2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

71 lines
3.1 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from markupsafe import Markup
from werkzeug.urls import url_join
from odoo import fields, models, _
from odoo.addons.sms.tools.sms_api import SmsApi
class MassSMSTest(models.TransientModel):
_name = 'mailing.sms.test'
_description = 'Test SMS Mailing'
def _default_numbers(self):
return self.env.user.partner_id.phone_sanitized or ""
numbers = fields.Text(string='Number(s)', required=True,
default=_default_numbers, help='Carriage-return-separated list of phone numbers')
mailing_id = fields.Many2one('mailing.mailing', string='Mailing', required=True, ondelete='cascade')
def action_send_sms(self):
numbers = [number.strip() for number in self.numbers.splitlines()]
sanitized_numbers = [self.env.user._phone_format(number=number) for number in numbers]
invalid_numbers = [number for sanitized, number in zip(sanitized_numbers, numbers) if not sanitized]
record = self.env[self.mailing_id.mailing_model_real].search([], limit=1)
body = self.mailing_id.body_plaintext
if record:
# Returns a proper error if there is a syntax error with qweb
body = self.env['mail.render.mixin']._render_template(body, self.mailing_id.mailing_model_real, record.ids)[record.id]
new_sms_messages_sudo = self.env['sms.sms'].sudo().create([{'body': body, 'number': number} for number in sanitized_numbers])
sms_api = SmsApi(self.env)
sent_sms_list = sms_api._send_sms_batch([{
'content': body,
'numbers': [{'number': sms_id.number, 'uuid': sms_id.uuid} for sms_id in new_sms_messages_sudo],
}], delivery_reports_url=url_join(self[0].get_base_url(), '/sms/status'))
error_messages = {}
if any(sent_sms.get('state') != 'success' for sent_sms in sent_sms_list):
error_messages = sms_api._get_sms_api_error_messages()
notification_messages = []
if invalid_numbers:
notification_messages.append(_('The following numbers are not correctly encoded: %s',
', '.join(invalid_numbers)))
for sent_sms in sent_sms_list:
if sent_sms.get('state') == 'success':
_('Test SMS successfully sent to %s', sent_sms.get('res_id')))
elif sent_sms.get('state'):
"Test SMS could not be sent to %(destination)s: %(state)s",
state=error_messages.get(sent_sms["state"], _("An error occurred.")),
if notification_messages:
message_body = Markup(
f"<ul>{''.join('<li>%s</li>' for _ in notification_messages)}</ul>"
) % tuple(notification_messages)
return True