140 lines
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140 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import json
import logging
import threading
from odoo.addons.iap.tools import iap_tools
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from odoo.tools.mail import email_domain_extract, url_domain_extract
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ResCompany(models.Model):
_name = 'res.company'
_inherit = 'res.company'
partner_gid = fields.Integer('Company database ID', related="partner_id.partner_gid", inverse="_inverse_partner_gid", store=True)
iap_enrich_auto_done = fields.Boolean('Enrich Done')
def _inverse_partner_gid(self):
for company in self:
company.partner_id.partner_gid = company.partner_gid
def create(self, vals_list):
res = super().create(vals_list)
if not getattr(threading.current_thread(), 'testing', False):
return res
def _get_view(self, view_id=None, view_type='form', **options):
arch, view = super()._get_view(view_id, view_type, **options)
if view_type == 'form':
for node in arch.xpath("//field[@name='name' or @name='vat']"):
node.set('widget', 'field_partner_autocomplete')
return arch, view
def iap_enrich_auto(self):
""" Enrich company. This method should be called by automatic processes
and a protection is added to avoid doing enrich in a loop. """
if self.env.user._is_system():
for company in self.filtered(lambda company: not company.iap_enrich_auto_done):
self.iap_enrich_auto_done = True
return True
def _enrich(self):
""" This method calls the partner autocomplete service from IAP to enrich
partner related fields of the company.
:return bool: either done, either failed """
_logger.info("Starting enrich of company %s (%s)", self.name, self.id)
company_domain = self._get_company_domain()
if not company_domain:
return False
company_data = self.env['res.partner'].enrich_company(company_domain, False, self.vat, timeout=COMPANY_AC_TIMEOUT)
if company_data.get('error'):
return False
additional_data = company_data.pop('additional_info', False)
# Keep only truthy values that are not already set on the target partner
# Erase image_1920 even if something is in it. Indeed as partner_autocomplete is probably installed as a
# core app (mail -> iap -> partner_autocomplete auto install chain) it is unlikely that people already
# updated their company logo.
company_data = {field: value for field, value in company_data.items()
if field in self.partner_id._fields and value and (field == 'image_1920' or not self.partner_id[field])}
# for company and childs: from state_id / country_id display_name like to IDs
company_data.update(self._enrich_extract_m2o_id(company_data, ['state_id', 'country_id']))
if company_data.get('child_ids'):
company_data['child_ids'] = [
dict(child_data, **self._enrich_extract_m2o_id(child_data, ['state_id', 'country_id']))
for child_data in company_data['child_ids']
# handle o2m values, e.g. {'bank_ids': ['acc_number': 'BE012012012', 'acc_holder_name': 'MyWebsite']}
if additional_data:
template_values = json.loads(additional_data)
template_values['flavor_text'] = _("Company auto-completed by Odoo Partner Autocomplete Service")
return True
def _enrich_extract_m2o_id(self, iap_data, m2o_fields):
""" Extract m2O ids from data (because of res.partner._format_data_company) """
extracted_data = {}
for m2o_field in m2o_fields:
relation_data = iap_data.get(m2o_field)
if relation_data and isinstance(relation_data, dict):
extracted_data[m2o_field] = relation_data.get('id', False)
return extracted_data
def _enrich_replace_o2m_creation(self, iap_data):
for o2m_field, values in iap_data.items():
if isinstance(values, list):
commands = [(
0, 0, create_value
) for create_value in values if isinstance(create_value, dict)]
if commands:
iap_data[o2m_field] = commands
iap_data.pop(o2m_field, None)
return iap_data
def _get_company_domain(self):
""" Extract the company domain to be used by IAP services.
The domain is extracted from the website or the email information.
- www.info.proximus.be -> proximus.be
- info@proximus.be -> proximus.be """
company_domain = email_domain_extract(self.email) if self.email else False
if company_domain and company_domain not in iap_tools._MAIL_PROVIDERS:
return company_domain
company_domain = url_domain_extract(self.website) if self.website else False
if not company_domain or company_domain in ['localhost', 'example.com']:
return False
return company_domain