2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

328 lines
19 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import fields, models
from odoo.tools.float_utils import float_compare, float_is_zero
from collections import defaultdict
class AccountMoveLine(models.Model):
_inherit = 'account.move.line'
def _get_valued_in_moves(self):
return self.purchase_line_id.move_ids.filtered(
lambda m: m.state == 'done' and m.product_qty != 0)
def _get_out_and_not_invoiced_qty(self, in_moves):
if not in_moves:
return 0
aml_qty = self.product_uom_id._compute_quantity(self.quantity, self.product_id.uom_id)
invoiced_qty = sum(line.product_uom_id._compute_quantity(line.quantity, line.product_id.uom_id)
for line in self.purchase_line_id.invoice_lines - self)
layers = in_moves.stock_valuation_layer_ids
layers_qty = sum(layers.mapped('quantity'))
out_qty = layers_qty - sum(layers.mapped('remaining_qty'))
total_out_and_not_invoiced_qty = max(0, out_qty - invoiced_qty)
out_and_not_invoiced_qty = min(aml_qty, total_out_and_not_invoiced_qty)
return self.product_id.uom_id._compute_quantity(out_and_not_invoiced_qty, self.product_uom_id)
def _apply_price_difference(self):
svl_vals_list = []
aml_vals_list = []
for line in self:
line = line.with_company(line.company_id)
po_line = line.purchase_line_id
uom = line.product_uom_id or line.product_id.uom_id
# Don't create value for more quantity than received
quantity = po_line.qty_received - (po_line.qty_invoiced - line.quantity)
quantity = max(min(line.quantity, quantity), 0)
if float_is_zero(quantity, precision_rounding=uom.rounding):
layers = line._get_valued_in_moves().stock_valuation_layer_ids.filtered(lambda svl: svl.product_id == line.product_id and not svl.stock_valuation_layer_id)
if not layers:
new_svl_vals_list, new_aml_vals_list = line._generate_price_difference_vals(layers)
svl_vals_list += new_svl_vals_list
aml_vals_list += new_aml_vals_list
return self.env['stock.valuation.layer'].sudo().create(svl_vals_list), self.env['account.move.line'].sudo().create(aml_vals_list)
def _generate_price_difference_vals(self, layers):
The method will determine which layers are impacted by the AML (`self`) and, in case of a price difference, it
will then return the values of the new AMLs and SVLs
po_line = self.purchase_line_id
product_uom = self.product_id.uom_id
# `history` is a list of tuples: (time, aml, layer)
# aml and layer will never be both defined
# we use this to get an order between posted AML and layers
history = [(layer.create_date, False, layer) for layer in layers]
am_state_field = self.env['ir.model.fields'].search([('model', '=', 'account.move'), ('name', '=', 'state')], limit=1)
for aml in po_line.invoice_lines:
move = aml.move_id
if move.state != 'posted':
state_trackings = move.message_ids.tracking_value_ids.filtered(lambda t: t.field_id == am_state_field).sorted('id')
time = state_trackings[-1:].create_date or move.create_date # `or` in case it has been created in posted state
history.append((time, aml, False))
# Sort history based on the datetime. In case of equality, the prority is given to SVLs, then to IDs.
# That way, we ensure a deterministic behaviour
history.sort(key=lambda item: (item[0], bool(item[1]), (item[1] or item[2]).id))
# the next dict is a matrix [layer L, invoice I] where each cell gives two info:
# [initial qty of L invoiced by I, remaining invoiced qty]
# the second info is usefull in case of a refund
layers_and_invoices_qties = defaultdict(lambda: [0, 0])
# the next dict will also provide two info:
# [total qty to invoice, remaining qty to invoice]
# we need the total qty to invoice, so we will be able to deduce the invoiced qty before `self`
qty_to_invoice_per_layer = defaultdict(lambda: [0, 0])
# Replay the whole history: we want to know what are the links between each layer and each invoice,
# and then the links between `self` and the layers
history.append((False, self, False)) # time was only usefull for the sorting
for _time, aml, layer in history:
if layer:
total_layer_qty_to_invoice = abs(layer.quantity)
initial_layer = layer.stock_move_id.origin_returned_move_id.stock_valuation_layer_ids
if initial_layer:
# `layer` is a return. We will cancel the qty to invoice of the returned layer
# /!\ we will cancel the qty not yet invoiced only
initial_layer_remaining_qty = qty_to_invoice_per_layer[initial_layer][1]
common_qty = min(initial_layer_remaining_qty, total_layer_qty_to_invoice)
qty_to_invoice_per_layer[initial_layer][0] -= common_qty
qty_to_invoice_per_layer[initial_layer][1] -= common_qty
total_layer_qty_to_invoice = max(0, total_layer_qty_to_invoice - common_qty)
if float_compare(total_layer_qty_to_invoice, 0, precision_rounding=product_uom.rounding) > 0:
qty_to_invoice_per_layer[layer] = [total_layer_qty_to_invoice, total_layer_qty_to_invoice]
invoice = aml.move_id
impacted_invoice = False
aml_qty = aml.product_uom_id._compute_quantity(aml.quantity, product_uom)
if aml.is_refund:
reversed_invoice = aml.move_id.reversed_entry_id
if reversed_invoice:
sign = -1
impacted_invoice = reversed_invoice
# it's a refund, therefore we can only consume the quantities invoiced by
# the initial invoice (`reversed_invoice`)
layers_to_consume = []
for layer in layers:
remaining_invoiced_qty = layers_and_invoices_qties[(layer, reversed_invoice)][1]
layers_to_consume.append((layer, remaining_invoiced_qty))
# the refund has been generated because of a stock return, let's find and use it
sign = 1
layers_to_consume = []
for layer in qty_to_invoice_per_layer:
if layer.stock_move_id._is_out():
layers_to_consume.append((layer, qty_to_invoice_per_layer[layer][1]))
# classic case, we are billing a received quantity so let's use the incoming SVLs
sign = 1
layers_to_consume = []
for layer in qty_to_invoice_per_layer:
if layer.stock_move_id._is_in():
layers_to_consume.append((layer, qty_to_invoice_per_layer[layer][1]))
while float_compare(aml_qty, 0, precision_rounding=product_uom.rounding) > 0 and layers_to_consume:
layer, total_layer_qty_to_invoice = layers_to_consume[0]
layers_to_consume = layers_to_consume[1:]
if float_is_zero(total_layer_qty_to_invoice, precision_rounding=product_uom.rounding):
common_qty = min(aml_qty, total_layer_qty_to_invoice)
aml_qty -= common_qty
qty_to_invoice_per_layer[layer][1] -= sign * common_qty
layers_and_invoices_qties[(layer, invoice)] = [common_qty, common_qty]
layers_and_invoices_qties[(layer, impacted_invoice)][1] -= common_qty
# Now we know what layers does `self` use, let's check if we have to create a pdiff SVL
# (or cancel such an SVL in case of a refund)
invoice = self.move_id
svl_vals_list = []
aml_vals_list = []
for layer in layers:
# use the link between `self` and `layer` (i.e. the qty of `layer` billed by `self`)
invoicing_layer_qty = layers_and_invoices_qties[(layer, invoice)][1]
if float_is_zero(invoicing_layer_qty, precision_rounding=product_uom.rounding):
# We will only consider the total quantity to invoice of the layer because we don't
# want to invoice a part of the layer that has not been invoiced and that has been
# returned in the meantime
total_layer_qty_to_invoice = qty_to_invoice_per_layer[layer][0]
remaining_qty = layer.remaining_qty
out_layer_qty = total_layer_qty_to_invoice - remaining_qty
if self.is_refund:
sign = -1
reversed_invoice = invoice.reversed_entry_id
if not reversed_invoice:
# this is a refund for a returned quantity, we don't have anything to do
initial_invoiced_qty = layers_and_invoices_qties[(layer, reversed_invoice)][0]
initial_pdiff_svl = layer.stock_valuation_layer_ids.filtered(lambda svl: svl.account_move_line_id.move_id == reversed_invoice)
if not initial_pdiff_svl or float_is_zero(initial_invoiced_qty, precision_rounding=product_uom.rounding):
# We have an already-out quantity: we must skip the part already invoiced. So, first,
# let's compute the already invoiced quantity...
previously_invoiced_qty = 0
for item in history:
previous_aml = item[1]
if not previous_aml or previous_aml.is_refund:
previous_invoice = previous_aml.move_id
if previous_invoice == reversed_invoice:
previously_invoiced_qty += layers_and_invoices_qties[(layer, previous_invoice,)][1]
# ... Second, skip it:
out_qty_to_invoice = max(0, out_layer_qty - previously_invoiced_qty)
qty_to_correct = max(0, invoicing_layer_qty - out_qty_to_invoice)
if out_qty_to_invoice:
# In case the out qty is different from the one posted by the initial bill, we should compensate
# this quantity with debit/credit between stock_in and expense, but we are reversing an initial
# invoice and don't want to do more than the original one
out_qty_to_invoice = 0
aml = initial_pdiff_svl.account_move_line_id
parent_layer = initial_pdiff_svl.stock_valuation_layer_id
layer_price_unit = parent_layer._get_layer_price_unit()
sign = 1
# get the invoiced qty of the layer without considering `self`
invoiced_layer_qty = total_layer_qty_to_invoice - qty_to_invoice_per_layer[layer][1] - invoicing_layer_qty
remaining_out_qty_to_invoice = max(0, out_layer_qty - invoiced_layer_qty)
out_qty_to_invoice = min(remaining_out_qty_to_invoice, invoicing_layer_qty)
qty_to_correct = invoicing_layer_qty - out_qty_to_invoice
layer_price_unit = layer._get_layer_price_unit()
returned_move = layer.stock_move_id.origin_returned_move_id
if returned_move and returned_move._is_out() and returned_move._is_returned(valued_type='out'):
# Odd case! The user receives a product, then returns it. The returns are processed as classic
# output, so the value of the returned product can be different from the initial one. The user
# then receives again the returned product (that's where we are here) -> the SVL is based on
# the returned one, the accounting entries are already compensated, and we don't want to impact
# the stock valuation. So, let's fake the layer price unit with the POL one as everything is
# already ok
layer_price_unit = po_line._get_gross_price_unit()
aml = self
aml_gross_price_unit = aml._get_gross_unit_price()
# convert from aml currency to company currency
aml_price_unit = aml_gross_price_unit / aml.currency_rate
aml_price_unit = aml.product_uom_id._compute_price(aml_price_unit, product_uom)
unit_valuation_difference = aml_price_unit - layer_price_unit
# Generate the AML values for the already out quantities
# convert from company currency to aml currency
unit_valuation_difference_curr = unit_valuation_difference * self.currency_rate
unit_valuation_difference_curr = product_uom._compute_price(unit_valuation_difference_curr, self.product_uom_id)
out_qty_to_invoice = product_uom._compute_quantity(out_qty_to_invoice, self.product_uom_id)
if not float_is_zero(unit_valuation_difference_curr * out_qty_to_invoice, precision_rounding=self.currency_id.rounding):
aml_vals_list += self._prepare_pdiff_aml_vals(out_qty_to_invoice, unit_valuation_difference_curr)
# Generate the SVL values for the on hand quantities (and impact the parent layer)
po_pu_curr = po_line.currency_id._convert(po_line.price_unit, self.currency_id, self.company_id, self.move_id.invoice_date or self.date or fields.Date.context_today(self), round=False)
price_difference_curr = po_pu_curr - aml_gross_price_unit
if not float_is_zero(unit_valuation_difference * qty_to_correct, precision_rounding=self.company_id.currency_id.rounding):
svl_vals = self._prepare_pdiff_svl_vals(layer, sign * qty_to_correct, unit_valuation_difference, price_difference_curr)
layer.remaining_value += svl_vals['value']
return svl_vals_list, aml_vals_list
def _prepare_pdiff_aml_vals(self, qty, unit_valuation_difference):
vals_list = []
sign = self.move_id.direction_sign
expense_account = self.product_id.product_tmpl_id.get_product_accounts(fiscal_pos=self.move_id.fiscal_position_id)['expense']
if not expense_account:
return vals_list
for price, account in [
(unit_valuation_difference, expense_account),
(-unit_valuation_difference, self.account_id),
'name': self.name[:64],
'move_id': self.move_id.id,
'partner_id': self.partner_id.id or self.move_id.commercial_partner_id.id,
'currency_id': self.currency_id.id,
'product_id': self.product_id.id,
'product_uom_id': self.product_uom_id.id,
'balance': self.company_id.currency_id.round((qty * price * sign) / self.currency_rate),
'account_id': account.id,
'analytic_distribution': self.analytic_distribution,
'display_type': 'cogs',
return vals_list
def _prepare_pdiff_svl_vals(self, corrected_layer, quantity, unit_cost, pdiff):
common_svl_vals = {
'account_move_id': self.move_id.id,
'account_move_line_id': self.id,
'company_id': self.company_id.id,
'product_id': self.product_id.id,
'quantity': 0,
'unit_cost': 0,
'remaining_qty': 0,
'remaining_value': 0,
'description': self.move_id.name and '%s - %s' % (self.move_id.name, self.product_id.name) or self.product_id.name,
return {
**self.product_id._prepare_in_svl_vals(quantity, unit_cost, corrected_layer.lot_id),
'stock_valuation_layer_id': corrected_layer.id,
'price_diff_value': self.currency_id.round(pdiff * quantity),
def _get_price_unit_val_dif_and_relevant_qty(self):
# Retrieve stock valuation moves.
valuation_stock_moves = self.env['stock.move'].search([
('purchase_line_id', '=', self.purchase_line_id.id),
('state', '=', 'done'),
('product_qty', '!=', 0.0),
]) if self.purchase_line_id else self.env['stock.move']
if self.product_id.cost_method != 'standard' and self.purchase_line_id:
if self.move_type == 'in_refund':
valuation_stock_moves = valuation_stock_moves.filtered(lambda stock_move: stock_move._is_out())
valuation_stock_moves = valuation_stock_moves.filtered(lambda stock_move: stock_move._is_in())
if not valuation_stock_moves:
return 0, 0
valuation_price_unit_total, valuation_total_qty = valuation_stock_moves._get_valuation_price_and_qty(self, self.move_id.currency_id)
valuation_price_unit = valuation_price_unit_total / valuation_total_qty
valuation_price_unit = self.product_id.uom_id._compute_price(valuation_price_unit, self.product_uom_id)
# Valuation_price unit is always expressed in invoice currency, so that it can always be computed with the good rate
price_unit = self.product_id.uom_id._compute_price(self.product_id.standard_price, self.product_uom_id)
price_unit = -price_unit if self.move_id.move_type == 'in_refund' else price_unit
valuation_date = valuation_stock_moves and max(valuation_stock_moves.mapped('date')) or self.date
valuation_price_unit = self.company_currency_id._convert(
price_unit, self.currency_id,
self.company_id, valuation_date, round=False
price_unit = self._get_gross_unit_price()
price_unit_val_dif = price_unit - valuation_price_unit
# If there are some valued moves, we only consider their quantity already used
if self.product_id.cost_method == 'standard':
relevant_qty = self.quantity
relevant_qty = self._get_out_and_not_invoiced_qty(valuation_stock_moves)
return price_unit_val_dif, relevant_qty