2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

520 lines
15 KiB

# Translation of Odoo Server.
# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
# * uom
# Translators:
# Wil Odoo, 2024
# Abe Manyo, 2024
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Odoo Server 18.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 08:56+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-09-25 09:42+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Abe Manyo, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/id/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Language: id\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#. module: uom
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:uom.product_uom_form_view
msgid ""
"<span class=\"oe_grey oe_inline\">\n"
" e.g: 1*(reference unit)=ratio*(this unit)\n"
" </span>"
msgstr ""
"<span class=\"oe_grey oe_inline\">\n"
" e.g: 1*(reference unit)=ratio*(this unit)\n"
" </span>"
#. module: uom
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:uom.product_uom_form_view
msgid ""
"<span class=\"oe_grey oe_inline\">\n"
" e.g: 1*(this unit)=ratio*(reference unit)\n"
" </span>"
msgstr ""
"<span class=\"oe_grey oe_inline\">\n"
" e.g: 1*(this unit)=ratio*(reference unit)\n"
" </span>"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:uom.field_uom_uom__active
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Aktif"
#. module: uom
#: model_terms:ir.actions.act_window,help:uom.product_uom_form_action
msgid "Add a new unit of measure"
msgstr "Tambahkan satuan ukuran baru"
#. module: uom
#: model_terms:ir.actions.act_window,help:uom.product_uom_categ_form_action
msgid "Add a new unit of measure category"
msgstr "Tambahkan kategori satuan ukuran baru"
#. module: uom
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:uom.uom_uom_view_search
msgid "Archived"
msgstr "Diarsipkan"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:uom.field_uom_uom__factor_inv
msgid "Bigger Ratio"
msgstr "Rasio lebih besar"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:uom.selection__uom_uom__uom_type__bigger
msgid "Bigger than the reference Unit of Measure"
msgstr "Lebih besar dari Satuan dasar"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:uom.field_uom_uom__category_id
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:uom.uom_uom_view_search
msgid "Category"
msgstr "Kategori"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:uom.field_uom_uom__color
msgid "Color"
msgstr "Warna"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:uom.field_uom_uom__ratio
msgid "Combined Ratio"
msgstr "Combined Ratio"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.fields,help:uom.field_uom_uom__category_id
msgid ""
"Conversion between Units of Measure can only occur if they belong to the "
"same category. The conversion will be made based on the ratios."
msgstr ""
"Konversi antara satuan hanya dapat terjadi jika mereka berada pada kategori "
"yang sama. Konversi akan dibuat berdasarkan rasio."
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:uom.field_uom_category__create_uid
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:uom.field_uom_uom__create_uid
msgid "Created by"
msgstr "Dibuat oleh"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:uom.field_uom_category__create_date
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:uom.field_uom_uom__create_date
msgid "Created on"
msgstr "Dibuat pada"
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.uom,name:uom.product_uom_day
msgid "Days"
msgstr "Hari"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:uom.field_uom_category__display_name
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:uom.field_uom_uom__display_name
msgid "Display Name"
msgstr "Nama Tampilan"
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.uom,name:uom.product_uom_dozen
msgid "Dozens"
msgstr "Berlusin-lusin"
#. module: uom
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:uom.uom_uom_view_search
msgid "Group By"
msgstr "Dikelompokkan berdasarkan"
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.uom,name:uom.product_uom_hour
msgid "Hours"
msgstr "Jam"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.fields,help:uom.field_uom_uom__factor_inv
msgid ""
"How many times this Unit of Measure is bigger than the reference Unit of "
"Measure in this category: 1 * (this unit) = ratio * (reference unit)"
msgstr ""
"Berapa kalinya Satuan ini lebih besar dari Satuan Dasar di kategori ini: 1 *"
" (satuan ini) = rasio * (satuan dasar)"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.fields,help:uom.field_uom_uom__factor
msgid ""
"How much bigger or smaller this unit is compared to the reference Unit of "
"Measure for this category: 1 * (reference unit) = ratio * (this unit)"
msgstr ""
"Berapa besar atau kecil Satuan ini dibandingkan dengan Satuan Dasar di "
"kategori ini: 1 * (satuan dasar) = rasio * (satuan ini)"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:uom.field_uom_category__id
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:uom.field_uom_uom__id
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:uom.field_uom_category__write_uid
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:uom.field_uom_uom__write_uid
msgid "Last Updated by"
msgstr "Terakhir Diperbarui oleh"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:uom.field_uom_category__write_date
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:uom.field_uom_uom__write_date
msgid "Last Updated on"
msgstr "Terakhir Diperbarui pada"
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.category,name:uom.uom_categ_length
msgid "Length / Distance"
msgstr "Panjang / Jarak"
#. module: uom
#: model:res.groups,name:uom.group_uom
msgid "Manage Multiple Units of Measure"
msgstr "Kelola Banyak Satuan"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model,name:uom.model_uom_uom
msgid "Product Unit of Measure"
msgstr "Satuan Produk"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model,name:uom.model_uom_category
msgid "Product UoM Categories"
msgstr "Kategori Satuan Produk"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:uom.field_uom_uom__factor
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:uom.product_uom_categ_form_view
msgid "Ratio"
msgstr "Rasio"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:uom.selection__uom_uom__uom_type__reference
msgid "Reference Unit of Measure for this category"
msgstr "Satuan Dasar untuk kategori ini"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:uom.field_uom_category__reference_uom_id
msgid "Reference UoM"
msgstr "Referensi Satuan Ukuran"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:uom.field_uom_uom__rounding
msgid "Rounding Precision"
msgstr "Ketepatan Pembulatan"
#. module: uom
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:uom.uom_uom_view_search
msgid "Search UOM"
msgstr "Cari Satuan Ukuran"
#. module: uom
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:uom.uom_categ_view_search
msgid "Search UoM Category"
msgstr "Cari Kategori Satuan Ukuran"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:uom.selection__uom_uom__uom_type__smaller
msgid "Smaller than the reference Unit of Measure"
msgstr "Lebih kecil dari Satuan Dasar"
#. module: uom
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/uom/models/uom_uom.py:0
msgid ""
"Some critical fields have been modified on %s.\n"
"Note that existing data WON'T be updated by this change.\n"
"As units of measure impact the whole system, this may cause critical issues.\n"
"E.g. modifying the rounding could disturb your inventory balance.\n"
"Therefore, changing core units of measure in a running database is not recommended."
msgstr ""
"Beberapa field penting telah dimodifikasi pada %s.\n"
"Mohon diingat bahwa data yang sudah ada TIDAK akan diupdate oleh perubahan ini.\n"
"Karena satuan ukuran berdampak ke seluruh sistem, ini dapat berujung pada masalah kritis.\n"
"Contoh memodifikasi pembulatan dapat mengubah saldo inventaris Anda.\n"
"Oleh karena itu, mengubah satuan ukuran inti pada database yang bekerja tidak disarankan."
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.category,name:uom.uom_categ_surface
msgid "Surface"
msgstr "Permukaan"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.fields,help:uom.field_uom_uom__rounding
msgid ""
"The computed quantity will be a multiple of this value. Use 1.0 for a Unit "
"of Measure that cannot be further split, such as a piece."
msgstr ""
"Jumlah terhitung adalah kelipatan dari nilai ini. Gunakan 1.0 untuk satuan "
"yang tidak dapat dibagi lagi, seperti satu biji."
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.constraint,message:uom.constraint_uom_uom_factor_gt_zero
msgid "The conversion ratio for a unit of measure cannot be 0!"
msgstr "Rasio dari konversi untuk satuan tidak boleh 0!"
#. module: uom
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/uom/models/uom_uom.py:0
msgid ""
"The following units of measure are used by the system and cannot be deleted: %s\n"
"You can archive them instead."
msgstr ""
"Satuan ukuran berikut digunakan oleh sistem dan tidak dapat dihapus: %s\n"
"Alih-alih Anda dapat mengarsipnya."
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.constraint,message:uom.constraint_uom_uom_factor_reference_is_one
msgid "The reference unit must have a conversion factor equal to 1."
msgstr "Reference unit harus memiliki faktor konversi sama dengan 1."
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.constraint,message:uom.constraint_uom_uom_rounding_gt_zero
msgid "The rounding precision must be strictly positive."
msgstr "Ketepatan pembulatan harus selalu positif."
#. module: uom
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/uom/models/uom_uom.py:0
msgid ""
"The unit of measure %(unit)s defined on the order line doesn't belong to the"
" same category as the unit of measure %(product_unit)s defined on the "
"product. Please correct the unit of measure defined on the order line or on "
"the product. They should belong to the same category."
msgstr ""
"Satuan ukuran %(unit)s yang didefinisikan pada baris order tidak berasal "
"dari kategori yang sama dengan satuan ukuran %(product_unit)s yang "
"didefinisikan pada produk. Silakan betulkan satuan ukuran yang didefinisikan"
" pada baris pesanan atau pada produk. Mereka harus berasal dari kategori "
"yang sama."
#. module: uom
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/uom/models/uom_uom.py:0
msgid "The value of ratio could not be Zero"
msgstr "NIlai dari rasio tidak boleh Nol"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:uom.field_uom_uom__uom_type
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Jenis"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.fields,help:uom.field_uom_uom__active
msgid ""
"Uncheck the active field to disable a unit of measure without deleting it."
msgstr ""
"Hapus centang pada kolom aktif untuk menon-aktifkan satuan tanpa "
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.category,name:uom.product_uom_categ_unit
msgid "Unit"
msgstr "Unit"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:uom.field_uom_uom__name
msgid "Unit of Measure"
msgstr "Satuan Ukuran"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:uom.field_uom_category__name
msgid "Unit of Measure Category"
msgstr "Kategori Satuan Ukuran"
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.uom,name:uom.product_uom_unit
msgid "Units"
msgstr "Unit"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:uom.product_uom_form_action
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:uom.product_uom_categ_form_view
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:uom.product_uom_form_view
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:uom.product_uom_tree_view
msgid "Units of Measure"
msgstr "Satuan Ukuran"
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:uom.product_uom_categ_form_action
msgid "Units of Measure Categories"
msgstr "Kategori Satuan Ukuran"
#. module: uom
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:uom.product_uom_categ_form_view
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:uom.product_uom_categ_tree_view
msgid "Units of Measure categories"
msgstr "Kategori Satuan"
#. module: uom
#: model_terms:ir.actions.act_window,help:uom.product_uom_categ_form_action
msgid ""
"Units of measure belonging to the same category can be\n"
" converted between each others. For example, in the category\n"
" <i>'Time'</i>, you will have the following units of measure:\n"
" Hours, Days."
msgstr ""
"Satuan pada kategori yang sama dapat\n"
"dikonversi satu sama lain. Sebagai contoh, pada kategori ini\n"
"<i>'Waktu'</i>, Anda memiliki satuan berikut ini:\n"
"Jam, Hari."
#. module: uom
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/uom/models/uom_uom.py:0
msgid "UoM category %s must have at least one reference unit of measure."
msgstr ""
"Kategori Satuan Ukuran %s harus memiliki setidaknya satu satuan ukuran "
#. module: uom
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/uom/models/uom_uom.py:0
msgid "UoM category %s should have a reference unit of measure."
msgstr "Kategori Satuan Ukuran %s harus memiliki satuan ukuran referensi."
#. module: uom
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/uom/models/uom_uom.py:0
msgid "UoM category %s should only have one reference unit of measure."
msgstr ""
"Kategori Satuan Ukuran %s harus memiliki hanya satu satuan ukuran referensi."
#. module: uom
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:uom.field_uom_category__uom_ids
msgid "Uom"
msgstr "Satuan ukuran"
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.category,name:uom.product_uom_categ_vol
msgid "Volume"
msgstr "Volume"
#. module: uom
#. odoo-python
#: code:addons/uom/models/uom_uom.py:0
msgid "Warning for %s"
msgstr "Peringatan untuk %s"
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.category,name:uom.product_uom_categ_kgm
msgid "Weight"
msgstr "Berat"
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.category,name:uom.uom_categ_wtime
msgid "Working Time"
msgstr "Waktu Kerja"
#. module: uom
#: model_terms:ir.actions.act_window,help:uom.product_uom_form_action
msgid ""
"You must define a conversion rate between several Units of\n"
" Measure within the same category."
msgstr ""
"Anda harus menetapkan kurs konversi antara beberapa Satuan\n"
" dalam kategori yang sama."
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.uom,name:uom.product_uom_cm
msgid "cm"
msgstr "cm"
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.uom,name:uom.product_uom_floz
msgid "fl oz (US)"
msgstr "fl oz (AS)"
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.uom,name:uom.product_uom_foot
msgid "ft"
msgstr "ft"
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.uom,name:uom.uom_square_foot
msgid "ft²"
msgstr "ft²"
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.uom,name:uom.product_uom_cubic_foot
msgid "ft³"
msgstr "ft³"
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.uom,name:uom.product_uom_gal
msgid "gal (US)"
msgstr "gal (AS)"
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.uom,name:uom.product_uom_inch
msgid "in"
msgstr "di dalam"
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.uom,name:uom.product_uom_cubic_inch
msgid "in³"
msgstr "in³"
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.uom,name:uom.product_uom_kgm
msgid "kg"
msgstr "kg"
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.uom,name:uom.product_uom_km
msgid "km"
msgstr "km"
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.uom,name:uom.product_uom_lb
msgid "lb"
msgstr "lb"
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.uom,name:uom.product_uom_mile
msgid "mi"
msgstr "mi"
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.uom,name:uom.product_uom_millimeter
msgid "mm"
msgstr "mm"
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.uom,name:uom.uom_square_meter
msgid "m²"
msgstr "m²"
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.uom,name:uom.product_uom_cubic_meter
msgid "m³"
msgstr "m³"
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.uom,name:uom.product_uom_oz
msgid "oz"
msgstr "oz"
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.uom,name:uom.product_uom_qt
msgid "qt (US)"
msgstr "qt (AS)"
#. module: uom
#: model:uom.uom,name:uom.product_uom_yard
msgid "yd"
msgstr "yd"