2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

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# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import api, fields, models
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from odoo.tools import _, SQL
class PhoneBlackList(models.Model):
""" Blacklist of phone numbers. Used to avoid sending unwanted messages to people. """
_name = 'phone.blacklist'
_inherit = ['mail.thread']
_description = 'Phone Blacklist'
_rec_name = 'number'
number = fields.Char(string='Phone Number', required=True, tracking=True, help='Number should be E164 formatted')
active = fields.Boolean(default=True, tracking=True)
_sql_constraints = [
('unique_number', 'unique (number)', 'Number already exists')
def create(self, values):
""" Create new (or activate existing) blacklisted numbers.
A. Note: Attempt to create a number that already exists, but is non-active, will result in its activation.
B. Note: If the number already exists and it's active, it will be added to returned set, (it won't be re-created)
Returns Recordset union of created and existing phonenumbers from the requested list of numbers to create
# Extract and sanitize numbers, ensuring uniques
to_create = []
done = set()
for value in values:
sanitized_value = self.env.user._phone_format(number=value['number'], raise_exception=True)
except UserError as err:
raise UserError(_("%(error)s Please correct the number and try again.", error=err)) from err
if sanitized_value in done:
to_create.append(dict(value, number=sanitized_value))
# Search for existing phone blacklist entries, even inactive ones (will be activated again)
numbers_requested = [values['number'] for values in to_create]
existing = self.with_context(active_test=False).search([('number', 'in', numbers_requested)])
# Out of existing pb records, activate non-active, (unless requested to leave them alone with 'active' set to False)
numbers_to_keep_inactive = {values['number'] for values in to_create if not values.get('active', True)}
numbers_to_keep_inactive = numbers_to_keep_inactive & set(existing.mapped('number'))
existing.filtered(lambda pb: not pb.active and pb.number not in numbers_to_keep_inactive).write({'active': True})
# Create new records, while skipping existing_numbers
existing_numbers = set(existing.mapped('number'))
to_create_filtered = [values for values in to_create if values['number'] not in existing_numbers]
created = super().create(to_create_filtered)
# Preserve the original order of numbers requested to create
numbers_to_id = {record.number: record.id for record in existing | created}
return self.browse(numbers_to_id[number] for number in numbers_requested)
def write(self, values):
if 'number' in values:
sanitized = self.env.user._phone_format(number=values['number'], raise_exception=True)
except UserError as err:
raise UserError(_("%(error)s Please correct the number and try again.", error=str(err))) from err
values['number'] = sanitized
return super(PhoneBlackList, self).write(values)
def _condition_to_sql(self, alias: str, fname: str, operator: str, value, query) -> SQL:
if fname == 'number':
# sanitize the phone number
sanitize = self.env.user._phone_format
if isinstance(value, str):
value = sanitize(number=value) or value
elif isinstance(value, list) and all(isinstance(number, str) for number in value):
value = [sanitize(number=number) or number for number in value]
return super()._condition_to_sql(alias, fname, operator, value, query)
def add(self, number, message=None):
sanitized = self.env.user._phone_format(number=number)
return self._add([sanitized], message=message)
def _add(self, numbers, message=None):
""" Add or re activate a phone blacklist entry.
:param numbers: list of sanitized numbers """
# Log on existing records
existing = self.env["phone.blacklist"].with_context(active_test=False).search([('number', 'in', numbers)])
if existing and message:
records = self.create([{'number': n} for n in numbers])
# Post message on new records
new = records - existing
if new and message:
for record in new:
return records
def remove(self, number, message=None):
sanitized = self.env.user._phone_format(number=number)
return self._remove([sanitized], message=message)
def _remove(self, numbers, message=None):
""" Add de-activated or de-activate a phone blacklist entry.
:param numbers: list of sanitized numbers """
records = self.env["phone.blacklist"].with_context(active_test=False).search([('number', 'in', numbers)])
todo = [n for n in numbers if n not in records.mapped('number')]
if records:
if message:
if todo:
new_records = self.create([{'number': n, 'active': False} for n in todo])
if message:
for record in new_records:
records += new_records
return records
def phone_action_blacklist_remove(self):
return {
'name': _('Are you sure you want to unblacklist this phone number?'),
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_model': 'phone.blacklist.remove',
'target': 'new',
'context': {'dialog_size': 'medium'},
def action_add(self):