77 lines
2.6 KiB
77 lines
2.6 KiB
import { makeKwArgs } from "@web/../tests/web_test_helpers";
import { registry } from "@web/core/registry";
function _mockHierarchyRead({ model, args, kwargs }) {
kwargs = makeKwArgs(kwargs);
const [domain, fields, parentFieldName, childFieldName, order] = args;
kwargs.order = order;
if (!(parentFieldName in fields)) {
const records = this.env[model].search_read(domain, kwargs);
let focusedRecordId = false;
let fetchChildIdsForAllRecords = false;
if (!records.length) {
return [];
} else if (records.length === 1) {
const record = records[0];
let domain = [
[parentFieldName, "=", record.id],
["id", "!=", record.id],
if (record[parentFieldName]) {
focusedRecordId = record.id;
const parentResId = record[parentFieldName][0];
domain = [
["id", "!=", record.id],
["id", "=", parentResId],
[parentFieldName, "in", [parentResId, record.id]],
records.push(...this.env[model].search_read(domain, kwargs));
} else {
fetchChildIdsForAllRecords = true;
const childrenIdsPerRecordId = {};
if (!childFieldName) {
const parentResIds = [];
for (const rec of records) {
if (rec[parentFieldName]) {
const recordIds = records.map((rec) => rec.id);
const data = this.env[model].web_read_group({
domain: [
? recordIds
: recordIds.filter((id) => !parentResIds.includes(id)),
groupby: [parentFieldName],
fields: ["id:array_agg"],
for (const group of data.groups) {
childrenIdsPerRecordId[group[parentFieldName][0]] = group.id;
if (focusedRecordId || Object.keys(childrenIdsPerRecordId).length) {
for (const record of records) {
if (record.id in childrenIdsPerRecordId) {
record.__child_ids__ = childrenIdsPerRecordId[record.id];
if (record.id === focusedRecordId) {
record.__focus__ = true;
return records;
registry.category("mock_rpc").add("hierarchy_read", _mockHierarchyRead);