2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

239 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import logging
import re
from collections import abc
from typing import Iterator, Mapping
from odoo.tools import email_normalize
from odoo.tools.misc import ReadonlyDict
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class GoogleEvent(abc.Set):
"""This helper class holds the values of a Google event.
Inspired by Odoo recordset, one instance can be a single Google event or a
(immutable) set of Google events.
All usual set operations are supported (union, intersection, etc).
A list of all attributes can be found in the API documentation.
:param iterable: iterable of GoogleCalendar instances or iterable of dictionnaries
def __init__(self, iterable=()):
_events = {}
for item in iterable:
if isinstance(item, self.__class__):
_events[item.id] = item._events[item.id]
elif isinstance(item, Mapping):
_events[item.get('id')] = item
raise ValueError("Only %s or iterable of dict are supported" % self.__class__.__name__)
self._events = ReadonlyDict(_events)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator['GoogleEvent']:
return iter(GoogleEvent([vals]) for vals in self._events.values())
def __contains__(self, google_event):
return google_event.id in self._events
def __len__(self):
return len(self._events)
def __bool__(self):
return bool(self._events)
def __getattr__(self, name):
# ensure_one
event, = self._events.keys()
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("Expected singleton: %s" % self)
event_id = list(self._events.keys())[0]
return self._events[event_id].get(name)
def __repr__(self):
return '%s%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.ids)
def ids(self):
return tuple(e.id for e in self)
def rrule(self):
if self.recurrence and any('RRULE' in item for item in self.recurrence):
return next(item for item in self.recurrence if 'RRULE' in item)
def odoo_id(self, env):
self.odoo_ids(env) # load ids
return self._odoo_id
def _meta_odoo_id(self, dbname):
"""Returns the Odoo id stored in the Google Event metadata.
This id might not actually exists in the database.
properties = self.extendedProperties and (self.extendedProperties.get('shared', {}) or self.extendedProperties.get('private', {})) or {}
o_id = properties.get('%s_odoo_id' % dbname)
if o_id:
return int(o_id)
def odoo_ids(self, env):
ids = tuple(e._odoo_id for e in self if e._odoo_id)
if len(ids) == len(self):
return ids
model = self._get_model(env)
found = self._load_odoo_ids_from_db(env, model)
unsure = self - found
if unsure:
unsure._load_odoo_ids_from_metadata(env, model)
return tuple(e._odoo_id for e in self)
def _load_odoo_ids_from_metadata(self, env, model):
unsure_odoo_ids = tuple(e._meta_odoo_id(env.cr.dbname) for e in self)
odoo_events = model.browse(_id for _id in unsure_odoo_ids if _id)
# Extended properties are copied when splitting a recurrence Google side.
# Hence, we may have two Google recurrences linked to the same Odoo id.
# Therefore, we only consider Odoo records without google id when trying
# to match events.
o_ids = odoo_events.exists().filtered(lambda e: not e.google_id).ids
for e in self:
odoo_id = e._meta_odoo_id(env.cr.dbname)
if odoo_id in o_ids:
e._events[e.id]['_odoo_id'] = odoo_id
def _load_odoo_ids_from_db(self, env, model):
odoo_events = model.with_context(active_test=False)._from_google_ids(self.ids)
mapping = {e.google_id: e.id for e in odoo_events} # {google_id: odoo_id}
existing_google_ids = odoo_events.mapped('google_id')
for e in self:
odoo_id = mapping.get(e.id)
if odoo_id:
e._events[e.id]['_odoo_id'] = odoo_id
return self.filter(lambda e: e.id in existing_google_ids)
def owner(self, env):
# Owner/organizer could be desynchronised between Google and Odoo.
# Let userA, userB be two new users (never synced to Google before).
# UserA creates an event in Odoo (they are the owner) but userB syncs first.
# There is no way to insert the event into userA's calendar since we don't have
# any authentication access. The event is therefore inserted into userB's calendar
# (they are the organizer in Google). The "real" owner (in Odoo) is stored as an
# extended property. There is currently no support to "transfert" ownership when
# userA syncs their calendar the first time.
real_owner_id = self.extendedProperties and self.extendedProperties.get('shared', {}).get('%s_owner_id' % env.cr.dbname)
# If we create an event without user_id, the event properties will be 'false'
# and python will interpret this a a NoneType, that's why we have the 'except TypeError'
real_owner_id = int(real_owner_id)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
real_owner_id = False
real_owner = real_owner_id and env['res.users'].browse(real_owner_id) or env['res.users']
if real_owner_id and real_owner.exists():
return real_owner
elif self.organizer and self.organizer.get('self'):
return env.user
elif self.organizer and self.organizer.get('email'):
# In Google: 1 email = 1 user; but in Odoo several users might have the same email :/
org_email = email_normalize(self.organizer.get('email'))
return env['res.users'].search([('email_normalized', '=', org_email)], limit=1)
return env['res.users']
def filter(self, func) -> 'GoogleEvent':
return GoogleEvent(e for e in self if func(e))
def clear_type_ambiguity(self, env):
ambiguous_events = self.filter(GoogleEvent._is_type_ambiguous)
recurrences = ambiguous_events._load_odoo_ids_from_db(env, env['calendar.recurrence'])
for recurrence in recurrences:
self._events[recurrence.id]['recurrence'] = True
for event in ambiguous_events - recurrences:
self._events[event.id]['recurrence'] = False
def is_recurrence(self):
if self._is_type_ambiguous():
_logger.warning("Ambiguous event type: cannot accurately tell whether a cancelled event is a recurrence or not")
return bool(self.recurrence)
def is_recurrent(self):
return bool(self.recurringEventId or self.is_recurrence())
def is_cancelled(self):
return self.status == 'cancelled'
def is_recurrence_follower(self):
return bool(not self.originalStartTime or self.originalStartTime == self.start)
def full_recurring_event_id(self):
Give the complete identifier with elements
in `id` and `recurringEventId`.
:return: concatenation of the id created by the recurrence
and the id created by the modification of a specific event
:rtype: string if recurrent event and correct ids, `None` otherwise
# Regex expressions to match elements (according to the google support [not documented]):
# - ID: [a-zA-Z0-9]+
# - RANGE: R[0-9]+T[0-9]+
# - TIMESTAMP: [0-9]+T[0-9]+Z
# With:
# - id: 'ID_TIMESTAMP'
# - recurringEventID: 'ID_RANGE'
if not self.is_recurrent():
return None
# Check if ids are the same
id_value = re.match(r'(\w+_)', self.id)
recurringEventId_value = re.match(r'(\w+_)', self.recurringEventId)
if not id_value or not recurringEventId_value or id_value.group(1) != recurringEventId_value.group(1):
return None
ID_RANGE = re.search(r'\w+_R\d+T\d+', self.recurringEventId).group()
TIMESTAMP = re.search(r'\d+T\d+Z', self.id).group()
return f"{ID_RANGE}_{TIMESTAMP}"
def cancelled(self):
return self.filter(lambda e: e.status == 'cancelled')
def exists(self, env) -> 'GoogleEvent':
recurrences = self.filter(GoogleEvent.is_recurrence)
events = self - recurrences
return self.filter(lambda e: e._odoo_id)
def _is_type_ambiguous(self):
"""For cancelled events/recurrences, Google only send the id and
the cancelled status. There is no way to know if it was a recurrence
or simple event."""
return self.is_cancelled() and 'recurrence' not in self._events[self.id]
def _get_model(self, env):
if all(e.is_recurrence() for e in self):
return env['calendar.recurrence']
if all(not e.is_recurrence() for e in self):
return env['calendar.event']
raise TypeError("Mixing Google events and Google recurrences")
def get_meeting_url(self):
if not self.conferenceData:
return False
video_meeting = list(filter(lambda entryPoints: entryPoints.get('entryPointType') == 'video', self.conferenceData.get('entryPoints', [])))
return video_meeting[0].get('uri') if video_meeting else False
def is_available(self):
return self.transparency == 'transparent'
def get_odoo_event(self, env):
if self._get_model(env)._name == 'calendar.event':
return env['calendar.event'].browse(self.odoo_id(self.env))
return env['calendar.recurrence'].browse(self.odoo_id(self.env)).base_event_id