2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

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# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import time
from datetime import datetime
from unittest.mock import patch
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from odoo.tests import tagged
from odoo.addons.payment import utils as payment_utils
from odoo.addons.payment_razorpay.tests.common import RazorpayCommon
@tagged('post_install', '-at_install')
class TestPaymentTransaction(RazorpayCommon):
def test_no_item_missing_from_order_request_payload(self):
""" Test that the request values are conform to the transaction fields. """
inr_currency = self.env['res.currency'].with_context(active_test=False).search([
('name', '=', 'INR'),
], limit=1)
tx = self._create_transaction('direct', currency_id=inr_currency.id)
for tokenize in (False, True):
tx.tokenize = tokenize
request_payload = tx._razorpay_prepare_order_payload(customer_id=self.customer_id)
self.maxDiff = 10000 # Allow comparing large dicts.
converted_amount = payment_utils.to_minor_currency_units(tx.amount, tx.currency_id)
expected_payload = {
'amount': converted_amount,
'currency': tx.currency_id.name,
'customer_id': self.customer_id,
'method': 'card',
if tokenize:
token_expiry_date = datetime.today() + relativedelta(years=10)
token_expiry_timestamp = time.mktime(token_expiry_date.timetuple())
expected_payload['token'] = {
'expire_at': token_expiry_timestamp,
'frequency': 'as_presented',
'max_amount': 100000000,
self.assertDictEqual(request_payload, expected_payload)
def test_void_is_not_supported(self):
""" Test that trying to void an authorized transaction raises an error. """
tx = self._create_transaction('direct', state='authorized')
self.assertRaises(UserError, func=tx._send_void_request)
def test_get_tx_from_notification_data_returns_refund_tx(self):
""" Test that the refund transaction is returned if it exists when processing refund
notification data. """
refund_tx = self._create_transaction('direct')
returned_tx = self.env['payment.transaction']._get_tx_from_notification_data(
'razorpay', dict(self.refund_data, **{
'entity_type': 'refund',
'notes': {
'reference': refund_tx.reference,
self.assertEqual(returned_tx, refund_tx)
def test_get_tx_from_notification_data_creates_refund_tx_when_missing(self):
""" Test that a refund transaction is created when processing refund notification data
without reference. """
source_tx = self._create_transaction(
'direct', state='done', provider_reference=self.payment_id
refund_tx = self.env['payment.transaction']._get_tx_from_notification_data(
'razorpay', dict(self.refund_data, entity_type='refund')
msg="If no refund tx is found with the refund data, a refund tx should be created.",
self.assertNotEqual(refund_tx, source_tx)
self.assertEqual(refund_tx.source_transaction_id, source_tx)
def test_processing_notification_data_confirms_transaction(self):
""" Test that the transaction state is set to 'done' when the notification data indicate a
successful payment. """
tx = self._create_transaction('direct')
self.assertEqual(tx.state, 'done')
def test_processing_notification_data_only_tokenizes_once(self):
""" Test that only one token is created when notification data of a given transaction are
processed multiple times. """
tx1 = self._create_transaction('redirect', reference='tx1', tokenize=True)
with patch(
) as tokenize_mock:
# Create the second transaction with the first transaction's token.
tx2 = self._create_transaction('token', reference='tx2', token_id=tx1.token_id.id)
msg="No new token should be created for transactions already linked to a token.",
def test_processing_notification_data_tokenizes_transaction(self):
""" Test that the transaction is tokenized when it was requested and the notification data
include token data. """
tx = self._create_transaction('direct', tokenize=True)
with patch(
) as tokenize_mock:
self.assertEqual(tokenize_mock.call_count, 1)