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# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from hashlib import sha1
from odoo import fields
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.tools import consteq, float_round, ustr
from odoo.tools.misc import hmac as hmac_tool
from odoo.addons.payment.const import CURRENCY_MINOR_UNITS
# Access token management
def generate_access_token(*values):
""" Generate an access token based on the provided values.
The token allows to later verify the validity of a request, based on a given set of values.
These will generally include the partner id, amount, currency id, transaction id or transaction
All values must be convertible to a string.
:param list values: The values to use for the generation of the token
:return: The generated access token
:rtype: str
token_str = '|'.join(str(val) for val in values)
access_token = hmac_tool(request.env(su=True), 'generate_access_token', token_str)
return access_token
def check_access_token(access_token, *values):
""" Check the validity of the access token for the provided values.
The values must be provided in the exact same order as they were to `generate_access_token`.
All values must be convertible to a string.
:param str access_token: The access token used to verify the provided values
:param list values: The values to verify against the token
:return: True if the check is successful
:rtype: bool
authentic_token = generate_access_token(*values)
return access_token and consteq(access_token, authentic_token)
# Availability report.
def add_to_report(report, records, available=True, reason=''):
""" Add records to the report with the provided values.
Structure of the report:
report = {
'providers': {
provider_record : {
'available': true|false,
'reason': "",
'payment_methods': {
pm_record : {
'available': true|false,
'reason': "",
'supported_providers': [(provider_record, report['providers'][p]['available'])],
:param dict report: The availability report for providers and payment methods.
:param payment.provider|payment.method records: The records to add to the report.
:param bool available: Whether the records are available.
:param str reason: The reason for which records are not available, if any.
:return: None
if report is None or not records: # The report might not be initialized, or no records to add.
category = 'providers' if records._name == 'payment.provider' else 'payment_methods'
report.setdefault(category, {})
for r in records:
report[category][r] = {
'available': available,
'reason': reason,
if category == 'payment_methods' and 'providers' in report:
report[category][r]['supported_providers'] = [
(p, report['providers'][p]['available'])
for p in r.provider_ids if p in report['providers']
# Transaction values formatting
def singularize_reference_prefix(prefix='tx', separator='-', max_length=None):
""" Make the prefix more unique by suffixing it with the current datetime.
When the prefix is a placeholder that would be part of a large sequence of references sharing
the same prefix, such as "tx" or "validation", singularizing it allows to make it part of a
single-element sequence of transactions. The computation of the full reference will then execute
faster by failing to find existing references with a matching prefix.
If the `max_length` argument is passed, the end of the prefix can be stripped before
singularizing to ensure that the result accounts for no more than `max_length` characters.
Warning: Generated prefixes are *not* uniques! This function should be used only for making
transaction reference prefixes more distinguishable and *not* for operations that require the
generated value to be unique.
:param str prefix: The custom prefix to singularize
:param str separator: The custom separator used to separate the prefix from the suffix
:param int max_length: The maximum length of the singularized prefix
:return: The singularized prefix
:rtype: str
if prefix is None:
prefix = 'tx'
if max_length:
assert max_length >= 1 + len(separator) + DATETIME_LENGTH # 1 char + separator + datetime
prefix = prefix[:max_length-len(separator)-DATETIME_LENGTH]
return f'{prefix}{separator}{fields.Datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")}'
def to_major_currency_units(minor_amount, currency, arbitrary_decimal_number=None):
""" Return the amount converted to the major units of its currency.
The conversion is done by dividing the amount by 10^k where k is the number of decimals of the
currency as per the ISO 4217 norm.
To force a different number of decimals, set it as the value of the `arbitrary_decimal_number`
:param float minor_amount: The amount in minor units, to convert in major units
:param recordset currency: The currency of the amount, as a `res.currency` record
:param int arbitrary_decimal_number: The number of decimals to use instead of that of ISO 4217
:return: The amount in major units of its currency
:rtype: int
if arbitrary_decimal_number is None:
decimal_number = CURRENCY_MINOR_UNITS.get(currency.name, currency.decimal_places)
decimal_number = arbitrary_decimal_number
return float_round(minor_amount, precision_digits=0) / (10**decimal_number)
def to_minor_currency_units(major_amount, currency, arbitrary_decimal_number=None):
""" Return the amount converted to the minor units of its currency.
The conversion is done by multiplying the amount by 10^k where k is the number of decimals of
the currency as per the ISO 4217 norm.
To force a different number of decimals, set it as the value of the `arbitrary_decimal_number`
Note: currency.ensure_one() if arbitrary_decimal_number is not provided
:param float major_amount: The amount in major units, to convert in minor units
:param recordset currency: The currency of the amount, as a `res.currency` record
:param int arbitrary_decimal_number: The number of decimals to use instead of that of ISO 4217
:return: The amount in minor units of its currency
:rtype: int
if arbitrary_decimal_number is None:
decimal_number = CURRENCY_MINOR_UNITS.get(currency.name, currency.decimal_places)
decimal_number = arbitrary_decimal_number
return int(
float_round(major_amount * (10**decimal_number), precision_digits=0, rounding_method='DOWN')
# Partner values formatting
def format_partner_address(address1="", address2=""):
""" Format a two-parts partner address into a one-line address string.
:param str address1: The first part of the address, usually the `street1` field
:param str address2: The second part of the address, usually the `street2` field
:return: The formatted one-line address
:rtype: str
address1 = address1 or "" # Avoid casting as "False"
address2 = address2 or "" # Avoid casting as "False"
return f"{address1} {address2}".strip()
def split_partner_name(partner_name):
""" Split a single-line partner name in a tuple of first name, last name.
:param str partner_name: The partner name
:return: The splitted first name and last name
:rtype: tuple
return " ".join(partner_name.split()[:-1]), partner_name.split()[-1]
# Security
def get_customer_ip_address():
return request and request.httprequest.remote_addr or ''
def check_rights_on_recordset(recordset):
""" Ensure that the user has the rights to write on the record.
Call this method to check the access rules and rights before doing any operation that is
callable by RPC and that requires to be executed in sudo mode.
:param recordset: The recordset for which the rights should be checked.
:return: None
# Idempotency
def generate_idempotency_key(tx, scope=None):
""" Generate an idempotency key for the provided transaction and scope.
Idempotency keys are used to prevent API requests from going through twice in a short time: the
API rejects requests made after another one with the same payload and idempotency key if it
The idempotency key is generated based on the transaction reference, database UUID, and scope if
any. This guarantees the key is identical for two API requests with the same transaction
reference, database, and endpoint. Should one of these parameters differ, the key is unique from
one request to another (e.g., after dropping the database, for different endpoints, etc.).
:param recordset tx: The transaction to generate an idempotency key for, as a
`payment.transaction` record.
:param str scope: The scope of the API request to generate an idempotency key for. This should
typically be the API endpoint. It is not necessary to provide the scope if the
API takes care of comparing idempotency keys per endpoint.
:return: The generated idempotency key.
:rtype: str
database_uuid = tx.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('database.uuid')
return sha1(f'{database_uuid}{tx.reference}{scope or ""}'.encode()).hexdigest()