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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import logging
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import wraps
from requests import HTTPError
import pytz
from dateutil.parser import parse
from markupsafe import Markup
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from odoo.modules.registry import Registry
from odoo.tools import ormcache_context, email_normalize
from odoo.osv import expression
from odoo.sql_db import BaseCursor
from odoo.addons.google_calendar.utils.google_event import GoogleEvent
from odoo.addons.google_calendar.utils.google_calendar import GoogleCalendarService
from odoo.addons.google_account.models.google_service import TIMEOUT
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# API requests are sent to Google Calendar after the current transaction ends.
# This ensures changes are sent to Google only if they really happened in the Odoo database.
# It is particularly important for event creation , otherwise the event might be created
# twice in Google if the first creation crashed in Odoo.
def after_commit(func):
def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
assert isinstance(self.env.cr, BaseCursor)
dbname = self.env.cr.dbname
context = self.env.context
uid = self.env.uid
if self.env.context.get('no_calendar_sync'):
def called_after():
db_registry = Registry(dbname)
with db_registry.cursor() as cr:
env = api.Environment(cr, uid, context)
func(self.with_env(env), *args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
_logger.warning("Could not sync record now: %s" % self)
return wrapped
def google_calendar_token(user):
yield user._get_google_calendar_token()
class GoogleSync(models.AbstractModel):
_name = 'google.calendar.sync'
_description = "Synchronize a record with Google Calendar"
google_id = fields.Char('Google Calendar Id', copy=False)
need_sync = fields.Boolean(default=True, copy=False)
active = fields.Boolean(default=True)
def write(self, vals):
google_service = GoogleCalendarService(self.env['google.service'])
if 'google_id' in vals:
self.env.registry.clear_cache() # _event_ids_from_google_ids
synced_fields = self._get_google_synced_fields()
if 'need_sync' not in vals and vals.keys() & synced_fields and not self.env.user.google_synchronization_stopped:
vals['need_sync'] = True
result = super().write(vals)
if self.env.user._get_google_sync_status() != "sync_paused":
for record in self:
if record.need_sync and record.google_id:
record.with_user(record._get_event_user())._google_patch(google_service, record.google_id, record._google_values(), timeout=3)
return result
def create(self, vals_list):
if any(vals.get('google_id') for vals in vals_list):
self.env.registry.clear_cache() # _event_ids_from_google_ids
if self.env.user.google_synchronization_stopped:
for vals in vals_list:
vals.update({'need_sync': False})
records = super().create(vals_list)
self._handle_allday_recurrences_edge_case(records, vals_list)
google_service = GoogleCalendarService(self.env['google.service'])
if self.env.user._get_google_sync_status() != "sync_paused":
for record in records:
if record.need_sync and record.active:
record.with_user(record._get_event_user())._google_insert(google_service, record._google_values(), timeout=3)
return records
def _handle_allday_recurrences_edge_case(self, records, vals_list):
When creating 'All Day' recurrent event, the first event is wrongly synchronized as
a single event and then its recurrence creates a duplicated event. We must manually
set the 'need_sync' attribute as False in order to avoid this unwanted behavior.
if vals_list and self._name == 'calendar.event':
forbid_sync = all(not vals.get('need_sync', True) for vals in vals_list)
records_to_skip = records.filtered(lambda r: r.need_sync and r.allday and r.recurrency and not r.recurrence_id)
if forbid_sync and records_to_skip:
records_to_skip.with_context(send_updates=False).need_sync = False
def unlink(self):
"""We can't delete an event that is also in Google Calendar. Otherwise we would
have no clue that the event must must deleted from Google Calendar at the next sync.
synced = self.filtered('google_id')
# LUL TODO find a way to get rid of this context key
if self.env.context.get('archive_on_error') and self._active_name:
synced.write({self._active_name: False})
self = self - synced
elif synced:
# Since we can not delete such an event (see method comment), we archive it.
# Notice that archiving an event will delete the associated event on Google.
# Then, since it has been deleted on Google, the event is also deleted on Odoo DB (_sync_google2odoo).
return True
return super().unlink()
def _from_google_ids(self, google_ids):
if not google_ids:
return self.browse()
return self.browse(self._event_ids_from_google_ids(google_ids))
@ormcache_context('google_ids', keys=('active_test',))
def _event_ids_from_google_ids(self, google_ids):
return self.search([('google_id', 'in', google_ids)]).ids
def _sync_odoo2google(self, google_service: GoogleCalendarService):
if not self:
if self._active_name:
records_to_sync = self.filtered(self._active_name)
records_to_sync = self
cancelled_records = self - records_to_sync
updated_records = records_to_sync.filtered('google_id')
new_records = records_to_sync - updated_records
if self.env.user._get_google_sync_status() != "sync_paused":
for record in cancelled_records:
if record.google_id and record.need_sync:
record.with_user(record._get_event_user())._google_delete(google_service, record.google_id)
for record in new_records:
record.with_user(record._get_event_user())._google_insert(google_service, record._google_values())
for record in updated_records:
record.with_user(record._get_event_user())._google_patch(google_service, record.google_id, record._google_values())
def _cancel(self):
self.with_context(dont_notify=True).write({'google_id': False})
def _sync_google2odoo(self, google_events: GoogleEvent, write_dates=None, default_reminders=()):
"""Synchronize Google recurrences in Odoo. Creates new recurrences, updates
existing ones.
:param google_recurrences: Google recurrences to synchronize in Odoo
:param write_dates: A dictionary mapping Odoo record IDs to their write dates.
:return: synchronized odoo recurrences
write_dates = dict(write_dates or {})
existing = google_events.exists(self.env)
new = google_events - existing - google_events.cancelled()
odoo_values = [
dict(self._odoo_values(e, default_reminders), need_sync=False)
for e in new
new_odoo = self.with_context(dont_notify=True)._create_from_google(new, odoo_values)
cancelled = existing.cancelled()
cancelled_odoo = self.browse(cancelled.odoo_ids(self.env))
# Check if it is a recurring event that has been rescheduled.
# We have to check if an event already exists in Odoo.
# Explanation:
# A recurrent event with `google_id` is equal to ID_RANGE_TIMESTAMP can be rescheduled.
# The new `google_id` will be equal to ID_TIMESTAMP.
# We have to delete the event created under the old `google_id`.
rescheduled_events = new.filter(lambda gevent: not gevent.is_recurrence_follower())
if rescheduled_events:
google_ids_to_remove = [event.full_recurring_event_id() for event in rescheduled_events]
cancelled_odoo += self.env['calendar.event'].search([('google_id', 'in', google_ids_to_remove)])
synced_records = new_odoo + cancelled_odoo
pending = existing - cancelled
pending_odoo = self.browse(pending.odoo_ids(self.env)).exists()
for gevent in pending:
odoo_record = self.browse(gevent.odoo_id(self.env))
if odoo_record not in pending_odoo:
# The record must have been deleted in the mean time; nothing left to sync
# Last updated wins.
# This could be dangerous if google server time and odoo server time are different
updated = parse(gevent.updated)
# Use the record's write_date to apply Google updates only if they are newer than Odoo's write_date.
odoo_record_write_date = write_dates.get(odoo_record.id, odoo_record.write_date)
# Migration from 13.4 does not fill write_date. Therefore, we force the update from Google.
if not odoo_record_write_date or updated >= pytz.utc.localize(odoo_record_write_date):
vals = dict(self._odoo_values(gevent, default_reminders), need_sync=False)
odoo_record.with_context(dont_notify=True)._write_from_google(gevent, vals)
synced_records |= odoo_record
return synced_records
def _google_error_handling(self, http_error):
# We only handle the most problematic errors of sync events.
if http_error.response.status_code in (403, 400):
response = http_error.response.json()
if not self.exists():
reason = "Google gave the following explanation: %s" % response['error'].get('message')
error_log = "Error while syncing record. It does not exists anymore in the database. %s" % reason
if self._name == 'calendar.event':
start = self.start and self.start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d at %H:%M') or _("undefined time")
event_ids = self.id
name = self.name
error_log = "Error while syncing event: "
event = self
# calendar recurrence is triggering the error
event = self.base_event_id or self._get_first_event(include_outliers=True)
start = event.start and event.start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d at %H:%M') or _("undefined time")
event_ids = _("%(id)s and %(length)s following", id=event.id, length=len(self.calendar_event_ids.ids))
name = event.name
# prevent to sync other events
self.calendar_event_ids.need_sync = False
error_log = "Error while syncing recurrence [{id} - {name} - {rrule}]: ".format(id=self.id, name=self.name, rrule=self.rrule)
# We don't have right access on the event or the request paramaters were bad.
# https://developers.google.com/calendar/v3/errors#403_forbidden_for_non-organizer
if http_error.response.status_code == 403 and "forbiddenForNonOrganizer" in http_error.response.text:
reason = _("you don't seem to have permission to modify this event on Google Calendar")
reason = _("Google gave the following explanation: %s", response['error'].get('message'))
error_log += "The event (%(id)s - %(name)s at %(start)s) could not be synced. It will not be synced while " \
"it is not updated. Reason: %(reason)s" % {'id': event_ids, 'start': start, 'name': name,
'reason': reason}
body = _("The following event could not be synced with Google Calendar.") + Markup("<br/>") + \
_("It will not be synced as long at it is not updated.") + Markup("<br/>") + \
if event:
def _google_delete(self, google_service: GoogleCalendarService, google_id, timeout=TIMEOUT):
with google_calendar_token(self.env.user.sudo()) as token:
if token:
is_recurrence = self._context.get('is_recurrence', False)
google_service.google_service = google_service.google_service.with_context(is_recurrence=is_recurrence)
google_service.delete(google_id, token=token, timeout=timeout)
# When the record has been deleted on our side, we need to delete it on google but we don't want
# to raise an error because the record don't exists anymore.
self.exists().with_context(dont_notify=True).need_sync = False
def _google_patch(self, google_service: GoogleCalendarService, google_id, values, timeout=TIMEOUT):
with google_calendar_token(self.env.user.sudo()) as token:
if token:
google_service.patch(google_id, values, token=token, timeout=timeout)
except HTTPError as e:
if e.response.status_code in (400, 403):
if values:
self.exists().with_context(dont_notify=True).need_sync = False
def _get_post_sync_values(self, request_values, google_values):
""" Return the values to be written in the event right after its insertion in Google side. """
writeable_values = {
'google_id': request_values['id'],
'need_sync': False,
return writeable_values
def _need_video_call(self):
""" Implement this method to return True if the event needs a video call
:return: bool
return True
def _google_insert(self, google_service: GoogleCalendarService, values, timeout=TIMEOUT):
if not values:
with google_calendar_token(self.env.user.sudo()) as token:
if token:
send_updates = self._context.get('send_updates', True)
google_service.google_service = google_service.google_service.with_context(send_updates=send_updates)
google_values = google_service.insert(values, token=token, timeout=timeout, need_video_call=self._need_video_call())
self.with_context(dont_notify=True).write(self._get_post_sync_values(values, google_values))
except HTTPError as e:
if e.response.status_code in (400, 403):
self.with_context(dont_notify=True).need_sync = False
def _get_records_to_sync(self, full_sync=False):
"""Return records that should be synced from Odoo to Google
:param full_sync: If True, all events attended by the user are returned
:return: events
domain = self._get_sync_domain()
if not full_sync:
is_active_clause = (self._active_name, '=', True) if self._active_name else expression.TRUE_LEAF
domain = expression.AND([domain, [
'&', ('google_id', '=', False), is_active_clause,
('need_sync', '=', True),
# We want to limit to 200 event sync per transaction, it shouldn't be a problem for the day to day
# but it allows to run the first synchro within an acceptable time without timeout.
# If there is a lot of event to synchronize to google the first time,
# they will be synchronized eventually with the cron running few times a day
return self.with_context(active_test=False).search(domain, limit=200)
def _check_any_records_to_sync(self):
""" Returns True if there are pending records to be synchronized from Odoo to Google, False otherwise. """
is_active_clause = (self._active_name, '=', True) if self._active_name else expression.TRUE_LEAF
domain = expression.AND([self._get_sync_domain(), [
'&', ('google_id', '=', False), is_active_clause,
('need_sync', '=', True),
return self.search_count(domain, limit=1) > 0
def _write_from_google(self, gevent, vals):
def _create_from_google(self, gevents, vals_list):
return self.create(vals_list)
def _get_sync_partner(self, emails):
normalized_emails = [email_normalize(contact) for contact in emails if email_normalize(contact)]
user_partners = self.env['mail.thread']._mail_search_on_user(normalized_emails, extra_domain=[('share', '=', False)])
partners = list(user_partners)
remaining = [email for email in normalized_emails if
email not in [partner.email_normalized for partner in partners]]
if remaining:
partners += self.env['mail.thread']._mail_find_partner_from_emails(remaining, records=self, force_create=True)
unsorted_partners = self.env['res.partner'].browse([p.id for p in partners if p.id])
# partners needs to be sorted according to the emails order provided by google
k = {value: idx for idx, value in enumerate(emails)}
result = unsorted_partners.sorted(key=lambda p: k.get(p.email_normalized, -1))
return result
def _odoo_values(self, google_event: GoogleEvent, default_reminders=()):
"""Implements this method to return a dict of Odoo values corresponding
to the Google event given as parameter
:return: dict of Odoo formatted values
raise NotImplementedError()
def _google_values(self):
"""Implements this method to return a dict with values formatted
according to the Google Calendar API
:return: dict of Google formatted values
raise NotImplementedError()
def _get_sync_domain(self):
"""Return a domain used to search records to synchronize.
e.g. return a domain to synchronize records owned by the current user.
raise NotImplementedError()
def _get_google_synced_fields(self):
"""Return a set of field names. Changing one of these fields
marks the record to be re-synchronized.
raise NotImplementedError()
def _restart_google_sync(self):
""" Turns on the google synchronization for all the events of
a given user.
raise NotImplementedError()
def _get_event_user(self):
""" Return the correct user to send the request to Google.
It's possible that a user creates an event and sets another user as the organizer. Using self.env.user will
cause some issues, and It might not be possible to use this user for sending the request, so this method gets
the appropriate user accordingly.
raise NotImplementedError()