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86 lines
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# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from hashlib import sha1
from werkzeug import urls
from odoo import fields, models
from odoo.addons.payment_buckaroo import const
class PaymentProvider(models.Model):
_inherit = 'payment.provider'
code = fields.Selection(
selection_add=[('buckaroo', "Buckaroo")], ondelete={'buckaroo': 'set default'})
buckaroo_website_key = fields.Char(
string="Website Key", help="The key solely used to identify the website with Buckaroo",
buckaroo_secret_key = fields.Char(
string="Buckaroo Secret Key", required_if_provider='buckaroo', groups='base.group_system')
def _get_supported_currencies(self):
""" Override of `payment` to return the supported currencies. """
supported_currencies = super()._get_supported_currencies()
if self.code == 'buckaroo':
supported_currencies = supported_currencies.filtered(
lambda c: c.name in const.SUPPORTED_CURRENCIES
return supported_currencies
def _buckaroo_get_api_url(self):
""" Return the API URL according to the state.
Note: self.ensure_one()
:return: The API URL
:rtype: str
if self.state == 'enabled':
return 'https://checkout.buckaroo.nl/html/'
return 'https://testcheckout.buckaroo.nl/html/'
def _buckaroo_generate_digital_sign(self, values, incoming=True):
""" Generate the shasign for incoming or outgoing communications.
:param dict values: The values used to generate the signature
:param bool incoming: Whether the signature must be generated for an incoming (Buckaroo to
Odoo) or outgoing (Odoo to Buckaroo) communication.
:return: The shasign
:rtype: str
if incoming:
# Incoming communication values must be URL-decoded before checking the signature. The
# key 'brq_signature' must be ignored.
items = [
(k, urls.url_unquote_plus(v)) for k, v in values.items()
if k.lower() != 'brq_signature'
items = values.items()
# Only use items whose key starts with 'add_', 'brq_', or 'cust_' (case insensitive)
filtered_items = [
(k, v) for k, v in items
if any(k.lower().startswith(key_prefix) for key_prefix in ('add_', 'brq_', 'cust_'))
# Sort parameters by lower-cased key. Not upper-case because ord('A') < ord('_') < ord('a').
sorted_items = sorted(filtered_items, key=lambda pair: pair[0].lower())
# Build the signing string by concatenating all parameters
sign_string = ''.join(f'{k}={v or ""}' for k, v in sorted_items)
# Append the pre-shared secret key to the signing string
sign_string += self.buckaroo_secret_key
# Calculate the SHA-1 hash over the signing string
return sha1(sign_string.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
def _get_default_payment_method_codes(self):
""" Override of `payment` to return the default payment method codes. """
default_codes = super()._get_default_payment_method_codes()
if self.code != 'buckaroo':
return default_codes