2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

66 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import _, models, fields
class ChatbotScriptStep(models.Model):
_inherit = 'chatbot.script.step'
step_type = fields.Selection(
selection_add=[('create_lead', 'Create Lead')], ondelete={'create_lead': 'cascade'})
crm_team_id = fields.Many2one(
'crm.team', string='Sales Team', ondelete='set null',
help="Used in combination with 'create_lead' step type in order to automatically "
"assign the created lead/opportunity to the defined team")
def _chatbot_crm_prepare_lead_values(self, discuss_channel, description):
return {
'description': description + discuss_channel._get_channel_history(),
'name': _("%s's New Lead", self.chatbot_script_id.title),
'source_id': self.chatbot_script_id.source_id.id,
'team_id': self.crm_team_id.id,
'type': 'lead' if self.crm_team_id.use_leads else 'opportunity',
'user_id': False,
def _process_step(self, discuss_channel):
posted_message = super()._process_step(discuss_channel)
if self.step_type == 'create_lead':
return posted_message
def _process_step_create_lead(self, discuss_channel):
""" When reaching a 'create_lead' step, we extract the relevant information: visitor's
email, phone and conversation history to create a crm.lead.
We use the email and phone to update the environment partner's information (if not a public
user) if they differ from the current values.
The whole conversation history will be saved into the lead's description for reference.
This also allows having a question of type 'free_input_multi' to let the visitor explain
their interest / needs before creating the lead. """
customer_values = self._chatbot_prepare_customer_values(
discuss_channel, create_partner=False, update_partner=True)
if self.env.user._is_public():
create_values = {
'email_from': customer_values['email'],
'phone': customer_values['phone'],
partner = self.env.user.partner_id
create_values = {
'partner_id': partner.id,
'company_id': partner.company_id.id,
discuss_channel, customer_values['description']))