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26 lines
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# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.osv import expression
from odoo.addons.mail.controllers import thread
class ThreadController(thread.ThreadController):
def _filter_message_post_partners(self, thread, partners):
if thread._name == "project.task":
domain = [
("res_model", "=", "project.task"),
("res_id", "=", thread.id),
("partner_id", "in", partners.ids),
if thread.project_id:
project_domain = [
("res_model", "=", "project.project"),
("res_id", "=", thread.project_id.id),
("partner_id", "in", partners.ids),
domain = expression.OR([domain, project_domain])
# sudo: mail.followers - filtering partners that are followers is acceptable
return request.env["mail.followers"].sudo().search(domain).partner_id
return super()._filter_message_post_partners(thread, partners)