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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import time
from odoo import api, fields, models
class HolidaysSummaryEmployee(models.TransientModel):
_name = 'hr.holidays.summary.employee'
_description = 'HR Time Off Summary Report By Employee'
date_from = fields.Date(string='From', required=True, default=lambda *a: time.strftime('%Y-%m-01'))
emp = fields.Many2many('hr.employee', 'summary_emp_rel', 'sum_id', 'emp_id', string='Employee(s)')
holiday_type = fields.Selection([
('Approved', 'Approved'),
('Confirmed', 'Confirmed'),
('both', 'Both Approved and Confirmed')
], string='Select Time Off Type', required=True, default='Approved')
def print_report(self):
[data] = self.read()
data['emp'] = self.env.context.get('active_ids', [])
employees = self.env['hr.employee'].browse(data['emp'])
datas = {
'ids': [],
'model': 'hr.employee',
'form': data
return self.env.ref('hr_holidays.action_report_holidayssummary').report_action(employees, data=datas)