353 lines
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353 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import logging
import random
import string
from werkzeug import urls
from odoo import tools, models, fields, api, _
from odoo.addons.mail.tools import link_preview
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from odoo.osv import expression
from odoo.tools.mail import validate_url
LINK_TRACKER_UNIQUE_FIELDS = ('url', 'campaign_id', 'medium_id', 'source_id', 'label')
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class LinkTracker(models.Model):
""" Link trackers allow users to wrap any URL into a short URL that can be
tracked by Odoo. Clicks are counter on each link. A tracker is linked to
UTMs allowing to analyze marketing actions.
This model is also used in mass_mailing where each link in html body is
automatically converted into a short link that is tracked and integrates
UTMs. """
_name = "link.tracker"
_rec_name = "short_url"
_description = "Link Tracker"
_order = "count DESC"
_inherit = ["utm.mixin"]
# URL info
url = fields.Char(string='Target URL', required=True)
absolute_url = fields.Char("Absolute URL", compute="_compute_absolute_url")
short_url = fields.Char(string='Tracked URL', compute='_compute_short_url')
redirected_url = fields.Char(string='Redirected URL', compute='_compute_redirected_url')
short_url_host = fields.Char(string='Host of the short URL', compute='_compute_short_url_host')
title = fields.Char(string='Page Title', store=True)
label = fields.Char(string='Button label')
# Tracking
link_code_ids = fields.One2many('link.tracker.code', 'link_id', string='Codes')
code = fields.Char(string='Short URL code', compute='_compute_code', inverse="_inverse_code", readonly=False)
link_click_ids = fields.One2many('link.tracker.click', 'link_id', string='Clicks')
count = fields.Integer(string='Number of Clicks', compute='_compute_count', store=True)
# UTMs - enforcing the fact that we want to 'set null' when relation is unlinked
campaign_id = fields.Many2one(ondelete='set null')
medium_id = fields.Many2one(ondelete='set null')
source_id = fields.Many2one(ondelete='set null')
def _compute_absolute_url(self):
for tracker in self:
url = urls.url_parse(tracker.url)
if url.scheme:
tracker.absolute_url = tracker.url
tracker.absolute_url = urls.url_join(tracker.get_base_url(), url)
def _compute_count(self):
clicks_data = self.env['link.tracker.click']._read_group(
[('link_id', 'in', self.ids)],
mapped_data = {link.id: count for link, count in clicks_data}
for tracker in self:
tracker.count = mapped_data.get(tracker.id, 0)
def _compute_short_url(self):
for tracker in self:
tracker.short_url = urls.url_join(tracker.short_url_host or '', tracker.code or '')
def _compute_short_url_host(self):
for tracker in self:
tracker.short_url_host = tracker.get_base_url() + '/r/'
def _compute_code(self):
for tracker in self:
record = self.env['link.tracker.code'].search([('link_id', '=', tracker.id)], limit=1, order='id DESC')
tracker.code = record.code
def _inverse_code(self):
if not self.code:
record = self.env['link.tracker.code'].search([('link_id', '=', self.id)], limit=1, order='id DESC')
if record:
record.code = self.code
def _compute_redirected_url(self):
"""Compute the URL to which we will redirect the user.
By default, add UTM values as GET parameters. But if the system parameter
`link_tracker.no_external_tracking` is set, we add the UTM values in the URL
*only* for URLs that redirect to the local website (base URL).
no_external_tracking = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('link_tracker.no_external_tracking')
for tracker in self:
base_domain = urls.url_parse(tracker.get_base_url()).netloc
parsed = urls.url_parse(tracker.url)
if no_external_tracking and parsed.netloc and parsed.netloc != base_domain:
tracker.redirected_url = parsed.to_url()
utms = {}
for key, field_name, cook in self.env['utm.mixin'].tracking_fields():
field = self._fields[field_name]
attr = tracker[field_name]
if field.type == 'many2one':
attr = attr.name
if attr:
utms[key] = attr
tracker.redirected_url = parsed.replace(query=urls.url_encode(utms)).to_url()
def _get_title_from_url(self, url):
preview = link_preview.get_link_preview_from_url(url)
if preview and preview.get('og_title'):
return preview['og_title']
return url
def _check_unicity(self):
"""Check that the link trackers are unique."""
def _format_value(tracker, field_name):
if field_name == 'label' and not tracker[field_name]:
return False
return tracker[field_name]
# build a query to fetch all needed link trackers at once
search_query = expression.OR([
[('url', '=', tracker.url)],
[('campaign_id', '=', tracker.campaign_id.id)],
[('medium_id', '=', tracker.medium_id.id)],
[('source_id', '=', tracker.source_id.id)],
[('label', '=', tracker.label) if tracker.label else ('label', 'in', (False, ''))],
for tracker in self
# Can not be implemented with a SQL constraint because we care about null values.
potential_duplicates = self.search(search_query)
duplicates = self.browse()
seen = set()
for tracker in potential_duplicates:
unique_fields = tuple(_format_value(tracker, field_name) for field_name in LINK_TRACKER_UNIQUE_FIELDS)
if unique_fields in seen or seen.add(unique_fields):
duplicates += tracker
if duplicates:
error_lines = '\n- '.join(
str((tracker.url, tracker.campaign_id.name, tracker.medium_id.name, tracker.source_id.name, tracker.label or '""'))
for tracker in duplicates
raise UserError(
_('Combinations of Link Tracker values (URL, campaign, medium, source, and label) must be unique.\n'
'The following combinations are already used: \n- %(error_lines)s', error_lines=error_lines))
def create(self, vals_list):
vals_list = [vals.copy() for vals in vals_list]
for vals in vals_list:
if 'url' not in vals:
raise ValueError(_('Creating a Link Tracker without URL is not possible'))
if vals['url'].startswith(('?', '#')):
raise UserError(_("“%s” is not a valid link, links cannot redirect to the current page.", vals['url']))
vals['url'] = validate_url(vals['url'])
if not vals.get('title'):
vals['title'] = self._get_title_from_url(vals['url'])
# Prevent the UTMs to be set by the values of UTM cookies
for (__, fname, __) in self.env['utm.mixin'].tracking_fields():
if fname not in vals:
vals[fname] = False
links = super(LinkTracker, self).create(vals_list)
link_tracker_codes = self.env['link.tracker.code']._get_random_code_strings(len(vals_list))
'code': code,
'link_id': link.id,
} for link, code in zip(links, link_tracker_codes)
return links
def search_or_create(self, vals_list):
"""Get existing or newly created records matching vals_list items in preserved order supporting duplicates."""
if not isinstance(vals_list, list):
_logger.warning("Deprecated usage of LinkTracker.search_or_create which now expects a list of dictionaries as input.")
vals_list = [vals_list]
def _format_key(obj):
"""Generate unique 'key' of trackers, allowing to find duplicates."""
return tuple(
(field_name, obj[field_name].id if isinstance(obj[field_name], models.BaseModel) else obj[field_name])
def _format_key_domain(field_values):
"""Handle "label" being False / '' and be defensive."""
return expression.AND([
[(field_name, '=', value) if value or field_name != 'label' else ('label', 'in', (False, ''))]
for field_name, value in field_values
errors = set()
for vals in vals_list:
if 'url' not in vals:
raise ValueError(_('Creating a Link Tracker without URL is not possible'))
if vals['url'].startswith(('?', '#')):
errors.add(_("“%s” is not a valid link, links cannot redirect to the current page.", vals['url']))
vals['url'] = validate_url(vals['url'])
# fill vals to use direct accessor in _format_key
vals.update({key: False for key in LINK_TRACKER_UNIQUE_FIELDS if not vals.get(key)})
if errors:
raise UserError("\n".join(errors))
# Find unique keys of trackers, then fetch existing trackers
unique_keys = {_format_key(vals) for vals in vals_list}
found_trackers = self.search(expression.OR([_format_key_domain(key) for key in unique_keys]))
key_to_trackers_map = {_format_key(tracker): tracker for tracker in found_trackers}
if len(unique_keys) != len(found_trackers):
# Create trackers for values with unique keys not found
seen_keys = set(key_to_trackers_map.keys())
new_trackers = self.create([
vals for vals in vals_list
if (key := _format_key(vals)) not in seen_keys and not seen_keys.add(key)
key_to_trackers_map.update((_format_key(tracker), tracker) for tracker in new_trackers)
# Build final recordset following input order
return self.browse([key_to_trackers_map[_format_key(vals)].id for vals in vals_list])
def convert_links(self, html, vals, blacklist=None):
raise NotImplementedError('Moved on mail.render.mixin')
def _convert_links_text(self, body, vals, blacklist=None):
raise NotImplementedError('Moved on mail.render.mixin')
def action_view_statistics(self):
action = self.env['ir.actions.act_window']._for_xml_id('link_tracker.link_tracker_click_action_statistics')
action['domain'] = [('link_id', '=', self.id)]
action['context'] = dict(self._context, create=False)
return action
def action_visit_page(self):
return {
'name': _("Visit Webpage"),
'type': 'ir.actions.act_url',
'url': self.url,
'target': 'new',
def recent_links(self, filter, limit):
if filter == 'newest':
return self.search_read([], order='create_date DESC, id DESC', limit=limit)
elif filter == 'most-clicked':
return self.search_read([('count', '!=', 0)], order='count DESC, id DESC', limit=limit)
elif filter == 'recently-used':
return self.search_read([('count', '!=', 0)], order='write_date DESC, id DESC', limit=limit)
return {'Error': "This filter doesn't exist."}
def get_url_from_code(self, code):
code_rec = self.env['link.tracker.code'].sudo().search([('code', '=', code)])
if not code_rec:
return None
return code_rec.link_id.redirected_url
class LinkTrackerCode(models.Model):
_name = "link.tracker.code"
_description = "Link Tracker Code"
_rec_name = 'code'
code = fields.Char(string='Short URL Code', required=True, store=True)
link_id = fields.Many2one('link.tracker', 'Link', required=True, ondelete='cascade')
_sql_constraints = [
('code', 'unique( code )', 'Code must be unique.')
def _get_random_code_strings(self, n=1):
while True:
code_propositions = [
''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, k=size))
for __ in range(n)
if len(set(code_propositions)) != n or self.search_count([('code', 'in', code_propositions)], limit=1):
size += 1
return code_propositions
class LinkTrackerClick(models.Model):
_name = "link.tracker.click"
_rec_name = "link_id"
_description = "Link Tracker Click"
campaign_id = fields.Many2one(
'utm.campaign', 'UTM Campaign', index='btree_not_null',
related="link_id.campaign_id", store=True, ondelete="set null")
link_id = fields.Many2one(
'link.tracker', 'Link',
index=True, required=True, ondelete='cascade')
ip = fields.Char(string='Internet Protocol')
country_id = fields.Many2one('res.country', 'Country')
def _prepare_click_values_from_route(self, **route_values):
click_values = dict((fname, route_values[fname]) for fname in self._fields if fname in route_values)
if not click_values.get('country_id') and route_values.get('country_code'):
click_values['country_id'] = self.env['res.country'].search([('code', '=', route_values['country_code'])], limit=1).id
return click_values
def add_click(self, code, **route_values):
""" Main API to add a click on a link. """
tracker_code = self.env['link.tracker.code'].search([('code', '=', code)])
if not tracker_code:
return None
route_values['link_id'] = tracker_code.link_id.id
click_values = self._prepare_click_values_from_route(**route_values)
return self.create(click_values)