:auth_ldap.model_res_company_ldap
msgid "Company LDAP configuration"
msgstr ""
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model,name:auth_ldap.model_res_config_settings
msgid "Config Settings"
msgstr "Конфигурационни настройки"
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_ldap.field_res_company_ldap__create_user
msgid "Create User"
msgstr "Създайте потребител"
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_ldap.field_res_company_ldap__create_uid
msgid "Created by"
msgstr "Създаден от"
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_ldap.field_res_company_ldap__create_date
msgid "Created on"
msgstr "Създадено на"
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model.fields,help:auth_ldap.field_res_company_ldap__ldap_base
msgid ""
"DN of the user search scope: all descendants of this base will be searched "
"for users."
msgstr ""
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_ldap.field_res_company_ldap__display_name
msgid "Display Name"
msgstr "Име за показване"
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_ldap.field_res_company_ldap__id
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_ldap.res_company_ldap_view_tree
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_ldap.view_ldap_installer_form
msgid "LDAP Configuration"
msgstr "Конфигурация LDAP "
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_ldap.field_res_company__ldaps
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_ldap.field_res_config_settings__ldaps
msgid "LDAP Parameters"
msgstr "Параметри LDAP "
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_ldap.res_config_settings_view_form
msgid "LDAP Server"
msgstr "LDAP сървър"
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_ldap.field_res_company_ldap__ldap_server
msgid "LDAP Server address"
msgstr "LDAP адрес на сървър"
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_ldap.field_res_company_ldap__ldap_server_port
msgid "LDAP Server port"
msgstr "LDAP Server port"
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_ldap.field_res_company_ldap__ldap_base
msgid "LDAP base"
msgstr "LDAP база"
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_ldap.field_res_company_ldap__ldap_binddn
msgid "LDAP binddn"
msgstr "LDAP binddn"
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_ldap.field_res_company_ldap__ldap_filter
msgid "LDAP filter"
msgstr "LDAP филтър"
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_ldap.field_res_company_ldap__ldap_password
msgid "LDAP password"
msgstr "LDAP парола"
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_ldap.field_res_company_ldap__write_uid
msgid "Last Updated by"
msgstr "Последно актуализирано от"
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_ldap.field_res_company_ldap__write_date
msgid "Last Updated on"
msgstr "Последно актуализирано на"
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_ldap.view_ldap_installer_form
msgid "Login Information"
msgstr "Данни за регистрация"
#. module: auth_ldap
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/auth_ldap/models/res_company_ldap.py:0
msgid "No local user found for LDAP login and not configured to create one"
msgstr ""
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_ldap.view_ldap_installer_form
msgid "Process Parameter"
msgstr "Параметри на процеса"
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model.fields,help:auth_ldap.field_res_company_ldap__ldap_tls
msgid ""
"Request secure TLS/SSL encryption when connecting to the LDAP server. This "
"option requires a server with STARTTLS enabled, otherwise all authentication"
" attempts will fail."
msgstr ""
"Изискайте TLS/SSL криптиране при свързване с LDAP сървър. Тази опция изисква"
" сървър с разрешен STARTTLS, иначе всички опити за автентичност ще се окажат"
" неуспешни."
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_ldap.field_res_company_ldap__sequence
msgid "Sequence"
msgstr "Последователност"
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_ldap.view_ldap_installer_form
msgid "Server Information"
msgstr "Информация за сървър"
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:auth_ldap.action_ldap_installer
msgid "Setup your LDAP Server"
msgstr "Настройте Вашият LDAP сървър"
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_ldap.field_res_company_ldap__user
msgid "Template User"
msgstr "Шаблон на потребител"
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model.fields,help:auth_ldap.field_res_company_ldap__ldap_password
msgid ""
"The password of the user account on the LDAP server that is used to query "
"the directory."
msgstr ""
"Паролата на потребителския профил на LDAP сървър, използвана за изпитване на"
" директорията."
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model.fields,help:auth_ldap.field_res_company_ldap__ldap_binddn
msgid ""
"The user account on the LDAP server that is used to query the directory. "
"Leave empty to connect anonymously."
msgstr ""
"Потребителското име за достъп до LDAP сървър, използвана за изпитване на "
"директорията. Оставете празно, за да се свържете анонимно."
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_ldap.field_res_company_ldap__ldap_tls
msgid "Use TLS"
msgstr "Използвайте TLS"
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model,name:auth_ldap.model_res_users
msgid "User"
msgstr "Потребител"
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_ldap.view_ldap_installer_form
msgid "User Information"
msgstr "Данни на потребител"
#. module: auth_ldap
#: model:ir.model.fields,help:auth_ldap.field_res_company_ldap__user
msgid "User to copy when creating new users"
msgstr "Потребител, който да се копира при създаване на нови потребители"