92 lines
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Executable File
92 lines
3.5 KiB
Executable File
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import logging
import pprint
import requests
from werkzeug import urls
from odoo import _, fields, models, service
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
from odoo.addons.payment_mollie import const
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PaymentProvider(models.Model):
_inherit = 'payment.provider'
code = fields.Selection(
selection_add=[('mollie', 'Mollie')], ondelete={'mollie': 'set default'}
mollie_api_key = fields.Char(
string="Mollie API Key",
help="The Test or Live API Key depending on the configuration of the provider",
required_if_provider="mollie", groups="base.group_system"
def _get_supported_currencies(self):
""" Override of `payment` to return the supported currencies. """
supported_currencies = super()._get_supported_currencies()
if self.code == 'mollie':
supported_currencies = supported_currencies.filtered(
lambda c: c.name in const.SUPPORTED_CURRENCIES
return supported_currencies
def _mollie_make_request(self, endpoint, data=None, method='POST'):
""" Make a request at mollie endpoint.
Note: self.ensure_one()
:param str endpoint: The endpoint to be reached by the request
:param dict data: The payload of the request
:param str method: The HTTP method of the request
:return The JSON-formatted content of the response
:rtype: dict
:raise: ValidationError if an HTTP error occurs
endpoint = f'/v2/{endpoint.strip("/")}'
url = urls.url_join('https://api.mollie.com/', endpoint)
odoo_version = service.common.exp_version()['server_version']
module_version = self.env.ref('base.module_payment_mollie').installed_version
headers = {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Authorization": f'Bearer {self.mollie_api_key}',
"Content-Type": "application/json",
# See https://docs.mollie.com/integration-partners/user-agent-strings
"User-Agent": f'Odoo/{odoo_version} MollieNativeOdoo/{module_version}',
response = requests.request(method, url, json=data, headers=headers, timeout=60)
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
"Invalid API request at %s with data:\n%s", url, pprint.pformat(data)
raise ValidationError(
"Mollie: " + _(
"The communication with the API failed. Mollie gave us the following "
"information: %s", response.json().get('detail', '')
except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.Timeout):
_logger.exception("Unable to reach endpoint at %s", url)
raise ValidationError(
"Mollie: " + _("Could not establish the connection to the API.")
return response.json()
def _get_default_payment_method_codes(self):
""" Override of `payment` to return the default payment method codes. """
default_codes = super()._get_default_payment_method_codes()
if self.code != 'mollie':
return default_codes